Slut! !

Yu Shu's body froze in an instant, secretly guessing what was going on with the woman on his left shoulder.

Unlike the female pervert who touched her ass before, this woman with a delicate face looks younger.

Although she is also wearing a tight OL uniform, the style is indeed that beautiful light white.

The legs are wearing a pair of transparent stockings that are similar to the skin color, which can play a certain role in concealing blemishes and modifying the shape of the legs.

The high-heeled shoes on the feet are also a white shiny style, and with the thin shredded meat professional attire, there is a feeling of a college student who has just graduated and is going for an internship.

After Yushu watched her stiffly for a few minutes, he found that she had fallen asleep just like Zuoiko.

It should be due to the exhaustion of work, this beautiful woman unconsciously leaned over after falling asleep, and then hit Yu Shu's shoulder.

It should be like this, although she was uncomfortable, but the kind Yuki didn't wake her up, and she was hugged left and right by two beautiful women as a pillow in the middle.

"Young people nowadays really have no sense of shame, and they are still in two boats."

An aunt opposite Yushu was eating melon seeds while pointing at Yushu.

"Uh..." [click——]

A passenger forgot to turn off the flash when taking pictures, and after being seen by Hiroki, he quickly looked at the scenery as if nothing had happened.


"Wow, this brother is too strong. He looks about the same age as me. Why can he hug left and right, but I can only be alone. Woohoo, it's not fair!"

"Uh..." Since the two women on Yuki's side are too eye-catching, Yuki who is caught in the middle will inevitably become the target of public criticism.

Forget it, out of sight, out of mind, out of mind, out of hearing, out of mind.

Yushu also simply closed his eyes directly, and fell into a light sleep together like the two beauties. After all, there is still a long distance to the station, so it shouldn't be a problem to squint for a while.

And not long after Yu Shu took a nap, the delicate woman who was pillowing on his left shoulder slowly opened her eyes.

31 Confession

[Ding dong, Xueyuan Road Station is coming soon, please get off the passengers in advance...]

"Yu Shu wake up, we're almost at the stop—"


In a daze, Yuki felt as if someone was shaking him, and the voice sounded so similar to Zoeko...


Yu Shu hurriedly woke up from his sleep.

so close!I almost sat down and passed the station. I lost consciousness when I fell asleep, which ruined me. If it wasn't for Zuo Yizi, I guess I could sleep directly to the terminal.

Yu Shu glanced sleepily at his left side, the young OL with exquisite makeup had already left.

I don't know how she will react when she wakes up. After all, she has slept all the way on the shoulder of a strange male high school student. Usually, this kind of intimate action is only done with her boyfriend.

"Let's go, Zuo Yizi, go to the door first, the subway is coming soon..."

What Yu Shu wanted to say suddenly got stuck in his throat, and then he slowly lowered his head with surprise.

I saw that my belt and crotch zipper were completely open for some reason.

"Uh..." How is this possible!

I clearly remember that I must be well dressed when I go out. It was not like this when I got in the car just now, why suddenly.

"Zoe, did you do this?"

"I hate Yuki, I didn't expect him to be such a person in your heart, hey-"

"Uh..." Isn't Zoeko?Who could it be?

It can't be that I was sleepwalking just now...

[Ding dong, Xueyuan Road Station is here, please——]

Yuki could only put on his trousers with doubts on his face, and got off the subway with Zuo Yizi.

Forget it, don't think about it, it's important to go to school.


"Sister Tianchuan, I like you!"

The refreshing breeze blows the earth, and the bright sun shines on the world.

On this hopeful and energetic morning, on the playground of Kaesong Private High School, a handsome sportsman with a cropped cut is confessing his love to a girl he has long admired.

The girl has a very natural ice-colored long hair, which seems to be able to bring people a little coolness in this hot September weather.

Wearing a snow-white tight long dress, she showed off her slim and soft figure to the fullest.

The two round and smooth jade legs did not wear any stockings, so they were so brightly exposed in the fresh air.

If you can use six words to describe it, it must be.

slippery than jade...

whiter than snow...

And the handsome guy with an inch cut standing opposite her was holding his clothes tightly with both hands, nervously waiting for the reply from the girl he liked.

It seemed that just saying these few words made him use up all the strength in his body.

"Wow! That's the trump card of our school's baseball club, isn't Shohei-senpai? I heard that he just won the city's baseball championship last month!"

"Really? This is too amazing! And Xianghei-senpai is so handsome, I like this kind of sporty sunny guy the most!"

At this moment, a female school girl who was watching was twinkling with little stars in her eyes, and sighed with a nympho on her face.

"It's just you? It's probably over. Didn't you see who Xiangping senior is confessing to? That's Tianchuan Huayi, who has been named one of the school's beauties for two consecutive years! If you can have one-fifth of her appearance, then I'm all happy for you."

The best friend next to the nympho girl hit her unceremoniously.

"Eh... can't compare, can't compare..."


Yuki and Zuo Yizi stood not far from the crowd, each holding a watermelon and watched the excitement, but they didn't expect to catch up with the live broadcast of the confession part.

