thought here.

Michihara Reiko clamped even harder...


The impact speed of Peach's buttocks continued to increase.

The shaking speed of the bed also became violent.

As if it will collapse and fall apart in the next second.

"Uh..." Yu Shu clenched his teeth tightly and clenched his fists, not daring to let himself make a sound.



Hiroki's heart ached.

Aunt Ryoko, May, maid sister, female security inspector, barber shop owner, pharmacy wife, bath proprietress, subway OL woman, etc...

These people are infected, and it's fine to become a slut.

Now even the woman who has been with him for more than ten years under the same roof has been affected.

How could Yu Shu's heart not hurt?

After all, the special relationship between the two is not comparable to ordinary people...

The Devil Slaying Holy Spear goes to someone else's house, that's called visiting.

The Demon Killing Holy Spear went to Daoyuan Reiko's house, and then he was called home, and it was still back to his hometown.

It's not that Yu Shu didn't think about it, so he simply couldn't bear it.

Anyway, wake up the next morning and the memory will be gone.


Just be afraid, the other party may not be an infected slut.

After all, there are two precedents of Yui Ogawa and Huayi Tianchuan.

And at least 15 minutes have passed since entering the cave.

I didn't even feel at all that there was a slut in the other party's body?

This is very scary! !

It can even be said that Hiroki broke into a cold sweat.

Because if the other party is not a slut, how can she explain what she is doing to herself now?

It can't be all by self-will, can it?

If that's the case, then...

Hiroki no longer dared to think about it any further.

Because he couldn't accept this reality at all.

and the deterioration of the relationship between the two.


Yuki sighed helplessly in his heart.

It seems that this is the only way tonight.

At the same time, I prayed in my heart, hoping that my perception had gone wrong.

I also hope that the holy water can work and turn the other party back into a virtuous and decent normal woman.


Compared with her foresight and foresight, Michihara Reiko obviously didn't need to think so much.

Because she is very confident in the medicine given by her best friend.

There were no accidents in those times before.

All in all, be happy!



Hiroki reached out and patted the mechanical alarm clock.

Then subconsciously picked up the phone and glanced at the weather and time.

As a result, the first thing that caught my eye was Hashimoto Nai's 500-word good morning message.

[Good morning dear, I had a sweet dream last night, and you were in the dream.It is said that if you dream of a person, it is because that person is also thinking about you... (a few hundred words omitted)]

It took Hiroki 3 minutes to finish watching.

"Good morning......"

Yu Shu casually used the 26-key input method and typed the two simplest replies.

Then I got up and opened the door, and went to the bathroom on the first floor to wash up.

"Whoa whoa-"

The cold tap water splashed on the face.

It also made Hiroki's tiredness fade away a little.

After all, he had been tossed about for most of the night, even if he had two holy demon-slaying spears, he couldn't withstand the ruthless oppression of the opponent.

It's like an emotionless juicer.

Come to the table.

Yu Shu first glanced at the plump back of his mother with a gourd-shaped figure in the kitchen.

Then he pulled out his chair and sat on it, quietly observing each other's every move.

"Xiao Shuzao, mom made you a sandwich, how about this time?"

Michihara Reiko put a delicious breakfast in front of Hiroki.

"Okay, I'm starting—"

A normal morning mother-son conversation.

Both play their roles as usual.

No one showed any abnormality.

Hiroki couldn't help feeling in his heart.

so amazing......

Obviously the other party and himself tossed at the same time until midnight.

And Michihara Reiko is still the one who takes the initiative.

In the end, I looked tired and yawned.

The other party's face is peachy and radiant?

Just like the black land moistened by snowmelt in early spring.

"Uh..." Hiroki was puzzled.

Sure enough, there were only exhausted oxen and no plowed land.

"What's the matter, Xiaoshu, is there something stuck on Mommy's face?"

Michihara Reiko stretched out her tender hand and touched her mature cheek.

"No, it's okay... It just feels like Mom is more beautiful than yesterday."

Hearing Yushu's praise, Michihara Reiko's beautiful face turned pink, and she glanced at Yushu with charming water eyes, and said coquettishly:

"You kid, it's really different after you have a girlfriend. You have learned to use these sweet words to coax your mother."

Michihara Reiko had a regretful expression on her face that her child was brought down by bad society.


After a routine exchange between mother and child.

Yu Shu found that he couldn't see anything strange about the other party at all.

I even wondered if what happened last night was a dream?

Yu Shu ate the sandwich absent-mindedly, his thoughts seemed to be in a mess.

In short, there is only one way now.

That is to see if mom will sneak into her room again in the next few nights.

If the other party doesn't come, it means that my holy water has taken effect, and my mother has returned to a normal woman who is noble and virtuous.

If the other party comes...

Then it is no longer a question of infection or not.

It means that I have been living with a perverted ghost mother under the same roof for more than ten years.

It's so scary, guys! !

Could it be that the purpose of mother's hard work to pull herself up is to do this kind of thing? ?

no miss li...

Not Miss Li at all.


Hiroki sat at the dining table and thought deeply.

He didn't even notice the morning news being played on the TV in the distance.

[Moderator: Hello, audience, I am Haruna Asakura, a front-line reporter.Early this morning, we received a call for help from enthusiastic citizens.

It is said that in the deepest part of the xx community, a male corpse with a horrible death was found.

Now that we and the police have arrived at the scene at the same time, I will interview this enthusiastic citizen next. 】

On the TV, a sweet-looking female reporter is reporting a big news that is now attracting attention from all walks of life.

And the reason why it caused such a big sensation.

One is because the death state of the male corpse is very strange.

The head and body are actually completely separated.

If the description is more accurate, it should be cut along the mouth by an extremely sharp tool from the junction of the upper and lower teeth.

Above the upper tooth chamber is a part, and below the lower tooth hall is a part.

The second is because the crime scene of this case is in a well-known high-end residential area in Kaesong.

Because the publicity of this community is that it has the strongest security system in Kaesong, and it is famous for protecting the safety of every owner.

Not only is it equipped with the latest anti-theft and anti-theft system, but also security guards patrol 24 hours a day, and electronic cameras are basically arranged every two meters.

Although the deceased this time has been determined not to be the owner of the community, but a night shift patrolling security guard.

But this is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the so-called "strongest security system".

What's even more outrageous is that all the surveillance records from last night were all damaged files.


[Host: Hello, I am a reporter from Kaesong Morning News, are you the first person to discover the case? 】

[Female passerby: That's right!I am!Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

A fat woman with a figure of 300 catties and a princess dress in a pink dress patted her chest and said with some fear.

[Host: Ma'am, please calm down first, can you tell the audience about the whole discovery process in detail? 】

[Female passerby: Woohoo, this baby is so scared (ΩДΩ)]

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