Because the woman on the podium is too enchanting!

Concave and convex Bi Xianbo's hot body with big buttocks and round buttocks is paired with the sexy suspender fishnet stockings. Because the thighs are so plump, even the diamond-shaped lattice on the fishnet stockings is stretched into a square.

And the sensual little feet wrapped in fishnet stockings are stepping on a pair of 10cm high heels with red bottom and black leather, which makes the whole leg look plump and tall visually.

Although this high school does not restrict the dressing of school personnel, Hiroki never expected that someone would dress up so sexy.

And the young boys in the class could hardly hold it anymore, their eyes almost popped out, and even more exaggeratedly, one student even had a nosebleed.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Nakahira Akemi. I am 36 years old. I am your new head teacher this semester. I am also the lecturer in charge of biology. You can call me Teacher Akemi."

Teacher Mingmei wrote her name on the blackboard, and gave a simple self-introduction in the charming voice of Yujie.

God!This charmingly dressed woman is actually the new head teacher of this class?

This thigh!

The suspenders!

After this, who still has the mind to go to class!

Although the boys in the class didn't howl with excitement, the expressions on their faces showed that they were about to lose control of their inner joy.

Those students who did not get good grades in biology in the past suddenly became interested, and secretly made up their minds that they must study hard in biology class this semester!

At this time, Yu Shu lowered his head in embarrassment. After all, for him who is innocent, Mr. Minmei's explosive outfit really made him a little confused about where to look.

"Okay, let's enter the roll call. The students whose names I have read please get up and reply, and let the teacher remember your faces."

"The first one, I Yehang."

"Ah? To! To!"

The boy with the nosebleed stood up in a hurry and replied in a panic, but his eyes were still fixed on Teacher Mingmei's suspenders and fishnet stockings all the time.

"Well, very good, the next one, the third generation of Akane Chuan."





"Rintaro Ozawa."


"Kamishima Hiroki."


Hiroki stood up and replied, since his front desk never appeared, Rintaro immediately read his name afterwards.

Although Yushu was called by name, he still lowered his head and didn't look at Teacher Minmei. After all, this teacher, who was about the same age as his mother, was dressed too lethally. .

Teacher Mingmei didn't immediately call out the name of the next classmate, but adjusted her black-rimmed glasses, narrowed her charming eyes slightly, and looked Hiroki up and down.

Yu Shu didn't know what happened, but felt a line of sight wandering on his face and body like a real object.

If you insist on a metaphor, then this line of sight is like a carnivore on the grassland finding delicious food, as if it wants to swallow Yushu's whole body.

"Student Hiroki Kamishima, the teacher remembers you, please sit down."

"Good teacher."

Yu Shu finally endured the humiliation and returned to his seat, but what he didn't notice was that there was a strange arc on Teacher Mingmei's rosy lips.

Chapter 5 Opening Ceremony

"Fuyumoto Chizuru."


"Okay, except for the three students with special circumstances who didn't come, everyone else is here. Everyone get ready to line up and enter the school's indoor gymnasium in an orderly manner, preparing to participate in the school's opening ceremony."

After Teacher Mingmei finished roll call, Hiroki followed the team to the largest indoor gymnasium in the school, the space inside is enough to accommodate the number of teachers and students in the school.

After distributing the positions according to the class, Yu Shu simply glanced around.

The ratio of boys to girls in the school is about 3:1.

3 girls, 1 boy.

The predecessor of Kaesong Private High School was a famous private school for girls. Although the enrollment has been diluted in the past two years, the school has always maintained the majority of girls.

Of course, it is precisely for this reason that many male students who come here here are desperate to study, just to be able to enter this well-known school and experience the feeling that there are more meat than wolves here.

"Yuki! Yuki!"

Why does it feel like someone is calling me.

Hiroki looked around following the sound.

Sure enough, in a team not far away, the source of the sound was found.

"Yuki! Yuki!"

Seeing Hiroki and her eye contact, Zuo Yizi greeted her even more excitedly. If it wasn't for the teacher who organized discipline beside her, she would almost jump up happily.

And in the team of the first grade, there was a girl wearing a lolita dress standing beside Zoeko, who also followed Zoeko's line of sight, as if curious about who it was that could make this Zoe Yizi was so excited.

After all, Zoeko's image in the class just now is completely different from what she is now, basically ignoring anyone who strikes up a conversation, and even showing a disgusted and disgusted face.

Although the boys in the class are even more excited after being rejected...

She followed Zuo Yizi's gaze to find Yushu, and the moment she saw Yushu clearly, she suddenly felt a warm current flow through her body, and her mind went blank for an instant, as if only the figure of this man was left in her eyes.

This feeling......

Dongchuan Shaye only felt that his whole body was soaked in the sea of ​​comfort. An abnormal red flush appeared on his pink and fair skin, and his legs wrapped in a pair of smooth white silk felt a little weak unconsciously.