Although at their age full of youth, there will be confession scenes happening in the school every day, but it still does not affect everyone's love for this kind of plot, and they will never tire of watching it.

And today's protagonists are school celebrities with super good looks, handsome men and beautiful women, from the perspective of a bystander, the two really match well.

"Sister Tianchuan, I really like you, can you be my girlfriend?"

Seeing that Tianchuan Huayi didn't reply to him, senior Xiangping mustered up the courage to ask again, his resolute eyes were full of anticipation and tension.

"Are you going to agree... After all, yes, although Tianchuan Huayi has many suitors who may have higher expectations.

But the one who confessed to her was the school's popular ace, Shohei senior with an inestimable future, no girl would refuse, right? "

The onlookers also seemed to have transformed into Senior Shohei, anxiously and nervously waiting for Tianchuan Hanai's reply.

Yushu couldn't help sighing in his heart, although Tianchuan Huayi usually has a cold personality and likes to buy some books with strange themes, occasionally she will suddenly say something inexplicable.

But removing these things, she is still a beautiful girl with good character and learning. If she can be with Senior Shohei, she will be a good-looking girl, very suitable.

So Yushu also put down the melon in his hand, curiously waiting for Tianchuan Huayi's reply.

However, just when everyone thought she would agree to Senior Xiangping, Huayi Tianchuan turned away coldly as if she hadn't seen the person in front of her, and then walked into the teaching building without looking back.

"Ah??" The onlookers unanimously issued three question marks.

This is rejected?Isn't Shohei-senpai her type?

There was a burst of noisy discussion in the crowd instantly, some were surprised, some gossiped, and some were slightly relieved.

Even Yuki was surprised in his heart, Tian Chuan Huai's attitude of rejecting people is really hurtful, I guess senior Xiangping must be feeling uncomfortable now, after all, he was rejected face-to-face among so many people watching.

"Sister Tianchuan! Can't you really give me a chance!? I will definitely give everything that is better for you!!"

Senior Xiangping didn't give up, he turned around and yelled in a voice that could be heard by all the teachers and students in the school, his face was flushed with excitement.

And what responded to him was still that slender but cold back.

"Uh..." After Tianchuan Huayi's back disappeared, the onlookers were still discussing in a loud voice. It seems that there will be a new gossip post on the top of today's school forum.

Still got rejected...

Yuki felt sorry for that Shohei senior, after all, he was able to confess his love under the watchful eyes of so many people, and he was considered a brave man.

But it's a pity that the person he likes is Tianchuan Huayi who is known as the Snow Maiden, and she doesn't show him any affection at all.

I don't know what kind of man my fellow student would like?There is no way to guess.

Or... Tianchuan Huayi likes to be used strong?

Yu Shu couldn't help but think of the themes of the books she bought two days ago. Without exception, the high-ranking heroine was forcibly taken away, and then she resisted desperately in the early stage and swore to die.

But because he was not as strong as a man, he could only be pressed under him with a humiliated face, and then put into various shameful poses.

In the end, the instinct of the body overcame the rationality, and gradually became more active to cater to the unsatisfied hit of the man, turned the other side and pressed the man under him, from resistance to enjoyment, and completed the exchange between prey and hunter.


"Ahem, let's go, Zuo Yizi, it's time to go back to class."

Yu Shu shook the YY picture in his mind, and walked in the direction of the teaching building again.

However, just after he took two steps, a girl in a Lolita dress stopped in front of Yu Shu.

Chapter 32

"Senior Yuki, I like you!"

A soft, waxy and slightly sweet female voice came softly, like a ray of breeze in this hot weather, listening to it made one feel comfortable all over the body.

Yu Shu looked to his left, then turned his head to look to his right, and finally pointed at himself with a confused face.


Did the girl in the lolita dress with a sweet voice just call her name?

"Yes Yuki-senpai, I like you, please date me!"

Before putting her hands on her dress, the girl bent down again and confessed sincerely,

"Uh..." This time Yu Shu heard it clearly.


This cute girl in a foreign dress is actually confessing to herself? ?

This is eating melons and eating myself...

Hiroki couldn't help sizing up the school girl in front of him.

Her pale pink hair was tied into twin ponytails with a lace headpiece.

A pair of pale pink pupils are big and round, as if wearing a large-diameter cosmetic contact lens.

The whole body is covered by the loose and lovely lo skirt, only a section of flawless calf wearing white lace socks and the pair of small lace-up shoes decorated with bowknots are exposed.

An enlarged version of an exquisite doll.

"Where is the wild woman! Yushu is mine!!"

Before Yuki could reply, Zuoyiko who was next to her was the first to quit, and quickly stepped forward and hugged Yuki's arm, as if she was declaring her sovereignty to the woman in front of her.

"It's okay, Zuo Yizi, I don't mind the three of us together—"

The girl in the lo skirt said another sentence that made people's jaw drop.

"Uh..." Yuki was startled!What nonsense is this kid talking about?I don't even mind three people...

A charming scene of three people stacking sandwiches could not help but emerge in my mind.

Ahhh! !Hiroki Kamishima, what are you thinking! !

You give me normal! !

Don't forget that you are a pure Plato love believer!

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