
I don't know who suddenly made a sound of inhaling, breaking the silent atmosphere that has always been.



And after him, as if a flood had broken through the gate, the sound of inhaling one after another spread into Hiroki's ears one after another, and it felt like he was doing his part for the trend of global warming.

After the inhalation sound, there was a buzzing noise, and some students were so shocked that they even blurted out what was in their hearts.

"Ah! My eyes!"

"I'm going!! What is this??"

"My God! What did I see?"

"This, this must be 40! This is something that humans can grow!!"

"My god, it seems to be three times as big as mine, woo woo woo, I'm so envious!!"

Most of the exclamations came from boys, while the girls were more tactful, just looking at Hiroki curiously with blushing faces.

Because of shyness, some girls quickly lowered their heads after glancing at Yuki, but couldn't help the itching curiosity in their hearts.

So after lowering his head for 3 seconds, he quietly looked at him from the corner of his eye, and then kept repeating the above process.

And some girls who can let go, or girls who have experience, are completely attracted by Yu Shu, and it seems like a magnet, which attracts their eyes firmly, and they can't leave them no matter what.

And he kept swallowing his saliva, and even some places gradually became warmer.

Most of the rest of the girls also had different expressions, but there was some strange light in their eyes. Some even took out their mobile phones secretly and took a picture of Yu Shu's posture.

In addition, there were a few special girls who looked at Yu Shu secretly with interest, and the corners of their mouths evoked a meaningful arc.

"Teacher? Teacher Mingmei?"

After 5 minutes passed, Hiroki couldn't bear the pressure, so he called the teacher Mingmei next to him again.

After all, I have been standing here like this, and I always feel a bit like an animal thrown into a zoo for tourists to watch.

"I didn't expect Mr. Yushu to look pretty, but here he is extremely fierce. It really caught the teacher's attention."

After regaining consciousness, Teacher Mingmei lay down next to Yu Shu's ear, and said softly in a voice that only two people could hear, and her warm breath hit Yu Shu's ear, making Yu Shu's whole body numb.

"Okay Yuki, you can go back to your seat. The teacher expresses his gratitude to you on behalf of all the students."

As if being pardoned, Yu Shu rushed to his seat without looking back after getting dressed, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

It's just that it's different from just now, the eyes of the surrounding students also followed me to the seats, and they all stared at me with various rich expressions.


school forum.

On the homepage, which was swamped by the freshmen beauty rankings and school beauty rankings, a post with a sudden change in style suddenly broke into the public's field of vision, and the popularity and discussion continued to rise like a rocket.

It didn't take long before it surpassed a post titled "Ranking List of Appearances of First-year Senior School Girls in New Semester" and ranked first.

The person who posted the post was a user whose id and avatar were all hidden, and the content in the post was only two pictures.

A handsome high school boy with a handsome face, and his big brother.

The two photos with completely opposite painting styles are skillfully combined to form a very sharp contrast, and it is still a high-definition large image jpg without mosaic processing.

It stands to reason that if such an indecent post appears on the school forum, it will usually be deleted immediately by the forum administrator.

But the strange thing is that the post has been on the front page for more than half an hour, but no one has dealt with it, as if the reviewers disappeared out of thin air.

[Sofa, my internet speed is so fast (proud emoji package)]

This is the original reply to the post.

Then someone pressed f5 to refresh, and more than 300 floors popped up in an instant.

[Damn it, my 1st floor! ! 】

[What post is this? 】

[Look at the cover picture and click in, almost blinding my eyes! ! 】

【Who posted it?Who is this man?Why such an exaggeration? 】

【Ah...I'm wet! 】

[Hehe, it looks like PS, a group of sand sculptures. 】

[Hey, if I had this size, my girlfriend wouldn't cuckold me. 】

[Hug the elder brother upstairs, just look at it a little bit. 】

[Who has the contact information of this brother!I like it so much! 】

[I am super!The information upstairs says it's a man, gays get away! !vomit--】

For a while, all kinds of strange replies filled the comment area, some were shocked, some felt inferior, some were curious, some cracked down on fakes, and some had flesh. true and false.

[By the way, isn't this Hiroki Kamishima?I was in the same class as him in the first grade, so I shouldn't admit my mistake. 】

In the reply on the 368th floor, one person recognized Yuki in the picture, and also released a group photo of the previous class to confirm.

[I seem to remember it when you said that. This guy should be in the class next to ours. I ran into him in the corridor when the last class was over. He was holding a strange model. 】


Kaesong private high school.

Student Union Office.

"President, shouldn't we immediately delete such disturbing posts? Why do we still let it stay there?"

One of the student council members asked the student council president in confusion.

The student council president did not reply to his question, but just looked at the photo of Hiroki on the computer with slightly narrowed eyes.

With white hair, red pupils, huge breasts, a corseted waist, and an expensive self-cultivation uniform, she exudes a noble and elegant air of a young lady.

"President, President?"

