It's a pity that his little girlfriend doesn't seem to be here today, otherwise I wouldn't mind staging a face-to-face ntr scene.


What is that big brother and big sister doing?

A little girl with shofar braids looked at the corner of the carriage curiously with big bright eyes.

Because she is relatively short, her line of sight can just see Hiroki's waist.

Unlike other passengers in the carriage, the big brother and big sister looked a little strange, and there was liquid constantly slipping from the big sister's legs.

Did the eldest sister pee her pants in the car?

At this age, the little girl was full of curiosity about the world, so she let go of her mother's palm and squeezed in the direction of the two of them.

There are snakes! !

There is actually a snake hanging from the waist of the elder brother, and it seems that it is constantly burrowing into the place where the elder sister pees. No wonder the elder sister is trembling all the time. It turns out that it is because of fear.

"Mom, mom, there are snakes, big brother has snakes."

The little girl hurriedly squeezed to her mother's side, grabbed her mother's arm, and pointed to the corner of the carriage with a look of fear.

"Can you calm down for a while, yesterday you said there was a big tiger in the kindergarten, but it turned out to be a cat, and now you say there is a snake, mom is really tired, can you let mom squint for a while?"

The little girl's mother didn't care, because her naughty daughter usually yelled and caused trouble, and she was too tired. After sending her daughter to school, she had to rush to work.

"But, but, is there really a snake there—"

The little girl defended aggrievedly, seeing that her mother ignored her, she could only focus on the waist and buttocks of her elder brother and elder sister.

It's strange, why the big brother's meat snake disappeared when it got into the place where the big sister peed, it should be very small there.

The little girl was very curious. With big innocent eyes, she watched the big snake disappear without blinking, and then watched the big snake appear again without blinking. The desire to explore in her heart was directly aroused.

She held her mother in one hand, while the other hand reached into her skirt, touching the place where she usually peeed.

But after touching it, she became even more curious. Even a toothpick couldn't get in here. How did that big meaty snake get in?

Could it be that after growing up as an adult, this place of mine will also become bigger?


What is this?

Round, small, like a soybean grain.

And every time I touch or stroke it, I feel a faint urge to urinate, but it is also accompanied by a very comfortable electric sensation that spreads throughout my body.

This feeling is so strange... I obviously just peeed in the toilet before getting in the car.


Why is there a place to pee here?

The little girl moved her finger to a smooth and flawless slit, feeling the curvature back and forth.

When I met Xiaodoudou just now, I really wanted to pee here. It turns out that girls have two places to pee.

But this slit seems to be larger than the front one, and it can barely fit my little finger.

But it can only be put in about a centimeter, and if it goes deeper, it will cause pain.

But it's so comfortable to just put a small amount in it. This feeling is both strange and comfortable, and you can't stop it at all.

The little girl touched up and down with two fingers, one was rubbing the little peas, and the other was slightly inserted into the slit, the feeling of urinating became more and more obvious.



The little girl experienced the first happiness in her life.

This feeling terrified her, but it also made her obsessed, with a faint feeling of being addicted.

From this moment, the little girl seemed to have opened an unknown door and experienced the joy of being a woman in advance.

And her enlightenment mentor is Yu Shu and the subway satyr.


【ding dong——】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, rewarding 1 enhancement point]

[Has been automatically assigned to the host, the current cooldown time of the Demon Slaughter Gun: 4 minutes (original: 5 minutes) (1 minute reduction each time, required reinforcement points: 1)]

"Uh..." lessened again...

At this rate, I believe it won't take long before it will become a no-cooling...

After a fight with the subway satyr, the female satyr finally trembled violently and then lost consciousness, and the holy water was sprayed in her deepest part.

After finishing the work, Hiroki didn't just let her go, but rearranged her clothes and found an empty seat for her to put her on.To outsiders, she looks like an office worker falling asleep from exhaustion.

It is estimated that when she wakes up, she will definitely deduct money for being late today......

In a blink of an eye, Yushu came to his class, looking at the young and immature faces around him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's better to go to school, there will be no sluts, and the air is fresh and pleasant.

And when he was scanning his classmates, Yu Shu could feel that several eyes seemed to fall on him.

One of them is his back desk, a quiet girl with black and straight hair, Chizuru Fuyumoto.

"Good morning Chizuru-san."

Yuki politely said hello.

"Good morning--"

Fuyumoto Chizuru's smile is very quiet, not too wide, and it will make people feel better when you see it in your eyes.

I don't know if this quiet girl went out in her underwear properly after that time.

How about using your perspective ability to check it out?

"Uh..." No way!no!

Hiroki Kamishima, what's going on in your head!How could you do that perverted thing to your classmates! !

The dragon slayer eventually becomes a dragon.

If you really do this, wouldn't it be the same as becoming the kind of person you hate the most?

Hiroki was secretly startled, stopped his perverted thoughts in time, chose to believe in Fuyumoto Chizuru, and vowed in his heart that he must use this ability less in the future, and it is best not to use it if possible... .

And the second gaze that fell on him was Tianchuan Huayi on his right.

