"Well, is there anyone in the store? I want to buy some medicine." Yu Shu stood at the door and asked again.

"Someone, someone, please wait for me a moment, I'll be right away—"

It was the voice of the wife and sister, but Hiroki didn't see her.

Yu Shu turned his eyes, shifted his sight from the shelf of medicines to the back of the cash register, and then from the cash register to a lower position.

The female voice just now should have come from behind the cash register.

Could it be that she is squatting under the cash register...

Yu Shu didn't rush into the store, just waited at the door for nearly a minute.


"I'm so sorry, guest...Ah! So it's my little brother, my sister remembers you, it's been a long time—"

Seeing that it was Yu Shu who came, the wife in a white coat put on a flattering smile on her face, and warmly greeted Yu Shu to enter the store.

She tidied up her clothes slightly, no matter whether she was wearing a white coat or a white shirt underneath, they all looked like they had their collars wide open at the moment.

And she held a special container in her hand.

The container is composed of two parts. The upper part is a trumpet-shaped suction cup. There is a tube on the suction cup connected to the lower part of the bottle. The bottle is filled with a liquid similar to milk, and its volume is about the size of a bottle of Nutrition Express. .

"Uh..." Yuki didn't speak, but looked at the container curiously.

Seeing her disheveled appearance, could this thing be...

"Hehehe...what? Does my little brother want to taste something from my sister? This is just squeezed out by my sister, and it's still very fresh."

The wife in a white coat shook the container in her hand, and joked a little coquettishly.

It seems that he likes to see the little boy embarrassed.

The thing in her hand is called "Suction Device", which is a prop specially invented for breastfeeding women.

Because some women may experience excessive secretion of milk during breastfeeding, which is commonly known as "rising milk".

If swelling is not dealt with in time, it will block your glandular ducts and cause your juice to accumulate.

And once the juice cannot be discharged, it will cause red, swollen and hot pain in your breasts in mild cases, and it will directly cause glandular inflammation in severe cases, which can be said to be quite harmful.

Generally, newborn babies do not eat that much, and they will be full after drinking two mouthfuls.

That's why it is necessary to use this suction device to regularly suck out the water.

Before Yu Shu entered the house, the female shopkeeper happened to be squatting behind the cash register, using a suction device to deal with today's excess weight.

Because her baby had already eaten and drank enough, and slept soundly in the back room.

"Uh...no, no, I'll leave after buying the medicine..."

Yuki hurriedly turned his head to the side, pretending to look at the medicines on the medicine shelf.

"Hehehe... That's a waste, my sister's food is still hot, are you sure you don't want to take a bite? It's very sweet——"

The wife in a white coat continued to seduce.

"Ahem, I really don't need it, my sister should save it for the children..."

"Well, then it seems that it can only be dumped, what a pity."

The wife in a white coat put the suction device aside with a look of reluctance.

"By the way, little brother, what kind of medicine are you here to buy this time? Have you eaten the bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Wan that I brought you last time?"

"Uh, that's already gone, but I'm not here to buy that today."

"Oh? Then you are?"

"It's just that I was a little overdrawn a few days ago... As a result, my whole body is very tired now, and I still feel sore and weak, so I want to ask, is there any medicine or health care that can make me recover as soon as possible? Goods are fine."

Yuki said as tactfully as possible.

Because it's too embarrassing to be squeezed dry by 2500 women...

"Severe overdraft? Weak all over? You..."

The wife in a white coat thought to herself, this young man is pretty good at playing, maybe he is playing Shuangfei or more approval?Otherwise, it wouldn't be so weak.

It's good to be young, you can do whatever you want, unlike my husband, Yang Wei, who can't even do the most basic things.

"Then you can try this new product, and then take it together with Shenbao Tablets, let's adjust it for a while and see."

The married woman in a white coat stood on tiptoe, stretched out her arm, took two doses of medicine from the medicine shelf, and then carefully explained to Yushu how to take it and the precautions.

And her plump body, after stretching her arms just now, actually showed signs of moisture again.

The milky white liquid directly spread, soaking her white shirt and white coat, leaving a huge water stain.

"Sister, your chest..."

