The thigh meat, as tender and white as jade, was squeezed out of the damaged part dishonestly.


Yuki let out a long sigh of relief.

Xin said, this purification ceremony is really a tiring job.

Although I can achieve unlimited firepower, I will not run out of food or become weak.

But facing three women at once will still make your waist sore and weak, which is comparable to doing 500 sit-ups in a row.

It seems that there is a chance to go to the gym to apply for a card, so that I can exercise my waist.

Otherwise, if there is another occasion in the future where you need to purify thousands of people, your waist and hips will easily be smashed to pieces by those women's buttocks.

After all, when a slut is in heat, her strength is almost comparable to that of a vigorous adult female leopard.

Even May, who is petite, can burst out with inhuman strength.

After hugging the three pregnant women to the bed, Yu Shu thoughtfully covered them with quilts to prevent other servants from finding out.

Then Yu Shu picked up the jacket not far away, put it on himself, and prepared to button it from top to bottom.


Counting from top to bottom, the first, second, and third buttons all magically disappeared from the clothes.

The second button was torn off by Huayi Tianchuan, and Yuki knew about it.

The first and third ones should have been ripped off by the maid sisters or Wuyue during the intense blending just now...

Originally, this dress had six buttons, but now, half of them are gone.

The collarbone and part of the chest are basically exposed to the air.

It feels a bit like that kind of hooligans, or the way young people in bad society dress.


no way......

I can only make do with it first.

Go back in the evening and try to mend it, and if it doesn't work, you'll have to go to the store tomorrow and buy new clothes.

Thinking about it carefully, I seem to have not bought new clothes for a year.

【ding dong——】

[It is detected that the condition has been met, and the slut's physique has been upgraded. 】

[Current Level Lv7 (Passively changes everyone's cognition, will not question the shape of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance, including Succubus.)]


Actually upgraded.

In other words, he is about to acquire new abilities?

I hope this time there will be a skill to strengthen the waist!

For example, make your waist and abdomen stronger or something.

【Gain new ability:...】

I'm coming!

[Acquired a new ability: automatic lubrication (The Demon Slayer Holy Lance can enter any dry passage unimpeded.)]


Is this implying that I will go through the back door more?

【ding dong——】

[New changes to the body of the Demon Killing Lance: Double Happiness (The Demon Killing Holy Lance will change from one to two.)]

"Uh..." What's the matter?

Two rewards at once?

And this double the joy...

Feeling itching, heat and swelling underneath, Hiroki hastily lowered his head to look at the changes of the Demon Slaying Holy Spear.

Good guy, I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

Sure enough, at the original position, another Holy Demon Slaughter Spear grew side by side, with exactly the same length, thickness, and shape.

At this moment, they are arranged up and down, one above the other below, and the degree of mighty and domineering does not distinguish between winners and losers.

I rely on!

Is it too much?

Then what should I do when I go to the toilet by myself, will the water come out of one faucet, or both? ?

No wonder the name is called Double Happiness, no wonder it needs to give itself the ability to automatically lubricate, it turns out that it wants to let myself enter two holes at once...

And if there are many people on the other side, it is also possible to purify two sluts at the same time.

From this point of view alone, it is quite practical, but this shape...

It's really weird -_——

Fortunately, after the idiot's physique was upgraded to Lv7, a new effect description was added.

(Passively changing everyone's cognition will not question the shape of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance, including Succubus.)

That is to say, even though he had grown two exaggeratedly sized Demon Slayer Holy Spears.

But from the perspective of others, it will feel that this is a very normal thing, and they will not treat themselves as aliens.

At most, the man would sigh in his heart, this young man's thing is really majestic, and he is also a one-in-a-kind double-headed dragon, admiration.

Women, on the other hand, will be so greedy that they will drool directly, with three mouths drooling at the same time.

If there is a change in form next time, you can also make the other party accept it unconditionally and by default.

This undoubtedly relieved a lot of unnecessary trouble for myself.

I don’t know whether to praise the system for being considerate, or to complain about it’s cheating = =


Another beep came.

