At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the cafeteria, and then the noisy crowd unconsciously gave way to a path, only to see several female figures in runaway suits walking over in a grand manner, and they did not slow down until Yu Shu. After a slow stop, a suffocating sense of coercion spread across the surface instantly.

what's the situation?

Yu Shu looked at the senior girls with exaggerated makeup and exaggerated hairstyles in front of them, looking like bad girls in the movie.

It's just that the bosozoku in the movie generally have cold or fierce expressions on their faces, while the few in front of them all look at themselves with malicious smiles.

"Wow! Isn't this a bad group in our school? I heard that they usually hang around outside and seldom come to school. Why did they suddenly appear here?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let them find out. You forgot what happened to someone who was gossip last time when they overheard them. I heard that person hasn't returned to school now."

"Then I won't say it, I won't say it..."

Hiroki felt uncomfortable under the gaze of these gazes. He thought over and over again in his mind, but he didn't remember any contact with these bad women. Could it be that he came to find Rintaro or Zoeko?

"Well, what's the matter with you?" Yuki asked nervously.

"Hehe junior is really handsome, and there is nothing special about it. I just want you to give my sisters a good time."

Among these unscrupulous women, a woman with two slender scars on her face spoke slowly. Judging from the respectful attitudes of the others, it should be confirmed that she is the eldest sister of this unscrupulous group.

The scars on her face are cross-shaped, one is from the eyelid to the chin, and the other is from the bridge of the nose to the right ear.

Although she had thick makeup on her face and two hideous scars, it didn't spoil the beauty of her face at all.

On the contrary, it also added a domineering and wild aura. It can be seen that after removing the scars and heavy makeup, she will definitely be a beauty with exquisite facial features.

However, Yu Shu has no flaws to observe the beauty of this eldest sister, and he doesn't want to know why such a good-looking senior sister joins a bad group. He just wants to know why such a group of people come to him despite his good looks.

"Playing around means..."

Yushu can only think about the worst development, after all, this is a bad gangster who has to hide when anyone sees it, who knows what cruel means they will use to bully him.

"Hehe, as long as you come with us, junior, you will know that it is a very fun and comfortable game." Then the elder sister said to the female brothers next to him: "You guys take him Walk."

"It's the boss!"

A few female subordinates in runaway suits stepped forward to set up Yu Shu, and Yu Shu immediately felt the smell of cosmetics and perfume wrapping him up, and his body was surrounded by soft bodies middle.

"Ah Yuki! What are you doing, let go of Yuki!"

After Zuo Yizi saw Yu Shu being framed up by these gangsters, she screamed coquettishly and wanted to snatch Yu Shu back, but it was useless to face the obstruction of these people.

"Hey little sister, don't be so selfish. My sister is just borrowing your lover to use it. Don't worry if you promise not to use it up for you. Besides, you can't bear such exaggerated things by yourself, right? How about sharing it so that we can experience it hahaha.”

A few unscrupulous women smiled coquettishly and supported Yu Shu towards the door, just like the female fairies in Journey to the West caught a monk with thin skin and tender flesh and were about to carry him back to the cave to enjoy slowly.

At first, Yu Shu resisted swearing to the death, and wanted to escape from the siege of these women countless times, but the familiar system prompt sounded suddenly in his mind.

【ding dong——】

[According to the judgment of the system, please do not make any acts of resistance, otherwise the system will severely punish you. 】

In a simple sentence, it is exactly the same as when I was taken advantage of by a female pervert on the subway.

Yu Shu was puzzled, why every time he encountered such a thing, the system told him not to resist?Is there any special reason?

And once you resist, you will be severely punished, just like the death on the spot in the subway in the morning.

So this time Yuki did not show any extreme resistance behavior. After giving Zoeko and Rintaro a reassuring look, he could only pray in his heart that there would be no problems in the future, while being given by a bumpy and soft bad girl. Stand out of the cafeteria.


The school roof.

After driving away several student couples having lunch on the rooftop, one of the unscrupulous women locked the rooftop door behind her back to prevent anyone from entering.

Afterwards, several people approached Yu Shu with such eyesight, as if a group of female hungry wolves were looking at a fat and juicy food, they all stuck out their tongues and licked their plump lips.

"You guys, what on earth are you going to do..."

Hiroki crossed his arms to protect his chest, like a girl who was about to be molested by a hooligan, he kept backing away until he reached the corner of the wall and finally had no way out, and was caught by the scar girl and Several subordinates surrounded the middle in the shape of a semicircle.

"Stab --" the sound of something being pulled apart.


Several female bosozokus all widened their eyes, and then howled excitedly as if they had found a baby, with a strange light shining in their eyes.

"It seems that the photo is really not P, I have never seen such an exaggerated thing in my life, sisters, we are lucky now, after the experience of my mother, you will all have a share!!"

"Yo ho... Thank you, big sister!"

In an instant, the cheers and wild laughter of a group of women rang out on the rooftop, mixed with Hiroki's weak voice of resistance.

Chapter 23 Obtaining Strengthening Points

I, Hiroki Kamishima, just encountered a school bullying.


After being repeatedly bullied by several female gangsters, Yuki limped back to the door of the class with his waist supported, and there were already two figures who had been waiting there for a long time.

"Yuki, are you okay!? Did they do anything to you?"

Zuo Yizi ran to Yu Shu's side anxiously after seeing Yu Shu's return, and kept checking Yu Shu's physical condition with her small hands.

Because she heard Rintaro say that this gang of female delinquents is well-known in the school, and the students who were targeted by them basically ended up miserable. Many people who have been bullied even have psychological shadows and voluntarily drop out of school.

