Because the feeling of sleeping on Yushu's shoulders is ten times more comfortable than sleeping on your own bed, so I still have to find a way to get him.

The subway continued to move forward, and the passengers who boarded and disembarked also came and went and changed batch after batch, and the carriage was full of people again unconsciously.

A pair of straight black silk beautiful legs stood in front of Hiroki, and the stockings were a bit like Fuyumoto Chizuru's slightly fleshy style.

And there are some beautiful English letters BALENCIAGA all over it, and the fabric looks very valuable.

Yushu remembered that his sister who was in college also had a pair of these stockings at home, but the arrangement of the letters was different. At that time, her sister showed it in front of him and asked him if it looked good.

And on the grounds of letting Yushu feel the fabric, he stretched out the long black silk legs and let Yushu's palm stroke them.

At that time, the innocent Yuki didn't think much, just stretched out his hand and touched the warm black silk thigh of his sister twice, not to mention that the touch was really good, silky and firm, it was indeed expensive for a reason.

So Yu Shu just glanced at the long legs in front of him, then continued to look down at the phone, not paying too much attention to this woman.

Just when Yu Shu was about to see the crucial plot moment, a notification on his mobile phone interrupted his concentration.

[Airdropping, "Looking for Friends" shared a photo. 】

what is this?

It doesn't look like wechat or text message, who sent me the message?

Hiroki clicked on the photo curiously, and then his pupils tightened.

In the photo, she took a selfie in the mirror with her mobile phone covering her face, and she was a woman with a good figure, dressed in cool clothes, and her snow-white thighs were also very eye-catching.

What the hell is this? Why did my mobile phone suddenly and inexplicably receive a selfie of a woman?

Yu Shu immediately went online to check what AirDrop is. It turned out that it is a new function of smart phones recently. It can send some photos or video files to the mobile phones of people around you through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, and you can specify the recipient.

And Yuki's own id is "Kamishima Yuki's mobile phone".

The id of the person who sent the photo just now is "Looking for Buddy".

Who made the mistake?

Yu Shu looked around, because it was said on the Internet that the distance of the airdrop is about ten meters, which means that this person is also in the same carriage as him now?

It must have been sent by mistake...

Yu Shu didn't care too much, and after deleting the photo, he turned to read the online novel.

This male lead is too scumbag!Even though they have established a relationship with the heroine, they still flirt with each other in school, and they call it a good name. I don't want to make everyone sad, bah!

A scumbag, a playboy is a playboy, and he still finds so many reasons to delete books and delete books, and he is so angry that he doesn't read them.

[Airdropping, "Looking for Friends" shared a photo. 】

Hiroki was about to remove the book from the shelf, but was interrupted by an airdrop message.

Come again?

After clicking on the photo, it turned out to be the selfie girl just now, but this one has been changed into a gorgeous cosplay costume, it seems to be a character in a game, what is it called 2A or 2B?And also put on a sexy poss.

The combination of the white-haired eye mask and stockings and boots can simply be called an otaku killer. If this is posted on a certain music or a certain website, there will definitely be a lot of crazy LSP likes.

But it's a pity that Yu Shu is not an otaku, so he still deleted the photo with a blank expression.

[Airdropping, "Looking for Friends" shared a photo. 】

Why are you still here...

Could it be that I sent it to the wrong person, and sent it to myself?But why send selfies to yourself for no reason? ?

Yu Shu clicked on the photo again with question marks all over his head, and then almost threw the phone out.

Because this time it is neither a cool dress nor a gorgeous cosplay, but only a set of lace bra and underwear with little fabric. Apart from the mobile phone on the face, there is no cover, the whole body skin Bai rolled his eyes.

And he also held a blank piece of paper in his hand, which said, about +V 14733...

"Uh..." What does that mean?It’s okay if one piece of fabric is less than one piece of fabric, why do you still leave your contact information?Could it be that I ran into a worker in a mysterious industry again?

Yu Shu remembered the TV news that he had watched before, a man made an appointment to make a deal in a hotel because he added the contact information on a small card under the door, but was jumped by a group of fat-faced big Han immortals .

It doesn't matter if you lose money, and you also lose the first time in some places.

Just thinking of that scene, Yu Shu got goosebumps all over his body, and quickly deleted the photos on the phone, and was going to find the Bluetooth option in the phone settings to turn it off.

As a result, two messages popped up in a row.

[Airdropping, "Looking for Friends" shared a photo. 】

[Airdropping, "Looking for Friends" shared a video. 】

Yuki originally wanted to delete it directly, but after taking a look, he found that the thumbnail of the photo looked familiar.

Click on the first photo, and the selfie girl in it has changed from standing to sitting on the ground.

And her legs are in a capital M shape, and she only wears a pair of black stockings with BALENCIAGA letters all over her body.

The following video is the same as the photo, with the same dress and the same posture. The black silk woman on the screen is taking a selfie with a mobile phone in one hand, while the other hand is placed somewhere on the stockings, doing some weird movements. After a while, a pool of water stains flowed out on the ground.

God!It turned out to be a self-casting video! !

And this alphabet stockings...

Yu Shu slowly raised his head, and in front of him was a pair of straight black silk legs exactly like those in the video.

Is it...

Hiroki looked up along the alphabet stockings until he saw a flushed young female face.

At this moment, she was looking down at herself with her head down, exhaling puffs of hot air from her mouth from time to time, and the movements of her hands never stopped, sending Yu Shu airdrops one after another.

More than 20 pictures and video messages popped up on Yu Shu's mobile phone in an instant. Just looking at the thumbnails, you can know that the content is getting better and better.

Chapter 48 The Second Ancestor

"Zoeko, run!"

