
Others say she can do anything.

But whoever dares to speak ill of Hiroki, no!

And the end will be very bad.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, I think he gave you ecstasy soup, right? Forget it, anyway, these are not important now, because you are no longer my goddess.

You are now just a slut who has been played with by a brat!So it's okay for me to have a good time, right? "

Seeing that Hashimoto Nana was neither talking nor backing away.

The fat security guard thought she was scared stupid by him.

So the disgusting fat pig smile on that face suddenly became even more rampant.

"Hehehe, what, resigned to fate? Won't you run away?"

The Fat Pig security guard was about to pounce on Hashimoto Nai.

"Hey, you just said that no one will know what happened here tonight, right?"

Hashimoto Nana lowered her head slightly, half of her face was buried in the shadow, making it hard to see the specific expression.

"Hahaha, that's right! All the surveillance cameras around here are broken! And there are not many residents around your building. Even if you call your throat later, no one will come to help you! Hahaha .”

The fat security guard was already laughing.

I feel that the preparatory work I did in the early stage is simply perfect and seamless.

"Well, then I'm relieved—"

Hashimoto Nana squirmed at the waistband of her trousers.

Then a black tail with a spade-shaped tip emerged from the back of the trousers.

This is not over yet.

The spade shape at the tip slowly changed into the shape of a knife under the urging of Hashimoto Nana's thoughts.

The blade is 30 centimeters long and 10 centimeters high. The whole body is pitch black, hard and shiny, as if it is several times harder than the fine iron.

The thinnest part of the blade was very sharp, as if it could split Night Breeze in half.

"Relax what?"

The fat security guard paused slightly, as if he didn't understand what Hashimoto Nai meant.

Could it be that her true character is actually a bitch?

In a place where there is no monitoring, will you have no scruples and let yourself go?

However, Hashimoto Nai's next words did make his whole body icy cold, as if falling into an ice cellar, as if the god of death was holding a sickle and whispering in his ear.

"Because no one will find out..."

"What? You..."

Before the fat security guard could say the third word.

He felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if a black shadow had crossed his face.


Why did the picture in front of my eyes suddenly start spinning irregularly?

Why is there a strange smile on Hashimoto Nana's face instead of being panicked?


It sounded like a basketball falling to the ground.

Why is there no head on my own body?

Why is my body upside down?

Why can my line of sight be level with my toes?

Why can't I speak?

it's wired......

it hurts...

so cold...

I really want to sleep...


"Hmph, anyone who dares to speak ill of my boyfriend behind his back will die!!"

Hashimoto Nana flicked the blood on the tail of the blade vigorously.

Then it slowly disappeared into the hazy night.


After Hashimoto Nana left.

A night wind blows.

Blowing on the fat body covered with fat.


The decapitated body fell down.

It fell next to the top half of his head.


Gradually spread.

Dye the area where Hashimoto Nana was just now completely red.


After getting home.

Hashimoto Nana threw herself onto the soft sofa.

"Phew... I'm exhausted, and I don't know what my dear is doing?"

Hashimoto Nana turned on the screen of the phone, and first kissed the screensaver photo.

Then he opened the chat software to see if Yu Shu replied to him.

[Darling, look!This watermelon is so big, it almost reaches my waist! ! 】

[Photo of Hashimoto Nana and the giant watermelon jpg. 】

This is a variety show she went to participate in today.

It's the kind of theme where celebrities experience life in the country.

And this watermelon was cultivated by the local people with a special method.

Hashimoto Nana narrowed her mouth.

Because she didn't see Yushu's reply message.

Use light white jade to point to Kai Yushu's head portrait.

It was discovered that Yushu's last circle of friends was posted a year ago.

"Well... I really want to talk to my dear, but it's already this time, he should have fallen asleep, right?"

Hashimoto Nai lay on the sofa with her legs bent, whispering to herself.

Today she is wearing the lower part of her trousers.

Under the dark blue jeans, there was also a pair of shiny black silk pantyhose.

At this moment, the delicate little feet wrapped in oily stockings are completely exposed to the air with the soles of the feet facing up.

Ten jade-like toes curled up and stretched mischievously back and forth under the stockings, as if changing with the mood.

"If you send a message now, it should disturb my dear to sleep, but I can edit tomorrow's good morning message in advance, and then send it regularly, so that my dear can see it as soon as she opens her eyes! "

Thinking of this, Hashimoto Nana happily edited a 500-word good morning message.

And the succubus tail that had turned back into the shape of a spade actually changed into the shape of a heart in the air.

It seems that as long as she thinks of Hiroki's appearance, she will unconsciously be immersed in happiness.

As everyone knows, her precious Yushu is being ridden by another mature woman at the moment.

Chapter 168 Morning News



A two-pronged approach.

Dry road, water road, go together.

Under the influence of the passive effect of Yushu's Demon Slaying Holy Spear.

Michihara Reiko doesn't think it's strange that Yushu has grown two, but only feels that the happiness at this moment is super doubled.


Wear high heels and do...something.

High season!

Because Michihara Reiko's ups and downs are too intense.

The heels of those two wine-red high-heeled shoes also stepped on Yushu's bed sheet and mattress, leaving two long and thin deep pits at the same time.

And Yu Shu, who was pressed under her fat buttocks, suffered quite a lot.

Because Michihara Reiko's wet, squeezed, and scratched sensations are constantly coming from the Demon Slaying Holy Lance, spreading to every corner of her body.

It made Hiroki so refreshed that every pore was about to be opened.

But Yu Shu had to pretend to be in deep sleep, without the slightest physical comfort feedback.

Such voluptuous physical torture.

It is a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more painful than putting Yu Shu on the fire to roast.


The bed shook violently and rhythmically.

The tooth-piercing sound was especially clear in this quiet and mysterious night.

"Hmm...Little tree...comfortable——"

Michihara Reiko galloped with forgetfulness.

This intimate contact of water and milk made her soul seem to float away to the sky.

So this is the feeling of ascending to the fairyland?

——No wonder everyone aspires to ascend to immortality——

Although Michihara Reiko has not ascended, she has become a god.

And the happiest and happiest kind of fairy.

And all the happiness was brought to her by the little tree under her.


not enough!

This is not enough!

Want more!

Still want more little tree's love!

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