But now that people have already proposed it, Yushu can only smile awkwardly, and then slowly move back, pulling out the healing tool that has created a medical miracle from the moist heat of Hebei Huahuo bit by bit.

As we all know, because the enhanced treatment tools are too powerful, and Hebei Huahuo's development is only about 13 years old.

So when the big and the small are tightly fitted together, there is basically no way for even a trace of air to pass through the tight and slippery passage.

Every time Yu Shu pulls out a section, the two of them will experience a 360-degree all-round friction without dead ends.

Different from the state when he was in a vegetative state just now, Hebei Huahuo is now in a state of fully awake consciousness.

And it was the first experience in my life.

Therefore, it is inevitable that due to too close contact, there will be physiological reactions such as numbness all over the body, red ears and hot ears.

Yu Shu didn't pull it out too fast, and the treatment tool itself was 40cm long, which made the withdrawal process seem unexpectedly long.


The delicate and delicate voice was subconsciously squeezed out from between the thin pink lips.

The shy Hebei Huacai quickly covered her lips with her hand, then turned her head to the direction of Hebei Huacai, not daring to look directly into Yushu's eyes.

As a result, Hebei Huacai, who was facing her eyes, suddenly noticed something strange about her sister.

"Sister...your forehead..."

Hebei Huacai rubbed her eyes, thinking it was an illusion caused by her excessive emotional fluctuations.

"Hmm... forehead? What happened to the forehead?"

When Hebei Huacai was taken aback, Yushu's healing tool just happened to be completely removed from the passageway of Hebei Huacai.


At the same time as it was pulled away, there was a sound similar to the cork being pulled out of the bottle when opening champagne.

In reality, when the cork of champagne is pulled out, the bubbles and froth inside will spurt out, and some can even be sprayed as high as three or four meters.

Although the mouth of the bottle below Hebei Huahuo is not that exaggerated, because the storage space inside has reached an overloaded state.

So the cloudy or crystal liquid mixture also suddenly splashed out for a distance.

Then it gradually loses pressure and slowly turns into a trickle flowing out along the outline of the petals.

However, Hebei Huacai was not attracted by the sound and spectacle below at all, and she still stared at her sister's forehead with a solemn expression and did not move away.

"Sister, the scar on your forehead seems to be much lighter than before!"


Following her sister's reminder, Hebei Huahuo also put her white tender jade hand on her forehead, stroking the long and ferocious centipede-shaped scar back and forth.

Although it was the first time she touched her scars since the car accident.

But she was very aware of how serious her wound was, otherwise she wouldn't have been lying in bed for 15 years.

As a result, the touch was unexpectedly smooth and delicate, without any obvious raised marks.

If you don't look with your eyes, you may not notice that there is a serious wound here.

"I can't believe it! My sister wasn't like this an hour ago, what happened during this period..."

Hebei Huacai sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, feeling that everything that happened today was like a dream.

The elder sister who had been in a vegetable state for 15 years woke up.

Not only did he wake up, but he didn't lose his memory due to the injury, and he even remembered the past 15 years clearly.

As a result, I am now more happy than happy, even the most eye-catching and most beautiful scar has gradually faded away a lot very sensible.

Let me ask, who is not excited about this?Who is not confused?Who would it be better to fall into a dream?

Could it be that my behavior of going to the shrine to pray for blessings every week moved the gods?

Otherwise, except for this possibility, there is no way to explain the miracles in front of us...

Hebei Huacai was brainstorming in his mind, and seemed very eager to find a reasonable explanation for these unreasonable phenomena.

Her eyes turned slightly, and her gaze also shifted from her sister's forehead to the tender part where her sister was expelling turbidity, and then to Yu Shu who was treating her sister's illness.


By the way, why did I forget the variable Yu Shu!

Thinking back carefully, everything that happened to my sister today seems to be inseparable from Hiroki.

The reason why the scar on the sister's forehead can be repaired automatically seems to be a phenomenon that only appeared after Yu Shu piling and spraying.

Could it be that......

Hebei Huacai stared at Yushu's unsoftened healing tool with her eyes, and a thoughtful and terrifying thought suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Yuki, can I ask you one more thing."

"Ah? What's the matter?"

Seeing that Hebei Huacai's face and tone became serious, Yu Shu felt that this might be a very serious matter.

So my heart subconsciously became tense.

"Can you... surpass my sister a few more times? And it's best to pour every drop of the potion into my sister's body every time."


"Yushu, don't worry, I will definitely not let you work in vain. After the work is done, I will pay you the corresponding remuneration, which will be the medical expenses for my sister's medical treatment."

Hebei Huacai quickly explained that after all, Yu Shu had been troubled too many times today.

But Yu Shu was a little confused, obviously he didn't intend to get Hebei Huacai.

"But isn't your sister already awake..."

Yu Shu looked down at Hebei Huahuo, who was still flushed all over, and found that the surprised expression on the other party's face was no better than his own.