Hiroki blushed and pointed to her wet area.

By the way, didn't she just inhale a bottle before?How come there are so many?How exaggerated the savings are here!

"Hey... I made my little brother laugh. My sister has squeezed out seven bottles today, but she still can't finish the flow. She even changed her clothes twice. If anyone can help my sister drink Just drop some."

After sighing, she glanced at Yu Shu with those charming eyes, the meaning in those eyes is self-evident...

"Uh, sister, how much are these two boxes of medicine, I still have something to do..."

Just as Yu Shu was about to take the medicine and leave, his hand was suddenly grabbed by the wife in a white coat.

"Little brother, don't go... I won't charge you for these two boxes of medicine, you just need to do me a favor."

"Ah? What's busy..."

The wife in a white coat smiled coquettishly, and then...

"My sister's swelling here is very uncomfortable now, and it's accompanied by a very severe pain, so can my little brother use his mouth to help my sister suck out the things inside?"

The wife in a white coat winks like silk.

"Huh? What are you driving..."

Yu Shu wanted to refuse directly, but when he looked up, he met a pair of eyes that were shining with love.

These eyes are very familiar to me, they are exactly the same as when the slut was growing up!

Could it be that this wife in a white coat is actually...


My current slut physique level is LV6, in addition to being able to attract sluts close to me, I also added a new effect.

[Sluts will not be able to suppress their desire for you. 】

When I came to buy medicine last time, I guess she had already become a slut, but she hid it very well and didn't hit me.

However, after the slut's physique was upgraded this time, her true nature was fully displayed.

That's it for now.

She had already sent something into her mouth non-stop, and her breathing became rapid, her face flushed sickly.

At first, I still had some concerns, but now I can basically be sure that she is a slut!

I have to save her with holy water, otherwise, if I procrastinate, she will lose her mind and become a crystal-squeezing monster who only knows about sexual intercourse.

Hiroki opened his mouth without any hesitation... Then he used his "feeding strength" and started...

"Little brother, drink slowly, sister has a lot of—"

The wife in a white coat, then gently stroked Hiroki's head, as if she was coaxing a young baby.

In those eyes that shone with pink peach hearts, apart from the fiery desire, there was also a faint radiance of maternal love.

Chapter 130 The Gentle Aunt Ryoko

after an hour.

The sky has gradually dimmed down.

The sun wheel and the bright moon have also completed the handover of work at this moment.

Holding fruit in one hand and medicine in the other, Yu Shu walked on the way to Aunt Ryoko's house.

By the way, Yushu did not spend any money on these two boxes of medicines, but got them through physical labor.

As for the content of the labor, that would be a long story.


"Jingle - jingle -"

Yu Shu went home first and put the medicine at the entrance.

Immediately, he rang the doorbell of the neighbor's house.


It was the sound of the door being opened.

Afterwards, two female figures came out from inside.

One of them looked to be in his 30s.

If you only look at the face, then you can sum it up with a few sets of words.




Like a lady of noble birth.

But when the line of sight is looking down, it is a different flavor.


Fat ripe......

——Roll melons——


really big......

There are big breasts.

That overly plump figure is almost like a gourd, bulging up and down.

The waist and abdomen in the middle are not as slender as a girl's, but a kind of soft and sensuality unique to a mature woman.

It is the hostess of this house, Ryoko Taishi.

The other woman is slightly older.

Silver hair and silver threads.

hunched over.

Deep wrinkles.

In his hand he was also leaning on a strangely shaped cane.

Looks almost 70 years old.

And he was wearing a large black robe with dense spells stuck on it.

"Grandma Ikui, please go slowly, I am really grateful for the trouble to come all the way here."

Ryoko Taishi seemed to respect the old woman very much, and sent her away all the way, then twisted her fat buttocks, and walked slowly back to Yushu.

"I've been waiting for Xiaoshu for a long time, let's go into the house."

Ryoko Duoshi had a smile on her face and a gentle voice, as if she was calling her husband home.

"Aunt Liangzi, who was that old woman just now?"

Yuki asked curiously while changing into slippers that fit her feet.

Because the old lady just now gave people a very weird feeling, no matter in terms of her attire or her nagging state.

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