But the softness in the palm of his hand, and the constant babbling in his ears, still make Yu Shu blush uncontrollably.

I don't know whether May was unintentional or intentional...

"Hey, May, how do you feel?"

Hiroki tries to distract himself with chat.

"Well...the calf is a little hot, but the thigh is still numb."

"oh oh......"

Yu Shu massaged along the curve of the calf all the way up.

But he didn't dare to look up to confirm the location, because he would see a mysterious peach blossom forest.

It seems that the degree of recovery of the thigh is worse than that of the calf and yuzu.

So May didn't gasp like "hmm" just now.

"Teacher Yuki—"

"what happened?"

"Help me take off my stockings—"


Yu Shu was stunned, he didn't expect Wu Yue to make such a request suddenly.

"Because if you touch the skin directly, the effect may be more obvious." Asahi Wuyue explained.

"That's it...then let me try."

Yu Shu felt that what she said was not unreasonable.

Because the style of stockings is slim, it is also a layer of solid fabric.

More or less will cut off some massage effect.


This is the sound of Yushu's palm rubbing against the spotless black silk thigh.

After Yu Shu groped for a while, he finally found the junction of the stockings and thighs at the root of his thighs.

The part that was tightened in the middle was slightly dented, while the soft flesh on both sides was extruded in an arc.

That is, the legendary, Hei Si Le Rou!


Yushu felt that his throat was very dry, so he could only wash it away with saliva over and over again.

"May, I'm going to take off..."


For some reason, Hiroki felt that May's breathing seemed to be gradually becoming more rapid.

Yuki carefully inserted his fingers into the edge of the stockings.

Then, taking advantage of the smoothness of the skin, it slowly fades down along the curve of the legs.

The overall visual color of the left leg has also completed the transition from black to white.

It's like a black army gradually being swallowed up by the white torrent.

Thighs, knees, calves, ankles, insteps, toes.

As each part was exposed to the air, Yu Shu finally completely tore off the bronzing black silk on his left leg.

The moment the bondage was released, the five white and tender little toes curled up mischievously, and then opened up again, cheering like a child.

A light and pleasant smell of feet also came to the nostrils.

Hiroki was stunned for three seconds.

Only then did he hastily look away, and silently recited the Mantra of Purifying Heart in his heart, imagining himself as an old monk in meditation.

"Teacher Yushu, don't Miss Ben's feet smell very fragrant... I soak them in imported milk and essential oil every morning and evening. How about it, do you want to taste it?"

May wasn't kidding.

She really sent the fresh and tender jade feet to Yu Shu's mouth, and then looked forward to it, waiting for him to taste it.

"Go, go, don't make trouble, if you do this again, I won't press it for you."

Yu Shu rolled her eyes helplessly, then pushed her little feet aside, stretched out her palms, and climbed onto the tender white jade legs that were not covered by stockings.

"Well... Hiroki-sensei, you can go a little higher."


Yuki moved his palm from his calf to his thigh.

"Well... Teacher, you can go up a little bit."


Yu Shu moved from the thigh to the root of the thigh, where the edge of the stocking was just now.

"Hmm... so comfortable—"

May Shengxue's jade skin was flushed all over.

From the petals between the legs, honey liquid is constantly flowing out.

A few strands even slipped onto Hiroki's hand.

(Yu Shu thinks that these wet crystals are the sweat secreted by May.)

"It's not enough, we need to go up some more"

"Still going up?"

Yu Shuxin said, if you go further up, you will come across Peach Blossom Spring!

"Good boy, why don't you just click here today, the teacher still has some things to do later."

Hiroki was about to let go, but in the next second, his head was tightly clamped by Asaba Wuyue's legs.

And the tip of Yushu's nose was directly stuck in the fresh stamen of May Asaba.

Let Yushu experience the feeling of washing his face with fine nectar and jade liquid again.

The last person with such abundant water resources was Chisato Koda, a senior with facial paralysis at the 667 convenience store.

"Hey, Wuyue, can your legs move now?"

Hiroki opened his eyes wide, and spoke in a somewhat inconceivably vague manner.

Because the strength coming from the neck doesn't look like something a girl with half-crippled legs can do.

What is going on here?

Could it be that May has been lying to herself? ?

her legs...

"This is all thanks to the teacher, so let me repay the teacher well—"

Wuyue's eyes were heart-warming, and he was exhaling hot air, with an expression of excitement that a predator was about to eat its prey.


Yu Shu was still struggling dishonestly, and was about to get rid of the confinement of the opponent's legs.

"That can't be done... After all, my purpose this time is to get pregnant with teacher's Aka-chan—"

Wuyue smiled sickly with a blushing face, and then called softly to the door of the room: "Sister Saila, sister Sina."


The expensive mahogany gate opened at the sound, and two beautiful female figures walked towards Yushu slowly.

Just at this moment, Yu Shu had just pulled his face out from Wu Yue's legs.

"Miss Sara, Miss Sina, you?"

Hiroki couldn't be more familiar with these two female figures with exactly the same appearance.

But the eyes they looked at him were no longer as clear and bright as before.

Instead, it exudes something called "desire".

The original burgundy eyes also became more vivid.

"Mr. Yushu, please don't resist. I will pay you at the hourly rate for the physical labor you will put in later."

"Handsome Yushu, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, I'm going to let my sister have a good time—"

After all, the two lifted up their maid skirts respectively.

Two attractive legs wearing white silk suspenders with exactly the same proportions immediately bumped into Yu Shu's field of vision.

And at the moment, there is no cover covering the attractive narrow mountain depression.

The trickling stream in the mountains is also flowing out from the depression bit by bit.

It seems that there is a special smell in the air.


I was really guessed right by the blonde goddess Irene!

This pair of maids and sisters, as well as their Miss May, are indeed hidden sluts! !

And looking at the posture of the other three, it was obvious that they came prepared.

From the moment he stepped into the gate of the castle, he might have fallen into the other party's trap.

It seems that this purification ceremony cannot be escaped no matter what...

After seeing Hiroki completely frozen in place, the maid sisters also moved.

Sister Saila was in charge of picking up May in the wheelchair, and then put her legs into an M shape, and slowly approached Hiroki in the posture of holding the girl to pee.

The younger sister Senna was in charge of untying Yushu's belt, and only after the demon-killing holy gun was seen again did she push Yushu closer to Wuyue.

The worldly python and Xanadu are always on the same level.

And getting closer, getting closer.



Lead the snake into the hole.

Chapter 158 The Mistress of the Castle

In the deserted and empty castle.

Except for the three masters and servants and Hiroki, there is no one else.

"Puff puff puff—"


Some strange sounds continued to echo inside the castle.

It's like a beautiful piece of music.

After one shot and three shots.

Hiroki was out of breath, and pushed away the beautiful black and white silk legs that were pressing on him.

Then, with some apprehension, he turned around and glanced at the three graceful figures lying on the carpet.

Among them, some are undulating, some are tender and juicy, and some are flat.

Each has its own characteristics.

And Qian Yu Wuyue's jade leg, which was still wearing gilded black silk, had already been covered with large and small white stains.

On the white silk of the two maids' suspenders, there were also many damaged areas.

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