
Hashimoto Nai had a good temper and was not in a hurry, just stood aside and waited quietly, the smile on his face never faded away.

"Hey, Rintaro, you're taking someone else's seat, get up quickly."

Hiroki nudged Rintaro lightly with his elbow, and he was also surprised, no wonder the seat in front of him has been empty since the first day of school. Participated in an idol competition, so I never came.

"Huh? Qiaoqiaoqiao, Ben, me, you, you, you..."

Rintaro, who came back to his senses, fell into a mess in an instant. He didn't expect that he would be so close to his idol one day!And still a classmate?

This huge surprise immediately made Rintaro overjoyed. He was so excited that his language organization ability degraded. He quickly got up to make way for Hashimoto Nana, and then returned to his seat in a hurry. The front and rear tables are up!


After Hashimoto Nana took her seat, a pleasant girly fragrance came to her nostrils, making the surrounding air sweet and delicious, causing some students to inhale two big mouthfuls unconsciously.

Suddenly there was an extra person in the front seat, Yu Shu was really not used to it for a while, and she was also a popular female idol, it is estimated that in the future, her surroundings may become more lively than the vegetable market.

"Hello classmate...what's your name?"

Hiroki was feeling emotional there, but Hashimoto Nana suddenly turned around and said hello to herself.

Those beautiful pupils, which were dotted with stars, kept scanning his face, as if with a hint of curiosity, but also with a hint of emotion that he couldn't understand.

"Um... hello, my name is Hiroki Kamishima."

Yu Shu didn't think much about it, and just regarded it as a normal greeting between classmates. After all, the relationship between the two belongs to the front desk and the back desk, and it is normal to have some contact.

Although Hiroki didn't have any wrong thoughts, the fair and pretty face in front of him still dazzled him for a while. You must know that Hashimoto Nana was selected by netizens layer by layer, and her appearance was the most in line with the public's aesthetic standards.

Although Hiroki is a vegetarian boy, it does not mean that he is not interested in women at all. After all, as long as he is still a human, he will probably think that Hashimoto Nai is attractive. Basically, both men and women kill each other, and his mother and sister are also hers. fan.

Except, of course, the male bronze...

Her hair color is very special. It is a combination of pink and purple. It presents a slight gradient color. The top is light and the bottom is deep. Slightly covering a small part, it looks mysterious and beautiful.

The makeup on the face is also very special, the eyebrows and hair are actually the same color!I don't know if it was dyed, painted, or born?

As expected of a popular star, just sitting there will have the effect of spotlights hitting him.

"Hee hee, hello Yuki-san, my name is Hashimoto Nai, I'm capable, I'm so naive, from now on we will be the front and back desks, please give me your advice—"

Hashimoto Nai smiled, and stretched out her small white hand to Yushu, Xingchen looked at him unblinkingly, as if waiting for Yushu's response.

This made everyone around me envious, it was such a blessing that the goddess could take the initiative to invite her to shake hands!Why is it not me who is sitting at the table behind the goddess! !


Since the other girls took the initiative, Hiroki couldn't refuse, so he could only hold hands with Hashimoto Nana under the envious eyes of the crowd around him.

Soft and tender as lotus root, smooth as jade, icy muscle and bone, cool and sweat-free.

Her small hands are flawless, they can be called works of art, and they belong to the kind that can buy insurance for hands.

Although Yushu really wanted to sigh in his heart.



A full 30 seconds have passed since Yu Shu made contact with her skin, but the other party has no intention of letting go at all, instead, he is holding him tighter and tighter.

Yu Shu could even feel that her cold and boneless little hands were gradually being warmed by his own big hands.

But even so, Hashimoto Nana still did not separate from herself.

"I always feel that Yushu looks familiar. Where have we met?"

Hashimoto Nana asked for no reason, and immediately made Hiroki confused, why did it sound a bit like an old-fashioned dick strike-up line?

And this scene also surprised other students.

What's the situation?Goddess Hashimoto is actually trying to strike up a conversation with Hiroki?


Just because of his superiority? ?

"Uh... Hashimoto-san, you must have remembered wrongly. Today is the first time we met."

Facing the questions from popular female idols, Yuki chose to answer truthfully, fully displaying his straight male characteristics.

"Well, that seems to be my memory, sorry—"

Hashimoto Nana spit out her cute little tongue, then separated her delicate little hands from Yushu, and turned around honestly, only leaving Yuki with a good-looking back and a touch of smear left on the palm of her hand. Fragrant taste.

"Idol idol, my name is Rintaro Ozawa, from now on we will be classmates at the front and back tables!"

After seeing Hashimoto Nai turn around, Rentaro quickly imitated the scene between her and Hiroki just now, and stretched out his hand, intending to get acquainted with Hashimoto Nai.

But Nana Hashimoto just smiled at him, didn't put his hands on him, didn't speak, and didn't even focus on Rintaro.


Why is the reaction of the goddess Hashimoto different from what I thought?

Didn't she take the initiative to greet Yu Shu just now?I am also her next table, why is there such a big gap! !

Rintaro touched his nose, so he could only turn his body back tactfully, thinking that the goddess might just be shy, and he would have more opportunities to contact her in the future, don't worry about it, sooner or later, the goddess will find me, Ozawa Rintaro, as a Of the charm of the man!

"Okay, it's time, everyone, get ready for class."

Teacher Mingmei organized the discipline again on the podium, and then left the classroom with Hashimoto Nai's female manager. Not long after, the bald math teacher walked in.

"This is math class, let's move on to..."

