[Moderator: This lady... I can understand your current mood very much, but in order to find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible and ensure that such incidents do not happen again, your testimony is very important, please cooperate Want an interview? 】

Although the hostess has black lines all over her face, she is not easy to get angry in front of the camera.

Still choosing to use a soft voice to comfort the witnesses softly.

[Female passer-by: Woohoo, I'm so scared ([email protected]Д@)]

[Moderator: Er...]

【Female passerby: Afraid (ó﹏ò.)】


Resist the urge to hit someone.

The host had no choice but to give up interviewing the giant female baby first, and followed the camera to the scene of the crime, that is, the ground that was stained red with blood.

[Host: My God!This is too cruel!Just how dark and distorted the assailant's mind was to commit such a cruel killing method! 】

The hostess was obviously frightened by the bloody scene in front of her.

A layer of cold sweat dripped unconsciously on his face.

[Host: All viewers in front of the TV must pay attention. For the sake of everyone's own safety, please refrain from walking at night after nine o'clock in the evening, or it is best to go with others to prevent being caught by the law. Molecules seized the opportunity.

Moreover, the murderer's methods were extremely cruel. It should be generally inferred that he was a muscular, muscular man with a gloomy face and a height of 1 meters.

Please, after you find a man with this characteristic, you must stay away from him to prevent physical harm, and you can also choose to call the police if necessary and let the police come...]

The soft voice of the hostess kept coming from the direction of the TV.

But Hiroki didn't want to listen.

After breakfast, he picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, and Yushu went out to embark on today's tutoring trip.

After some running around.

Yushu came to the big iron gate of Wuyue's house again.

But this time, he didn't see the beautiful half-race maid.

Instead, only the old man who drove to pick him up stood there, waiting for his arrival.

"Hello, Mr. Yuki, Miss Sara is troubled by some trivial matters today, so I can't come out to greet you in person. Next, I will send you to the eldest lady's residence alone. I hope you don't mind."

The old driver bent down slightly, and said to Yu Shu politely.

"Ah, I don't mind, I don't mind, I have to trouble you to make a trip, it's really hard work." Yu Shu also politely responded.

Then the old and the young got into the car and headed towards the castle.

The old man was still not good at words as usual, so the atmosphere between the two was extremely quiet.

But at the moment Yu Shu's heart is not quiet at all.

After all, it was just yesterday that Wu Yue and the maids and sisters did the kind of eclectic thing of stacking arhats together.

Although it has been ensured that holy water is injected into everyone's body.

But when he was about to leave, the three of them were still sleeping on May's bed with big bellies.

The specific purification effect has yet to be confirmed.

After entering the castle for a while, through the attitude of the three of them towards themselves, they can basically judge whether the other party has returned to normal state.

And this is the main purpose of coming here today.

"Mr. Yuki, we are here. Miss Serra has ordered you to go directly to Missy's room when you arrive. I have other things to do, so I won't send you in."

"Okay, you are busy first."

After watching the old driver's back go away.

Hiroki raised his head first, looking from bottom to top, sighing the magnificence of the castle.

Then he raised his foot, pushed open the door, and entered this mysterious castle.

Thinking about it carefully, except for the room in May on the third floor and the dining hall on the first floor, I don't seem to have visited other rooms carefully.

I don't know what the remaining areas are used for.

After several flights of stairs, Yu Shu stopped outside the familiar mahogany gate.


Hiroki's heartbeat quickened unconsciously.

On the one hand, there is the unknown of what happens next.

On the other hand, when he came to the big iron gate outside the manor, in his subconscious mind, he had a bad premonition and inexplicable panic.

I don't know if I am too sensitive.

【dong dong dong-】

"May, it's me, can I come in?"


However, before Yu Shu retracted his arm, the mahogany gate in front of him automatically opened from the inside.

And a stunning mixed-race face also appeared in Yu Shu's field of vision.

The one who opened the door was none other than the short-haired, flat-chested maid sister, Sai Na, who had beautiful white silk legs.

And when she was besieged by three masters and servants yesterday, she was the most wild of Senna.

Basically, it can be done, put the two Devil Slaughter Holy Lances side by side, and then swallow the roots into his throat, and slowly insert and pull back and forth.

It can be seen how powerful the opponent's plasticity is.

"Uh, hello Senna, I'm here to teach May."

Yu Shuqiang pretended to be calm and greeted, at the same time, he also looked into the house carefully.

"Handsome Yushu, please come in, the eldest lady is ready."

Sierra made an inviting gesture.

The overall performance was pretty normal, and Hiroki didn't find anything unusual in her behavior and expression.

"Hmm, sorry to bother you."

Hiroki took a step forward and slowly walked into Wuyue's room.

After entering...

Wuyue's dainty figure sitting in a wheelchair, and the Maid Ono standing behind her slowly came into Hiroki's eyes.


Didn't the old driver say that Sara was busy?How did it appear in this room?



The first sound was the sound of the mahogany door being closed.

It was followed by the sound of the door lock being locked.


"Senna, why are you locking the door behind you?" Yu Shu turned around and asked in confusion.

"Because ah-"

Sai Na walked towards Yu Shu with a very strange smile on her face while walking away from Bai Si's long legs.

"Because of this, the handsome Yuki has nowhere to escape—"

While licking her tongue, Senna reached out to take off the black and white maid uniform on her body.

Then, like a ferocious beast, it threw itself on Yu Shu in an instant, opened its brushed cherry lips, and gnawed on Yu Shu's lips all at once.

"What? You! Mmmmmmm—"

Yu Shu's eyes widened in bewilderment, obviously caught off guard by the opponent's sneak attack.

At the same time, he rolled his eyes again, as if sending a distress signal to May and Sira.

But neither of the master and servant took the initiative to speak.

Instead, pushing the wheelchair, he also approached Hiroki bit by bit.

And you can still find it if you look closely.

Whether it's Senna who is throwing herself on him now, or May and Saila who are not far away.

In their eyes, a piece of pink peach heart appeared uniformly.

Isn't it a typical symptom of a slut's desire attack!

how can that be! !

My own holy water didn't work? ?

Yu Shu's heart was full of turmoil, and he never expected what would happen today.

【ding dong——】

[It was detected that the three masters and servants were infected again, please ask the host to complete the purification ceremony with holy water, otherwise...]

"Uh..." Nani! !

Chapter 169 Bank Robbery

Infected again?

Can this thing be infected again? ?

and many more!

Thinking of this, Yu Shu suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

I still remember when I was at the subway security checkpoint.

The system once asked itself to give the female security inspector a vaccination to prevent the other party from being infected again.

This Hiroki is understandable.

After all, female security inspectors need to contact tens of thousands of mobile people every day. If succubus is mixed in, there is a real chance of being infected and turning into a slut again.


Where are the three masters and servants in May?

They basically stay at home and rarely have contact with outsiders.

How did it get reinfected?

Before he had time to think about it, he was thrown down by the three masters and servants.




"Suck, suck--"




All kinds of chaotic voices are mixed together to compose a beautiful movement.

One sat on the tongue, and two sat on the Demon Slayer Holy Spear.

It has truly achieved equal exposure to rain and dew, and everyone has a share.

And when they were getting better in the middle and later stages, the three masters and servants even intertwined their lips and tongues together, and kissed fiercely.

Through the exchange and sharing of lips, tongues and mouths, what exists in each other's mouths is Yu Shu's breath and smell, as well as Yu Shu's various body fluids.

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