"Body, body..."

Zoeko's slender and delicate swan neck was like clockwork.

[Click, click. 】

Turn towards the left shoulder.

No wonder, I always feel that my body has been so heavy these two days, it turned out to be...

Ghost upper body?

Ghost press?

She is lying on her shoulders! !



On the left shoulder, apart from the snow-white skin, nothing supernatural could be seen.

The same goes for the right shoulder.

"I, why didn't I see you..."

"Can't you see it? Well, this is really a headache. I can clearly see what you are saying."

"Uh..." Zuo Yizi was already hesitant to call the police.

I don't know if the police can deal with this supernatural phenomenon.


Is there a possibility...

Are you dreaming?

The kiss and hug with Yu Shu just now was actually imagined by myself?

Because when he wanted to hug him before, Yu Shu always resisted with a face of reluctance, why did his temperament suddenly change this time?

And after he secretly kissed him, he didn't lose his temper.

So it looks like I'm dreaming...

But the touch of this dream is so real.

No matter on the lips or on the skin, there is still Yushu's body temperature and smell at this moment.

If I had known it was a dream, I should have been more daring towards Hiroki!


Zuo Yizi had already imagined various positions in her mind, and completely forgot that there was a supernatural female ghost beside her.

At the critical moment of YY, her saliva and Pap gland fluid flowed out unconsciously.

"Uh..." Zuo Yizi's current obsessive state, it's really a female ghost who is silent after seeing it.

"You don't think you're dreaming, do you?" the female ghost reminded thoughtfully.

It seems to want to bring Zoe back to reality.

"Is not it?"

"It's a big-headed ghost! I am a real existence, okay?"


"That's right, you should be able to see me when you stand in front of that reflective thing."

The female ghost's voice began to jump up, as if she had finally found a solution.

"Something that reflects light? You mean a mirror?"

Zuo Yizi set her eyes on the mirror not far away.

At this moment, in the mirror, the image of the double-door wardrobe is reflected.

It is clearly an ordinary wardrobe, but in the mirror, it looks weird and distorted, as if there is something hidden in the wardrobe.

I... really want to stand over it?

What should I do if I see something scary in my body?

I'm going to be scared out of my wits...

In the future, you don't have to worry about the material of nightmares.

But her voice is pretty nice, so she shouldn't look too scary, right?

If I don't confirm her existence, then I probably won't be able to settle down in peace in the days to come.

Zuo Yizi remained silent, and began to fight between heaven and man in his heart.

"Hee hee hee, hurry up, go! Just stand in front of that thing, and you will be able to see me!"

The female ghost whispered in Zoezi's ear, with a hint of bewitching power in her words.


Zoeko's eyes, which were originally full of aura, gradually began to lose focus.

Then, following her instructions, she stepped on the ground with her little black silk feet, and walked slowly to the front of the mirror.

The moment he saw his whole body clearly.

Zuo Yizi's blurred eyes suddenly began to shake violently, as if seeing the most incredible scene in the world.

"This...how is this possible!?"

Zuo Yizi stood there dumbfounded, her whole body stiffened, as if she had been buried in the snow for 30 days.

Because the scene in front of her has already surpassed her cognition.

Compared with the scary female ghost, Zuo Yizi thinks she is more like a cosplayer in strange clothes.

It's not right to say that it was a fancy dress, because she didn't wear any clothes at all.

Curved huge goat horns.

Clear textured batwing.

Long and flexible spade tail.

Plus her exotic bluish-purple skin.

It's almost like an alien creature in a sci-fi movie.

She was tall, about two meters in length, and she was standing behind her at the moment, putting her arms on her shoulders.

"Hee hee, what's the matter, I don't look scary, do I?" the purple-skinned woman said complacently.

"Uh..." Although she was much taller than herself, from her tone and demeanor, Zuo Yizi still felt that she was more like a naughty little girl.

Although her breasts are much bigger than her own...

"Who... are you? What's the purpose of following me?" Zuo Yizi asked again.

She seems to have accepted this absurd fact.

Because there is no way to accept it!People are standing behind him!

"Well, I just woke up not long ago, and my head is still very confused. I just remember that I seem to be from a race called succubus."

"Succubus?? What is that?"

"I don't know, I don't know what it is, anyway, I should be one with you now."

"Huh? With me? One? What do you mean?"

Zuo Yizi became more and more confused, and couldn't understand what she said.

"It means that our two souls share the same body. Now you are the dominant one, and I can only watch from the sidelines, unable to do anything."

Speaking of this, the succubus pursed her mouth sourly, as if she was envious of Zoeko.


"You mean, you can also control this body?"

"Hmm, yes—"


Zuo Yizi's small head seemed to be processing these huge amounts of information at a high speed.

What happened in these five minutes seemed to shatter all the three views she had formed over ten years.

"Hee hee hee, you like that male just now, right?"

The succubus behind him suddenly said this with a smile.

"Huh? I... um..."

Zuo Yizi replied with a blushing face.

All of a sudden, he left behind the things he was still thinking about just now, and only Yu Shu was left in his mind.

"Then it was such a good opportunity just now, why didn't you just throw him down? Don't you want to mate with him?"

The succubus spoke very directly, as if she didn't understand euphemism at all.

"I... Hiroki said that he doesn't want to find a girlfriend yet, and he still has some mental cleanliness. If I use force, he will hate me..."

Zuo Yizi said with a face full of regret.

Because she was very afraid that Yu Shu would ignore her, and usually only dared to take advantage of it, and she didn't even dare to think about crossing the line.

"Hee hee, you are so naive. With your thoughts, I don't think you will be able to get him in your life."

The succubus attacked unceremoniously.

"No... Yuki said that after he graduates from college, he will find a girlfriend. At that time, I will..."

"But before that, he was eaten by other females... Is this acceptable to you?"

"Ah? What do you mean by that!"

"Hee hee hee, I guess you are still kept in the dark, just when you were sleeping, the male you liked, but she did it with her female below—"

"Done? What to do..."

Zuo Yizi seemed to have guessed something, but she didn't dare to think about it.

"Hee hee hee, you are so dull, what else can men and women do together, of course it's mating! That's what you humans commonly call being ai."

The succubus continued to state the facts.

She felt that her plan was about to see signs.

"Impossible, apart from me, the only woman in the family is my mother, and my mother and Yuki actually did that kind of thing...Impossible, you must be lying to me! Tell me! What is your purpose!!"

Zoe asked seriously.

"Even if you escape, it's useless. Here, you can see for yourself."

The Succubus waved his hand, and an image appeared in midair.

The content of the video is very real, there is a man and a woman in it, doing some sexy things.

Whether it was the slapping sound or the coquettish moaning sound, they broke into Zoeko's mind without reservation at this moment, causing her pupils to shrink into needles in an instant.

Zuo Yizi was very familiar with the boy lying on the floor, because he had kissed herself in this room 10 minutes ago.

And the other woman, who straddled Yuki like a female knight, swaggered and galloped recklessly, Zoeko was even more familiar with.

Because that is the mother who has depended on her for many years!

My own mother would actually do this kind of sex with Yu Shu, whom I like?

Although I felt that my mother looked at Yushu in the wrong way before, but I never thought that she would be so out of line.

And Hiroki, who was under him, didn't seem to resist?

"Impossible, this is impossible, how could they..."

Zuo Yizi blocked her ears, closed her eyes, and began to shake her head vigorously.

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