But if the pleasure finally overcomes the reason, it can only maintain the status quo for a lifetime, and it will never return to the status quo.

Note: There is no limit to the number of times this skill can be used within one day, but there will be a seven-day cooldown. 】

Yuki: "..."

After reading the complete introduction of the skills, Yushu's brain went down for nearly a minute, as if all the surrounding sounds were completely cut off.

After a while.

"I rely on!!"

Yu Shu suddenly stood up from his seat, and suddenly yelled in the No. 76 bus.

Except for the driver, all the passengers in the bus turned their heads one after another, and then looked at the direction of Yu Shu with the eyes of a fool.

"What's wrong with this man?"

"I don't know..."

"Scared me by surprise."

"That's right, I almost gave my old man a heart attack."

"Wouldn't it be a psychiatric hospital that ran out?"

"He shouldn't be at this age... Maybe he was hit by a breakup."


"..." All the passengers whispered each other, instantly making Yuki the target of public criticism in the bus.

"Boy, are you okay? Do I need to pull over for you at the front stop?"

Even the brother driver who was holding the steering wheel at the front sent Guan Que greetings to Yu Shu.

"Um...I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm really sorry, I suddenly remembered something..."

Yu Shu explained awkwardly, and then sat back on his seat again, digesting the surprise in his heart.

Is this broken system crazy?

Why give yourself this ability?

A woman can't surpass herself, and now a man turns into a woman again! !

I don't seem to have reached the point where I can't choose to eat...

Yu Shu fell into deep self-doubt for a while, thinking that he might never use this wonderful ability in his life.

After all, it was too weird, and it didn't help me much.

Yu Shu rubbed his temples with his fingers, intending to pretend that he had never acquired this ability.

And this matter slowly turned in Yu Shu's mind.




the next day......


Kaesong private high school.

Along with the sunset, the orange-red sunset hides behind thick clouds, dyeing the entire sky into a beautiful landscape painting.


While moving his stiff neck, Yushu raised his feet and stepped out of the campus gate, ending a day of campus study and life.

Due to the part-time job schedule at the 667 convenience store today, Yu Shu did not go home directly, but embarked on the road to Huajie.

"Meow meow--"

When passing by an alley, two cat meows suddenly came to Yu Shu's ears.

Yu Shu turned his head and looked, it turned out to be a thin stray cat that looked a bit like a short-haired cat. Its coat color consisted of two marking colors: white and black.

"Meow meow meow--"

The kitten seemed to have not eaten for a long time, its voice was soft and weak, and its walking steps were a little weak, as if it was in danger of falling at any time.

"Mimi, come here."

Hiroki squatted down and clapped his hands at the stray cat.

The stray cats are very vigilant. Even if Yu Shu showed good intentions, the stray cats still instinctively hid behind the trash can in the alley, only revealing a small head that seemed to have no spirit, facing Yu Shu. The tree meowed.

Yu Shu has been a soft-hearted person since he was a child. Usually when he sees stray cats and dogs, he will stop and feed them some food or drink.

So after looking around, Hiroki got up and walked towards the nearest convenience store.

"Wait here for me, I'll be right back."

It seemed that he was afraid that the stray cat would slip away while he was away, so Yu Shu gave a special order before leaving.

3 minute later.


"Welcome next time—"

The female clerk in the convenience store, with a very sweet female voice, sent away Yuki, a high school customer who was in a hurry.

When Yu Shu returned to the trash can, he already had a box of canned cat food, a bottle of mineral water, and a disposable paper cup with a convenience store logo in his hand.

"Mimi, Mimi, are you still there? I bought you canned cat food."

Seeing that there was a small thief head missing behind the trash can, Yu Shu hurriedly took the food and walked towards the back of the trash can.

"Mimi, Mimi?"

Yu Shu walked two or three meters along the alley, and finally found two stray cats of the same size on a broken cardboard box.

One of them was the striped beauty that had been hiding behind the trash can just now, and the other was a black cat with a dark body.

There are actually two?

Yushu squatted down slowly, then opened the lid of the cat can, and slowly pushed the cat can to a position about one meter in front of the stray cat.

He unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle and poured half of the bottle into a disposable paper cup, which was also placed next to the cat can.

"Mimi, come on, there's something to eat here."

Hiroki pointed to the food and water in front of him, and kept guiding the two stray cats to come closer with his gentle tone and harmless expression.

Maybe they also found that Yushu was not hostile, so after smelling the scent of cat cans, the two stray cats finally walked towards the cans step by step.


After approaching, the hungry stray cat completely disregarded the appearance of eating, and you took a bite of each other, and directly swept away the canned cat food in 30 seconds, even the can lid that Yu Shu was still next to was not spared.

