【I...I actually dreamed of you last night, and it was that kind of embarrassing sexual dream...Ah!It’s so embarrassing to say——]

[Big red face emoji package. 】

"Uh..." Good guy, I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it!

Unexpectedly, the woman named Hebei Huacai sent herself so many WeChat messages, and basically without interruption every day, she was even more diligent than writing a diary!

Moreover, she also gave her only circle of friends, which was posted two years ago, and liked it once, and there were serious comments under each post, and the number of words was as long as an 800-word composition written for the high school entrance examination.

Yu Shu looked through the WeChat of several other actresses, and without exception, they would send themselves some messages from time to time.

And from the content of their circle of friends, it can be seen that these 12 women, as the news said, all quit the industry.

What's the situation?Why did he retire so suddenly?Isn't this the peak of their careers?

Hiroki continued to scroll down Rintaro's mobile phone, and there was also a preview cover of ipx-999 displayed on it. On the cover, there were 12 female characters with different styles, including a housewife, a female leader, a beautiful sister, and a Hot prison guards, seductive stewardesses, primitive tribe queens and more.

And among these women, on the grass seat surrounded in the center, is a young man with a handsome face, harmless to humans and animals, and he should be the leading actor of this film.


Nima! !

That old boy Hiroto Inoue tricked me! !

He clearly agreed to mark his own face!code?What about a size up? ?

Pit father! !

This is how I will meet people when I go out in the future! !

Hiroki broke out in a cold sweat on his back, hurriedly scratched the cover away, and looked up nervously at Rintaro's reaction.

"Rintaro... did you see that cover just now?"

"Cover? What cover? I showed it to you when I saw the title, and I haven't had time to scroll down."


"Really? Why are you sweating so much all of a sudden? Is there anything more exciting under the news?"

Rintaro said that he was about to take back his mobile phone, and wanted to see what kind of cover could make Hiroki have such a big reaction?

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute, Rintaro, can you promise me one thing, it's very important."

Hiroki quickly grabbed Rintaro's palm with his left hand, then quickly closed the news with his right hand, and then looked into Rintaro's eyes with a serious face.

"What's wrong with you... what's the important thing you said?"

Rintaro was full of question marks, as if he didn't understand, why Hiroki always looked surprised today, he is not usually this kind of persona?

"Uh... that's... I hope you don't pay attention to all the news about this work, just pretend that this work doesn't exist, okay..."

"Ah? Why? This work is the retired work of the teachers. I definitely want to buy it for collection. Besides, Hiroki, why did you suddenly pay attention to this aspect? Don't you usually have no contact with it at all? "

Rintaro was confused by Yuki's behavior. He knew that Yuki was not interested in these films and actresses. He came to complain to him just now because he really had no other friends...but no Thinking that Hiroki was even more excited than he acted?

"Um, I can't say the specific reason, but if you promise me, I will... How about I help you get your favorite actress WeChat?"

"Ah? WeChat? Yushu, you mean, you can help me get the female teacher's WeChat!!"

"Ahem, yes, I have a distant relative who happens to work in their crew, he should be able to get it for me."

Yu Shu made up Hu Zou without blushing and heart beating.

"Wow!! I didn't expect you to have such a relative, this is so happy! Then I want Teacher Namono Yui's WeChat account, I am her loyal fan!!"

Dazzled by happiness, Rintaro has completely forgotten about the retirement of the actresses.

"Okay, then I'll get it for you when I go back, but you have to remember what you promised me just now, you must never touch any information about this movie in the future, you know?"

"Understood, I understand, don't worry, I, Rintaro Ozawa, a man who promises everything, is hard to follow. When I capture Goddess Bono in the future, I will definitely treat you, a good brother, to a wedding banquet hahaha."

Rintaro laughed loudly, and his mind had already begun to fantasize about the future happiness.

"Uh..." I can only hope that Rintaro can really keep the promise.Otherwise... I will definitely die of embarrassment!