"I'm fine Zoe, I'm fine, hiss!!"

Zuo Yizi's cold little hand suddenly touched Yu Shu's waist by accident, which made Yu Shu tremble suddenly.

After all, it was hit by those women for nearly a thousand times just now, so there will be some excessive soreness to some extent.

"Is it hurt here, Yuki? Let me see if I'm hurt!"

Zuo Yizi asked with a distressed and concerned face, while she kept tugging on Yushu's waistband with her hands, as if to see if the flesh inside was bruised or purple.

"I'm really fine, don't worry. I just accidentally twisted my waist just now. They didn't do anything to me. Look, I'm back intact."

In order not to make Zuo Yizi worry too much, Yuki endured the soreness in the waist and hips, and did a few times of the third national radio gymnastics to prove himself.

Because Yushu really didn't have the face to tell Zuo Yizi that it was because of being bumped by those women that his feet were sloppy and his waist and hips were sore.

"Then what did those aggressive women want you for? You should be the one I know. The first person who came back as if nothing had happened after being captured by them, didn't even rape you with the temperament of those women. ? This is unscientific..."

Standing aside, Rintaro directly turned into Detective Taro, squinted his eyes and looked at Hiroki carefully, and stroked the non-existent mustache on his mouth with his hands.

"Uh... just discussed academic knowledge with each other, such as the reproductive genetics of carbon-based organisms, the friction dynamics of epidermal tissue, the neurotransmitters of dopamine and endorphin hormones, etc."

Rintaro: "??"

Zuo Yizi: "??"

"Ahem, anyway, it's all right now, let's go back to the classroom quickly."

Hiroki dismissed Rintaro and Saeko who looked suspicious, and then finally returned to his seat. At the same time, he sighed in his heart that his high school life was full of ups and downs.

As for what happened on the rooftop just now, Yu Shu only remembered a few bits and pieces, because later on his consciousness gradually became blurred, and he could only cater to it by instinct.

However, after I don't know how long, when I regained consciousness, the scene has completely changed.

I saw those unhealthy women sleeping beside him in disorder, and there was a puddle of unknown liquid next to each of them.

Yu Shu took advantage of the opportunity of these cruel women to fall asleep, and was able to escape from the rooftop. I don't know if those women are awake now...

【ding dong——】

[It is detected that the host has completed the system task. 】

[Reward enhancement points: 3 points. 】

"Uh..." What's the matter?

what task? ?

How did it happen by no means? ?

Yu Shu was taken aback by the sudden system prompt, and then his head was full of question marks, puzzled.

Apart from being bullied on the ground by those women just now, I didn't do any so-called tasks...

Could it be because I didn't resist the bad relationship with those girls just now?

After all, this strange system only issued an order not to resist, and there was nothing else.

Yushu looked around and found that no classmates were looking in his direction, then quietly stretched out his finger and clicked in the void, and the translucent floating panel appeared in sight after a while.

【Kamishima Hiroki】

[Slut Physique Level: LV2]

[Remaining reinforcement points: 3]

[Current enhancement options: length, thickness. 】

[Unlocked option: Unknown. 】

【Current length: 40cm (increase 1cm each time, required points: 1)】

【Current thickness: 4.6cm (increase 0.2cm each time, required points: 1)】


The number of remaining reinforcement points on the panel has changed from 0 to 3.

And after the last lengthening event, Hiroki knew deeply what these points could bring.

But Yu Shu remembers that when he clicked the + sign last time, he added 10 points of attributes at once, but this time he only has 3 points, which means that he needs to collect enough 10 points to use it?

At this time, the system panel seemed to hear the voice in Yushu's mind, and suddenly there was a line of small characters behind the enhanced attribute + sign on the panel.

[Note: A single click is a one-time addition of 10 points, and a custom value can be entered after a long press for 3 seconds. 】

"Uh..." You are such a caring system!

But this has nothing to do with me, Hiroki Kamishima!

Because this time.


Do not......



The last time was driven by curiosity, so I clicked the + sign twice. This time, Yuki has learned how to behave. What about the system panel and enhancement points, as long as I, Kamishima Yuki, don’t click Don't forget it!

Ignore and ignore, I want to return to normal campus life.

After all, he didn't want his baby to change, and what happened in the past two days always felt that it had something to do with this inexplicable system.

Especially the conspicuous [Slut Physique Lv2] on the panel

Hiroki didn't take it seriously before, but when he thought about it carefully, he did often meet some women with the characteristics of a slut recently who came into contact with him.

For example, the black silk OL female satyr I met in the subway molested herself twice in public.

And the woman in tight jeans she met in the alleys of Huajie even threw herself to the ground.

Although I'm not sure if the women today are bad, but judging from their behavior, they are obviously not normal people.

Because the normal women that Yushu knew would not form a group to kidnap a male high school student, and then throw them on the rooftop to squeeze them like a relay race.

So Yuki came to the conclusion that it must be this so-called slut physique playing tricks!

But I was fine before, why did I suddenly become an idiot?

Forget it... It's useless to think about it. Anyway, from today onwards, I, Hiroki Kamishima, must return to my daily routine, and I won't touch that attribute enhancement anymore.

And I guess I have met all the sluts on my life trajectory. After all, there are very few sluts with this special habit in society. Untouchable quantity.

Thinking of Yifan's peaceful life in the future, Yu Shu's mouth slowly curved into a happy arc.


Chapter 24 Reinforcement

【ding dong——】

[It is detected that the host has not allocated reinforcement points for a long time, and the system will automatically allocate for the host. 】

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