This sexy scene is really unbearable. Although she is my mother, she is also a sexy woman. No matter how hard I try to tell myself not to have distracting thoughts, I can't help being distracted. The instinct of a male creature.

However, before Yu Shu could take a breath, the bathroom door was reopened with a "crash", which immediately frightened him to his wits.

"Mom, is there anything else..."

"Xiaoshu, I put a glass of milk on the table in your room, remember to drink it after washing—"

"Ah good!"

The door closed again.

After hearing the sound of his mother going upstairs, Yu Shu rushed out immediately to prevent any unexpected situation from happening.

After returning to the house, there was a glass of milk there.

"Ton, ton, ah... so cool!"

Yu Shu drank it down. Sure enough, having a glass of iced milk after taking a hot bath is the most refreshing, and it tastes better than usual. I don't know what flavor of milk my mother gave me.

Pull off the quilt and get into the bed.

Yu Shu decided not to read the book today, but to sleep peacefully to relieve the fatigue of the past two days, after all, he has to work tomorrow night.

Probably due to the lack of blood supply after taking a bath, a wave of tiredness hit him unknowingly, Hiroki fell asleep very fast as usual, and soon let out a slight snoring sound.

What he didn't notice was that there were a few grains floating on the bottom of the milk glass on the table.

Incompletely melted white powder.

Chapter 46 Unlimited Bullets

The dark curtain is deep, and the moonlight is like water.

In this silent night, it seems that even insects and birds have fallen into sleep.


In a room on the second floor of a house, there was a tooth-sickening door opening, which also indicated that the hunter in the dark night was about to start acting.

Michihara Reiko has already changed into a sexy dress. She doesn't like to wear pajamas, because pajamas will cover her protruding figure, and she doesn't like to be naked, because it will lack a kind of faint charm.

She likes to put on the most exquisite makeup every time she hunts at night, put on the clothes and stockings she is most satisfied with, and always show her most glamorous side.

She likes this sense of ritual, even if no one can appreciate her beauty in the middle of the night.

But she still dresses herself up beautifully for ten years, regardless of day or night, regardless of season, just to leave the best side for Yushu.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror on the first floor, admiring her beauty under the moonlight.

There is no trace of wrinkle on a snowy face that has been completely forgotten by time, it is smooth and flawless, as if water can be squeezed out at any time.

On the two plump and plump lips, she painted her favorite burgundy red lip gloss.

If the lipstick number can be a metaphor for a woman's character.

That pink must represent cute, lively and energetic.

Bright red represents confidence, warmth and sociability.

Burgundy red will give people a restrained sense of maturity, which few people can control.

Looking down from the lips, it is a tight one-piece skirt that perfectly wraps the bust, waist and hips.

The overall appearance is a light apricot color, which complements the exposed snow-white skin, as if everything is covered, and nothing is covered. The round and plump outline is clearly visible, where it should be thin and where it should be bulging.

And the silver necklace given by Yushu just hung on the slender swan neck, never leaving the body for a moment.

At the junction of the buttocks and the legs, there is a pair of eye-catching silky long legs.

Michihara Reiko's legs didn't feel firm and slender, but rather plump and juicy, with the thickest area about the width of her waist.

But no matter in terms of vision or feel, this kind of leg shape is just the best of the best, and every time you take a step, it will form a wave of trembling flesh.

She usually likes to wear high heels, because high heels can increase the three-dimensionality of the back and the slenderness of the calves, making the curve of the body more beautiful.

But at this moment, she didn't wear it, because the sound of high heels would wake up the daughters on the second floor, so she could only step on the floor with her beautiful feet through a layer of stockings.

You can also vaguely see the neatly trimmed toenails inside through the reinforcement of the stockings on the toes, and the color of the nail polish is also burgundy red. ?

Michihara Reiko looked at herself in the mirror and slowly indulged in it, from time to time, she would slide her slender fingers across every corner of her body.

I kept fantasizing in my mind, if it was Xiaoshu, he would definitely like himself like this, and he would touch himself like this.

Although Xiaoshu is not his own, the feeling of being touched all over by him must be very comfortable——

I have always treated him as my own child, but behind the scenes, I often do things with him that would only be done between husband and wife, but every time I need to stun him.

Thinking of this, Michihara Reiko couldn't help feeling dry mouth, and kept swallowing saliva on her snow-white neck, as if her body had already sent a signal that she couldn't wait.

Xiaoshu, mother is here——

Finally, Reiko Michihara couldn't bear the urging of her body, stepped on flesh-colored stockings and slowly came to her son's room, ready to start hunting tonight.


The shadow of the moon is slanting to the west, and the night is as cool as water.

The temperature outside was no longer as hot as it was during the day.

But in Yu Shu's room, there is still a hot scene of sweating profusely at this time, which forms a sharp contrast with the coldness outside.

Reiko Michihara, who was immersed in the hunting process, was too focused, so she didn't notice that the door of Hiroki's room was slowly being opened with a slight gap.

Behind the gap, two pairs of blue eyes shone with strange brilliance, watching everything that happened in the house.


【ding dong——】

[It is detected that the host has met the conditions, and the slut's physique has been upgraded, the current level is lv3]

[Unlock Talent: Unlimited Bullets]

"Uh..." The moment Yu Shu was woken up by the six alarm clocks, he heard several notifications from the system.