His classmate, the platonic Hiroki Kamishima, would actually go behind his back to make male and female action movies or something, which would definitely surprise Rintaro!

Hey...God bless, Amitabha, don't be discovered by someone you know.

After Yushu prayed in his heart for a long time, he took out his mobile phone, opened WeChat, and directly sent a series of question marks to the fat director Hiroto Inoue, asking him why he didn't code his face! ?Are you a liar! !

Of course, the result in exchange was Hiroto Inoue's continuous play-death, and he clearly saw the "the other party is inputting" displayed on it.

Forget it... It's probably useless to ask. If it really doesn't work, if someone asks me in the future, just say that I have a twin brother who has lost contact.

Hiroki stared at Hiroto Inoue's WeChat profile photo for a while, then slowly frowned, and suddenly remembered something.

I still remember the first time I met Hiroto Inoue in Huajie, he seemed to mention that I was recommended to him by her niece, and this niece seemed to be in the same school as me?

I don't know who his niece is, what grade she is in, and why she has her own photo...

and many more!


Why does her niece have a picture of her own demon gun?

In school, the only time I showed my spear was in that special biology class. Could it be that she was my classmate?

With speculation, Yu Shu looked around again, trying to stay on every girl's face.

But without exception, they all behaved normally, but if there is a girl named Inoue, there is one girl in the class, and that is...


Just as Yushu was about to search for the girl with the surname Inoue based on his memory, there was a burst of shouting from the window on his left, which was so loud that the window glass trembled.

what's going on?What's going on outside?Is there an event going on?

Yu Shu leaned against the window, poked his head out, and saw that the school playground was covered in darkness, densely packed with human heads and figures, faintly showing signs of bursting the playground.

It's almost time for class, why are there so many students gathered in the playground?And the direction they converged seemed to be an RV at the school gate.

Is there some big shot coming to the school?

Because Yu Shu was too far away, he could only vaguely see the situation at the school gate. It seemed that a person stepped down from the RV, but Yu Shu couldn't see clearly whether it was a man or a woman or what he looked like.

"Oh!! Hashimoto Nana! Hashimoto Nana!"

The moment that person came down, the whole school was filled with earth-shattering carnival, and everyone shouted three words in unison.

"Hashimoto Nana".

It seems to be a person's name, Yu Shu also felt a little familiar when he heard it, but he just couldn't remember where he heard it.

And some students in my class, including other classes in the teaching building, also piled up by the window after hearing the enthusiastic shouts, crowded each other and poked their heads out, wanting to see Hashimoto Nana's true self. Allow.

"Oh my god! Goddess Hashimoto actually came to our school? I'm not dreaming!!"

"She is the Hashimoto Nai who won the championship of "Let's Debut! Idol."? It feels like a hundred times more beautiful in real life than on TV! Not only is she proficient in singing and dancing, but she also looks so perfect. Does this surprise us? Ordinary people live!"

"Hehe, how can you and other mortals judge the beauty of the goddess Hashimoto?"

"Hashimoto Nana yyds!"

"Can the goddess take a photo!?"

"Before he died, my roommate said that he wanted an autograph of the goddess Hashimoto. I hope everyone will not be crowded."

"Goddess! Goddess! I am willing to be your dog and go through fire and water for you!"

"Ahhh, I'm dead, and Goddess Hashimoto's eyes are on me!"

"Goddess, I love you, I want to have a monkey with you!!"

"The same model of Hashimoto Nana's air is on sale, first come, first served, and the quantity is limited."

"The air seller in front, bring me ten bottles!"


"..." Whether it was inside the teaching building or the playground outside the teaching building, a tsunami-like madness erupted at this moment, making it almost impossible for her to move.

If it weren't for her agent and a dozen security guards clearing the way for her, she would have been overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm.

"Ah, look! Goddess Hashimoto has entered the teaching building!"

"What's the situation? Is the goddess here to go to school?"

"The goddess has reached the stairs on the first floor, and it seems that she is going to the second floor."

