[Enhancement points are being allocated...]

"Hey! What's the situation? Why is it automatically assigned!!"

【Point distribution has been completed...】

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment! Let's discuss it again, shall we?"

【ding dong——】

[Enhanced, current thickness: 5.2cm (0.2cm increase each time, required points: 1)]

[Current Remaining Reinforcement Points: 0]

With a burst of pain and scorching heat, Yu Shu could clearly feel some places slowly swell up, just as the system reminded him just now, after a brief change of three seconds, he changed from the initial 4.6cm, It became the current 5.2cm in one leap.

What is the concept of a diameter of 5.2cm?

Yushu took out the ruler and compared it with a pencil and an eraser, and then used his own finger as a reference. Finally, he came to the conclusion that 5.2cm is roughly equivalent to the width of his three fingers in the middle.


Can you do this?

"Hey! System, aren't you playing tricks!!"

Yu Shu shouted from the bottom of his heart with his thoughts, accusing the system of this shameless hooligan.

This is the first time I heard that the system can automatically add points for me, so what should I do if I get points in the future?

At that time, even if I don't do anything, I guess it will become a random addition like this time...

Woooooo...I don't want to become a monster with three legs, God, who can help me!

Yu Shu wanted to cry in his heart, but turned his head to look at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, but his eyes did not reflect the beautiful scenery in front of him, but lost the light in his eyes as if he had lost focus.

"Yuki-san seems to have something on his mind..."

A very soft female voice floated into Yushu's ears, awakening Yushu's pupils that had lost their gaze again.

As if someone is calling me?

whose voice is this?

Hiroki followed the sound, and found that the soft voice came from behind him, that is, the voice of Chizuru Fuyumoto, a quiet girl with long straight black sitting at the table behind him.

Since Fuyumoto Chizuru didn't speak much at ordinary times, Hiroki didn't react immediately. It seems that the last time I heard her speak was when Teacher Akemi called on the first day of school, right?

At that time, she only said a simple word "to".

This time, he said so many words at once, and he still took the initiative to talk to himself?She doesn't want to have too much contact with herself...

After all, when Hiroki greeted her before, Chizuru Fuyumoto just smiled politely, what happened today?

"Thank you Chizuru for your concern. Something has happened in the past two days, which makes me a little at a loss now, but I will try my best to adjust my mentality and restore my previous state as soon as possible."

Yuki thanked Fuyumoto Chizuru. After all, no matter what her purpose was, she really cared about herself, so Yuki immediately had a good impression of this quiet, black, long, straight girl in her heart. .

It's also fortunate that he didn't tell Fuyumoto Chizuru recklessly that he didn't wear underwear before, otherwise the relationship between the two of them would probably be very awkward now.

"That's good, but compared to Yuki, who was sunny and lively in the past, the gloomy and depressed look is not attractive."

what's going on?

Yuki was dumbfounded in place.

Chizuru Fuyumoto is praising me?

That quiet and quiet Chizuru Fuyumoto is praising me? ?

I am not dreaming, what happened today, Fuyumoto Chizuru first talked to me for the first time, and then praised me, this is not something that Hiroki can do in her impression.

And listening to Fuyumoto Chizuru's tone and content, could it be that she has been observing herself since she was a freshman in high school?

How is this possible... It can be said that the two had zero communication when they were in the first grade of high school.

This sudden and wonderful development directly made Yu Shu not know how to reply, and could only stand there in a daze, at a loss.

On the contrary, Chizuru Fuyumoto didn't show any embarrassment or embarrassment at all, but just showed her signature quiet smile to Hiroki, like a beautiful hibiscus blooming out of water.

"Hello students, we have started class, this is English class——"

While Hiroki was thinking about life, a sexy blonde with a big buttocks and a foreign face entered the classroom with an English textbook between her arms.

This person is the English teacher in Yushu's class, Henry Alice with pure foreign blood.

In addition to not being very good at Mandarin, Teacher Alice is a standard Western model configuration in terms of figure and face.

