"Haha, just kidding, this is not the world after death."

The mirrored man laughed, changed his serious expression just now, and changed into a playful smile, and the weird atmosphere around him also seemed to dissipate a lot.

"Isn't it the world after death? Then where is this..."

"This is our spiritual world."

"Us? The spiritual world?"

Hiroki felt that his head could not turn around.

Slut, succubus, goddess, brave, these words are already dreamy enough, why is there a spiritual world now? ?

"That's right, in layman's terms, it's your sea of ​​consciousness."

No, this is not popular at all. Well, I seem to be more confused than before...

Yu Shu couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Still confused? Don't you usually read fantasy novels? It's easy to understand, okay?"


"Can you know what's on my mind??"

Yu Shu can be sure that he didn't say that sentence just now, how did he do it! ?

"What's so strange about this, because you are me, and I am you."


“Can you speak English?”

"Yes, I can"

"Uh..." Hiroki said another sentence in English in disbelief, but the mirror image man still answered fluently.

"What a mess! Who are you? Why do you want to be like me!!"

"Hey...I've said it all, I am you, you are me, why don't you believe it."

"I believe you are a big-headed ghost! I don't care who you are or what your purpose is, in short, send me out now, something serious is happening outside!"

"You mean the succubus? I think it's useless even if you go out now, because you can't beat her."

The mirrored man shrugged his shoulders, as if he had seen through you a long time ago.

"Um... how do you know so clearly?"

"Because I am you! Don't make me say it for the fourth time!!"


"Ahem, in other words, you are the embodiment of my thinking consciousness?"

"Well, to be more precise, I am the you before amnesia, that is, the you you used to be."

"I used to be? Are you..."

"Hmm, I can't remember my previous name, but those Batgirls seem to call me Holy Gun Warrior."

"Nani! You are the Holy Gun Warrior!!"

Yu Shu's heart suddenly turned upside down.

"Oh, it's not important, it's just a title. Now I have the same name as you, and that is Hiroki Kamishima."

"Then...then why did you suddenly appear in...uh, why did you appear in this so-called spiritual world?"

"That goes without saying, of course I'm teaching you martial arts! How can our majestic Holy Spear Warrior be bullied by those Batgirls!"


"Teaching martial arts? You mean, I will become a master right away? The kind that can fight against succubus?"

Although I think it is very unreliable, but this one in front of me is a reputable Holy Spear Brave!What he said must be true, right?

"Hahaha, I'm just joking with you, I don't know how to teach skills, this is not a fantasy novel, your expression just now is so funny, hahaha!"


"What am I!"

Yu Shu's face turned dark immediately, as if the bottom of the pot had been used for hundreds of years, and he almost ran over to beat him.

"Can you do it! What time is it now, you are still joking! There are 5000 innocent lives outside, waiting for me to save them!"

"Er...why can't you be a joker? Forget it. Let's stop teasing you. Let's get down to business."

"Don't worry, the passage of time here is different from that outside. If you stay here for a few days and nights, only one millisecond has passed outside."

Although he was still grinning, the Holy Spear Brave finally said something worthwhile.

"Then since you appeared, does it mean that we have a way to defeat the succubus?"


"How to operate?"

"Don't worry, although I don't know how to teach you, I can help you break your demons and get back some of your own strength."

"Inner Demon? What is Inner Demon??"

Another unfamiliar word, uttered from the brave man's mouth.

The previous ones, purification, sealing, spear skills, and spirits, had already made me stupefied enough, but now another demon came.

"Let's put it this way, although I don't know what happened in your life, whether you were stimulated by anything.

But I can feel that your heart, your subconscious, and your body are all resisting having sex with a woman. "


"But you have to know that our original strength can be brought into full play precisely through intercourse with women. Although you are now forcing yourself to have sex with several women.

But deep down in your heart, you still do not approve of this kind of thing, you are resisting, you are resisting, you are just hypnotizing yourself. "


"It seems that I was right. This is also the key to your inability to exert your strength, because you, Hiroki Kamishima, have been denying that you are a brave man!"


Yuki was at a loss for words.

"Why do you think humans are divided into men and women in this world?"

"Uh, for reproduction?"

"You're right, but not entirely right. Procreation and continuation of genes are only one aspect. Normally, men and women should be one, because the earliest life continuation is single-cell division and asexual reproduction between individuals.

The reason why it will become bisexual reproduction is that it can increase the diversity of offspring individuals, just like one's own brothers and sisters all look different, because the genetic differences are large and the overall adaptability to the environment is strong.

The second is that it can increase the probability of gene mutation and speed up the evolution rate of organisms. Facts have proved that since the sexual reproduction of organisms in the world, the evolution rate has been dozens of times faster than before.