Apparently, Hebei Huahuo's little brain is a bit stretched for the sister's outburst, and it will not be able to process the huge amount of information in a short time.

"Well, my sister has indeed awakened, but I guess the reason why the scar on my sister's forehead has become lighter must be inseparable from the piling exercise you did just now.

So in order to completely remove my sister's scars, I can only implore you to do a few more experiments now. "

Hebei Huacai's face was full of sincere prayers.

She has always had a premonition in her heart, or it can also be said to be a woman's intuition and sixth sense.

That is, Hiroki will definitely agree to her request in the end, and the scar on her sister's forehead will disappear completely.


Yuki hesitated for a long time in silence.

It's not because he suddenly pretended to be a gentleman, but when Hebei Huahuo closed his eyes and fell asleep, and now when he is looking directly at himself, those are two completely different feelings.

If you insist on a metaphor.

Na Yuki feels that the former is like a fan, while the latter is more like a strong one.

Yu Shu waited for a long time, but there was no system notification that the task was completed.

In order to complete the tasks assigned by the system, Yu Shu could only slowly nod and agree.

"Okay senior Huacai, I promise you."

"Hey, wait! You two don't seem to have asked my opinion on this client, okay!!"

Hebei Huahuo's beautiful eyes widened, and she quickly protested with a soft and pleasant voice.

In the end, before she could say the second sentence, her pink lips were blocked by her younger sister Hebei Huacai's soft lips, and they were still tightly blocked.

At the same time, he pressed his sister's waving arms on the bed, making her upper body unable to move at all.

Because Hebei Huahuo has been lying on the hospital bed for 15 years and has not moved, her whole body is limp and she has no strength to break free.

I can only let my sister continue to use her tongue and lips to exchange sweet saliva back and forth between the two of them.

"Hmph, Sister Smelly, who told you to make fun of me after waking up, and even called me Auntie, see how I will punish you severely today!"

Hebei Huacai said angrily in her heart.

I feel that what I am doing now is full of vengeful pleasure.

Feeling that her sister's resistance has become weaker and weaker, Hebei Huacai no longer imprisoned her sister's arm, but instead used a few slender green fingers to play with her sister's two bright red spots.

Basically, every time she touches the petite bump on sister Yanhong, her flawless body will tremble symbolically, and a melodious sound like a humpback will come out of her throat.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, she directly gave Yu Shu a very straightforward look.

The meaning of the eyes is very clear, basically can be completely summed up in one word.


Hiroki nodded, then held Hebei Huahuo's slender ankles with his hands, and arranged her attractive legs into a capital letter V.

Then with a sharp jerk, two 40cm long treatment tools entered a winding waterway and a clean dry road.


Time flies by.

By the time Yushu left Huacai's house in Hebei, the warm sun outside had already slanted to the west, turning into a sunset that dyed the sky and clouds orange-red.

Before coming here, Yu Shu never thought that the main purpose of his visit this time was to have sex with this pair of beautiful sisters at Huacai's house in Hebei for a whole day...

The back has also completely turned into a hearty sister rice bowl...

And Hebei Huacai's speculation actually came true.

The reason why her sister Hebei Huahuo's scars become lighter until they are completely eliminated is really directly related to her purified holy water...

This is off the charts!

Didn't expect my holy water to have healing effects? ?

Then when I grow up, if I open a pharmaceutical company or a health care product company that only targets women, wouldn't my products be sold out immediately! !

After all, the cost of raw materials for this thing is almost zero, and it is estimated that even if it is mixed with half of the water, a large number of women will buy it.

After Yushu got on the return bus No. 76, he kept thinking about his bright future in his heart.

Even the name of the company has come up with more than a dozen alternatives.

[Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task, reward 2 upgrade experience points. 】

[Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task, reward 5 upgrade experience points. 】

The prompts for the completion of the previous tasks, like someone frantically swiping the screen in the WeChat group, suddenly appeared in Yu Shu's ear.

Hiroki was so scared that he almost fell off the bus seat.

[Ding dong, it is detected that the experience value of the host is full and meets the upgrade requirements, and the slut physique has been automatically upgraded from LV10 to LV11. 】

[Ding dong, get new abilities. 】

Chapter 261


Female fall? ?

What do you mean? ?

Why does the name of this new ability look so strange...

Could it be the ability to make females corrupt?

Yuki simply guessed how to use this ability based on the literal meaning.

Then he stretched out his finger and clicked on the skill introduction button on the transparent panel in front of him.

After that, the introductory text, which was neither too long nor too short, slowly appeared in front of Yu Shu.

[Female fall: The host can designate any male or male species to turn it into a female or a female.After changing the gender, the designated object will enter the estrous state for a short time.

If you use a new identity to XXOO with the opposite sex for the first time, and finally reason overcomes pleasure, you can restore the original gender.

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