If Tianchuan Huayi only wants to find a man to satisfy her special hobby, then there are so many high-quality boys in the school, she has no reason to choose herself.

Let's make another assumption, assuming that she really has a crush on herself, then after the relationship between herself and Hashimoto Nai spreads, she should be furious, or just give up on herself.

How can you still allow yourself to step on two boats? ?

don't understand...

I really don't understand a woman's mind, but it's really not something ordinary people can guess.

Yushu scratched his hair with both hands, feeling that his thoughts were all messed up.


But at this moment, a notification tone suddenly sounded on his mobile phone.

Yushu's heart tightened for a moment, thinking it was a reply from Hana Tianchuan.

He took out his phone tremblingly, and tapped nervously on the screen with his fingers.

Only after unlocking the screen lock did he see the complete content of this message.

Rintaro: "Yuki, it's urgent! After you see this message, please reply to me as soon as possible! It's really urgent!!"

"Uh..." Hiroki wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, it turned out to be a message from Rintaro, which made him nervous for a long time.

Hiroki: "What's wrong Rintaro? What happened? (Question emoji package)"

In less than two seconds, the phone's notification tone rang again.

Rintaro: "That's right, Gonoko of our class organized a social gathering with Sakura Girls High School. The time is today, and we asked for three people from one side, and then the other side has already got all the people. Now we only have Wu Yehang and I, so there is still one person short, Yuki, see if you can come over and help make up the number of people!"

Yu Shu: "Eh... But I still have a job as a tutor today, why don't you ask someone else?"

Rintaro: "Brother! The three girls who came here this time are the three famous beauties of Sakura Girls High School! There is such a good thing, buddy, can I give the opportunity to others?

So the first time I thought of you, brother!And this fellowship doesn't start until three o'clock in the afternoon, so it shouldn't conflict with your tutoring work. (Sneaky smile emoticon package)"

"Uh..." Hiroki felt that Rintaro might simply have no other friends.

Seeing that Hiroki didn't reply, Rintaro hurriedly sent another message.

Rintaro: "Brother! Dad! Grandpa! Just help my brother this time!! Whether I can get out of the order depends entirely on this opportunity!

The last time you tweeted me that teacher Bo Ye, she blocked me as soon as I posted an emoticon package! (Holding thighs and crying emoticon pack)”

Yuki: "..."

Rintaro: "And it will definitely not take up too much of your time. We just sing and eat something, and it will be over in an hour or so."

Yuki: "Ah..."

Rintaro: "I beg you (the kitten's pathetic expression pack)"

Yu Shu: "Okay then, please send me the location, and I'll take the subway there after class."

Rintaro: "Okay! I knew that at the critical moment, a good brother must be the best! The address is..."

After clicking on the address sent by Rintaro, Yuki briefly estimated the route in his mind.

In terms of time, it should be in time, and it is not too late after the end.

Because when I went to Rintaro's house to play games last time, I had some ambiguous contact with his sexy mother in leopard print.

So Hiroki feels a little guilty every time he sees Rintaro.

And this time, I can just help to wash away the guilt in my heart.

After all, Hiroki sincerely hopes that Rintaro can find a girlfriend as soon as possible.

But the most important thing right now is to rush to the home of the small employer Asaba Wuyue as soon as possible.

After all, that is his biggest benefactor father.

Chapter 153 Master Servant Plan

"Mr. Yuki, I have been waiting for you for a long time, please come in—"

In front of the gate of the manor, stood a graceful and quiet female figure.

Long white hair, fair skin, a pair of big breasts that can't even be covered by a large maid outfit.

Oval-shaped cheeks and burgundy pupils are paired with facial features of mixed race that neither belong to the East nor to the West.

The combination of various characteristics formed the current head maid of the manor, Sara.

Also the older sister character in The Maid Twins.

"I'm sorry, Miss Sara, to keep you waiting. In fact, next time I will go in by myself. I am very familiar with the route and so on."

Yuki said somewhat euphemistically.

Because every time I let the other party wait for me at the door, I feel a little embarrassed. After all, as the head maid, Saila still has a lot of work to do.

"It's okay, receiving Mr. Yuki is my most important job now, you don't have to be polite."

The maid sister Sara bowed slightly, then waved her arms as a gesture of invitation.

Yuki had no choice but to stop being polite, and got on the shuttle bus with Saila, and the old man was still driving.

Although he seems to be in his sixtieth year, he still combs his hair meticulously, and the suit on his body is also very clean and tidy.

When Hiroki was listening to the servants chatting, he seemed to have mentioned this old man, who used to be a professor in a certain field.

Sure enough, none of the people working in this manor is simple.

"Mr. Yuki."

Saila's voice, as calm as a spring, came from beside her ears, and at the same time she pressed her delicate body closer.

Immediately, an orchid-like elk-like fragrance came in through the nostrils, which made Yu Shu's drowsy brain wake up a lot.

"What's the matter, Miss Sara?"

Yu Shu turned his head to the side, and what caught his eyes was a beautiful face that was more delicate than a lily.

And she also stretched out her snowy palm, which was no more than ten centimeters away from her cheek.

"Sy, Miss Sira..."

Seeing the opponent's cheek and hands getting closer and closer to him, Yu Shu subconsciously closed his eyes, and the sound of his heartbeat was almost comparable to the sound of a car engine.