Yushu felt that a box of canned food might not be enough for two cats, so he took out a starchy sausage left over from lunch from his schoolbag, peeled it off and threw it to them.

As expected, the ham sausage was ransacked by two stray cats within 10 seconds, and most of the water in the disposable cup was also drunk.

"Meow meow meow--"

After eating and drinking enough, the two stray cats meowed much louder, and they circled Yu Shu's body continuously.

"Haha, good."

After playing with the two stray cats for a while, Yuki found that both of them seemed to be male cats.

I don't know which string in my head is not right, or curiosity suddenly defeated reason.

Hiroki actually wants to use his newly acquired ability on one of the cats, the female fall.

Because in the detailed description of the female fall, it is written that any male or male species can be designated, but it is not marked only for humans, so can male stray cats also take effect?

Yuki hesitated again and again, thinking that although he has decided not to use it on humans, if he sees the effect on cats, it should not cause too much social impact...

"Ahem, little cat, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..."

Yushu said to the stray Misaki with some guilt, and at the same time began to silently activate the ability of the female fall.

The stray cat naturally couldn't understand what Yu Shu was saying, but felt that a colorful light suddenly lit up around his body.

As the light became brighter and brighter, that one, although thin and thin, had a large frame, wandering and short, but gradually changed into a smaller body in Hiroki's sight.

After the light completely dissipated, a brand new Meishort stray cat, which was only 5 points similar to just now, was completely displayed in front of Yu Shu.


Mei Short tilted her head in bewilderment, as if she didn't know what happened to her.

Yushu raised its tail high, and found that the two dandels that had grown there had turned into a bare piece.

Instead, it was a brand new and very pink special part.

"My God...it actually turned into a female cat..."

Yu Shu stared wide and round, constantly lamenting the magic of this new ability in his heart.

Mishort, who has become a female, was combing her hair with her tongue as usual.

As a result, after licking it for a while, its whole body began to become excited. While twisting its body, it also uttered courtship calls to the black stray cat next to it.

And black stray cats do not have human IQ and thinking logic.

It only knew that a beautiful little female cat suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she was pouting her buttocks to seduce it constantly.

In an instant, the biological impulse to reproduce instantly occupied the high ground of the black cat's brain.

It was a hungry tiger rushing for food, directly riding on the female cat, and then ignoring the existence of Hiroki, staged a biological instinct battle that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods.


After a while.

As the black male cat trembled all over, it finally separated from the American Shorthair female cat completely.

Before Yu Shu went to check, the mother cat lit up with colorful lights again.

And the appearance and body shape of the female cat, under the observation of Yu Shu's naked eyes, changed back to the appearance of the previous male cat.

"Ah, this... has actually changed back?"

Yushu carefully recalled the description of the female fall in his mind.

[If you use a new identity to XXOO with the opposite sex for the first time, and finally reason overcomes pleasure, you can restore the original gender.

But if the pleasure finally overcomes the reason, it can only maintain the status quo for a lifetime, and it will never return to the status quo. 】

In other words, this beauty was actually not comfortable during the sex just now?So it's going back to how it was?

Yushu thinks this is likely to be the case. After all, the tom cat seems to have a special barb growing on its tools, and in the process just now, Mei Short, who has become a female cat, seems to be screaming in pain all the time.

After pondering for a while.

never mind......

Anyway, I have also seen the effect of the new ability, so there is no need to worry about it anymore, I should go to the subway station as soon as possible to take the subway to a convenience store to work.

"Thank you for your demonstration. I'm leaving. I hope you can find a good family to adopt as soon as possible."

Yushu got up and waved at the two stray cats, then walked directly along the alley in the opposite direction.

If I remember correctly, this alley seems to be the alley where I entered with Zuo Yizi and met the ace Xiangping senior of the school baseball team, and the group of big men who claimed to be Huotou Gang.

Fortunately, the disciplinary committee member Mamiya Tianyu made a timely move and helped him bring down all the members of the opponent's Huotou gang, so that he and Zuo Yizi were able to walk out of this alley safely. Otherwise, I can't imagine what the final outcome will be.

Yu Shu walked along this alley, and when he reached the 4/5 section, he was suddenly attracted by the noise coming from ahead and several tall figures.

"Huh? Are they... beating someone?"

Although there was a distance, Yu Shu judged through their actions that this group of people seemed to be bullying a man squatting against the wall with his head in his arms.

"Hehe, boy, do you dare to bump into our Brother Qiang next time you walk?"

Among the group of people, an unscrupulous man with yellow hair grabbed the bangs of the man in glasses who was leaning against the wall with his hand, and raised his head to a certain height.

At this time, the face of the man with glasses was already bruised and swollen, and even the lens on the left side was broken.

Fluids such as snot, nosebleeds, tears, and urine flowed out from various parts of his body.

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