Otherwise, it would be impossible to express their shock and astonishment at the moment.

Among these people, of course, Yu Shu, who was eating melons and watching the excitement, was also included.

Just ask!

If one day you were on your way to school and saw a handsome guy confessing his love to a beautiful woman, what would you do?

I believe that most people will choose to stop and watch the excitement while eating watermelon.

By the way, gossip about the identities of these two people.

So Hiroki did the same.


Just ask!

At this moment, you are just a melon eater.

But the heroine in the story suddenly walked straight in your direction.

After approaching you, without your consent.

She also put her moist and tender lips on your lips, and kissed them affectionately.

At this time, what will you do?

"Uh..." Can someone answer it?

Very urgent, wait online!

Hiroki was crazy about os in his heart.

Because the one who asked this question was none other than himself!


who am I?

where am I?

Why did Hana Tianchuan kiss me?

Is there a chapter missing in the middle?

Shouldn't the hero in this confession be Senior Xiangping?

Why is it so good, but he lay down on the gun?

I am just an innocent eater! !

Chapter 136 Pedaling two boats?



Icy cold.

Hiroki has kissed countless girls.

He knew that the body temperature of girls was lower than that of boys.

But it was the first time Hiroki saw someone as low as Tianchuan Hanai.

In the classroom before, when Tianchuan Hanai sat on the right side, Hiroki would feel that the temperature on that side was lower.

At first Hiroki thought it was a sight problem.

Because Tianchuan Huayi always likes to stare at herself with a cold gaze.

I often stare at myself with hairs all over my body.

But now the truth is revealed.

Tianchuan Huayi not only had icy lips.

She felt a chill all over her body.

It sticks to my body, as if holding a big ice cube in the shape of a human being.

Is this the body temperature that humans should have? ?

While Yushu was surprised that Tianchuan Huayi kissed him, he was also slightly puzzled by her body temperature.

It is said that snakes are cold-blooded animals.

But in fact, snakes also have temperature, but it is a temperature-changing animal that can adjust itself according to the ambient temperature.

But usually it can be maintained at around 20 degrees.

And what about Tianchuan Huayi?

It is estimated that 15 degrees is already good!

This is simply more cold-blooded than a snake.

Although Yu Shu doesn't understand medicine, he still knows the most basic biological knowledge.

Take normal humans as an example.

We all know that a high fever over 40 degrees can be dangerous.

For example, when the temperature is 43 degrees, people will go into a coma, faint, and lose consciousness.

Once the critical point of 45 degrees is exceeded, the human body will die immediately.


If the body temperature is below 34 degrees.

The cells and metabolic functions of the human body will be hindered.

Once it is lower than 32 degrees, then you are waiting for shock or death.


The results of it?

Not only did Tianchuan Huayi have nothing to do.

On the contrary, you can go to school normally, do normal activities, and even kiss normally like a healthy human being.


Hiroki who reacted quickly took half a step back.

The lips of the two who were sticking together also separated at this moment.

But it doesn't seem to be completely separated.

Because of a slender and crystal-clear thread of saliva, the two are still intimately linked together.

It doesn't disconnect completely until three seconds later.



Deathly quiet.

Whether it's Hiroki or the spectators around.

They are all like sculptures made of stone, holding their breath, dumbstruck.

It's almost like "I'm super!" written on the face.

On the contrary, Tianchuan Huayi was like a normal person, with no fluctuation in expression.

It seemed that what he had just done was as normal as breathing.


Except for Yuki, Tianchuan Hanai, and the onlookers.

There was another person present who had a different expression from everyone else.

That is standing not far away, the face is as ugly as eating shit...

Senior Xiangping.

"Sister Tianchuan, what do you mean??"

Senior Xiangping was so angry that his teeth itched. These words were almost squeezed out bit by bit.

"Didn't you just ask me what kind of boy I like? This is..."

Tian Chuan Hanai stretched out her snow-white jade finger, pointed to Yu Shu beside her and said.

"So don't bother me any more."

Onlookers: "..."

Senior Xiangping: "..."

Yuki: "??"

Just, quite suddenly.

Yushu had been her classmate for so long, and it felt like it was the first time she heard Tianchuan Hanai say so many words.

For her who cherishes words like gold, it is more than half a semester combined.

"Sister Tianchuan, even if you don't like me, there's no need to find a random man to piss me off, right? You're also our school's school belle. Don't you feel sick to be taken advantage of by this kind of man?"

Shohei-senpai insulted Yuki by pointing at his nose.

It seems that he wants to transfer all the anger in his heart to Yu Shu.

In his mind, Hiroki is nothing more than a tool man randomly selected by Tian Chuan Hanai from the crowd.

But I didn't expect Tianchuan Huayi to be so willing to spend money.

A handsome man like me is standing here, but you go to kiss another passer-by?

Is this reasonable?

This is obviously unreasonable! !

That's why he was so angry that he said the insulting words just now.

The results of it?

Tianchuan Huayi slapped him hard again.

"Student Tianchuan!!"

Hiroki was momentarily stunned.

Because Tianchuan Huayi suddenly grabbed her palm, and then covered her chest.

Immediately, a feeling of icy cold jelly filled the palm of my hand.

Not big in shape, but not small either.

If the description is more appropriate, it should be called "one-handed".

Unexpectedly, Tianchuan Huayi, which looks as hard as ice on the outside, is extremely soft and slippery here.

It's like a low-temperature version of glutinous rice dumplings.

"I've already slept with this man."

Tianchuan Huayi pressed Yushu's big hand firmly on her greenhouse, and said coldly to Xiangping senior.

The meaning I want to express is very clear.

I am already this man's thing, I hope you will quit and stop disturbing my life.


Senior Xiangping just wanted to call you a bitch, but he looked at the crowd of onlookers and swallowed the words forcefully.

It's dangerous, it's dangerous.

The character set that I worked so hard to build was almost destroyed here.

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