Chapter 273 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth

"Senior, how do you feel? Is the water temperature right?"

The sick girl Saya Higashikawa asked Yuki with a soft and soft voice while wiping Yuki's body with a wet towel soaked in warm water.

If it weren't for Yushu being tied to the bed by five strong iron chains, maybe it would be really easy to be deceived by the gentle illusion made by the other party.

Yu Shu didn't reply, and turned his head to the other side, as if he didn't want to say a word to this sick and perverted girl at all.

"Senior, why are you so indifferent to him? Could it be that the time spent together day and night, and the physical upheaval, haven't made the senior feel affection for him?"

Dongchuan Saya flicked Yushu's demon-killing holy spear with her slender and slender fingers, and pressed her cherry pink lips into a straight line, complaining with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, you are too young, I don't like it."

Yu Shu snorted in a strange way, intending to annoy the other party verbally, so that the other party's self-esteem could also be hit.

After all, Dongchuan Saya has been in the dominant position from the very beginning, he can do whatever he wants, playing with himself like a puppet, which frustrates himself who is temporarily unable to resist.

So I didn't give the other party any good looks during the whole process.

"Is that so-"

Dongchuan Shaye suddenly stopped his hand movements of playing with the Devil Slayer Holy Spear, lowered his head slightly, stared at her fierce pink hillock without blinking, and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

The atmosphere in the secret room also fell into a long period of tranquility.

During this period, Yushu used his peripheral vision to look at the other party's facial expressions many times, but in the end he found nothing. He was completely unable to see Dong Chuan Saya's psychological activities at this moment through the other party's beautiful face.


Could it be that the words I said unintentionally just now really touched the pain of the other party?

That's why Dongchuan Saya suddenly fell into emo mode?

Yu Shu thinks he is not an extreme murderer.

Among the women I have come into contact with in the past, no matter whether the size of the other party is flat, small, medium, large, extra large, or huge, Hiroki feels that he can accept it, and will not reject or look down on those who are too small and exquisite and stunted women.

In Hiroki's concept, in fact, each size has a corresponding aesthetic feeling.

And when you hold it in the palm of your hand, the touch is also very different.

Some are like mosquito bags.

Some are like jelly beans.

Some are like bamboo shoots.

Some are like cherries.

Some are like grapes.

Some are like pearls.

Some are like steamed buns.

Some are like papaya.

Some are like balloons.

Some are like hills.

If you have to subdivide it, Yu Shu can even sum up no less than 200 different types.

It can be said to be ever-changing, colorful, diverse, and beautiful.

Therefore, the size, color, and shape of Dongchuan Saya, in Yu Shu's view, are actually full of unique hormonal allure.

The reason why I said those words just now is really just to annoy her...

It's over...

After all, now he is just a humanoid doll bound by chains.

If Dongchuan Shaye was really angry because of what she said just now, she wouldn't use cruel means to retaliate against herself, or abuse herself, would she?

After all, based on the degree of psychological distortion of the other party, and the perverted behavior all the time, Yu Shu felt that she would not be surprised by any weird things she would do later.


Yu Shu's Adam's apple rolled, and subconsciously swallowed a bit of saliva.

The more Higashikawa Saya remained silent, the more Yushu's heart beat violently.

I was very worried that she would beat herself severely with a whip later, tearing the skin from top to bottom of her body, blood rushing, and eventually being dyed into a red blood man.

Or scald yourself with hot wax oil drops, leaving scars burned by wax oil on all skin.

If it was a little more perverted, maybe Dongchuan Saya would put on a pair of patent leather high heels with thin and long heels, and then use the heels that are as powerful as an awl to stomp on his innocence, just as easy as crushing a stupid egg easy......

"Cough cough..."

Hiroki pretended to cough dryly, trying to ease the uneasiness in his heart.

At the same time, he watched the opponent's every move very vigilantly, preventing Dongchuan Shaye from suddenly turning on the killing mode to execute himself.


Dongchuan Saya suddenly got up and got out of bed, and stepped on the ground with her fresh bare feet that were not wrapped in any stockings.

She picked up the Lolita dress on the side and slowly put it on.

He picked up another pair of white calf socks made of translucent material and put them on the jade legs.

Although it was just a simple act of dressing, when that suet-white jade-like body was covered by pieces of clothing and socks, a kind of extreme visual temptation was constantly emanating from the opponent's whole body.