The bald math teacher was very excited on the stage, but the students in the audience didn't pay attention to the lecture, because most of them focused on Hashimoto Nana.

After all, when there are beauties to see, who would choose to see a bad old man in the Mediterranean!

"Ah...the goddess is so beautiful when she is studying hard."

"Ah...the goddess' eyelashes are so curled up and so long, they flutter like butterflies every time they blink."

"Ah...the Goddess is frowning! It must be that this bad old man's words are too bad!"

"Ah! The goddess actually yawned, take a picture quickly, take a picture quickly, this is a rare photo once in a hundred years!"


Everyone in the class kept expressing their emotions in their hearts, wishing to glue their eyes to Hashimoto Nai.

Of course, Hiroki was not included among these people.

Because at this moment, he was completely shocked by the reaction of his Demon Killing Spear!

Chapter 93 Health Teacher

what happened?

Why did the Demon Killing Lance suddenly become so irritable?

Hiroki pressed his trousers tightly with both hands to prevent the things in the trousers from jumping up and down.

But even so, a big tent was still visible to the naked eye.

The clear sense of rhythm that follows the beating of the heart, and the gradually rising surface temperature are completely different from the previous situation, and even the blood vessels around it look hideous and terrifying.

If it is said that his long spear is usually in a lazy and slack state, then now it is a bit like the dignified feeling that his whole body tenses up when he encounters a powerful enemy, as if he is about to rush out to kill the enemy at any time.

"Brother, dear brother, don't be impulsive, calm down..."

While comforting Demon Killing Gun in his heart, Yushu kept adjusting his breathing rhythm to prevent making a fool of himself in class.

But what a coincidence.

"Yu Shu, please answer this question."

The bald math teacher in front of the stage suddenly called Yushu's name and asked Yushu to stand up and answer the questions on the blackboard.

"Uh..." Hiroki had no choice but to stand up from his seat in a very strange and weird posture.

"What's wrong with you, Yuki-san, why are you bowing your waist?"

The math teacher frowned and looked at Yu Shu with some puzzlement.


"Do you feel sick to your stomach?"

"Ah... ah! Yes, yes, my stomach hurts a bit, teacher."

Originally, Hiroki was worried about how to explain it, but the math teacher found himself a step down.

"You look very serious, how about this, you go to the infirmary to rest and ask the health care teacher to prescribe some medicine for you."

"Ah? No need for teacher, I'm actually not that serious..."

"Student Yushu, the teacher knows that you are a good boy who loves to study, but your body is the capital of the revolution. Don't hold on, do you need to let your classmates go with you?"

The mathematics teacher saw that Yushu was in pain, but still insisted on studying, and he was moved with emotion. He deserved to be the top three good student in the whole school year.

"Uh..." It's over, Yuan won't come back this time.

Sure enough, a lie needs countless lies to cover up.

"It's okay, teacher, I can go by myself."

Yu Shu had no choice but to cover his crotch with his hands under the watchful eyes of the whole class, bowed his waist like a cooked crayfish, and walked out of the class dejectedly.

When I came to the corridor, I saw no one around, so I dared to resume walking upright.

However, his own Demon Slayer Spear still maintained the appearance of charging into battle, pushing his trousers up very high, making it extremely uncomfortable to walk on.

It's really strange, what's going on today?Why do you feel that the Demon Slaughter Spear is so angry?

In the subway car in the morning, didn't you just have a simple talk with the subway female satyr? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

Hiroki thought about it carefully, and it seems that after shaking hands with the female idol Hashimoto Nana, his demon-killing gun began to change faintly, and it never recovered.

Does this matter have something to do with her?

Is the Demon Killing Gun sending a signal to itself?

Or is it a coincidence?

Yu Shu's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't understand the current situation at all. For a moment, he wondered whether he should go to the bathroom and pull it out...

After thinking about it, he walked to the door of the health room.

Looking at the door in front of him, and the word "infirmary" on the door plate, Yu Shu's memory seemed to return to the day of the physical examination.

I still remember that the last item of the physical examination of the whole school was carried out in this health room, and the content of the physical examination was also very shameful. It actually checked the private organs of every boy.

For example, whether the standing function is normal, the measurements and dimensions of the gun body, the thickness of the liquid, and the durability of the weapon, etc.

And because of the durability exceeding the standard, I also delayed the teachers and students a lot of time.

In the end, the durability test was finally completed under the joint efforts of the health teacher and the health assistant, and the sprayed liquid was swallowed by the two without leaking.


The door of the health room was pushed open by himself, there was no other place to go anyway, so he stayed here until get out of class was over, hoping that the Demon Killing Lance would calm down automatically after a while.

After entering the health care room, the room was very quiet, and there was no health teacher or other students there.

Very good!

This way you can avoid embarrassment!

Yu Shu looked around, and then saw a white curtain, which divided the health care room in two. The side of the curtain should be the hospital bed, right?

Yu Shu gently opened the curtain, but what he saw was not only the clean sheets, but also a person, a woman lying on the bed.

The white coat she was wearing was the same color as the sheets, both as white as snow.

But a pair of crimson stockings with a rose pattern were wrapped around her legs. The two colors accounted for half of each, and collided with the color of the white coat, giving people a sharp contrast.

Like a holy and charming goblin.

Teacher Miku Ohashi?

With this visually striking outfit and the deep dark circles on her face, Yu Shu couldn't possibly admit that it was the health care teacher who gave her a physical examination for the Demon Killing Gun.

At this moment, she seemed to be in a light sleep with her eyes closed, and the sound of even breathing could be heard from Xiaoqiong's upturned nose.

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