Here's what happened...

How can I upgrade after sleeping all night?The logic of this upgrade is too strange!

Woooooo...I don't want to keep getting bigger.

Yuki hastily called out the transparent panel and checked his own information.

【Kamishima Hiroki】

[Slut Physique LV3 (Sluts will be attracted to you unconditionally)]

【Current length: 40cm (increase 1cm each time, required points: 1)】

【Current thickness: 5.2cm (increase 0.2cm each time, required points: 1)】

[Remaining reinforcement points: 0]

[Unlock Talent: Unlimited Bullets. 】

[Unlocked option: Unknown. 】


Yuki showed a hint of doubt.

Didn't give attribute strengthening points this time?Instead, there is an extra strange talent.

But what the hell is this infinite bullet, I don't have a gun... Is there something wrong?

Hiroki was puzzled and clicked on the detailed introduction of infinite bullets on the panel.

[Talent [-]: Unlimited Bullets]

[Introduction: Your ammunition depot will no longer be limited by the number of ammunition, you can achieve unlimited supplies, and always charge at the forefront. 】

"Uh..." What is this!Isn't this a campus light novel?Why are you still hooked on firearms and ammunition! !

Yu Shu was at a loss. He was already confused, but after reading the introduction of the system, he became even more confused.

Do I need to buy a gun before I can use this talent?

But let alone real guns since childhood, even toy guns have not been in contact with them much. Besides, it is illegal for ordinary people to hold guns, and they have no channels to get guns. What to do with such an eccentric talent...

Yu Shu couldn't figure it out, sat on the bed and thought for a long time but couldn't figure out why.

Forget it, let's not worry about it for now, anyway, the system has never been normal, and it's still important to go to school.

After Yushu opened the door, he happened to bump into Eriko, a junior high school girl who was wearing shoes. At this time, the other party was putting a small foot wrapped in gray and black stockings into the leather shoe. After hearing Yushu's door opening sound, she went back Take a look here.

Uh... so heavy dark circles, my younger sister seems to be the reason why I didn't sleep well last night. At this moment, she is looking at me with a sleepy and tired face. Unidentified emotions.

Since Eriko's school is far away from home, she usually wakes up half an hour earlier than Hiroki. Usually, when Hiroki wakes up, she has already gone out. It is rare to meet like this today.

"Morning, Eriko." Hiroki greeted kindly.

But in exchange it is.


The merciless slam of the door.

Eriko ignored Hiroki, put on her shoes, turned around and left the house without saying a word to him from the beginning to the end.

"Uh..." Where on earth did I provoke this little girl, why did I feel like I had been shot.

ah!Could it be that relatives are here?No wonder he looked restless, and if so, it would make sense.

Well, it must be so.

After Yu Shu finished the big tonic breakfast prepared by his mother, he ran back to the house and ate a few Liuwei Dihuang Wan before leaving the house in a hurry.

After a fight between Aunt Liangzi and Zuo Yizi, Yushu was able to get away and walk to the subway station, and this road was also the road where he was followed last night.

"Zoe, what is this?"

Yuki pointed to the black collar on Zuo Yizi's neck, and then pointed to the small bell hanging on the black collar.

Zoeko usually likes to wear some distinctive decorations around her neck, such as leather collars, lace neckbands, or metal necklaces.

Good-looking is only one aspect, and more importantly, it can enrich the visual center. After all, there is a black circle suddenly appearing on the clean and flawless jade neck, which will always make people look at it unconsciously.

But this is the first time I've seen her with a bell, and as she walks around, there will be bursts of crisp bells from time to time.

"Hee hee, it looks good! You can touch it—"

Saying that, Zuo Yizi stretched out her slender swan neck so that Hiroki could easily touch the bell.

Chapter 47


Yu Shu still couldn't resist the temptation, and poked the little bell a few times with his fingers, not to mention the sound was really nice!

"That Yuki touched my bell, he will be my master from now on—"

Zuo Yizi acted coquettishly as if she had succeeded in a trick, and also took the initiative to stick her small face on Yu Shu's palm, as if she was a kitten waiting for its master to give orders.


"Hee hee, the master posted it—"

Zuo Yizi pressed her whole body over, and greedily inhaled the smell of Yuki's body, she was even more like a slut than the slut Yuki met two days ago.

"Ahem—By the way, Zuo Yizi, what kind of club have you joined these two days? Don't you usually dislike participating in that kind of thing?"

Hiroki couldn't bear the strange gazes around him, so he quickly changed the topic, and straightened Zoe who was stuck to his body to sit upright.

"Hee hee, this is a secret, you'll know in two days... But if Yuki kisses me, I can tell you right now—"

Zuo Yizi pointed to her fair face, then pointed to her moist cherry lips, and offered a tempting bargaining chip to Yu Shu.

"Forget it, I'll just read light novels honestly."

Yuki didn't follow the scheme of the little witch, but took out his mobile phone and found an online novel that he had read before, and started to read it on the subway seat.

When the plot is just about to be released, Yu Shu is so worried that he can't wait to buy ten catties of blades and send them to the author.

Zuo Yizi saw that Yu Shu didn't pay attention to her, so she could only pout her small mouth and stick to Yu Shu's body again in aggrieved manner. While smelling the smell on his body, she closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep, as if this was what she wanted every morning. Do the same as the required courses.

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