Even after the dog days, Kaesong still exudes a hot atmosphere.

【Good morning, dear——】

【Cartoon Sun Expression Pack】

[Recently there is a rehearsal for a new program, so I may not be able to go to school for these two days (.o︿o.) 】

【Sad emoticon package】

【Crying emoticon package】

【During these days when I'm not here, my dear, you must remember to miss me-?】

【Love you Hashimoto Nana (^3^)】

"Uh..." Hiroki received a good morning message from Hashimoto Nai early in the morning.

Except for some cute emoticons, there is a sentence in it that makes Yu Shu feel beautiful immediately.

In other words, Hashimoto Nana will not come to school for a while?

It's really...

Great! !

When I was dreaming, I was always worrying about how to deal with the relationship with Hashimoto Nana.

After all, as long as you are with her or appear in the same screen, you will automatically attract a large number of onlookers to watch and even point at her.

As if living under the spotlight, you must be very careful in doing things, for fear of causing any criticism.

There is no such thing as freedom at all.

Well now, if Hashimoto Nana doesn't come to school, then everyone won't focus on themselves.

I will also return to the role of a marginalized person.

It turns out that being the focus is sometimes not a good thing.

After just one day, I can't stand it anymore, but Hashimoto Nana is like this every day.

Sure enough, every industry has its hardships, and Hashimoto Nana is not as relaxed as she thought.

For example, some fans who are too enthusiastic will be quite troublesome to deal with.

It was even reported in the news that there was once a male fan who was too obsessed with female idols and even stalked and other behaviors.

Seeing that the female idol was singled out, he hurried forward to greet the idol, asking for an autograph, a handshake, and some physical skin-to-skin contact.

In the end, she was rejected by the female idol with disgust on her face, and even scolded the other party as a pervert, a disgusting fat pig, and didn't look in the mirror to see what she looked like.

After the personality was insulted, the male fans suddenly changed their temperament. They directly threw the female idol to the ground, tore off her clothes, raped and then killed, and finally dumped her body in the wilderness.


It seems that being an idol is also a tiring job.

Yu Shu sighed in his heart that he didn't even notice the mountain that was about to hit.

[Bo niu——]

Hiroki's entire face directly collided with a huge elastic spherical object.

And there was a sound of flesh shaking.

This familiar touch, this familiar body fragrance, could it be...

"Ah... Good morning Xiaoshu, what are you thinking about? So obsessed with thinking?"

After the milk was shaken, Ryoko Taishi's soft voice like water reached Hiroki's ears.

Let the calm lake surface in Yushu's heart burst into waves of churning waves in an instant.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

This should be the first meeting between the two after the purification ceremony.

I don't know how much memory she still has.

"Good morning, Aunt Liangzi, I was a little dazed just now, I'm really sorry..."

Yu Shu pulled his face out of the fertile white soil full of milky fragrance, then stepped back half a step, scratched his head, and said embarrassingly.

"Ah... ah... Xiaoshu doesn't need to apologize. Auntie is not an outsider, so it's okay. Even if Xiaoshu wants to lie here all the time, Auntie won't mind—"

Aunt Ryoko said half-jokingly.

The clothes on her body have also changed from the sexy suspender nightdress to the previous tight home clothes.

At the latest, the hair that fell loose due to too intense sex was also re-tied into a dangerous wife hairstyle by her.

As if everything was the same as before.

The two are just neighbors + the relationship between elders and younger generations.

"Auntie...ahem, you still remember yesterday..."

Yu Shu's heart was pounding, if he took an electrocardiogram at this time, he would definitely be detained by the doctor and hospitalized.

"Yesterday? What happened yesterday?"

Ryoko Duoshi tilted her head, her expression was like that of an ignorant little girl.

"No...it's nothing, I was talking nonsense just now haha, ah yes! How is Zuo Yizi's situation now, has it improved?"

Judging from Aunt Ryoko's performance, she probably doesn't remember what happened last night, which also made Hiroki a little relieved.

But it's different from before.

Now Hiroki hardly dares to look at Aunt Ryoko's face, or that sensual fat body.

Because it reminded him of some white things, and some slutty expressions.