Standard plump body with big skeleton, standard cool white skin, standard golden wavy curly hair, and standard dark blue crystal eyes.

Let some students who were not good in English before, after the English class taught by Teacher Alice, their grades are even worse!


This papaya is!

This peach butt!

This fleshy white leg!

This big wave!

Who cares about listening to the class!

Originally, in the first year of high school, English and chemistry were the most popular classes for everyone. Now after joining teacher Mingmei, a biology class has been added.

When students are in other subjects, they are all praying when they can finish class.

But when I was studying English, chemistry, and biology, I thought in my heart that I must never dismiss the get out of class. I haven't read enough...well, I haven't listened enough!

This may be due to the personal charm of the teachers. Although the grades may not be improved much, the enthusiasm of the students is still worthy of praise.

"Okay, let's talk about lesson 2 in this lesson. Everyone, turn to page 9. Let's take a look at the new words in this lesson."

Teacher Alice moved her high-heeled long legs, twisted her gourd-shaped plump figure, and led everyone to read the pronunciation of new words on the podium.

Yuki, on the other hand, was reading along, while secretly watching Fuyumoto Chizuru behind him from the corner of his eye. After all, what this quiet girl did just now really made Yuki a little puzzled.

From the initial incident of picking up the pen vacuum to the encouragement and praise just now, Yu Shu admitted that he had a little curiosity about this girl who doesn't like to talk, but has a gentle and pleasant voice.

But after thinking about it, she might just see her classmates in a low mood, so she would give herself some kind praise and enlightenment.

After all, in Hiroki's eyes, Fuyumoto Chizuru has always been a gentle and kind girl. When she sees her classmates in need of help, she will do her best to bring others a ray of sunshine.

Ah, what a good girl, Yushu felt warm in his heart. It seems that besides sluts, there are still many girls exuding positive energy in this world.

However, what Hiroki didn't know was that Chizuru Fuyumoto, who he remembered with a warm smile and good looks, was showing her black silk legs wide open under the table.

Between the corners of the ultra-thin black silk pantyhose, there is still that mysterious vacuum scenery.

Chapter 25 Restricted Area

From the sun to the mid-heaven, to the west of the sun.

After a day of classes, Kaesong Private High School ushered in the usual end of school time.

And Yu Shu, like yesterday, took the subway to go to work again.

It's just that this time Yushu didn't sleep, nor took out his mobile phone to read light novels, but just sat on the subway seat and looked around vigilantly.

Like a well-trained scout, not letting go of all the details that can be seen.

At 12 o'clock in front of you is an old man holding a big bag, which seems to have a [-] million yuan deposit commemorative bag written on it.

At 3 o'clock on the right side is a mother leading two little boys with snot noses, and one of the boys was beaten and cried by his mother because he was disobedient.

On the left side at 9 o'clock is a middle-aged man sleeping with a briefcase in his arms. He seems to have joined a day shift after an overtime shift. His face is full of dark circles and fatigue.

And behind him are the seat backs and the windows of the compartment.

Well, temporarily confirming that this is a safe area, you can relax your tense nerves a little bit.

Although Yushu also thinks that it is not so easy to meet subway sluts, but it is always good to be careful, after all, as the saying goes, it is good to be careful.

[Ding dong——Hello passengers, Huajie Station is here, passengers please get off...]

Yu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and walked out of the subway station safe and sound, but his vigilance was still not relaxed on his expression.

After all, this is only the first hurdle, and there is a second hurdle waiting for me.

It's not that Yu Shu didn't think about not walking that dark alley today, but directly crossing from Huajie to reach the 667 convenience store.

But as long as he thinks of the women with heavy make-up standing on both sides of the flower street, Yu Shu feels scared. You must know that these women will go to their shop when they see men, no matter if you are a high school student or an old man. Drag and drop.

In this case, if I was really dragged into their shop by myself, I don't think there is one hundred and eighty thousand, but I can't get it out. I don't have that much money on me, and it's even more unrealistic to ask my family to redeem me or something!

