Why does Aunt Liangzi have a heartbroken expression?

Although I pushed her shoulders away, with the current situation, Aunt Liangzi could roughly tear off her clothes, and then violently put the Holy Spear into her greenhouse.

With my current weakness, I can't resist her squatting and galloping.

But, she didn't.

The raging desire that was originally burning in his eyes seemed to be extinguished by the salty tears. Although he did not fully regain his sanity, he did not make any further violations against himself.

It's just that the eye circles are red, staring at himself obsessively.

This is completely different from the sluts I met before.


The second teardrop fell on the tip of his nose.

While making my nose itchy, it also made the memories buried deep in my mind come to light once again.

At that time, I seemed to be around seven years old, right?

Although he can't be called a bear boy, he can be regarded as a mischievous mischievous person.

But Aunt Liangzi standing beside her was effervescent in beauty, and her beauty was like a fairy.

Compared to aunt, at that time, I was more willing to call her...

"Sister Liangzi!"

"No way, didn't you tell Xiaoshu many times that you will call me Aunt Liangzi outside—"

Chapter 131 First Kiss

"No, Sister Liangzi is so young, it makes Auntie look old."

Yushu, who was only seven years old, with his waist crossed and a mask of Astro Boy with an iron arm on his head, said righteously.

"You little rascal, Auntie is almost in her third year. You are still young, and it will make people laugh if you say it."

Ryoko Taishi pinched Yuki's little cheek with a coquettish face.

But the corners of her delicate lips curved slightly into a beautiful arc, and only she knew the sweetness in her heart.

"I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, looking at those uncles' eyes, you can't wait to cling to sister Liangzi, and two days ago, didn't there be a handsome and rich uncle who proposed to my sister?

It's a pity that my sister refused, otherwise my sister will definitely become very rich, and then she can buy a lot of snacks for me and Zuo Yizi, right Zuo Yizi? "


Zoezi, who was wearing a shofar braid beside her, replied softly.

He also put a delicate little finger into his mouth, as if he was also imagining the scene of the snacks piled up into a hill.

"Smelly little tree, if you talk nonsense again, I'll pinch your little face and swell. You really want your aunt to marry someone else? For snacks, you don't even care about your aunt's lifelong happiness!"

Ryoko Duoshi was a little angry, he didn't expect that he was so kind to this little guy, but he pushed himself into another man's arms.

If I didn't like him... he would have opened his ass long ago!

Sure enough, Tong Yangfu and so on are all plots that only exist in TV dramas.

"Well... I just think that Sister Liangzi is too hard alone. If there is an uncle to help, Sister Liangzi should be able to relax."

Yushu rubbed his reddened face, and said solemnly as if I was not for those snacks.

"Oh really?"

"Of course......"

"Is Aunt Liangzi treating you well?"

"Okay, Sister Ryoko is the best person to me besides my mother, sometimes even better than my mother!"

"Hehehe...you can't talk nonsense, be careful that your mother overhears you."


Yu Shu hurriedly turned his head and looked around furtively, for fear that his mother was standing behind him at this moment.

"Then Auntie is so kind to you, and Xiaoshu is a man, why isn't Xiaoshu here to make Auntie happy?"

"Huh? But, but I'm still young... I don't have the ability to make money yet."

Yu Shu lowered his head in shame, even the snacks in his hand didn't taste good.

"Hehehe... It's not only money that can make auntie happy."

Ryoko Taishi stretched out her pale jade finger, and tapped Hiroki's small forehead.

"Can it be done without money? What's that?"

A big question mark floated above Yu Shu's head.


Ryoko Taishi thought about it meaningfully, and then looked at Hiroki's innocent cheek.

"If Xiaoshu has time, just come and spend more time with Auntie. If you stay with Xiaoshu, Auntie will feel very happy—"

"Ah? It's that simple?" Yu Shu asked in disbelief with a face full of shock.

He thought it was too difficult.

"That's right... Xiaoshu thinks he can do it?"

"Of course! Even if Sister Liangzi doesn't say anything, I will come to accompany Sister Liangzi every day. I like the feeling of being with Sister Liangzi."

