
A pleasant female voice exclaimed, as if startled by Yu Shu's sudden action.

And Yushu also followed this arm, and saw the true face of this wretched uncle...

Uh, Yushu suddenly froze after seeing the pervert's face clearly, and the words he wanted to shout were stuck in his throat.

Because this pervert is none other than the black silk professional woman who has been sitting behind him.

At this time, her fair face and beautiful eyes were full of panic, after dodging for a while, she broke free from Yu Shu's restraint, and ran into the next carriage as if fleeing.

Only in the air and on Hiroki's hands, there is still the undissipated scent of the woman's perfume.

"Wait a minute, stop!"

After reacting, Yuki hurriedly wanted to catch up, but it was not convenient for him to be tightly bound by Zuoyiko. In addition, the subway announcement had already reminded him of the arrival of the station, so Yuki had no choice but to give up unwillingly.

What is wrong with this world?Such a beautiful working woman actually blatantly molested a male high school student's ass in the subway. If this is said, no one will believe it...

"Hmm... What's the matter with you, Hiroki? Have you arrived at the station?"

Zuo Yizi in her arms woke up leisurely, asking softly like a kitten.

Hiroki withdrew his gaze from the other carriage, then slowly shook his head.

"Nothing, let's go."


Kaesong Private High School is a very well-known private school in this city. It focuses on quality education and rich club activities. It encourages students to develop their own strengths and diversification, and never requires students to stick to their grades.

And it is precisely because of the open school rules, so there is no clear requirement for the students to dress. Not wearing school uniforms, hair dyeing, and makeup are all allowed. I guess I can't even get in the door.

At this time, the students were bustling inwards. Since it was a sunny September, the students were wearing cooler clothes.

Wearing jeans, miniskirts, hot pants, pantyhose, fishnet stockings, alphabet stockings, suspenders, knee socks, calf socks, black silk, white silk, meat silk, gray Silk, bright silk, lace, strapless, waistless, leggy, everything, like a fashion show held in school.

Under the dazzling surroundings, Yuki, who was wearing a normal school uniform, looked more like a different kind.

Chapter 3 The New Class


Zuo Yizi angrily followed Yu Shu one meter away, and tried to post it many times but was stopped by Yu Shu.

And also sternly told Zuo Yizi not to get too close to her at school, otherwise she would not be bothered with her in the future.

Zuo Yizi had no choice but to pout her seductive lips, acting as a follower in dissatisfaction, and made a "hum" sound from time to time.

Feeling the resentful eyes behind Yu Shu felt helpless, after all, the two were just childhood sweethearts, and public intimacy in school would not have a good influence on anyone, especially Zuo Yizi was still a freshman in this year's high school. My younger sister is still a girl, so Hiroki didn't want to ruin Zoeko's popularity on the first day.

Although this kind of worry is completely unnecessary, after all, Zuo Yizi has been like a star everywhere since she was a child, and she will unconsciously attract the attention of people around her. With a well-proportioned body curve, Zuo Yizi has never lacked suitors. It can be said that she is a woman who grew up in a sea of ​​love letters.

But these love letters were folded into thousand paper cranes or paper stars by Zuo Yizi and given to herself in the end...

Just like now, many sharp-eyed students from the same school have discovered the charm of this student's face, and their eyes are straightened immediately, and they will not leave when they stand in the same place.

And this phenomenon became more and more serious with the passage of time, and they all surrounded Zoezi and kept looking at this beautiful girl. Not only boys, but even many girls were deeply attracted by Zoeko's temperament.

"Hey...Look, that girl is so beautiful, her whole body is as delicate as a doll."

"Wow! Really! It seems that I have never seen it before. Is it a new school girl? I guess the boys in our school will howl with excitement again."

Two high school female students were whispering timidly not far away, and as if confirming what she said, a few strange howls came from the crowd after a while.


"Oh my god, what did I see! How can there be such a beautiful girl in this world! It seems that this year's Kaesong private high school flower list, there will be another change!"