He only has two kidneys, and Yu Shu didn't want to lose one at a young age, and he didn't want to use it to buy mobile phones.

Therefore, although walking in the alleys would have the risk of encountering a slut, but after yesterday's experience, as soon as he saw someone in front of him this time, he would resolutely run in the opposite direction and return to the original path, without giving the other party a chance.

Yu Shu thought this way in his heart, and then stepped into the alley in small steps, and after a while, he came to the place where he met the slut in low-waisted jeans yesterday.

Fortunately, she didn't block herself there today, and there seemed to be no one in front of her.

But you still can't take it lightly. After all, the most dangerous time in the game is often the moment when the protagonist feels that he is about to win, but he doesn't know that this is the most dangerous level in the game.

You can't be careless until the last moment, who knows if a slut will suddenly come out of the front exit and wait for you.



This is the sound of the wind chime when the 667 Convenience Store opens.

"Yeah! It's Senior Yushu. He's dressed normally today. It seems that he hasn't been robbed."

Yu Shu rolled his eyes at the black-skinned hot girl Ogawa Yui: "You can't expect me to order!"

"Hee hee, are you kidding me... After all, our senior Yushu is so handsome, if he is robbed, he would be robbed, isn't that right, senior?"

"Uh..." This terrible woman's sixth sense hit Hiroki's pain all at once.

While feeling depressed, Yuki went to the lounge to change into the work clothes of the 667 convenience store, and the moment he opened the door to leave, he happened to bump into Chisato Koda who was about to enter the lounge.

"Ah, good evening, Senior Qianli!"

Chisato Koda still has beautiful long purple hair, paired with overalls and impermeable dark black stockings, the whole person exudes a conservative and rigorous feeling.

After the two met, Koda Chisato just nodded to Hiroki blankly, and then walked to the shelf in black-soled high-heeled shoes.

Yushu knew that the shelf was a place to store some adult props, after all, he helped Senior Qianli clean up yesterday, although it was a shame when he picked up the boxes of electric sticks wrapped in pink.

It feels like Senior Qianli will always come to the shelves to replenish goods. Is the consumption of the adult products area so large?Who will buy these things...

Yuki thought curiously in his heart, and at the same time, he also took the position of the cashier instead of the black-skinned hot girl Yui Ogawa.

"Senior Hiroki, I'm leaving, remember to miss me, mua—"

"Well, goodbye Xiaowei, be careful on the road."

Yuki has long been familiar with Ogawa Yui's nickname. After all, she is still a lively girl in a rebellious period, and her eccentricity is exactly what she should have at her age.

Some time after Ogawa Yui left, Koda Chisato came out of the lounge holding a large box, and the box contained a variety of electric eggs and electric wands.

Hiroki knows the electric stick. After all, he just finished a special biology class today, and he knows what the special shape of the feet is for.

But what is this little oval plastic egg for?

It can't be used in that area, can it?It's so small that it doesn't do anything...

Yuki put his eyes on Koda Chisato, and then followed her slender back to the adult products area, which is the forbidden area that Yuki thought in his heart.

During the period of working in the 667 convenience store, Yu Shu only briefly set foot there twice.

The first time was when I first arrived, the store manager took me to know the regional distribution of the store one by one.

The second time was that there was a shortage of manpower, and I helped Koda Chisato organize the shelves in the adult products area.

It was that time that Yuki saw a completely unknown world. For the first time, he knew that there were so many types of toys and small props for adults. Before that, Yuki always thought that the supplies in this area were small umbrellas. s things.

Seeing Koda Chinichi put the small toys on the shelf expressionlessly, Hiroki couldn't help sighing, Sensato-senpai is really amazing.

Faced with these things that can make ordinary people blush, they can still keep their faces unchanged and have no emotional fluctuations.

I don't know if it's because she got used to it because of frequent contact, or she is a woman with a strong heart. In her eyes, these gadgets are probably just commodities like potatoes and cabbage.

By the way, Senior Qianli usually uses these little things...

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