cheer up! !

"No! Yuki belongs to me alone! I don't want to share it with you! Wait, what is your name? Nishikawa?"

"It's Dongchuan, Saya Dongchuan, we are in the same class, Zoeko."

"Uh..." Zuo Yizi stared at Dongchuan Saya's face carefully for a while, and then she recalled it a little bit, as if she had seen this face in class.

Moreover, she still has a popularity that is not inferior to her in the class, and she is also a person in the ranking list of the freshmen's beauty.

Of course, the freshman ranking list was mentioned by Zuo Yizi overheard chatting with people in the class, as if he was also in it.

"You... In short, I don't care if you are Dongchuan or Xichuan, Yushu will not like you, you should die as soon as possible!"

Like a kitten protecting food, Zoeko kept Hiroki behind her with a vigilant face.

"Oh? You're not senior Yuki, why can you refuse for him?"

"I don't care! It doesn't work anyway!"

The eyes of Zuo Yizi and Dongchuan Saya collided with a spark in the air, and a confrontation between women began.

"Stop, stop! Stop arguing, both of you." Yu Shu helplessly rubbed his temples.

Before I said anything, the two girls were already arguing.

"First of all, thank you for liking Dongchuan junior."

"Just call someone Saya!"

"Um, Sister Saya, thank you for your kindness, but I want to focus on my studies now, and not consider love matters for the time being. I may find a girlfriend after I graduate from university, so I'm really sorry. I can't promise you."

Yuki explained in a tone that did not hurt her as much as possible, because it was a happy thing to be confessed by such a cute girl anyway.

Although he also yearns to have a beautiful love with someone, Hiroki has Hiroki's principles, and he would never consider putting his energy on it during school.

"Look! Look! I said Yuki wouldn't like you, you better pack up and leave! Slightly slightly—"

Zuo Yizi gloated and mocked at the side, and even made a nice face at Saya Dongchuan.

"And you Zuo Yizi, the words just now are also for you, although we grew up together as childhood sweethearts.

But it's not a relationship between lovers. I usually turn a blind eye to your little intimate gestures, but you must not push your feet too far, you know? "

Although it hurts to say so, Yuki still feels that he should draw a clear line with Zuo Yizi, so as to save himself from delaying her beautiful years.

"Okay... okay... people know, don't be so fierce... oh QAQ"

Although he knew that Zuo Yizi was pretending, but facing her misty eyes that were about to cry, Yu Shu still unconsciously softened his heart.

"Okay, let's go back to the teaching building together, and Sister Saya, you will definitely meet someone who treats you better, and we will meet again by fate."

After finishing speaking, Hiroki and Zuo Yizi walked side by side towards the teaching building, leaving only Dong Chuan Saya standing in place and watching their backs.

However, Dongchuan Saya did not show a lost and sad expression on his face, but was very calm and kept staring at Yushu in the distance, as if he was thinking about something.

It was only later that she slowly lowered her head, her bright eyes were also hidden in the shadows, and she couldn't see her expression clearly.

But her mouth, the crystal clear and tender thin lips, slightly evoked an evil arc, and her whole person seemed to have turned black, exuding a dark aura all over her body.

"Senior Yuki, you can't escape my palm."


"Morning, Chizuru-san."

After Yuki came to the class, he took the initiative to say hello to Chizuru Fuyumoto, who was behind Kuro Nagao.

After yesterday's incident, Yushu's favorability towards her has increased in a straight line. Of course, this favorability refers to the classmates, not the boyfriend and girlfriend.

But unlike what Hiroki thought, Chizuru Fuyumoto didn't reply his "Good morning..."

But just as usual, there was a quiet smile on the heart-shaped little face, as if this was her response.


It was still the familiar Chizuru Fuyumoto.

What happened?

What happened yesterday was fake?

Are you dreaming?

No, she obviously took the initiative to talk to herself, and even praised and encouraged herself, why did she change back today...

Sure enough, Fuyumoto Chizuru only comforted herself when she saw her depressed expression, and didn't have any other thoughts. The relationship between the two is still just a classmate who doesn't communicate very much, and she thinks too much.

At this time, a piercing cold sight came from the right side. After Yushu took his seat, Tianchuan Hanai focused all her attention on him.

Uh... Is it because I only greeted Fuyumoto Chizuru, but didn't say hello to her?That's why she looked at herself coldly?

"Hua... classmate Tianchuan is also early."

With a stiff smile on his face, Yu Shu said good morning to her even in the rain and dew.

Looking at the heroine in the playground confession incident before him, Yu Shu couldn't help feeling a headache. Fortunately, he didn't have a shift tonight, so he didn't have to worry about bumping into her to buy notebooks at the 667 convenience store.

Long live!

Chapter 33 Are You a Chemistry Teacher?

"What's the situation? Why hasn't the chemistry teacher come?"

"I'm not sure. It's been 5 minutes since class and no one is there. Could it be that I asked for leave?"

