It seems that he wants to forget all the beautiful scenes he saw just now, as well as the gasping sounds that make his body heat up.

"Hee hee hee, am I right?"

The corner of Succubus's mouth showed a strange arc.

"Your era seems to be a bit different from our era. In our place, if anyone takes a fancy to a male, he will definitely be taken away immediately, and then put in his nest, slowly extracting the essence .

If you are as indecisive as you are, then the male is probably snatched away by other females long ago, and you won't even be able to drink soup by then.

So, you human women must take the initiative and use force directly when necessary, otherwise your man will be snatched away by other women—”

She lay beside Zuo Yizi's ear, like a devil whispering, constantly coaxing and brainwashing, seeing that her plan was about to succeed.

"Don't talk anymore! I don't want to hear it, I want to be alone."

Zuo Yizi sat on the bed with blank eyes, then hugged Hei Si's legs with her arms, and curled her body into a ball.

I can't wait to play a Wang Yiyun music on the spot.

"Hey... Poor baby, although I don't understand your human emotions, it is absolutely unbearable for the male I like to be snatched away by other females."

Although the succubus could no longer be seen, her voice still echoed in Zuo Yizi's mind.

"Hey, why don't you let me help you? After all, we are one. Seeing you sad makes me feel uncomfortable too."

The succubus comforted softly, and also made a suggestion.

"You help me? How?"

Zuo Yizi raised her head and asked, the expression on that beautiful face was also a little bit moved.

"Hee hee hee, you don't need to worry about it, you just need to hand over the control of your body to me."

The succubus beat around the bush, went round and round, and finally revealed her purpose at this moment.

"No! I don't allow you to hurt Yuki." Zuo Yizi hurriedly refused.

Because she had a hunch that once she gave up control of her body, she was thinking about getting it back, but it would not be so easy.

Who knows if she will do something dangerous?

"Hee hee hee, this is beyond your control!"

"What do you mean... Ah!! Don't!! Get out of my body!!"

The moment Zoezi relaxed, the succubus turned into a purple light and got into Zoeko's body, causing her to hug her head and moan in pain.

"Hee hee hee, it's useless, it's useless, no matter how much you struggle, it's useless, the control of this body belongs to me now!

Just stand aside and watch quietly, and see how I can help you take down this male! "

"Don't, don't, don't..."


After a period of time, the succubus finally completely replaced Zoeko and became the new owner of this soft and delicate body.

And Zuo Yizi was sealed in the depths of her consciousness by her, and she couldn't do anything except share some sight pictures with herself.

"Hee hee hee... It's best to have a physical body. Although the chest of this body is a little smaller, I still have this thing..."

The succubus looked at her curvaceous little feet in black stockings.

Immediately, he found a pair of small scissors from the table next to him, and cut a gap in the area between the arch and sole of the foot.

After the black silk material was cut, a piece of fresh and tender skin on the sole of the foot was immediately revealed.

The color looks very attractive, it belongs to white with pink, and pink with white, people can't help but want to paste it and lick it.

And the taste is also fragrant.

But if you look closely, you will still find something strange.

Because in the middle of the soles of the feet, there is actually a slightly separated slit, the length and shape of which are very similar to a woman's second mouth.

And there are also some transparent and viscous liquids, constantly flowing out from the thin cracks.

Zuo Yizi (succubus), slowly put the light white jade finger into the pink and tender sole of the foot.

Insert it up and down for a while, and stir it left and right for a while.

"Hmm...comfortable, so comfortable—"

She blushed enjoying it.

The numbness and itching from the soles of the feet and the inside of the soles of the feet made her unable to extricate herself from being immersed in it.

And the acupuncture point in the middle of the sole of the foot, as if consciously, clamped her entire finger tightly, as if tasting a delicious popsicle.

In addition to this, there is also a creeping feeling of being sucked in.

The mucus that flowed down from the soles and arches of the feet wet the surrounding black silk.

The color has become a lot deeper, and it has become more sticky to the skin of the feet.

"Hee hee hee, it's been many years since I got the male essence—"

Chapter 134 Mom's Possessiveness

"What is this little tree?"

After Yu Shu returned home, the glamorous mother who was sitting on the sofa folded her two beautiful legs together, and then asked with a plastic bag.

What is contained in it is the great tonic that Yu Shu exchanged for labor.

"This is... a health supplement for the body."

"Replenish your body? Xiaoshu, tell mom honestly, do you have a girlfriend again?"