But this time it wasn't from the system, but a new message from the phone.

Hiroki picked up the phone and looked, it turned out to be a message sent by Rintaro.

Rintaro: "Yuki, have you set off yet? My Yeko and I have already arrived, and the three girls are probably coming soon. (Looking forward to the emoji package)"

"Uh..." Oops!

Almost forgot about it!

Yuki hurriedly glanced at the time on the phone.

2:39 in the afternoon.

There are only 21 minutes left before the agreed social time!

I actually did it with May Sara and the others for almost two hours! !

Yu Shu: "I have already set off, but there is a bit of traffic jam on the road, so I may be a little late."

While replying to the message, Yu Shu tidied up his outfit, and then ran out of the castle in a hurry.

Because of the addition of a demon-killing holy spear, Yu Shu felt that his walking posture had become much more awkward, and he was very strangled.

Looks like it will take some time to get used to it...

And the next time you buy new pants, you need to buy two sizes up, otherwise you won't be able to fit these two behemoths at all.

Rintaro: "Traffic jam?? Didn't you say you are a subway?"

Yuki: "Um, it's a long story...something happened on the way, and get out of class ends today later than usual."

Rintaro: "Okay then, wait for you, our room number is 207, you can just come in when you arrive later."

Yuki: "OK."

After Yushu greeted the old driver, the other driver drove him to the gate of the manor. He didn't ask any more questions during the period, and he was still taciturn.

"Mr. Yuki, we are here."

The old driver said politely, and got out of the car to help Yushu open the big iron gate.

"Thank you very much! Thank you very much!"

Yu Shu thanked the other party politely, then trotted out of the gate in a hurry, and at the same time calculated the best route map in his mind.

And just a few steps after he ran out of the gate, a high-end car drove towards him.

Yu Shu didn't know the brand or model, but Yu Shu was sure that this car must be worth a lot.

Because, this is the car that May's mother usually rides in, that is, the real mistress of this castle and manor!

While Yu Shu was looking at the other party, the other party seemed to have discovered Yu Shu.

After the car reached Yu Shu's side, it stopped slowly.

The rear window slowly moved down, and an elegant and beautiful face unreservedly broke into Yu Shu's field of vision.


What a nice view......

In the one year that Yushu worked part-time here, he basically only saw each other twice.

As a result, without exception, every time they would fall into deep sluggishness because of the other party's appearance.

Hiroki knew that it was very impolite for him to keep staring at the other person's face.

But there is no way, the temperament emanating from the other party makes it impossible to look away.

Like a magnet with strong magnetic force, it constantly affects everyone's heart.

Elegant and luxurious.

Orchid in the empty valley.

The body is quiet and leisurely.


These beautiful idioms seem to be tailor-made for each other.

Through the car window, you can see that May's mother is wearing a luxurious black evening dress today, and it is still a low-cut and off-the-shoulder style.

Above the dividing line is a large area of ​​dazzling white skin.

Below the dividing line is an exquisite and embossed attractive figure.

A transparent crescent-shaped sapphire hangs on the edge of the left earlobe, while a star-shaped sapphire hangs on the right earlobe. Even in the daytime, you can see the glowing halo emanating from it.

In order to modify the three-dimensional beauty of the neck, May's mother also wore an expensive pearl necklace on it, and each pearl exuded a delicate luster.

Yu Shu couldn't help but think of a joke I saw on the Internet before.

[Some people are honored to drive a Rolls-Royce, while others are honored to drive a Rolls-Royce. 】

This sentence seems to fit perfectly on May's mother.

It's just that the Rolls Royce has been replaced with sky-high priced accessories.

Her hair was shaggy, the kind with bangs covering her left eye.

Only one right eye, which is more beautiful than sapphire, is exposed, and there is a tear mole under the right eye, which adds a bit of charm to her dignified and elegant face.

"Hi ma'am..."

Hiroki doesn't know the other person's name, so he can only call him that every time.

"Well, Mr. Yushu has worked hard. My daughter has caused you a lot of trouble."

Mother May does not have a high shelf and is very easy-going.

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