What is Miss Sara trying to do with this action?Are you going to kiss yourself...

The blond goddess Irene had speculated before, saying that there was a faint succubus aura on the maid and sisters and the small employer Asaba Mayue.

If it wasn't a succubus, it was most likely an infected slut.

And the way to confirm their true identities is also very simple, that is, to do that kind of thing again with each of them.

But at that time, he was rejected by himself on the grounds that he could not tarnish the other party's innocence.

Although the three of them got their innocence for the first time...

Afterwards, this matter was left alone, because although these three people all showed a good impression of themselves, their behaviors were still quite different from those of sluts.

However, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, my slut physique level was relatively low before, and I may have unconditional attraction to some ordinary sluts.

But for many sluts who have strong self-control and know how to hide themselves, it is not enough to turn them into female beasts with only the desire to mate on the spot.

But it's different now, my slut physique has been upgraded to LV6, for a special slut or succubus, it's equivalent to a bottle of walking human-shaped love potion.

Feeling the warm breath and body fragrance of Saila's approaching, Yuki felt his palms were sweating.

Could it be that she finally couldn't help but reveal her true colors?

But there was still the old driver in the car, did she really choose to overthrow herself here?

Just when Yuki was ready to be ridden by the opponent, Saila suddenly put her jade hand on his collar, and asked softly.

"Mr. Yuki's button seems to be broken. I'll fix it for you when I get back to my room."


Yuki opened his eyelids slightly, and then found that Saila was looking at his collar seriously, and the position where her bare hand was touching was the position of the second button of his jacket.

But there was already nothing on it, because Tianchuan Huayi subconsciously tore it off last night when he was upside down.


It turned out to be because of this!It hurts me to fill my brain for a long time...

Yuki thought that the other party was going to tear up his clothes with his hands because he was going to be a beast.

"No, no, don't bother Ms. Sara. I seem to have spare buttons at home. I'll just go home and mend them. Thank you Ms. Sara for your kindness."

Yu Shu said politely, and at the same time sat up straighter.

Trying to offset the embarrassment in my heart by pretending to look around.

"Well, then Mr. Yi Yushu, but if necessary, you can tell me anytime."

"Ahaha, good good."

Yu Shu smiled awkwardly, and then gradually calmed down the pounding heartbeat.

However, the next second when Saila asked a question, Yuki's heartbeat was twice as fast as before.

"However, Mr. Yuki seems to have a good smell. As far as I know, Mr. Yuki should not wear perfume at ordinary times, right?"

The maid sister Saila looked at Hiroki with wine-red eyes, and symbolically closed her little nose twice.

It's like in a TV series, when the female protagonist finds out that the male protagonist brings back a scent of perfume, the stern question is the same.

Although Saila's expression and tone were very calm, Hiroki would unconsciously become flustered.

Because even if you think about it with your feet, the fragrance on your body must have stuck to it when it blended with Tianchuan Huayi.

This is not a perfume smell, but the virgin body fragrance from Tian Chuan Huayi's body!

"No, no, it's not the perfume I'm wearing. It should have been rubbed against me by other female passengers in the car when I squeezed the subway just now..."

Yu Shu hurriedly turned his little head and made up a reason on the spot.

"Well, I'm just asking casually. Mr. Yuki doesn't need to be too nervous, and we're here too."

Hiroki followed her words and moved his gaze to the majestic castle not far away.

Sure enough, no matter how many times I come here, I will always admire this majestic building from the bottom of my heart.

I don't know how much money and manpower it will cost to build such a castle.

There is also this vast manor that covers an area of ​​several kilometers. With such a large area of ​​land, it is estimated that even the first-line real estate developers have no means to win it?

It also made Yushu guess many times in his heart, what exactly does the hostess of this house do?Why can't I find her information on the Internet at all?

The cleanliness of the information was as if it had been deliberately erased.

Otherwise, based on the current level of Internet development, such an exaggerated living environment like May's house would have been picked up and exposed on the Internet long ago.

"Wow...it's the handsome Yuki! Let my sister see if you have changed?"

After the car stopped, just as Yu Shu got out of the car, his body was embraced by a fragrant and soft figure.

It was Senna among the maid sisters. Except for the majesty of her chest and the length of her hair, everything else and her physical characteristics were exactly the same as her elder sister Saila.

And her age should be 20 years old, so calling herself a sister is quite reasonable.

"Huh? Why is your neck so red, is it injured?"

After the maid sister Sai Na and Yu Shu had been together for a while, she noticed the strangeness of Yu Shu very sharply.

Let Yushu secretly complain, these two sisters are worthy of being maids, some places that others can't notice, they can go straight to the point at a glance!

Yushu hastily and subconsciously covered the strawberries planted by Tianchuan Huayi with his palm, and then explained calmly.

"Ahem, it's because the neckline of the previous dress was a little tight and was pulled out. It's not something worth noting."

Yushu actually wanted to say, you haven't seen the shoulders and chest yet, they are basically the bloodstains from Tianchuan Hanai's scratches and teeth marks.

"I see, I thought it was the strawberries planted by some female satyr because Hiroki is too handsome——"

The flat-chested Senna joked with a smile, but she didn't know that her words were right in their words, it was so accurate and terrifying!

Is this a woman's sixth sense...

How terrifying!

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