"Hmm... huh? What's the matter?"

Zuo Yizi was dragged up from the seat by Hiroki in a daze, and desperately dragged her to run outside the carriage.

"Wow, Yushu, you actually took the initiative to hold his hand. Are you going to elope with him?"

After the two stopped, Zuo Yizi shyly covered her face with her tender hands and said.

"What elopement, there was an idiot in the car just now!"

Yu Shu propped his hands on his knees and panted heavily, and also looked in the direction of the carriage with fear.

The woman in stockings who had been airdropping letters to herself just now is definitely a slut!

And recalling her id "Looking for Buddy", it's so obvious that it can't be obvious anymore, why didn't I notice it in the first place!

If I remember correctly, these legs have been standing in front of me for at least 20 minutes, which means that I have been stared at by this woman all the way?

When I clicked on the photo under her gaze, she must have a morbid sense of satisfaction on her face, right?

Wouldn't it be exciting for a stranger man to see her welfare selfies or something?

"Yu Shu, what is a moron? A demented woman?"

Zuo Yizi tilted her little head, and she didn't know if she was pretending to be stupid or really didn't know.

"Well, in short, she is a woman who behaves very badly. She is the same kind of male satyr. There was one in our carriage just now."

"Ah? Sagittarius!! Yuuki, you haven't been taken advantage of by the satyr, have you? Wuwuwu Yuki can only be taken advantage of by me."

Zuo Yizi touched Yu Shu's body back and forth with her tender and smooth hands, checking whether his body was already dirty.

"Ahem, that's not true. Let's go back to school first. I need to go to work tonight. You should try to go back early and don't walk around at night. It's not a peaceful night over there recently."

Yu Shu recalled the "Jie Jie Jie" big-bodied man he met last night, and reminded Zuo Yizi worriedly.

And I'm going to buy Zoeko a stun gun for self-defense, just in case she encounters any danger.

"Yeah, I must listen to Hiroki obediently."

Zuo Yizi nodded like pounding garlic, and the small bell on her neck also made crisp sounds back and forth.


The clear blue sky, the campus of Kaesong High School.

An upright youthful boy and girl walked together, they laughed, they fought, exuding their vigor and vitality.

But at this moment, they were all looking in one direction, to be precise, they should be looking at the two figures at the school gate.

The two figures are a boy and a girl.

The girl has an alluring appearance, Ruyu wears a black collar around her neck, and a small golden bell is hung on the collar, like an elf who has fallen into the mortal world, which makes people look at her at a glance. You can't look away.

Boys (readers please bring your own).

Needless to say, the girl is one of the most popular school girls among the freshmen. I heard that in the past few days since the beginning of school, she has received tons of love letters every day, and some students have spontaneously formed fan clubs.

There are men and women in the fan club, because Zuo Yizi not only attracts boys, but also girls are fascinated by her appearance and temperament, and they all wish to have a taboo lily love with her.

It seems that if the other party is Zoeko, it is not unacceptable to change her sexual orientation and grind tofu.

The reason why a boy is famous is a little different from that of a girl. Although his appearance and temperament are also very good, it is indeed a post on the school forum that made everyone know him well.

To be precise, it should be the two photos in the post.

Although it may be p, but that majestic thing, as long as you take a look, it will be directly engraved in the deepest part of your mind and soul, and it cannot be wiped out at all.

It has made countless men dejected, and countless women have been haunted by dreams.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Hiroki and Zuo Yizi had completely different thoughts in their hearts.

Hiroki: Sure enough, Zoeko’s popularity is so high everywhere, these people must have come to see Zoeko, those who looked at him, probably because of envy and jealousy, after all, there is only one distance between the two now body distance.

Zuo Yizi: Ahhh!Those flies are so annoying!Why do you all gather around, you guys look at me like this, how can I stick to Yu Shu!It's annoying! !

The two had different thoughts and just walked towards the campus.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't get in the way."

A discordant voice suddenly came from the crowd of onlookers, and then a fierce-looking boy pushed the students who were blocking the way to the sides, freeing a path that could pass people.

Of course the student who was pushed away was not happy. He frowned and was about to get angry, but when he saw the vicious boy and the person behind him clearly, he suddenly lost his temper. He could only step back a little, so that this group of people could pass .

"It's your acquaintance."

The vicious boy glared at the students on both sides, and then, like magic, he suddenly changed from that fierce look to a cheap and flattering smile, and said to the people behind him:

"Brother, this way please."


Behind the vicious boy, a man with blond hair, sunglasses, and a lip ring slowly walked out.

When walking, the chin is always lifted at a 35-degree angle, as if looking at people with the nostrils, and the expression is also arrogant and domineering.

It is the famous second ancestor of Kaesong Private High School, Daxiang Maru.

Usually ignorant and incompetent, relying on two small money in his family, he often bullied some cowardly students.

Generally, those who have been bullied do not dare to resist, which leads to the arrogance of Daxiang Wan, who is notorious in the school.

I saw him lift his nostrils, and just like that, he came to Yushu and Zuo Yizi with the dog-legged boy, blocking their way.

Seeing two obstacles suddenly appearing in front of him, Yu Shu frowned slightly, and prepared to bypass them with Zuo Yizi.

"Stop, did my brother let you go?"

The vicious boy blocked the way again, with an attitude of reluctance.

"Is something wrong?"

Yu Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that the two were deliberately finding fault.

"Boy, you can go, but the girl next to you has to stay. This young master has taken a fancy to her. I hope you don't know how to compliment her."

The blond man who looked at people with his nostrils spoke to Hiroki in a commanding tone.

Yuki: "..."

Zoeko: "..."

Onlookers: "..."

What kind of third-rate old-fashioned plot is this, hey!

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