Yu Shu even felt that the process of the other party's dressing was much more eye-catching than the process of her undressing.

Maybe this is the so-called people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

After all, a woman wearing sexy lingerie is more attractive than a naked woman.

Dongchuan Shaye stepped on two edible white silk jade feet into the shoes, then turned and walked towards the secret door without looking back.

Until her figure completely disappeared in the secret room, she didn't say a word to Yu Shu again.


The secret door was closed.

Only Yu Shu was left lying on the bed, his eyes still on the hidden door, in a daze.

Yuki: "..."

By the way, Dongchuan Saya didn't go out to buy instruments of torture or medicine, did he?

Yu Shu was beating gongs and drums in his heart, and his back was sweating profusely.

I thought to myself, I may have really hit the muzzle this time...

Think for a second.

Just now I teased Dongchuan Saye for being fierce, isn't it the same as a woman saying that a man is as small as an earthworm?

It's no wonder I feel better.

It's over, it's over.

It's all my fault.

Originally, after being patient for more than a day, he could use the ability to return to Yuan and escape.

As a result, it is necessary to suffer abuse in vain now.

Isn't this a typical full meal, looking for trouble...

10 minutes.

20 minutes.

30 minutes.


60 minutes.

120 minutes.

Although there is nothing in the secret room that can show the time, Yuki can basically estimate that about two hours have passed since he appeared by relying on the stupid method of counting numbers.

Yu Shu has never experienced that two hours can be so long and so tormented.

Boring counting is one aspect.

The most critical thing is that I have been worried, restless, and always think about the bad side.

I don't know what Dongchuan Saya went to buy, but it took about two hours...


I go!

The sound of the hidden door moving suddenly shocked Yu Shu, who was still thinking.

Yu Shu stared at the direction of the secret door without blinking, and finally saw Dong Chuan Saya, who had been away for a long time, returning with two big bags in his hand.

With a familiar sick smile on his face, Dong Chuan Saya walked towards Yu Shu step by step.

She walked all the way to the table beside the bed before she put the two white plastic bags in her hand on the table.

"Senior, did you miss me while I was away..."

Dongchuan Saya stretched out her soft and cold hands, and gently brushed along the contours of Yu Shu's face.

Those pale pink eyes with large colored contact lenses were full of excitement that Hiroki couldn't understand.

"You... where did you go just now?"

Yu Shu glanced at the two big bags on the table with some apprehension, constantly guessing what might be inside the bags.

"Hee hee, I went shopping just now. It's a very magical thing. I guess the seniors will be surprised later—"

The corners of Dongchuan Shaye's lips were curved upwards, and his expression was filled with a kind of malicious mystery.

Then she withdrew her soft and smooth hands, and took out two things from one of the bags.

Yu Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully observing the objects in the opponent's hand.

When he saw the whole picture of those two things clearly, Yu Shu's heartbeat speed that had just slowed down instantly increased to an exaggerated beating frequency again.

Because that thing is actually...

Chapter 274 Syringe

It seemed that she was used to being honest with Hiroki, so not long after entering the room, Saya Higashikawa took off her lolita dress, bra, and fat times.

Only a pair of fleshy white silk calf socks and a pair of Lolita shoes were left on the jade feet.

Her body is beautiful, and every part seems to be carved with precision.

Her skin is snow-white, like a blooming white lotus under the faint light, releasing the brilliance of magical beauty.

However, compared with these eye-catching beautiful scenery, Yu Shu actually cares more about the...


That's right, one of the things that Dongchuan Saya took out from the bag was a syringe with a very slender needle.

The other thing is a small glass bottle, and the liquid inside the bottle is translucent and viscous, like some unknown medicinal liquid.

Depend on!

Yuki subconsciously shuddered.

I have already imagined the scene of Saya Dongchuan giving herself an injection and injecting an unknown medicinal liquid into her body...

Because when I was a child, I was needle-rolled by an intern nurse who was unfamiliar with the technique. At that time, my arm was swollen, red and painful, and it took a whole night of pain to recover.

So from then on, I have an inexplicable resistance and fear of injections.

"You... what are you buying the syringe for?"

"And that little glass bottle contains medicine..."

Yu Shu's eyes were full of fear, for fear that the other party would give him a needle in his artery when he was not paying attention.

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