"She, she is our famous sorceress, Ikui Chihiro."


"Well, it can also be called a spiritual master. I came to her this time mainly to get rid of the evil spirits in the house. The evil spirits..."

"Although I didn't believe in these things before, Zuoyiko's state is too strange, so I can only make a bad plan. I hope it will have some effect."

"Uh... so."

Yu Shu turned his head to look at the changes in Aunt Liangzi's house, and found that there were a lot of beans scattered on the ground.

And in the corners all around, there are several big and pink peaches, which really put together all the ghost-killing suits.

"Be careful where you step...don't step on the beans, otherwise it will be easy to slip." Duoshi Ryoko reminded gently and carefully.

Like a wife, like a mother.

"Don't worry, Aunt Ryoko, I, ah!!"


As soon as Yu Shu's promise was halfway through, he stepped on a bean and fell back.

Ryoko Duoshi has sharp eyes and quick hands, and hastily grabbed Yushu's arm.

But due to inertia, she still fell down with Hiroki.



Yu Shu's back came into intimate contact with the hard floor, and the beans scattered around made small pits in the skin of his back.

It's different from the coldness on the back.

The front of his body was filled with soft warmth.

Not only can you feel the weight of Ryoko Duoshi, but also her undulating contour curve.

Soft, really soft.

Playing, is also really playing.

The whole is full and straight, without any sign of sagging.

"Xiao Shu, are you all right? Did you hit your head? Is Auntie heavy? Didn't it crush you?"

Ryoko Taishi hurriedly checked whether the back of Yu Shu's head was damaged, but she didn't intend to get up at all, and was still close to Yu Shu closely.

"I'm fine, Aunt Ryoko, I used my arms as a cushion at that moment, so don't worry."

"That's good. Auntie was really scared to death just now. If I had known better, I wouldn't have sprinkled beans on the ground. If something happened to Xiaoshu, I guess your mother would come to the door with a knife."

While worrying, Ryoko Taishi joked with a smile. The trembling body of the laughter kept rubbing against Yushu's body, making Yushu's magical weapon almost rush out. Imprisonment.

And the cheeks of the two were also very close, every time Ryoko Taishi opened her mouth, her sweet and moist breath would hit Hiroki's cheek.

I don't know what kind of toothpaste Aunt Liangzi usually uses to make her mouth smell so good, it's almost like eating honey.

"Uh... Aunt Ryoko, I want to get up first, the beans on my back are a bit harsh."

Yu Shu said with some embarrassment, feeling a little bit of guilt in his heart, after all, this is the neighbor aunt who watched him grow up since childhood, unexpectedly, just rubbing it twice on his body, the Holy Demon Killing Spear is already as hard as a rock up.

"Ah...I'm so sorry, Auntie, get up now—"

Ryoko Taishi supported the floor on both sides with her arms, and then slowly lifted her upper body up, and Yuki immediately felt that her breathing became much smoother.

A strand of hair slipped down and gently rubbed against the tip of Yushu's nose, making him itchy and wanting to sneeze a lot at the same time.

After propping up her plump body, Ryoko Taishi did not get up immediately, but looked down at Hiroki's cheek in a posture similar to push-ups.

In the eyes of outsiders, this posture looks like a female hooligan who is about to rape the little boy below her.

And for some reason, Ryoko Taishi didn't wear the home clothes she had in the morning, but changed into a loose and sexy nightdress with suspenders.

Yu Shu could even see two snow-white weights and two attractive crystal grapes inside the wide neckline.


Could it be that Aunt Ryoko didn't wear that thing...

No wonder when she was lying on her chest just now, she always felt that there were two hard things pressing on her.

It turned out to be the feeding port for Zoeko to grow up!

"Hoo... hoo—"

The breath hitting his face became hotter and hotter, Yushu slowly moved his gaze from the huge mountain to Ryoko Taishi's powdered dimple.

At this moment, her eyes were full of water, and the love she had before was a little less, but a little more of the lust that a woman looks at a man.

As her gaze shifted downward, Yu Shu could even feel that her clothes seemed to be burned away by her fiery gaze.

"Cool, Aunt Ryoko..."

Yushu is very familiar with Aunt Ryoko's current state, and it is completely a precursor to what a woman wants.

Could it be that Aunt Liangzi is too lonely?

After all, in my memory, Aunt Liangzi basically didn't have much contact with men. Except for her daughter, she seemed to have a relatively close relationship with herself.

As the saying goes.

At thirty women are like wolves, at forty they are like tigers, at fifty they can suck soil while sitting on the ground, at sixty they can suck mice through walls, at seventy they can eat people without spitting out their bones, at eighty Yu dare not block them, at ninety whales can swallow sea pestles, and at one hundred they can be captured by heaven. Buddha.

