"Well...the next senior will know—"

Dongchuan Saya had a sickly smile on her delicate and delicate face, and slowly inserted the slender needle into the top of the glass bottle, and then sucked the unknown liquid in the glass bottle into the syringe bit by bit.


Dong Chuan Saya threw the empty glass bottle aside, turned to Yu Shu's bedside, and stared at Yu Shu directly from the perspective of looking down.

"I'm sorry, Sister Saya, I apologize for what I said just now, I will never be outspoken again, so please be merciful..."

Yu Shu is trying to make the last struggle, hoping to win the forgiveness of the other party.


"Hee hee, senior, don't blink your eyes, because the next moment is the moment to witness the miracle—"

"Don't, don't be impulsive, speak up if you have something to say, don't be carried away by impulsiveness!"

Yu Shu twisted his body frantically, but he couldn't break free from the five thick iron chains tied to his body.

Ruined!To be injected with poison! !

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to listen to persuasion at all, Yu Shu simply closed his eyelids tightly together, unwilling to face the tragic scene that was about to happen.

"Senior, open your eyes, didn't you tell you to look at me carefully?"

"Ahh! You perverted woman! You can kill or cut as you please!!"

"Okay, then I'm going to tie it."

Dongchuan Saya pressed his thumb on the end of the syringe, and after confirming the site to be pricked, he directly inserted the thin and long needle that looked abnormally penetrating.

As the soft tissue of the body was punctured by the needle tip, an unknown liquid medicine was also injected into someone's body along the cold needle.


Yu Shu yelled at the top of his voice, thinking that he would die from foaming at the mouth and poisoning in the next second.


Yu Shu continued to shout for more than ten seconds, and then slowly discovered the abnormality in his body.


Why doesn't it hurt at all...

Hasn't Dongchuan Saya already stuck the needle into the skin?

Could it be that the unknown liquid in the syringe also has the special effect of paralyzing the nerves?

Yushu slowly opened his eyelids a slit, and then scanned every corner of his body very carefully.

Actually no...

There were no needle-prick marks on my skin, nor any strange discomfort, as if everything I experienced just now was an illusion.

It wasn't until Yu Shu moved his gaze up that he realized why he didn't feel anything at all.


Dongchuan Saya actually stuck the needle on herself...

Or to be more accurate, it should be that the long, slender and cold needle was stuck into her left Opie.

The unknown medicinal liquid in the syringe had already been injected into her breast tissue by the other party in every drop.


Yuki wanted to say a lot, but his mouth opened and closed, and he didn't know which sentence to start with. the dumb.

It's okay for this woman to be psychopathic, why is she still playing high-end operations like self-mutilation now...

"Sha, Sister Saya, what are you doing..."

"I'm giving myself an injection—"

Dongchuan Saya pulled out the slender needle from the pink bud, and said quietly to Yu Shu who was half lying on the bed.

"Then what did you inject just now..."

"This, it's hyaluronic acid—"

"Hyaluronic acid??"

A question mark floated above Yu Shu's head. He never thought that the liquid that he had been mistaken for for a long time would be hyaluronic acid, a well-known handle in the world of plastic surgery.

"Then why did you inject that thing into your own nose? Isn't the function of hyaluronic acid used to fill the face?"

"Hee hee, seniors don't understand this. Hyaluronic acid is the weakest filler that the human body rejects. In fact, it can not only fill the face, but it can also be used to prosper——

It's just that the dose of the injection just now seemed a bit too small, so the senior didn't see any obvious changes. "

Dongchuan Shaye gently squeezed her delicate flower buds with her hands, as if she was very dissatisfied with the effect of this injection.

She turned around and placed the small glass bottles in two plastic bags on the table one by one.

When the table was completely filled, there was actually 1/3 of the glass bottles left in one of the plastic bags, which shows how exaggerated the quantity is.

"So much?? Don't tell me that all these bottles are filled with hyaluronic acid..."

Yu Shu's eyes were straightened, and he stared blankly at the large number of glass bottles on the table next to him.

Although Yu Shu has never had plastic surgery, but from the plastic surgery incident of a certain actress in the news, I can roughly understand that the price of a shot of hyaluronic acid is actually not cheap.

If calculated according to 5000 yuan per needle, Yu Shu feels that these small glass bottles are worth at least 40 yuan!

By the way, what is the identity of this perverted and sick girl in front of me?

Surprisingly, I got so much hyaluronic acid at a high price in two hours.

If these doses are all injected into the nai, it will directly explode her two small mountain bags...

Yu Shu complained frantically in his mind, never expecting that what he thought in his mind just now would become a reality soon.

Dongchuan Saya repeated the previous action, after inhaling the hyaluronic acid in the glass bottle into the syringe, she pricked a second needle on her nails.

One is two, and two is three.

After the second injection, Dongchuan Shaye did not stop for a moment, and instead gave the third injection on her left breast.

Then the fourth stitch, the fifth stitch, the sixth stitch, the seventh stitch, the eighth stitch, until... No.30 nine stitches!

Yes, during this period, Dongchuan Saya actually had 39 needles of hyaluronic acid on her delicate bumps.

And it was all done without anesthesia.

Yu Shu could even see the traces of sweat left by the excessive pain on the opponent's beautiful face.

The densely packed small needle holes on the left side of the navel are particularly conspicuous on the white skin of the murderous part. I don't know how Dongchuan Saya managed to survive without saying a word.

But fortunately, the 39 stitches were not in vain. She didn't have the curvature of a steamed bun, but now she miraculously changed into the shape of a delicious cantaloupe, and she was about to fall heavily at the moment.