It was as if something in his body was slowly waking up.


After Hiroki briefly greeted Zoeko, he returned his gaze to the podium.

After some representatives of teachers and students took turns to speak, it was the turn of an elderly sixty-year-old with dizzy eyes to speak on stage.

This old man who looks like he will fall at any time is the vice principal of Kaesong Private High School.

At this time, he opened his dentures and tremblingly said: "Um, let me tell you about the cleaning of the whole school. Since it was done by the first graders last year, your second graders will be fully responsible for this year."


"I rely on!"

The second-year high school students present exploded in an instant.

They never expected that this year would start like this.

According to this logic, wouldn't it be them who will be cleaning the whole school next year? ?

In an instant, there were buzzing protests and some chest-beating sounds from the audience.

"I'm sorry, students, the vice-principal's grade is a bit old, and I will re-announce the next thing."

At this time, a beautiful tall woman walked up to the podium with a slender waist, and took Mike from the vice principal.

It was the principal of this school, Caroline.

A mixed-race woman of foreign origin.

With a height of more than two meters, coupled with that fit and plump figure, Hiroki unconsciously thought of Mrs. Hachichi's figure.

I want to ask why the pure Hiroki knew Mrs. Hachichi?

Of course, it was his bad friend Rintaro Ozawa who insisted on giving him an adult manga. Although Hiroki didn't read it, the image of Mrs. Hachishaku on the cover is too powerful, so I still remember it clearly.

The principal, Caroline, was wearing a light white jumpsuit. The original loose style looked extremely tight on her body, and it was pressed tightly against her proud chest and buttocks.

The beautiful figure of the whole body is fully revealed, showing an absolutely perfect uppercase S shape.

Even the fabric on the chest of the clothes is made a little transparent, which is the effect that can only be produced when the fabric threads are stretched to the extreme.

On the plump and toned thighs, a pair of glossy white over-the-knee boots were wrapped, which raised the already tall figure to a higher level.

From the moment she appeared on the stage, she was the focus, and the eyes of all the boys in the school were attracted to her like a magnet, and heat began to surge in her nostrils.

Although many students had seen this tall and plump principal once during the opening ceremony last year, the impact of seeing him again after a year had not diminished in the slightest.

No wonder Kaesong Private High School is not strict about the dress of the teachers and students of the school. It turns out that the principal of the school takes the lead and leads by example!

And I heard that Principal Caroline is not married yet, and I don't know which lucky man will be able to enjoy this tall and plump ketone body in the future.

"Hey Hiroki! What type of man do you think the principal would like? With her tall body, the waist and hips of ordinary men can't stand it!"

The hedgehog-haired Rintaro pulled Yuki and asked roguely.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, don't be heard by the principal."

Since Mizuki and Rintaro were sitting in the first row near the podium, they quickly covered the mouth of the bad friend, telling him not to talk nonsense.

Fortunately, the principal Caroline didn't notice them, she didn't stop after her eyes swept in this direction.

"Okay, this year's opening ceremony is here, and all classes can go back to class."

After Principal Caroline finished her speech, Hiroki followed the team back to the class.

Then the class cadres for this semester were selected by everyone's vote.

The squad leader is still the most popular Tian Chuan Hanai.

Hiroki was assigned the title of a representative of the chemistry department.

The first class in the morning is mathematics, and the lecturer is a man with a plaid shirt with a Mediterranean haircut.

With the ringing of the class bell, it also indicates that the new semester has really started from this moment.

at the same time.

The top floor of the school office building.

A very large office with the name of the principal's office on the door plate.

The principal, Caroline, was putting the patent leather boots on her left leg on her right leg, and leaning against a soft and spacious sofa, flipping through the student materials in her hand.

Because of his too tall body, the originally soft sofa surface was left with a deep hole by the huge buttocks.


Two meaningful words spit out from between Caroline's red lips.

She got up and put the student materials on the table, then moved two plump legs wrapped in boots, turned and left the principal's office.

And the soft sofa finally seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and rebounded slightly, but it may never return to its original appearance after long-term torture by the huge buttocks, because it has long since become a Caroline's shape.

At this time, a soft breeze blew from the window, gently blowing a corner of the student materials that were placed on the table just now.

And at the top of the stack of materials, the paper with the photo of Hiroki Kamishima was lying there quietly.

Chapter 6

Yu Shu, who was in math class, felt something strange.

Why does there seem to be something under the buttocks?

Hiroki stretched out his hand to the chair and touched it, but there was nothing.


Is it...

Hiroki touched the butt pocket of his trousers again.


After Yu Shu took out the things in his pocket, he found that it was actually a small ball of paper.

Why is there an extra ball of paper in my pocket for no reason?It was obviously a new pair of pants this morning.

After Hiroki opened the ball of paper with curiosity, his pupils constricted instantly.

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