All that was left was a piece of broken glass and a half bowl of wontons that were still steaming out.


Tsuji Suzuka ran to the window in a hurry, then lowered his head to look downstairs, fearing that Hashimoto Nana had accidentally fallen down.

After all, this is the 23rd floor...

If it really falls, it's basically useless.

After reacting, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called the staff and security personnel.

"Hello? I'm Tsuji Suzuka, Hashimoto Nana's manager. Please send someone to the place directly under the window of Room 2307 to see if anyone has fallen from the building.

The window glass in Nana's lounge is all broken, I suspect she may have fallen from the window! ! "

While contacting the staff, Tsuji Suzuka also got up and ran to the elevator entrance, wanting to take the elevator to the first floor to see the specific situation.

"Miss Jinsi, don't worry, all the floor-to-ceiling windows in our building are made of bulletproof glass, and under normal circumstances it is impossible to break from inside.

You are looking for it carefully to see if you have gone to another room. "

The staff on the phone didn't panic at all, and seemed to be very confident in their own security measures.

And after taking the elevator to the outside, Tsuji Suzuka did not find Hashimoto Na's bloodied body under the window of 2307.


Tsuji Suzuka frowned tightly, the uneasiness and worry in his heart intensified.

All kinds of bad conjectures gradually occupied her high ground of thinking.

After the other staff searched carefully around, they did not find any trace of Hashimoto Nai.

(Could it be kidnapped by someone?

But when I was in the corridor back then, I didn't find any traces of suspicious people. )

The more Tsuji Suzuka thought about it, the more bizarre it became, so he could only put his last hope on the surveillance camera in the lounge.

"Hello, I need to retrieve all surveillance records from 2307:0 to 1:[-] in room [-]. Well, yes, I'm sorry to trouble you."


The moon is dark and the wind is high.

The sky is like ink.

At a time when the city has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

The succubus Hashimoto is waving its bat wings and flying among the buildings in this city at an extremely fast speed.

"Mom, look! There seems to be a bat in the sky."

A little girl who couldn't sleep in the middle of the night was lying on her stomach by the window, resting her chin on one hand, and pointing out the window with the other excitedly.

"Oh, go to bed, what time is it? Mom has to go to work tomorrow."

The little girl's single mother turned over helplessly, and replied with a little ease.

At the same time, I also complained in my heart, why the energy of children is so strong.

"Well, that's fine."

The little girl pursed her lips, and obediently got back into her mother's bed.

Then he buried his little face deeply in the mother's drooping 36D.

While smelling the frankincense, he recalled the scenes he had just seen in his little head.

(Human bats are really amazing.)

Although she was far away, the strange figure of the succubus Hashimoto seemed to be engraved in her mind, and she could not forget it for a long time.

And this is also an important opportunity for her to become a science fiction writer when she grows up.


Zuo Yizi slowly opened her eyes.

After lifting the quilt, she stepped on the clean and cold floor with her tender feet with slippery feet, and moved to the bedroom window with lotus steps.

And on the floor, where she had stepped on before, beautiful wet footprints were also left behind.

It's exactly the same as when you just come out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

Although this breath was more human-like, Zuoyiko still felt a touch of familiarity and nostalgia.

(Could it be... from the same family?)


Location: Kaesong, the suburbs, in an unfinished building that has been shut down for about ten years.

The succubus Hashimoto, like a human-shaped cannonball, slammed into a certain room of the building.

The smoke and dust brought by the collapse of the concrete made the man coughing in the house.

"Cough, cough, what's going on, what's going on??"

Hiroki fanned his palms back and forth, trying to disperse the dust around his nose, and at the same time set his sights on the direction of the loud noise.

(That is......

a figure?

No, no, that silhouette is not a person!

It was the succubus I had been looking for! ! )

Yu Shu hurriedly pulled himself together, staring at the figure of the woman with goat horns and bat wings.

It wasn't until the smoke and dust cleared away that Yu Shu finally saw the true face of the succubus.


Hiroki blurted out, and subconsciously called out the other party's name.

Apart from the difference in size, the other party was basically the first succubus he sealed on the sea.


The personality of this succubus should have disappeared.

In other words, the full body succubus in front of me is Hashimoto Nai herself? ?