With his hands trembling with excitement, the boy secretly took two pictures of Zoe in a hidden corner, and then spread them to the school's male compatriot forum.

The moment the post was posted, the forum was blown up instantly, and even some bigwigs who had been diving for many years showed up one after another and commented on the photos in detail.

【Wow!This school girl is amazing, this delicate face and looks are my favorite! 】

[Hehe, it seems that it's time for me to make an appearance. With this handsome guy's methods, it only takes three days to take her down. 】

[Wake up upstairs, it's still daytime. 】

In less than 5 minutes, Zuo Yizi's photo post was pushed to the top of the forum, and the trend continued to rise.

Of course, Zuo Yizi, who caused a sensation in half of the school, didn't know about it. At this time, she was having trouble with Yuki separately.

"Hey, your classroom is on the first floor, and the second-year class is on the second floor. There is no way to do it, so don't be awkward."

Like a warm-hearted big brother, Yuki patiently explained to Zuo Yizi.

"Well... that's fine."

Zuo Yizi's words and expression were full of frustration.

But then she seemed to suddenly remember something, and the big gemstone's big eyes rolled around in their sockets.

Then he suddenly threw himself into Yushu's arms with a gust of fragrance, and took a big breath of Yushu's scent.

"Hey Zuoyiko, didn't I tell you that you can't do this in school!"

"I don't care, I don't care... I can't bear to be separated from Hiroki for such a long time, so this is a recharge--"

After Zuo Yizi rubbed her arms playfully for a while, she bounced back to her class like a little rabbit, leaving only the remaining warm touch in Hiroki's arms, and the people around her who were already shocked. Chin students.

what's the situation?This newly promoted school girl who caused a sensation in half of the school, was famous on the first day of school? ?


Class two and three of high school.

Hiroki found his own seat according to the new seat allocation, the classic second-to-last row by the window.

Not to mention that the scenery is really good, you can clearly see the whole playground, and the cool breeze can blow in from the windows just right, no wonder the high school male protagonists in those anime love to sit here.

Hiroki scanned the seat allocation around him, and there was no one at his front table for the time being.

Sitting behind him was a straight black girl in a red JK uniform and black silk pantyhose.

This girl Mizuki has some impressions. Her name is Fuyumoto Chizuru. She belongs to the kind of quiet type who usually doesn't talk much. They were in the same class when they were freshmen in high school, but they haven't had much contact with each other. After a semester, they didn't talk about each other. In a word.

Seeing Mizuki looking at her, Fuyumoto Chizuru nodded politely and returned it with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Hiroki Kamishima. We were in the same class when we were freshmen in high school. Do you still have any memory?"

And Fuyumoto Chizuru still looked at Hiroki with a smile on her face, as if this was her response.

Uh... It seems that the other party doesn't seem to want to continue the conversation, Yuki can only turn his head back with interest.

At this moment, there was another gloomy gaze from the right side. Although the owner of the gaze did not meet, the coldness was indeed transmitted through this gaze, which made Yu Shu shiver unconsciously.

Yu Shu didn't need to look, he knew who the owner of this cold gaze was.

Tianchuan Pied Dress.

One of the beauties in Kaesong private high school flower list.

He is also the monitor of the freshman class.

Blue hair, blue eyes, a pretty face as white as ice and snow, exuding a cool temperament all over her body, just like the snow girl in the myth.

Coupled with the impressive achievements of both character and learning, he is deeply loved by the teachers and students of the school.

It's this cold personality that strangers should not enter, which is really a headache.

I heard that there was once a male senior who was not afraid of death, regardless of dissuasion, confessed his love to Tianchuan Huayi in public on the playground, but was turned into an ice sculpture by her cold eyes in public, and froze in place, and he didn't recover for a long time.

According to the person concerned, at that moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an eighteen-storey ice cellar, trembling uncontrollably all over his body, unable to react, and even the words he wanted to say were stuck in his mouth and he couldn't say them.

