"Senna, you should let go, Mr. Yuki has already given the young lady a lesson."

Saila, who had long hair and big breasts, stood aside and reminded.

"Hmm... ok ok."

Sai Na, who had short hair and flat chest, reluctantly let go of her arms.

But before leaving, he took the opportunity to touch Yushu's butt with his hand, and jumped a meter away happily, smelling the smell of Yushu on the palm of his hand.

"Uh..." Why do I always feel that all the women I meet recently are interested in my ass?

So did the proprietress of the bathhouse before, and so did the sister maid in front of her. Even when she was with Tianchuan Huayi last night, she was caressed by her cold little hands for a long time.

"Please, Mr. Hiroki."

Sister Saila walked in front with a pair of suspenders and white silk long legs, acting as a guide for Hiroki.

It's just that her round and sexy white silk legs are covered by the wide maid skirt at the moment, otherwise it will definitely feast Yushu's eyes.

Although Yushu touched and carried it himself, it was a year ago after all, and he probably forgot about the feel and shape a long time ago.

The younger sister Senna walked behind Yushu, and the two sisters sandwiched Yushu one after the other, and walked towards the third floor of the castle together.

After climbing up several flights of spiral stairs, the three of Hiroki stopped in front of an expensive mahogany gate, which was the boudoir and study room of the small employer Mayu Asaba.

【dong dong dong-】

"Miss, Mr. Yuki is here." Sister Saila said softly, sticking to the door.

"Understood, let the teacher come in."

A delicate female voice came from opposite the mahogany door.

Although the voice was extremely restrained, upon listening carefully, one could still hear a hint of excitement and excitement from the other party's words.

If it weren't for Hiroki to go to school, Asaba Wuyue would have wished to buy all of Hiroki's time to be with her.

"Mr. Yuki, go in alone, we will not bother you for now, if there is an emergency, just call us at any time."

"Well, thank you Miss Sara and Miss Senna."

After thanking the two, Yu Shu stretched out his hand and opened the mahogany door, and suddenly a spacious and bright room came into view.

In fact, to be more precise, it should be super spacious and super bright.

The area of ​​this room is almost bigger than my own house.


The mahogany gate was closed, and Yuki's figure also disappeared from the sight of the maids and sisters.

The pair of beautiful and refined twin sisters did not leave immediately, but looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

The moment their eyes met, both of them showed a strange smile at the same time.

Because in a short time, they will cooperate with the eldest lady to carry out the plan they made together.

?Chapter 154 Lost temper



"Um, let's learn Chinese today."


"Uh..." Yushu blushed, expressing that he didn't know what the little employer was up to, and he had been there since he entered the house, "Hmph..."

A pair of yin and yang looks weird.

"I know everything!"

Qian Yu Wuyue put her hands on her hips, her fair face bulged into a big bun, and her cherry pink lips could not wait to protrude five meters high.

"what do you know??"

Riddler, right?

Yu Shu's face was dazed, he didn't know where...

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Chapter 157

Yuki felt that he had never been so tired as today, and he was basically fighting wits with Wuyue Asaba all morning.

After having a luxurious lunch, Hiroki gave her a little tutoring lesson.

Then the other party started arguing about having a recovery massage today.

That is to knead May's two jade legs separately for a period of time.

The knee is the golden section point from the bottom of the foot to the navel, and the navel is the golden section point from the top of the head to the ankle.

In line with this ratio, a pair of jade legs is considered to be slender and well-proportioned.

And among a pair of beautiful legs, the beauty of the thigh and the beauty of the calf must be distinguished.

The thighs are full and the calves are tight.


The thighs are rounded and the calves are straight.

Only when there are changes can there be curves, and only when there are curves can there be beauty.

If the thickness and length of the thigh and the calf are the same, then there is no so-called beauty.

Instead, it should be called "pillar".

When the ideal perfect legs are close together, there are only four points of contact between the legs, namely the mid-thigh, knee joint, calf and heel.