"Nai, Hashimoto Nana, is that you?" Hiroki asked with some uncertainty.

Because although Hashimoto Nana can use some of the power of the succubus, or change the spade tail into the form of the tail hole, but she has never seen her completely succubus.

Facing Hiroki's question, Hashimoto Nana didn't answer right away.

Instead, he scanned the room back and forth with a pair of angry eyes.

Until I saw three women stacked on the bed with the same orgasm face and the same round belly.

She instantly turned the spade tail into a sharp knife, and walked towards the three menacingly.

It was as if these three women were going to be cut into hundreds of uniform pieces of meat.

"Alas, wait a minute, don't be impulsive."

In order to prevent the blood from flowing into a river, Yu Shu hurriedly stepped forward and blocked the three women whose masks had all fallen off.

"I'm going to kill them!!"

Hashimoto Nana opened a mouthful of sharp triangular fangs, stretched out her blue, 20cm long wet tongue, and roared angrily.

It seemed that part of his mind had been affected by the succubus' unique hostility, and he became irritable and fierce.

"You should have seen the video they sent you, right? I know they are hateful, and what they did cannot be forgiven.

But I have severely punished them just now, if you don’t believe me, look, am I standing here intact now? "

Yuki slowly switched his thoughts to the memory that happened here before Nana Hashimoto came.

Originally, after the green-haired woman Hatei Hideri rode up, Hiroki was ready to be played with by them all night.

But at that time, he suddenly had an idea and remembered his absolute obedience ability.

Although the success rate is only 50%, Hiroki still puts his hopes on this.

Following Hatei Hideri's frenzied extraction, Hiroki also took advantage of the opportunity to inject a huge amount of holy water into the opponent's two channels.

Then activate the ability, hoping to turn the green-haired woman into a helper on his side.

It turned out to be really lucky, and Hiroki succeeded.

I saw Eri Hatai, under the puzzled gaze of the yellow-haired woman and the pink-haired woman.

First, he helped Yushu untie all the tortoise shell binding hemp ropes on his body.

Then with brute force, the yellow-haired woman Mai Oya was pressed onto the iron bed.

While Oya Mai resisted fiercely, she covered her lips on Oya Mai's soft lips, and performed a taboo lily love on the spot.

And Yuki seized this opportunity, directly picked up Mai Oya's legs, and punished her severely.

In the end, she also used the power of holy water to transform her into a kind and good girl.

The same is true for the ending of Suga Yoshiko, the pink-haired woman.

Although Yushu knew that her nature was not bad, she didn't hurt herself much during the whole process.

But Yushu still wanted to choose to use her ability to make her forget this memory.

So, although Hashimoto Nana became what she is now because of herself.

But such things as killing people and hurting lives, Hiroki thinks it's better to avoid them as much as possible.


The succubus Hashimoto Nana, who had been dazzled by anger, couldn't listen to Yuki's persuasion at all.

Still shaking the sharp knife-shaped succubus tail, it approached the three of them step by step.

Giving Hiroki a feeling, Hashimoto Nana seemed to have returned to the way she looked at people like ants in her previous life.

(Alas... there is no other way, it seems that we can only give her an annealing injection first, so that she can calm down.)

Yuki shook his head helplessly.

Then he stepped forward and hugged Succubus Hashimoto Nai from behind, wrapping his arms around her belly.

Because she still maintains a human body shape at this time.

So Yu Shu easily inserted two annealing needles into it.

?Chapter 202 Martial arts club

Clear weather.


At this time, Yu Shu is walking on the campus full of youthful vigor.

The surrounding students from the same school, some in small groups, were playing and playing.

Some are leaning against the tree alone, enjoying the shade, reading a book, listening to music, and enjoying this quiet time.

There are also couples of student couples, sitting shoulder to shoulder on the school benches or on the lawn, putting their lips to each other's ears, saying some sweet promises or love words.


Chapter 260 A Wonderful New Ability

"Oh, ok, ok, I'll just pull it out..."

Because I have been focusing on the pair of sisters just now, and I don't have the heart to destroy the atmosphere of their long-lost reunion.

Therefore, Yu Shu has never found a suitable opportunity to completely pull out the healing tool.

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