"No...I haven't had chemistry class for a whole vacation. Last night I was dreaming about today's class!"

"Hehe LSP, I think you are not looking forward to the chemistry class, but looking forward to seeing the plump and sexy body of the chemistry teacher. I am too embarrassed to expose you!"


"Who is the representative of the chemistry class? Hurry up and see what's going on."

"Ah! I'm the representative of the chemistry class, I'm going to find the teacher..." Yu Shu quickly got up and replied.

I almost forgot. On the first day of school, I seemed to be assigned the title of a representative of the chemistry class. Because there was no chemistry class for the first two days, it took Yu Shu a long time to remember.

This chemistry teacher taught his own class when he was a freshman in high school. His professional level and teaching style have always been excellent, but the things that are loved by everyone are not these at all.

Because there is only one reason why many people look forward to taking chemistry class, that is, the chemistry teacher is a super hot black-skinned sister.

She is different from the black-skinned hottie Ogawa in the part-time job shop.

Ogawa Yui's black skin is of that kind of light tone, a bit biased towards brown, which looks youthful and rebellious.

And the chemistry teacher's black skin is black with a bit of deep purple, a bit like the alien witch in a science fiction movie.

Yu Shu walks out of the class and finds the faculty's office following his memory.

"I'm sorry, may I ask if Teacher Ayu Mikami is there?"

"Mr. Mikami's words are not here. You can go to the chemistry laboratory to find it. She usually hangs there."

The answer to Yu Shu was a middle-aged male teacher wearing glasses. Looking at the world map on the wall of his office, he should be a strict geography teacher.

"Okay, thank you teacher, I'll go to the chemistry lab to have a look."

After Yu Shu thanked him, he walked to the chemistry laboratory at the top of the teaching building.

Because all the teachers and students in the school are in class, the corridor is extremely cold, and the sound of every footstep I take can be clearly heard.

"Chemistry...Chemistry... Ah found it!"

Yu Shu saw a huge room with a chemical laboratory on the door plate, and confirmed that it should be here.

"Boom bang bang-"

"Hello, I'm the chemistry class representative of Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School. Is Teacher Mikami Yayu here?"

Yu Shu knocked on the door of the laboratory a few times, because the door and window were blocked by a black cloth from the inside, so Yu Shu couldn't see the situation inside the laboratory at all.

"excuse me......"

Hiroki knocked politely a few more times, but still no one responded.

Isn't it in the chemistry lab too?So where will my teacher go?

When I was in the first year of high school, I had never seen this chemistry teacher be late. Why did he suddenly disappear today?


Door unlocked?

Originally, I turned the doorknob with the mentality of giving it a try, but I didn't expect to open the door by accident.

Yu Shu stood at the door and glanced around, only to see that the chemical laboratory was pitch black, only a faint candle flame was beating in a far corner.

It's... there's no lights on, candles in the house?

Yu Shu leaned against the wall carefully, looking for the light switch on the ceiling in the darkness.



The light is broken?

How come there is no response after more than ten presses.

No wonder to be lit with candles...


The window blocked by the pure black curtain suddenly had a ray of wind, and because of the wind in the hall, the door opened by Yushu just now suddenly closed by itself.

"I'll go! Such a wicked way!"

Yu Shu was startled by the sudden sound of closing the door, the room was already pitch black, and with the occasional overcast wind blowing, Yu Shu felt a chill all over his body.

Fortunately, his mobile phone has a flashlight function, which can provide him with a slight sense of security in this evil laboratory.

Hiroki turned on the flashlight while moving towards the candlelight position in the corner.

When I got closer, I realized that there was a dark table, and on the table were various test tubes filled with strangely colored liquids, some of which were still bubbling out.

Under the test tube, there are several candles burning the test tube, as if conducting a mysterious biochemical experiment.

It's not like someone is here to study viruses... This doesn't look like a serious experiment.

After Yu Shu observed the test tube for a while, he searched around again with a flashlight.

This can't be done by that mysterious chemistry teacher, after all, she is basically the only one using it in this laboratory.


Hiroki seemed to have tripped over something, and fell directly on a very elastic object without standing still, and his lips seemed to be in contact with something soft.

After Yu Shu reacted, he quickly supported himself with his arms, and only then did he see clearly what happened.

I saw that my palm was holding a huge plump breast at this time, and there was a sleeping loli lying under her...

Well, this should be called a loli...

Because this sleeping girl is indeed about the same age as her twin sister in terms of figure and appearance.



This petite loli has a pair of huge ruts that are about the size of the head teacher, Mingmei, and a huge buttocks that are round and upright.


Ah this...

Ah, what's the situation? ?

Are you dazzled?

Yu Shu hurriedly raised the hand holding her right hand, and then rubbed his eyes vigorously.

After opening it again, I found that lying there was still a woman with a loli body, but with a huge ru and huge buttocks.


This impactful picture directly shattered Yushu's three views formed over the years,

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