Blue hair, blue eyes, white clothes, white legs, white high heels, a pretty face as white as ice and snow, exuding a cool chill.

This cold-looking girl has many titles, such as the beauty squad leader of the second and third classes of high school, the ice and snow goddess who cannot be attacked, the resident big family in the Kaesong school flower rankings, and the book master who loves being raped.

Of course, the last title was given to her by Yushu himself, and I don’t know if she has gone to the adult section of the 667 convenience store to buy a new notebook in the past few days...

And I'm going to work in the store tonight, and the chance of the two meeting by then is estimated to be as high as 50.00%!

Yushu moved his eyes away from Tianchuan Huayi, and shifted to a corner of the class, where a rustic-looking girl with braids, thick glasses, and loose clothes was sitting there, the third way to look at herself The gaze, that Asayama Nanae who suffers from "big breast disease".

Originally, before the medical examination incident, she was just a rustic girl who had no presence in the class, and no one usually noticed her.

But after the medical examination incident, although she will still wrap herself up tightly, no one dares to "little" her anymore, because she is too "big"!

Ridiculously big!Incredibly big!

It was only at that time that Yu Shu recalled that he had met her a year ago, and there was a small episode that allowed him to see her true appearance;

Yes, under her pair of ultra-thick glasses, there is a beautiful face comparable to that of Tian Chuan Hanai!

But apart from myself, few people know about it.

But her personality is relatively introverted, and she can even be said to have low self-esteem, so she has never dared to show her face and figure.

Just like now, after I met her peeping eyes, she was so frightened that she buried her face in the fullness of her chest, as if as long as I didn't look at others, others would not be able to see me.

"Uh..." Let it be, and get to know her again when I have a chance, and see if I can help her solve her illness.

After retracting his eyes, Yu Shu followed his feeling and wanted to find the fourth gaze that looked at him.

As a result, Yu Shu was interrupted by a distressed voice before he could see who that person was.

"Uuuuuu Yuki, my youth is over!"

Hiroki followed the sound, and it turned out that it was Rintaro with the hedgehog head, who suddenly sat on the empty seat at the front table, and looked very depressed.

"What's the matter Rintaro? Why did you return emo?"

"Woooooo, Yuki, let me tell you, something serious happened!"

Chapter 91 Popular Idol

"What's the big deal?"

Hiroki was aroused a little curiosity.

Can make that carefree, super optimistic Rintaro look like this.It is conceivable that it must be an unusual thing.

"Wooooow, my twelve favorite teachers have announced their retirement, and I will never see their works again! Woooooo..."

"Teacher? From our school?"

Yushu was at a loss after listening, why did the teacher still talk about retiring?Shouldn't it be retirement...

Hiroki didn't understand what was going on until Rintaro handed over the phone screen.

There is a piece of news on the phone, and the headline of the news is:

【Shock! The AV world is in turmoil!These 12 female teachers actually retired collectively! !And claiming to have found someone to love?The number ipx-999 will be their last work! 】

Yuki continued to swipe down the screen, roughly browsing the content and illustrations.

"Uh..." Why do you think the woman in the first picture looks so familiar?

A ridiculous idea popped up in Yu Shu's mind.

No way......

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Is it...

However, the next eleven photos perfectly verified Hiroki's idea, which made him almost throw the phone away.

Because Yu Shu knew all the women in these twelve photos, or should be said to be very familiar with them.

After all, he has been honest with every woman without reservation, and he has had intimate and in-depth exchanges with each other.

It was the twelve actresses who were filming action scenes with me at that time!

Hebei Huacai, Matsumoto Erka, Sakura Misaki, Spade Blossom, Mingyuehua Kirara, Aizawa Minami, Umiya Shiwan, Amane Mana, Shimohara Ai, Asada Eomi, Momanogi Ka, and Minano Yuzu Clothes......

Do you have their contact information in your phone...

Yu Shu took out his mobile phone and glanced at WeChat, and opened the window of an actress casually, and found that this big sister named Hebei Huacai had sent himself a lot of WeChat recently.

Except for the first hello emoticon when I just added friends, I haven't replied to the subsequent messages.

【Little brother, are you home yet?You must be exhausted today, remember to rest early——]

[Good morning, the weather is really nice today, by the way, what do you usually do on Saturday and Sunday? 】

[Today's lunch is a salad I made myself, little brother, have you had lunch yet? 】

[Salad photo jpg. 】

【Are you busy today?Then I won't bother you for now, good night and sweet dreams——]

[A gif emoticon pack of cartoon characters snoring. 】

[I seem to feel like I'm getting fat again, you see my belly is getting up, I don't dare to show my waist in the future T^T. 】

[Photo jpg of a smooth and flat belly, without a trace of fat at all, and even with two nice and sexy vest lines. 】

[I went to terminate the contract with the brokerage company today. I don’t know why, but now whenever I see another man, I feel like throwing up. Do you think I have some kind of illness? 】

【It's so lonely, I'm the only one at home, do you think I should keep a cat to accompany me?Look, if it were you, which breed do you prefer? 】

[A bunch of cat photos, including English short, American short, Siamese, tabby cat, Persian cat, Ragdoll cat and so on. 】

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