Afterwards, he opened his heavy eyes and stared at the ceiling of his home absentmindedly.

Besides the ceiling, she also saw a very familiar figure.

"Huh? Hiroki..."

She called out the other person's name with some uncertainty, for fear that it was a hallucination caused by her not waking up.

"I'm sorry Zuo Yizi, I woke you up."

After hearing the voice, Hiroki hurriedly sat on the chair beside the bed, with a worried expression on his face, he asked about Zuo Yizi's situation.

"No... I woke up by myself, maybe I felt Yushu's breath."

The little face was still pale, but Zuoyiko still showed a happy smile.

It seems that Yushu is her good medicine.

"Then how do you feel now? Is it because you are not feeling well? Or where is it? Ever since I was a child, I have never seen you lie in bed for more than a week."

In Yu Shu's concern, there is still a hint of puzzlement.

"Well... I'm a little hard to say, but recently I always feel that someone is staring at me in the dark, and there is a voice that keeps calling my name. No matter how I plug my ears, it doesn't work. "

"Uh..." Yuki thought to himself.

Good guy!Could it be that this girl really hit a ghost?

Looking at her serious look, she doesn't seem to be joking about herself...

"Then have you been to any gloomy places recently? Like a cemetery or something?"

Yuki then asked.

"Ah? People, people are most afraid of that kind of place, how could they take the initiative to go there, they have basically never been anywhere except the school and the room."

When Yuki mentioned the words of the cemetery, Zuo Yizi's face seemed to turn paler.

And the body also showed signs of shaking slightly.

"Yu Shu, you said it could be that I was being followed by a ghost? Because when I was leaving school last week, I seemed to accidentally kick down an incense burner placed at a crossroad, Do you think it will be..."

Zuo Yizi put her arms around her shoulders, shrunk her neck, made a frightened look, and guessed treacherously.

"Uh..." Although Hiroki wanted to say, "Don't think too much, this is just scaring yourself."

But the words stuck in his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

Because the facts are right in front of us, there seems to be no other better explanation.

"Yushu is so scared, can you come over and give him a hug?"

With a pitiful look, Zuo Yizi moved closer to Yu Shu.

Like a kitten shivering in the snow.


Yu Shu looked at her sickly pale cheeks, but still couldn't bear to refuse.

He stretched out his left arm slightly, and put it on Zuo Yizi's fragrant shoulder, as if comforting her.

And Zuo Yizi rolled her eyes, and immediately turned from a kitten into a rabbit, and slid into Yu Shu's arms, and then tightly wrapped her arms around Yu Shu's waist.

"Suck—ah... As expected, Yuki's smell is the best, it can make people relax physically and mentally."

Zuo Yizi said with a face full of enjoyment, and rubbed against Hiroki's chest with a small face, as if she wanted to make up for this week's weight.

"Huh? Why does it still smell like mother?"

Originally rubbing vigorously, Zuo Yizi suddenly transformed from a rabbit into a dog, and began to smell along Yushu's collarbone.

It looks like a drug detection dog is working.

"Uh, cough cough, that's because I had contact with Aunt Liangzi downstairs just now, isn't it normal to smell like her..."

Although Yu Shu's face was not red, his heartbeat began to speed up crazily.

"Really? Besides mother's body fragrance, there seems to be a special smell, like..."

Zuo Yizi narrowed her eyes and guessed suspiciously.

Because of this smell, it is very similar to the liquid that I sprayed out when I looked at Yu Shu's photo and cast a spell.

Could it be that......

"You little girl, what are you guessing! Lie down and recover from your illness. I, I have something to do today, so I will go back first. I will come to visit you some other day."

Yuki hurriedly stood up and exercised his muscles, in case Zuo Yizi really guessed something.

This woman's nose and sixth sense are really terrifying...

"Ah? I'm leaving now, can I stay with him for a while...I haven't seen Yuki for almost a week."

Zuo Yizi pursed her lips, holding Hiroki with a look of reluctance.

"Uh, I really have something to do today... Be good, I will buy you delicious food when I come over next time. You can rest well and recover soon. Then we can go to school together again."

Yuki coaxed and lied comfortingly.

The main reason is that I am afraid that if I stay any longer, Zuo Yizi will find something strange.

"Well...well then, if Yu Shu gives him a kiss, he will let you go."

Zuo Yizi pointed to her pale but still moist lips and said.


"The lips are not good... It's still a cough, or a cheek."