Yu Shu straightened his back, patted his chest, and said firmly.

"Really? That little tree can't go back on his word... You know, a man can't chase after his words."

Although it wasn't too obvious on his face, Liangzi Duoshi's heart had already exploded at this moment.

"Don't worry, Sister Liangzi, let alone four horses, even forty horses are fine!" Hiroki assured again.

"Ah, ah, ah... Xiao Shu is such a good boy, it's worth it that Auntie loves you for nothing, let's go, Auntie will take you to the amusement park!"

"Amusement park? Yes!! Thank you sister Ryoko! I like you the most—"

The innocent Yuki didn't know that his casual remarks could make Ryoko Taishi happy for several days.

The kind that can easily be woken up with laughter even in a dream.

"I told you to call me Auntie. Calling me Sister will cause people to misunderstand."

"Just call! Just call! Zuo Yizi, don't call her mother anymore, you should call her sister, you know?"

It wasn't enough for him to scream, Yuki also dragged Zoezi who was on the side into the water.

"Yeah, mother and sister—"

Zuo Yizi bit her finger and obediently followed Yu Shu's instructions.

"What mother and sister, I want to call you sister Liangzi!"

Hiroki jumped up and gave Zuo Yizi a headache.

"Hmm... It hurts, sister Ryoko, sister."

Zuo Yizi covered her white forehead and said pitifully.

And the strange addressing game of the three of them naturally caused many passers-by to point and point.

"Ahaha, the kids are kidding... just kidding—"

Ryoko Duoshi covered Yushu with her left hand and her daughter with her right hand, and smiled awkwardly around, then picked up the two little things and headed towards the amusement park.


"Wow!! Sister Ryoko, I want to ride on that carousel!"

"Good good-"

"Wow!! Sister Ryoko, I want to play with that bumper car!"

"Hello, how much is the bumper car per person?"

"Wow!! Sister Ryoko, I want to ride that roller coaster!"

"That won't work, that's too dangerous!"

"Wow!! Sister Ryoko, I want to ride that Ferris wheel!"


Ryoko Duoshi resisted her fear of heights and sat around with Yushu and her daughter.

After getting down from the top, Ryoko Duoshi felt her legs were soft and trembling, and she almost fell on the spot.

In the future, I will definitely never go to such a high place, even if Xiaoshu wants to go!

Ryoko Taishi swore in her heart.


"Wow!! Sister Ryoko, I want to play with that super pendulum!"

Duoshi Liangzi looked up, and a layer of cold sweat broke out in the palm of his hand for the big pendulum equipment on the high place.

But she still uttered a word with difficulty.

"it is good......"


"Wow!! That haunted house just now was so fun, it wasn't scary at all, right Zoe? Huh? Zoe, why did you start crying?"


"Sister Liangzi, I picked these flowers on the side of the road, and I think they are very suitable for you."

Yu Shu handed a small white flower in his hand to Ryoko Duashi slowly.

He didn't know what breed it was, but he thought it was very beautiful, just as beautiful as his sister Ryoko.

Although on the sign next to the flower bed, it says "no picking."

But Hiroki still picked it off.

"Thank you, Xiaoshu... This is the first time Xiaoshu gave Auntie a gift, and Auntie will definitely cherish it."

Ryoko Duoshi smiled softly, the smile was extraordinarily sweet, as if it was the most beautiful scenery in this amusement park.

She gently inserted the white flowers on her willow silk.

The breeze blows.

Hair flutters.

She is no longer Ryoko Duoshi at this moment.

It was a flower fairy who fell from the sky to the mortal world.

The beauty made Hiroki unconsciously hold his breath.

Not to mention the crowd of onlookers scattered all around.

Some fathers who brought their children to the amusement park suddenly stared straight at them, and didn't even notice that their children were lost.


so painful...

My whole body is in pain.

Feel like I can't breathe.

Myself, is this going to die?

If I had known earlier, I would not have gone to the river to play in the water...

If you don't play in the water, your ankles will not be entangled in seaweed, and you will not be dragged into the bottom of the water.

"Woooooh, Yuki, Yuki, where are you?"

This cry must be Zoeko, right?

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