This kind of posture with both contact and gap is worthy of being called "the year of playing with legs".

And Qian Yu Wuyue's slender legs perfectly fit the characteristics of this kind of legs.

And she also wrapped a layer of black stockings with a moderate thickness on her legs.

There are some texture patterns printed on the black silk with hot stamping process.

Let this pair of charming slender jade legs become more attractive and delicious.

"Come on teacher, Miss Ben is ready—"

Since May is sitting in a wheelchair, Yushu is squatting on the ground.

So Wuyue stepped on Yushu's chest with her little black silk feet naturally.

Moreover, he raised his tender toes and drew circles back and forth on Yu Shu's chest, making Yu Shu extremely itchy.

"May, are your toes free to move?"

Yu Shu was both surprised and delighted, and hurriedly held the fragrant and slippery black silk feet in his hands and looked at them.

The arch of the foot with a full grip evoked an incomparably beautiful arc.

The round toes stretch and shrink under the stockings, making people want to play with them for three days and three nights.

Because before that, Wu Yue could only shake his calf slightly at most.

Such a toe movement that requires fine control is simply unimaginable.

"Well, thanks to Mr. Hiroki's massage, it's all thanks to Mr. Yuki—"

May said with a grin.

Each toe also became more active, as if showing Hiroki the fruits of his efforts.


Although on the surface he was very happy for Wu Yue, but Yu Shu was even more confused in his heart.

Because from the beginning to the end, I didn't know any massage techniques at all, and they were all lies fabricated to deceive Wu Yue's mother.

As a result, she never expected that May really regained some leg sensation.

It was the calf before, but now it is the toe, so the thigh may recover next time!

Just, it's amazing...

In other words, I wouldn't have really researched a set of healing techniques by accident, right?

Yu Shu stared at his right hand in a daze, wondering if he could develop a side job in the future.

While Yushu was in a daze, Wuyue slowly moved her gilded black silk feet to the tip of Yushu's nose.

There was also an expression of a successful prank on his face.

"Don't make trouble, be honest..."

Yu Shu, who reacted, grabbed that naughty little foot in his hand again.

Through the stockings, you can also feel the silkiness of the girl's jade feet, as well as the temperature of the soles of the feet.

But what is amazing is that not only does Wuyue's feet have no sour smell, but there is also a scent of blue soap and milk.

Because most of the causes of foot odor are nothing more than the bacteria and microorganisms on the feet, which decompose the locally accumulated exfoliated cutin, and the organic components of sweat, etc., so odorous substances are produced.

Coupled with the well-developed eccrine glands on the feet, if you wear airtight shoes and socks, and do not pay attention to washing your feet, you are prone to foot odor.

But May is different.

Her feet don't need to be used for walking, so they don't sweat or develop dead skin.

It can basically be called the cleanest place on her whole body.

Chun Chun is a perfect pair of jades for people to admire.

"Teacher, come quickly, I can't wait—"

May star's eyes were foggy, and her cheeks were flushed.

The delicate voice seems to melt the bones of the listener.

Coupled with her line that arouses infinite reverie.

I don't know, I thought the two of them were going to do something happy next time.

"I'm going to start..."

Yushu's ten fingers pressed a little harder on the soft black silk jade feet that seemed to have no bones.

Then follow the ankle junction, singing all the way to the calf.

The 40d thick black silk outlines the curves of the legs beautifully.

Depending on the area under stress, some places will be darker and some places will be lighter.


Wu Yue gently closed the two brush-like eyelashes, and unconsciously let out a greasy gasp between her lips, as if she was enjoying an extremely comfortable and beautiful thing.

Since Wuyue would make this sound every time, Hiroki also asked curiously what kind of feeling it was.

And the other party's answer is yes.

Warm and itchy, like ants crawling on it.

But what Wu Yue didn't say was that there was actually a tingling feeling like the whole body was electrified.

Every time Yu Shu finished, the depths of her peach blossoms would flood.




"Uh..." Although Hiroki has experienced it countless times.

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