The student council president just closed his laptop and looked at the student council member with a smile on his face, "Don't worry, Mikawa-kun, things are starting to get interesting—"

Kaesong private high school.

Disciplinary Committee.

A girl with a high ponytail and a red armband on her sleeve is browsing Hiroki's post. The super long ponytail is nearly 1.8 meters long, and the end of the ponytail hangs directly on the heel of her leather boots, only two strands off the ground finger distance.

If it weren't for the super long 10cm height of the heel, then I really have to worry about whether she will step on her hair when she walks.

At this moment, it can be seen from her trembling back that this woman with leather boots and a super high ponytail has experienced obvious violent fluctuations in her emotional state, and it is not known whether it is because of excitement or anger.

Then she turned off the phone screen, flicked her super long ponytail with her hands, and then left the room with her long legs in her leather boots, and two big characters were embroidered on the red armband on the sleeve.



Kaesong private high school.

Art Club.

A pencil with only half the length left slowly fell to the ground, but no one picked it up after a long time, and it just lay quietly in the corner as if it had been forgotten.

"This is......"

Sitting in front of the drawing board was a petite woman with colorful hair, as if she had been immobilized, her eyes were glued to the screen of the mobile phone, staring straight at the photo of Hiroki, observing every part of it Details every light and shadow and every outline.


"It's literally art."

"I finally found it! The most perfect art in the world!!"

Excited, she instantly got rid of the immobilization technique, and then tore off the sketch on the drawing board, tearing frantically "stab-stab", tearing a complete sketch paper into pieces Various shreds of paper were thrown into the trash can next to it without looking back.

"Garbage! Rubbish! It's all rubbish! What I drew before are all rubbish!!"

She immediately took out a clean piece of white paper and laid it on the drawing board again, and then, as if entering a very strange state, she danced on the drawing paper with the half pencil that fell on the ground just now. You can see the afterimage of her white hands in no time.

And gradually a complete sketch pattern emerged on the white paper, it was Kamishima Hiroki and his partner.


School indoor swimming pool.

Swimming Club.


In the swimming pool, a slender woman as nimble and charming as a mermaid broke through the water, and the water drops dripping down her hair, cheeks and skin, she was wearing a close-fitting and elastic sexy swimsuit, It perfectly set off the outline curve of the delicate master, and even the navel depression on the flat lower abdomen was clearly visible.

She swam along the water all the way to the edge of the pool before stopping, while another woman who was also wearing a tight swimsuit approached her with her mobile phone.

"Hey, Minister... During this period of time, our members have been training day and night for a long time for the next game. If this continues, I'm afraid they will have resistance. Should we let them relax?"

"Oh? What do you mean by relaxing?"

"It's the same as before. After all, these bastards only think about men every day. If they hold it for too long, it may have the opposite effect."

Speaking of this, the woman in swimsuit also handed her mobile phone screen to the Minister of Swimming.

"And the suitable candidate has already been determined, just wait for the minister to say something."

The head of the swimming department with a mermaid figure turned his gaze away and looked curiously at the student's face on the screen, then his pupils constricted for a while.

"Hehe, it turns out that you sao hoof is already prepared, and you said that they want a man. I think you are the one who wants a man, but this time you have to be careful, and you can't get others into the hospital anymore. .”

The woman in the swimsuit smiled.

"My dear Minister, you can rest assured. This time, I promise to keep some stock for this elementary school boy. After all, we still know the difference between a full meal and a full meal—"

Chapter 22 School Bullying

dance department.

Photography department...

Basketball department...

judo department...

Tennis Club...

Kendo Department...

chess club...

Department of Literature...

Drama department...

music department...

Kyudo Department...

Calligraphy Department...

R18 Art Research Department and more...

Even some teachers and leaders knew that a boy with a handsome face but amazing size, Hiroki Kamishima, suddenly appeared in the school.


The school cafeteria at noon was still crowded with people as before, Hiroki, Rintaro, and Zoeko found a relatively good place to have lunch.

In order to prevent Zoeko from playing tricks with her naughty little feet in stockings, Hiroki took the initiative to sit on one side with Zoeko this time, while Rintaro sat opposite them.

This made Zuo Yizi so happy, she was clinging to Yushu the whole time, hugging and hugging, and she almost used her cherry lips to feed Yushu mouth-to-mouth.

"Zoezi, be honest with me, otherwise I won't have lunch with you tomorrow, don't you see that the eyes of the people around are all focused on us?" Yushu said to Zuoizi with a frown on his face.

In Yushu's view, the reason why most people in the cafeteria are looking at this side is that Zuo Yizi, a high-value school girl, eats here, and the other is that this high-value school girl is having sex with a man at this time. , Little do they know that the real eyes of these people are on themselves.

Although the post has now been deleted, after a morning of fermentation and dissemination, almost half of the people in the school have known this campus celebrity through the Internet.

Even though most people still subconsciously think that Yuki's photos are P, but it does not hinder their nature of watching and eating melons at all.

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