But others only felt that the male senior was exaggerating after listening to it, and thought that the senior was too nervous, which caused his whole body to freeze.

After that, there were hundreds of male compatriots who didn't believe in evil and flocked to her, hoping to try their luck, what if they happened to be the type that this ice beauty liked!

However, the endings of these people are also the same, so far there is no rumor that anyone melted this iceberg.

In school, Tianchuan Hanai gradually got the title of Snow Girl.

And it is such a snow beauty with good character and learning, who is currently looking at Yu Shu coldly with her beautiful water eyes, wishing to freeze him into an ice cube.

As for the origin between the two, it has to start from the previous things.

Chapter 4 Sexy Head Teacher

In the first exam in the first semester of high school last year, Hiroki was ranked first in the class, while Tianchuan Huai was ranked second.

And in the following year, Tianchuan Hanai always happened to be ranked behind Hiroki, and sometimes there was only one point difference.

It may be because Tian Chuan Huai has a stronger personality, since then, Yu Shu occasionally feels a glare staring at him from the corner.

Unexpectedly, after the re-segmentation in the second year of high school, this ice beauty happened to be assigned to his right side.

Now it's all right, and I don't have to worry about the hot weather anymore, because there is a humanoid self-propelled cooling girl sitting next to me.

But in the past, she would only occasionally show such eyes to herself, why has she been staring at her since she took her seat today... Didn't she provoke her?

Although Tianchuan Huayi's misty eyes are very beautiful, like a clear lake with stars in the sky sinking in it.

But being stared at all the time will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable, so Hiroki is now learning and selling, and like the black and straight Chizuru Fuyumoto, he nodded politely to Tianchuan Hanai, and also brought what he thought was a very Sunny smile.

Tianchuan Huayi: "(-?_-? )"

Hiroki Kamishima: "..."

"Yo! Isn't this Yuki? It's great that we are in the same class this year. Even though we don't sit together, it's fate!"

Yu Shu looked at the sound, and the person who spoke was a boy with a hedgehog walking from not far away.

It is also Hiroki's few acquaintances in this school, Ozawa Rentaro.

Great Rintaro, you are my savior!

Hiroki silently gave Rintaro a grateful look.

"Yeah, I didn't expect such a coincidence. I took a rough look around just now, and it seems that only a quarter of the people are from our previous class."

"Forget it, let's ignore this, by the way, Yuki, do you know?"

Rintaro approached with a mysterious expression.

"what do you know?"

"I heard that among the first-year freshmen in our school this year, several amazingly beautiful girls appeared! Now the school forum has gone crazy!!"

Hiroki looked at the photos of several girls on Rintaro's mobile phone, and sure enough, as he said, each of them is a cute and beautiful girl, and each has its own characteristics.

There is a cute type with twin ponytails.

There is a sporty type with short, crisp hair.

There is a daughter-in-law type with bright and gorgeous clothes.



Isn't this Zoe?

The black miniskirt, black knee socks, black neck ring, and small black leather boots make the already fair skin even more dazzling. In addition, the hair that is dyed black and white gradient by itself does not make any difference even in the photo. Yiko's charm was reduced by half.

This should have been photographed when I entered the school gate with myself in the morning, and half of my back can be vaguely seen from the photo.

Sure enough, as I expected, no matter where Zuoyiko went, she could quickly attract the attention of people around her. This has always been the case since she was a child.

"Why Hiroki, do you like this type?"

Seeing Hiroki staring at Zuo Yizi all the time, Rintaro thought he was particularly interested in this new school girl.

"not me......"

"The whole class was quiet, and everyone returned to their seats."

At this time, a mature Yujie's voice interrupted the conversation between Hiroki and Rintaro.

Walking with the crisp high-heeled shoes of "da-da-da".

A plump Yujie slowly walked up to the podium.

The originally noisy classroom instantly became extremely quiet, leaving only the heavy snorting of some boys echoing in the classroom.

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