"A cheek?"

Zuo Yizi showed a look of embarrassment, but secretly raised her lips slightly.

The "house demolition effect" in psychology is fully used.

For example, if you say that this room is too dark, and you say to open a skylight here, everyone will definitely not allow it.

But if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to mediate and are willing to open the skylight.

This trick really works well——

"Well, well, she is not an unreasonable girl, come on, kiss here—"

Zuo Yizi turned her tender little face to the side, as if she was ready to be kissed by Hiroki.

"Uh..." I always feel like I have fallen into the hunter's trap.

But now that the situation is special, I still have to jump into the trap.


"Zoeko, you!"

Just as Yuki was about to touch Zuoyiko's cheek, she suddenly turned her head to the front, and made an intimate contact with her own lips.

And that "boo--" was made in this situation.

"Hee hee, Yuki remembers to visit her next time——"

Zuo Yizi smiled mischievously, and stretched out her small tongue to lick her lips, looking happy as if her scheme had succeeded.

"Then I'll go first, bye..."

Hiroki ran out of Zuo Yizi's room in a daze.

"I'll take you downstairs."

Zuo Yizi's voice floated again.

"No! You just stay on the bed and don't go anywhere! Otherwise, I won't come next time!"

Hiroki was mainly afraid that when Zuo Yizi went downstairs, she would see her mother who had turned into a watermelon...

So hastily closed Zuoyiko's door, and moved Aunt Ryoko who was on the sofa.

After everything was dealt with, he was sweating profusely and left Zuo Yizi's house.


Zuo Yizi's room fell into silence again.

The white curtains blown up by the wind also made a rattling sound.

There was nothing in the room, but it gave people a very strange atmosphere, as if there was a pair of invisible eyes staring at Zoeko in the dark.

Zuo Yizi hugged her knees and curled up her petite body in the bed, as if only in this way could she gain a sense of security.

"Hee hee hee, why didn't you push him down just now? Don't you like him?"

When Zuo Yizi heard this voice, her eyes widened with fear, and her lips trembled, "Who!"

"Who is speaking!!"

Chapter 133 The Second Succubus


"Who is speaking!!"

Zuo Yizi shrank her delicate body under the blanket, only her small head was exposed, and she looked around in horror.

Zuo Yizi was very familiar with this voice.

Because in the past few days, this voice has appeared in my ears or in my mind countless times.

Even when dreaming, there is no way to escape from the other party's envelope.

It's as if a ghost of nine lives came to revenge.

"Hee hee hee, I'm the one talking, haven't I been by your side these two days? You should be able to sense my existence."

That female voice came from all directions again, which made Zuo Yizi's heart feel colder by more than ten degrees in an instant.

"You, you, you, are you a human or a ghost? Why do you keep pestering me! I, I, I didn't overturn the incense burner on purpose two days ago. I can buy you a new one. Please let me go, okay?" ?”

Zoe felt terrified.

Because of this sound, even if I cover my ears and cover myself with a quilt, it will still be clearly transmitted to my mind.

Moreover, this voice is actually somewhat similar to his own?

"Human? Ghost? I don't seem to be."

The female ghost seemed to be thinking about what kind of existence she was.

"Ah? You're not a ghost? Then what are you..."

Zuo Yizi's face became even paler.

If the other party is not a ghost, is it an alien from the universe?Are you going to take yourself away for experimentation? ?

"Well... I really can't remember. I was by your side when I woke up. I talked to you two days ago, and you kept ignoring me. In other words, I'm really that scary ?"

The female voice began to mutter to herself, as if she was very dissatisfied with Zoeko's attitude.

"Uh..." Zuo Yizi was speechless for a while.

If it were anyone, they would be terrified if they encountered such a situation!

What's more, I haven't heard the old man say that when a ghost calls your name, you must not answer it! ?

Otherwise, the soul will be eaten by ghosts and become an empty shell or walking dead.

In severe cases, even directly lose life.


"Then, where are you now? Can you show your original shape and let me see you?"

Zuo Yizi began to look around, not even letting go of the corner under the bed.

Regardless of whether the other party is a ghost or not, since she can communicate with her normally, it means that the other party is a rational existence, and she shouldn't do the behavior of eating herself suddenly, right?

"I'm on you."

As a result, her next sentence made the hairs on Zuo Yizi's whole body stand on end, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar on the eighteenth floor of the ground.

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