Some enthusiastic students have started live broadcasting on the school forum.

"Where is the brother who is doing the live broadcast? Where is the goddess Hashimoto?"

"The goddess has arrived on the second floor! She seems to be going to a certain class."

"Really! It can't be our class, right? Our second grade class is on the second floor!"

"No, it's not Class One, it seems to be... Class Three!"


Yushu and the classmates all looked at the door, and saw the originally quiet corridor of the class.

At this moment, there is already a lot of voices, and the crowds seem to be a large force on the playground, and they have moved here with Hashimoto Nai.

And under this tightly packed crowd, the security guards tried their best to squeeze out a small path from the middle, so that the rightful owner of this time could pass through.

The main character, Hashimoto Nai, finally arrived at the gate of Class Two and Three, accompanied by two women.

Two women, one is Hashimoto Nana's agent, about 30 years old, wearing a lady's suit and suit pants, stepping on a pair of high-heeled leather shoes, exuding an unsmiling and strong woman's aura from all over the body, at this moment Zheng Zheng frowned, as if he was dissatisfied with the commotion around him.

And the other one who leads the way is Hiroki's sexy homeroom teacher, Teacher Mingmei, with a pair of plump long legs wrapped in fishnet stockings moving back and forth, every time he moves, the thigh meat will be squeezed out of the diamond-shaped grid, following The female managers next to them stood together, forming a very sharp contrast.

One covering, one revealing, one strict, one flattering, as if their identities and dresses should be reversed to be normal.

But today the focus of everyone is obviously not on them, but on Hashimoto Nana who is caught in the middle by them and has a special effect of golden light when she comes on stage.

"Okay, everyone, don't make noise. A new classmate came to our class today. Although many of you know her, let her introduce herself to everyone."

After Teacher Mingmei finished speaking, she gave Hashimoto Nana a look and signaled her to stand in the middle of the podium.

It was also at this time that Yu Shu finally saw the girl's appearance clearly.

No wonder the name always feels familiar.

Isn't this the female idol I saw on the subway TV!

Chapter 92

Not only is she featured on the TV show, but also on the street advertisements, video advertisements, and the ice cream packaging bag that I ate two days ago, it seems that her pattern is printed on it.One can imagine how hot she will be!

With a sweet smile on Hashimoto Nana's face, she crossed her arms and bowed slightly to her classmates.

"Hi everyone, my name is Hashimoto Nana, and I have actually been transferred to this class since the beginning of school.

However, due to a lot of things recently, I have not come to report, I hope to get along well with everyone in the next few days. "

Hashimoto Nana doesn't have the airs of a star, or puts on a dirty face. She greets her classmates very kindly, and her words and actions are also very polite. It is simply a combination of beauty and education.

How could there be such a perfect fairy in the world!

Everyone couldn't help sighing in their hearts, and then raised their little hands one after another, and there was a burst of thunderous applause.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, go back to your seats and get ready for class, and the students outside the door, go back to your class and don't gather here."

After hearing what Teacher Mingmei said, those onlookers who were lying on the doors and windows of the class like zombies gradually dispersed, and the corridor returned to its previous peaceful state.

But after the first class is over, it is estimated that these zombies will return again. After all, their goddess, Hashimoto Nai, is in this class.

"Hashimoto-san, your seat is in the third row from the bottom on the window side, please take your seat."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Hashimoto Nana walked slowly to her seat according to Teacher Mingmei's guidance, and the eyes of everyone in the class followed her movement.

"Hello classmate, this seems to be my seat—"

Hashimoto Nana smiled sweetly, and said softly to Rintaro who was sitting in front of Hiroki.

Her voice is very dreamy and full of magic, to the ears, it is like a clear spring, like the sound of nature, and you will fall into it unconsciously, unable to extricate yourself, it is worthy of No.1 in the idol competition, it is simply a throat that has been kissed by an angel!

Rintaro seemed to be stupid, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he stared at Hashimoto Nana in front of him motionlessly, as if in a dream.

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