However, the humiliation of being ntr face to face is simply several times more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Wow! This melon is too big today! That Tianchuan Huayi who always looks like a stranger, that Tianchuan Huayi who always has a frosty face and a cold personality.

She actually announced in public who her man was!

And according to what she said, the two of them have already engaged in a husband and wife relationship?This... just overturned my three views! "

In the crowd, someone has already sighed in disbelief.

His words were also like a fuse, instantly detonating heated discussions and discussions in the audience.


"I'm super! Why are you howling suddenly, it scared me."

A boy directly gave his bad friend a big match.

"I wonder who this man is!"


"Isn't he Hiroki Kamishima, he's the boyfriend of the idol Hashimoto Nana."



The man stared wide-eyed, carefully looking at Yu Shu from head to toe.

"Damn! Really!!"

"Then why did Huayi Tianchuan say that he was his man?"

"I guess, Hiroki Kamishima should be the shield that Kai Amanda found."

"Shield? This is too happy, I want to be this kind of shield too!"

[Quality shield, suitors who help you solve all troubles, and also support national airborne, interested beauties, please chat with me privately. 】

After seeing the benefits of being a shield, some people even took out their mobile phones and started posts on the forum.

"But they all kissed and touched their breasts in public... If it's a shield, then it's too much."

"I don't feel like acting. After all, not everyone can touch a girl's lips and breasts, so these two people must have done it."

"Oh my god! If that's the case, doesn't it mean that this boy named Hiroki Kamishima is stepping on two boats!!"


"I'm heartbroken, I've been single for 18 years..."

As if they had found a confidant, the two embraced each other and wept together, crying loudly.

"Since there are one man and two women, there must be a third person between Huayi Chuan and Nana Hashimoto."

"Is it possible that it's Hashimoto Nana? After all, she just came to school not long ago, and Kamishima Hiroki and Tianchuan Hanai seem to be in the same class last year, maybe they have been in love for a long time."

"You fart! My goddess Hashimoto, how could she be Xiaosan? It must be the corner of Tianchuan Huayi's poaching!"

"Nonsense, Goddess Tianchuan is the main palace!"

"It's the goddess Hashimoto!"

"Goddess Tianchuan!"

"Goddess Hashimoto!"




"Stop arguing, isn't it good to watch the plot of Shura Field? Otherwise, this ordinary campus life would be so boring."

"Come, come, stock, stock, bet, bet."

"I'm going to write a novel, the name is "Hiroki in Half""



Just when everyone is discussing intensely.

Our heroine, Tianchuan Huayi, walked straight towards the teaching building with her long and slender legs expressionless.

All that was left was a blue and white slim figure.

And Yu Shu couldn't stand the fiery eyes around him, so he hurriedly followed.

"It's all gone, it's gone."

After seeing the protagonist of the story leave, everyone went back to their respective classes and went to their respective seats.

However, they enjoyed watching today's bustle. It is time to change the pinned post on the campus forum.

But everyone forgot one thing.

It seems that the hero in this story should be Senior Xiangping......

Senior Xiangping stared at the direction where Tian Chuan Hanai and Yu Shu disappeared, and the knuckles of both fists turned white.

The blue veins on the forehead are also twitching.

"God, Island, Yu, Tree." Senior Xiangping said angrily word by word.

"What a Kamishima Hiroki, dare to snatch the girl I like! I must make you pay the price!!"

With a sullen face, he took out his cell phone and made a quick call.

[beep - beep -]

"Hello? Brother Qiang! I'm Xiaoping, I want to ask you a favor..."


Ice-blue crystal-like soft long hair.

Slit long coat for a tight fit.

Straight and long legs with white skin like snow.

Coupled with that flawless, yet bitingly cold and pretty face.

It's like an ice fairy living in a fairy tale.

Yu Shu sat on the seat and kept looking at her from the corner of his eye.

After the two returned to the class, they returned to the state of strangers again.

There was no dialogue, no eye contact, and no explanation of what happened just now.

It made Hiroki feel like a thrown away tool.

"Uh..." I feel that whether Tianchuan Huayi is kissing or touching others sensitively, the expression on her face is always as calm as water.

It seems that the experience is very rich, and it has long been numb to this kind of thing.

There is no sense of shyness that a girl should have at all.

And her body is still...

"Uh..." Wait!

Hiroki seemed to think of something suddenly, and suddenly jumped out of the thoughts just now.

When Tianchuan Huayi was in close contact with herself.

Whether it's her soft lips or her jade-like body.

Give yourself an icy cool ultra-low temperature touch.

It's so low that it's scary!

It completely violates the biological common sense of the human body.

Although in this hot weather, holding her is indeed cool and comfortable.

But this is obviously not the temperature that humans should have!

After carefully recalling Tianchuan Huayi's abnormality.

A bold guess popped out of Yu Shu's mind.


This is just an assumption ha.

Is there a possibility.

Actually Tianchuan Huayi...

Not human?

?Chapter 137 Yuki's Suspicion

As soon as this idea appeared, Yu Shu's whole body became cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

The hairiness in my heart soared.

If Tianchuan Huayi is really not human, then there is only one possibility of existence...


Only the body structure of a succubus can survive at a body temperature of 15 degrees.

Only succubi and sluts will be attracted to themselves.

I know Tianchuan Huayi's cold personality, after all, I have been a classmate with her for a semester.

If it's normal, don't talk about offering kisses or touching breasts.

Hiroki has never even met, she and other boys...

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Chapter 142 Ladies Restroom

Tianchuan Huayi's abnormal body really shocked the teachers and students in the class.

And Yu Shu's heart jumped even more.

It was as if the whole body was drenched in cold sweat!

The button in the lower right corner of the remote control is not turned off? ?

Looking at Tianchuan Huayi's reaction, it was obvious that this time it was not caused by the upper body vibration.



She actually clipped one underneath! !

Oh my God!

Huayi Tianchuan is too crazy! !

Actually took care of all three points.

In other words, that place is so small, can the clip really be firmly clamped on it?

Won't it be super painful?Won't it be pinched?

After all, that place is not as thick as the top...

Tianchuan Huayi and the remote control don't play their cards according to the routine! !

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