Even if you don't need to touch it with your hands, it is enough to easily make up the fullness of the opponent's Zuo Ru.

It's just that Dongchuan Saya's original size was too small. After being forcibly stretched by hyaluronic acid, the layer of skin on her navel was basically expanded to an overwhelmed translucence level, and even the throbbing blue-purple blood vessels inside could be seen. Clearly.

Just like a balloon filled with water, if you keep filling the balloon with water, the surface layer of the balloon will become more and more transparent and thinner.

"How about senior, is it big enough?"

Chapter 275 two into one

After the size of the left side reached the limit, Dongchuan Saya used Hex technology to change her right side to the same size.

Even the exquisite Naitou, which was originally Xiaohe's sharp corners, and the pale pink halo with a diameter of no more than 1cm have been enlarged by as much as three times, and the size was once comparable to that of a breastfeeding young woman after giving birth.

Affected by the gravity of the earth, generally this kind of scale and size full of heavy weight will droop slightly towards the ground force majeure without the support of the bra.

However, since most of Dongchuan Saya's man-made rugs are filled with technology and hard work, there was a magical scene where the opponent's plump twin peaks stood upright in the air.

"How about senior, is it big enough?"

Dong Chuan Saya seems very satisfied with her masterpiece, at the moment she is holding her head up, showing her final result to Hiroki without any concealment.

It's like a child who has scored full marks in an exam and is impatient to show it to his parents.

Its purpose is self-evident, that is, to get the other party's praise and recognition.

"Enough is enough, if you grow bigger, your nipples will explode..."

Yu Shu didn't expect that a word he said casually would make Saya Dongchuan make such a crazy move.

At the same time, I secretly rejoiced in my heart, fortunately, I only said one sentence at the time, "You are too young, I don't like it."

Otherwise, if she is short, or she doesn't like her appearance.

She could even break her own leg bones and force them to grow taller with broken bone augmentation surgery.

Or in front of their own face, to have a plastic surgery to change the appearance.

"Is it the size that the senior likes?"

Saya Higashikawa squatted down slightly, and slowly brought her artificial technology near Yushu's palm, so that Yuki could easily hold it in the palm of his hand and play with it wantonly.

"Yes, yes, so you must not continue to spray medicine in it..."

Yushu was very worried that the opponent's skin would not be able to withstand the huge pressure brought by hyaluronic acid, so his palms kept avoiding the round balls that the opponent sent up on his own initiative, for fear that he would accidentally burst or leak fluid.

But what to be afraid of.

After hearing what Yushu said, Saya Higashikawa smiled brighter, grabbed Yushu's big hand and pressed it hard on her water polo.

The mouth continued to ask: "Um... ah... Are you comfortable, senior? How does it feel?"

Dong Chuan Saya's cheeks were blushing, and her lips were panting hot. She didn't know whether it was the feeling of being rubbed by Yu Shu's palm, or the pain from too many injections.

But judging by the expression of enjoyment on her face, it is obvious that the probability of the first type is higher...

"Take it easy, it's going to explode, it's going to explode, it's going to explode!"

Yu Shu was sweating all over his body, and he retracted his palms crazily, feeling that he had never been so nervous before facing the succubus.

I was very worried that the two translucent water balloons that the other party could see the blood vessels were damaged and burst.

"Senior, do you want to taste it? It's delicious——"

Dongchuan Saya kicked off the small Lolita shoes on her jade feet, turned on the bed, put her arms around Yushu's neck, and sat on Yushu's lap with her tender buttocks, her whole body was naked, except for a pair of white silk calf socks.

And those two nai mouths, which she stretched with hyaluronic acid, just stuffed them into Yu Shu's mouth impartially, for Yu Shu to taste carefully, just like a novice mother is feeding her baby.

But our Yu Shu is obviously not an obedient baby, he resisted the whole time, and the words "very unwilling" were written all over his face.

"Come on senior, open your mouth and eat it—"

A sweet naixiang poured into the nose, and then the face was completely covered by a huge object that was too soft and elastic, and there was a cylindrical thing in the center of the lips, which was constantly attacking his mouth with the momentum of breaking the ax with.

"Take it away, I don't want to eat it! Who knows if I will suck out the hyaluronic acid in you from the natto!"

"Senior, don't worry about eating—"

"Don't eat!"

"Are you sure you don't want to eat?"


"Well, it must be that my shape has not yet reached the size that the senior likes. It doesn't matter, I can continue to inject fillers into it until the senior is satisfied."

Dongchuan Saya smiled morbidly, as if he was about to reach for the syringe on the table.

"Ah, don't, don't, I'll eat, I'll eat, please don't inject it again, and don't do other self-abuse or self-harm! Why don't you love your body at all!!"

Yu Shu hastily swallowed the round grape in one gulp, and sucked it symbolically twice, which is completely subdued.

Seriously, this delicate woman is really too cute...

Yu Shu would rather face 100 sluts at the same time than face this psychopath who loves self-mutilation.

"Um... ah... so comfortable... a little more force--"

"Since I injected a large amount of hyaluronic acid, my sensitivity seems to have increased a lot. Every time the senior touches my teeth, tongue, and lips, a large amount of electric current will flow from my head to my limbs. Mukuro, this feeling is really wonderful—”

Dong Chuan Saya's pink eyes were full of love and bewilderment, within half a minute Yu Shu aroused the deepest desire of the body and soul.

She clamped her legs and lifted her buttocks, and instantly invited Xiao Yushu to her room as a guest, intending to take advantage of this impulse to have sex with Yushu directly.

Although this is not the first time she has come in, for Yu Shu who is 40 centimeters, her room with a usable area of ​​less than 30 centimeters is obviously too cramped.

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