If you don't know, you might think they have that special habit of grinding mirrors.

[Ding dong, it is detected that the conditions have been met, and the experience value has been increased. 】

[Ding dong, it has been detected that the conditions have been met...]

[Ding Dong, detected...]


After turning the bellies of May, Saila, and Senna into chubby again.

Hiroki walked out of the castle with a sigh of relief.

According to this situation, it seems that today's class cannot be attended.

Yu Shu took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, unexpectedly, the sun was already above his head.

In other words, I actually spent a whole morning with May Sara and the others.

It can be seen how exaggerated the hunger and thirst of the other three are.

"Hello, Mr. Yuki, this is what my wife asked me to give you."

A big sister who wears brown fish mouth high-heeled shoes, combs her hair with brown shoulders, and wears a business attire in a hip-wrapping skirt.

Seeing Yushu coming out, he took the initiative to go forward and said.

This older big sister, Yu Shu, met once and should be May's mother's personal assistant.

But she usually stays with May's mother, and rarely acts alone.

Why did it suddenly appear here today?

"This is......"

"Madam said that thanks to Mr. Yushu, the eldest lady's leg disease has improved, so this is a little wish from Madam, please don't shirk Mr. Yushu."

After saying that, the tea-haired female assistant opened the box in her hand and showed Yu Shu a look at the contents inside.



A lot of money!

Yu Shu glanced over, and the thickness of the stacks of paper seemed to be 20.

"No, I can't have it, it's too expensive, and the usual salary is already high, I..."

Before Yushu finished evading, the tea-haired female assistant interrupted him loudly.

"Mr. Yushu doesn't need to have any psychological burden. You deserve these, and Madam has specifically told me that she must deliver the money to you personally. Please don't embarrass me, Mr. Yushu, and accept it with peace of mind." Just fine."

As she spoke, she closed the box again and stuffed it into Yu Shu's arms.


"Then my task has been completed, so I won't bother Mr. Yuki for now. See you next time."

The tea-haired female assistant took a step back, then twisted her hips and hips, lifted her fish-mouthed high heels, and walked away with rhythmic cat steps.

Only Yu Shu was left alone in the same place, staring at the aluminum box with money in his arms in a daze.

This is too magical...

It's almost like a pie in the sky.

Do not!

It should be that money was dropped from the sky, and it was rightly dropped on his own head.


The breeze blows.

The leaves curl up.

After some consideration, Yu Shu decided to save the money for a rainy day.

Use the mobile phone map software to search for the location of nearby banks.

Yu Shu took the suitcase and set off to the destination.


"Hey, ma'am, it has been handed over to him."

"Well, as you expected."

"Ok, I see."



【ding dong——】

[Yes, 2029, please go to counter No. 1 for business. 】

【ding dong——】


"Hi sir, what business do you need to handle?"

A certain branch of a certain large bank.

Yu Shu hugged a box and sat nervously in front of the bank counter window.

If he didn't know, he would have thought the box was stolen by him.

"I, I want to save money."

"Yes sir, how much do you save?"

Wearing a bank uniform and wearing a single ponytail, the female teller asked Hiroki with a professional smile.

"Um, I don't know how many are in here, please count them for me..."

"You don't know how much money is in it? Isn't this your box?"

The female bank teller showed doubts, and glanced at Yu Shu's face in some puzzlement.

From the outside, this man should still be a high school student, right?

And there are at least 20 stacks in this box, which is nearly 20 in cash.

Where did he, a male high school student, get so much money?

It is simply higher than the salary of my own work for three years!

In addition, he looked around from the moment he took his seat, and he didn't know the exact amount of the money.

No matter how you think about it, it's very suspicious.


It's not like illicit wealth, is it?

The more the bank teller thought about it, the more suspicious she became.

While using the machine to count the money, he also asked Yu Shu a few words by the way.

"Looking at you, you should still be a high school student, right?"

"Huh? Yes, I'm a sophomore in a private high school in Kaesong."

"Oh, then your family must be very rich?"


Hiroki was a little puzzled by the question.

How do you save money now? Do you still need to explain your family background?

"No, no, it's just a very ordinary family."

"Oh, then the source of your money..."

The female teller at the bank purposely made her voice very long, and at the same time narrowed her eyes.

"This one, this one was given by someone else."

"Given by others??"

"No, no, I didn't make it clear just now, it's someone else's salary. I usually have a part-time job as a tutor..."

Yu Shu said without confidence, because the money must have fallen from the sky for nothing.

Otherwise, I wouldn't know the number inside.


Very suspicious.

You treat my sister and me like a three-year-old girl!

What tutoring job can open a salary of 20? ?

Tell my sister, she will resign immediately and become a tutor!

Sure enough, my intuition was right, there was something wrong with this young man at all.

After some speculation in her mind, the female bank teller was ready to report the matter to the department manager.


Just when she was about to pick up the intercom.

The gate of the bank was kicked open by someone from the outside.

【Boom. 】

"Robbery!! Those who don't want to die, let the old lady hug their heads and squat on the ground!"

After three loud gunshots.

Four figures with guns broke into the bank gate.

Judging from the revealing clothes and sexy figures, these four gangs of bank robbers are actually all women? ?

But no one could see the faces of the four of them clearly.

Because each of them wore red, orange, yellow, and green ghost masks in four colors on their faces.


The female bank teller in front of Yushu screamed, and then she was so frightened that she crouched on the ground with her head in her arms.

And the others finally came to their senses, making panicky noises and running around, trying to find a cover to cover themselves and prevent them from being shot.

The inside of the bank suddenly became a mess.

Of course, there are also people who are not afraid of death and want to escape from the bank during the chaos.


【Boom. 】

As a result, he was shot in the head by the woman wearing the red ghost mask.

Then his body fell limply into a pool of blood.

"I'll say it again, if you don't want to die, hug your head and squat on the ground!"

The deterrent power of this shot scared everyone into stupidity.

They all opened their terrified eyes and covered their mouths to dare not make a sound.

The scene also changed from the turmoil of life just now to a state where needles can be heard.

"It would have been like this earlier, and the old lady wasted a bullet."

The woman wearing the red ghost mask kicked her head in dissatisfaction and squatted on the ground, the middle-aged man closest to her.

Judging from the man's attire, he should be one of the bank's security guards.

As a result, he was the one who admitted the cowardly just now.

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