Aunt Liangzi is now at the age of a wolf and a tiger. She has lived a long-term abstinence life, and it is estimated that she has already reached the limit of her physical endurance, right?

If not, there is only one explanation.

Aunt Ryoko might be an idiot!

And it's the third type, a slut who knows how to hide herself.

After all, under the attraction of my LV6 slut physique, there is no slut who can control it.

The fact that the pharmacist Zhang is a married woman in a white coat is the best proof.

And when the power went out at Aunt Liangzi's house before, she secretly stroked her holy demon-killing spear with her hand.

"Aunt Ryoko..."

Yu Shu clenched his fists tightly, doing a difficult ideological struggle in his mind.

It's okay if it's physically lonely, and I can understand how difficult it is for a single mother.

However, once Aunt Ryoko is determined to be a slut, she will have to insert a holy spear into it to perform the purification ceremony.

Although afterward, she may forget the process of the two of them being upside down.

But I remember it! !

Can I really treat Aunt Liangzi with the eyes of elders in the future?

Seeing her plump and delicate body that is too hot, can he really be as calm as water, without any crooked thoughts?

"Xiao Shu, what do you think of Auntie?"

Liangzi Duoshi breathed out hot air, and asked with tears in his eyes.

"How do you mean..."

Yu Shu's heart was pounding, and his words were trembling.

"What do you think of Auntie—"

"Ah? It's just treated as an elder. I have always remembered Aunt Liangzi's care for me these years... Wait, when I grow up, I will definitely repay Aunt Liangzi... "

Yushu's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, and he could hardly hear it behind him.

"Then how does Xiao Shu want to repay Auntie?"

Ryoko Taishi gently walked along Yushu's cheek with her tender palm, and then slid along his chin to his Adam's apple.

After pausing for a few seconds at the Adam's apple, he continued down, stroking and rubbing Yushu's chest through the clothes, and unbuttoned the second and third buttons of Yushu's shirt by the way.


Looking at Aunt Liangzi's current state, it is obvious that she wants to repay her with her body.

To be precise, she wanted to use her Demon Slayer Holy Spear to fill the emptiness and loneliness she had experienced all these years.

Yu Shu closed his eyes tightly, lying on the floor as if resigned to his fate, he could even hear the sound of Aunt Ryoko swallowing her saliva.

and many more!

Zuo Yizi should still be upstairs. Is it really okay for the two of them to do such voluptuous things on such an occasion?

Thinking of this, Yu Shu hurriedly put his hands on Aunt Ryoko's shoulders, ready to push her away.

But his eyes never opened, because he didn't know what expression to use to face Aunt Ryoko.

After realizing Hiroki's resistance, Ryoko Taishi's snowy face that was originally flushed was gradually swallowed up by negative emotions such as loss and sadness in an instant.

But she still had red eyes and forced a smile on her face. Even if she was affected by the succubus breath and turned into a lustful slut, she was unwilling to use force to hurt the boy under her in the slightest.

She didn't know why she was crying, it was obviously impossible for the two of them to develop that kind of relationship.

But seeing Yushu's conflicting eyes and his ready to push her away, Ryoko Duoishi still felt a stabbing pain in her heart.


it hurts......

It turns out that a person's heart can be so painful.

Was he rejected by Xiaoshu?

Thinking about it, he is almost forty years old after all, so Xiao Shu probably wouldn't like an old woman whose half body is about to be buried in the ground.

No matter how hard I try to maintain it, some places will still turn black and purple due to the precipitation of melanin. This is the ending that any elderly woman cannot escape.

And compared to his own ugly black and purple, Xiaoshu must like the kind of pink and tender buds and petals, right?

Just like my own daughter Zoeko.

The extra fat on my breasts and buttocks, and the fat and soft meat around my waist.From Xiaoshu's point of view, it must be very disgusting, right?

I was born before you were born, but when you were born, I was already old.

It turned out that all this was his unrealistic fantasy.

It would be great if I kept this feeling in my heart all the time.

Why is it uncontrollable to behave today?


Duoshi Liangzi's vision gradually blurred, and tears kept rolling around her eyes.

Even though her sanity has been burned out by the fire of desire, there is still a voice in her heart that keeps telling her.

You must not hurt Xiao Shu.


A tear was finally overwhelmed, and slowly dripped onto Yushu's cheek, and then flowed along the curvature of the face to the corner of Yushu's mouth.

a little salty...

a little astringent...

This is......


"Uh..." What's going on?

Why are there tears on my face?

Isn't Aunt Ryoko an idiot?Why haven't you violated yourself after so long?

Yu Shu slightly opened his eyelids a slit, and the picture that caught his eyes was not Aunt Ryoko, who was flushed all over, with sweet eyes and hot breath.


Aunt Ryoko, are you crying?


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