"I do not......"

Hiroki just wanted to say no, but then thought that he and Hashimoto Nana seemed to be lovers.

Although it was a confession that was agreed in a hurry, it seemed that everyone in the school knew about it.

Because Hiroki didn't expect that Hashimoto Nana would remember that memory.

Love at first sight or something... It still feels a little unreal.

"Xiaoshu, it's not that mom is against your falling in love. After all, you've reached the right age. But you shouldn't have forgotten how badly your last girlfriend hurt you, right?"

Liangzi Duoshi had light brows, and warned his son solemnly to prevent him from falling into the trap of some female goblin again.

No wonder Xiaoshu always said that his waist and hips were sore before. It turned out that besides himself, there was another woman who squeezed Xiaoshu where he could not see.

And after returning from this concert, Xiaoshu's body became much weaker than before.

I would rather go hungry than attack my son at night, for fear that Xiaoshu's body would not be able to bear it.

The results of it......

If you don't eat it, someone else will eat it for you.

Xiaoshu even ate the Kidney Treasure Tablets, it must have been squeezed so hard!

"Uh... Mom is not what you think, this time the situation is quite special, maybe I can't explain it clearly in a few words.

In short, don't worry, I will protect myself, maybe we will separate after a while. "

Yuki replied ambiguously.

Words such as Holy Spear Brave, Three Clans Enmity, Succubus, Goddess, Slut, Purification, etc.

For mom, it may be too fantasy.

"Oh? Can you tell mom who she is? Is it Zoe from the neighbor's house?"

Michihara Reiko pursed her red lips lightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, as if her own cabbage had been licked by a pig.

"Ah? No, no, it's not Zoeko..."

"Not Zoe?"

Michihara Reiko's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition gradually came to her heart.

If his son's lover was Zoeko, he would not be unacceptable.

After all, he watched her grow up, and she and Xiaoshu have known each other for ten years, and they are both first-class in terms of figure and appearance.

Although Xiaoshu suffers a bit, but he is considered a good family, so he can rest assured.

But Xiaoshu said, that vixen is not Zoe?

Xiaoshu also met other women outside! !

This kind of wild woman who came out of nowhere is also worthy of being my Xiaoshu's girlfriend!

It seems that I have to be careful, otherwise, one day, my son will be eaten by a wild woman including the belt and bone, and I will not know.

After all, Xiaoshu has attracted all kinds of girls since he was a child, ranging from a few years old to dozens of years old.

"Is that your classmate? Or a colleague in the part-time job shop? Or someone from the tutor."

Michihara Reiko, with a posture of breaking the casserole and asking the end.

Because Xiaoshu's social circle is only a few.


Yu Shu thought to himself, paper can't contain fire, and mother will know sooner or later, why not take the initiative to tell her, so as not to make mother worry about herself.

"'s my classmate."

"A classmate? Do you have a picture of her? Mom wants to take a look."

Michihara Reiko's curiosity was immediately aroused.

She wants to see what kind of beauty this wild woman is, so she can be favored by Xiaoshu.

"I don't have a picture, but Mom should have seen her..."

"I have seen?"

Michihara Reiko was full of question marks.

She remembered that Xiaoshu didn't seem to bring a female classmate home?

"It's my front desk, the one who just came to school a few days ago... Hashimoto Nana."

"Hashimoto Nana? Why is this name so familiar... What! Hashimoto Nana? Do you mean that female idol Hashimoto Nana? The one you went to the concert two days ago??"

Due to being too emotional, Michihara Reiko stood up from the sofa at once.

She made thousands of calculations and guessed things, but she never thought that her son's girlfriend would be a frequent guest on the TV show, the popular idol Hashimoto Nai!

You know, myself and my daughter are still her fans!

This fate is too good at joking.

No wonder she invited Xiao Shu to the concert. It turns out that there is still a relationship between the two of them as lovers.

"'s her. If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the house first."

Yu Shu glanced at his mother's expression, and then sneaked back into the room to prevent further interrogation.

After all, the more said, the more loopholes.


The sound of the door being closed.

Until Hiroki's back completely disappeared, Michihara Reiko didn't look back.

"Xiaoshu, all the women out there are plotting against you, and only your mother truly loves you."

Michihara Reiko secretly said in her heart.

That beautiful face was gradually replaced by something called possessiveness.


The autumn wind blows.

The air was stuffy.

The vicious sun hangs high in the sky.

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