Who would have thought that this seemingly dignified and elegant woman from a good family would actually have such an open appearance when she was deeply in love.

It's almost like a female goblin who cannibalize people.

It's fine to keep shouting lewd words, but in the later stage, he even calls himself father.

Said to let the father force the supermarket daughter...

Daughter is daddy's flannel ball or something...

Can you imagine a plump woman whose daughters are in high school, galloping recklessly on a 17-year-old boy, and keeps yelling daddy?

If her Holy Spear hadn't been strengthened, she probably would have surrendered when she called out her father for the first time.

This succubus breath is really harmful...

"This child has locked herself in the room since last night, and told her not to come out to eat. It's really a headache."

Aunt Ryoko sighed faintly, as if she felt very helpless about Zoeko's situation.

After hearing what she said, Hiroki looked up at the window of Zoeko's room.

The curtains were tightly closed, impervious to light, and it was completely impossible to see the situation inside.

"I'm going to work in a convenience store tonight, and I can only visit Zuo Yizi after school tomorrow. Please ask Aunt Liangzi to say hello to her."

"Okay, no problem, Xiaoshu, go to school quickly, or you will be late later, you can come to Auntie's house for dinner tomorrow night, Auntie will cook something delicious for you—"

"Yeah, then I'll go first, Aunt Liangzi, bye."

"Bye bye, little tree, be careful on the road."


"Little tree—"

Like a wife, after watching Hiroki's back disappear, Ryoko Taishi held her chest and murmured softly.

God knows how fast her heart beat just now.

If it weren't for the thick soft flesh on the chest, it is estimated that the heart would have jumped out of the chest long ago.

what happened?

Although it's not a day or two since I like little trees.

But it's never been this tense.

It's like the feeling of a girl standing in front of a male god when she first fell in love.

His every word, every expression, every subtle movement will constantly affect my heart.

The little tree is so handsome, the little tree is so charming, and the smell of the little tree makes me intoxicated.

The moment he hit his chest just now, his whole body was almost paralyzed, and he erupted violently.

I stood where I didn't dare to move because a stream had already formed between my legs, and there were signs of burning heat in my lower abdomen.

All of this is caused by my favorite little tree.

"Uh..." Could it be that he has really reached the age of a wolf and a tiger?

Obviously, he could suppress this feeling before.

But the reaction of his own body now really made Ryoko Duoshi startled.

Is this sensitive a little too exaggerated?

Or, was he born a slut at heart? ?

As long as you are touched by a man, you will be in heat?


"Paper delivery, paper delivery, my lady, here is your order."

After the bicycle bell rang, the newspaper deliveryman parked the bicycle next to Ryoko Duoshi, and then took out a fresh newspaper from the basket, ready to hand it to her.

"do not move!"

Duoshi Liangzi suddenly gave a coquettish snort, and took a step back.

"Just put the newspaper here and there."

She pointed to the inbox not far away.

Male paper delivery boy: "..."

I parked right next to you, wouldn't it be over if you just take it away? ?

The newspaper deliveryman complained in his heart.

What's wrong with this...

And from the eyes of the other party, I also saw a strong resistance.

Didn't you mess with this lady yourself?Why do you hate yourself so much?Don't you look ugly? ?

"Uh... well then, I'll put it here for you. Goodbye, madam."

The other party's attitude was extremely firm, and the newspaper delivery man had no choice but to follow suit, because he still had dozens of newspapers to deliver.


The bicycle gradually moved away and disappeared at the corner of the T-junction.

Ryoko Duoshi stood there and hesitated for a while.

Then he opened the door and took out a bottle of disinfectant from home, and sprayed it several times around the newspaper.

It was only after confirming that the newspaper was completely disinfected that he held the corner of the newspaper in the gesture of an orchid finger, and leisurely returned to his home.

As for why.

Actually she doesn't know...

All she knew was that if a man came within one meter of her, she would feel physically and mentally unwell.

It was completely opposite to the situation near the small tree at that time!

When I get close to Xiaoshu, not only will I not feel uncomfortable, but I want to get closer to him, and even do some more intimate things...

"Uh..." Anyway...

I don't seem to be a slut who will turn into heat when she sees anyone.

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