Therefore, the purpose of the appearance of both men and women at the beginning is to blend with each other and then inherit their own genes.

The reason why human men like beautiful women is also because of the instinct of the body, wanting to combine themselves with powerful genes, so that their offspring will become more perfect and stronger.

The same is true for flirtatious, affectionate, and cheating, all for the purpose of spreading more of your genes. "

"Stop, stop, stop, why do I feel that your three views are not correct! You will teach the children badly..."

Hiroki interrupted.

"Ahem, in short, what I want to tell you is that yin and yang are one body. Only when there is yin can there be yang, and only when there is yang can there be yin. The same is true for men and women. The purpose of their birth is to be able to combine together to optimize themselves strengths and make up for weaknesses.”

"Otherwise, why do men have an extra piece, while women lack one? And you, your subconscious mind is very resistant to this, and even thinks this kind of thing is disgusting and ugly.

But human beings have reproduced so far, isn't it because of the fusion of yin and yang? Reproduction and mating are the foundation of all things and an indispensable part of life inheritance! "

"So only when you truly recognize yourself can you be recognized by the Demon Killing Spear and display its full strength. Do you understand?"

Mirror mirror Hiroki explained earnestly.

"I...I don't want to resist, but..."

Just thinking about that incident, Yu Shu would tremble all over and break out in cold sweat, as if he had returned to the original horror scene.

"Oh? So you became like this because of this girl."

Another Yu Shu, quickly read the crux of the problem from Yu Shu's mind.

"No, don't mention her, don't talk about it again, let me go, let me go, I don't want to think about that scene again."

Yu Shu held his hair tightly with both hands, squatted on the ground in a curled up position, kept chanting silently, and lost control of his spirit.

"I know you are in pain now, but don't you want to save those 5000 innocent humans out there? Don't you want to go back and see your loved ones in this life? Don't you want to come out of your own shadow?"

"I...I thought, but."

"In fact, looking back on the past, your experience in this life is like a drop in the ocean, very insignificant. Compared with what you have experienced before, your so-called demons are nothing to worry about. Let me help you recall your previous memories. Bar."

I saw a burst of white light slowly enveloping Yu Shu, and before he had time to exclaim in surprise, he felt a sudden blackness in front of his eyes, his consciousness fell into a groggy state, and his body kept falling as if weightless.



A loud cry of a baby kept echoing in Yu Shu's ears, the sound was as real as if it was lying next to his own ear.

And can still vaguely hear a few cheers and excited cheers around.

"Ma'am, ma'am, it's a man with a handle, it's a boy, you gave birth to a boy!!"

"Really? That's great, let me see his face! Ah...so cute, the eyebrows and nose are [-]% similar to his father—"

Although the woman's voice was weak, she still couldn't hide her joy when she saw her child, and even the corners of her brows were filled with joy.

Yu Shu first felt himself being hugged by a pair of arms, and then felt as if someone was touching his face and limbs.

"Uh..." No way!Could it be that......

Yu Shu exerted all his energy to slowly open the eyelids that were sticking together. The effort was no less than that of being glued together with 502 glue.

After opening the eyes, what comes into the eyes is a piece of natural ambient light first, and after the light dissipates, they gradually see the things in front of them clearly.

This is a face, a woman's face, it looks like it is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and it also has some greenness that an immature girl should have.

At this moment, she is looking at herself with a pair of big, watery eyes full of love.

The corners of the moon-like mouth were slightly upturned, turning into a graceful arc, and the deep dimples were filled with her joy.

That kind of love is different from that between a man and a woman, but a love full of maternal brilliance.

Her face was so close to him that her breathing could be clearly heard, almost occupying his entire field of vision.

"Who are you? Where is this place??"

Yu Shu asked subconsciously, but what he got in return was loud and clear boy cries.

"Uh..." Damn!

It turned out that the baby was crying.

It was issued by myself! !

Chapter 109 Another Memory

"Be good, baby, don't cry, it's mother—"

The woman's voice was delicate and nice, but the words that came out of her mouth made me feel awkward.

This self-proclaimed mother-in-law feels that she is not as old as herself, so she is a mother at such a young age?

I don't know which elder brother is such a punishment, and he has done something that others can be imprisoned but not imprisoned. If this was placed in his own era, he would be put on the death list.

Of course, no matter from their dress, address, or surrounding environment, they can vaguely see that this is not the 21st century that they live in.

So there is no law.

Yushu recalled what he had learned in history class. It seemed that in ancient times, it was normal for human girls to marry and have children at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

It can also be seen from the clothing of this young mother that this place seems to be a little further ahead than the civilization recorded by human beings.

Everyone wears clothes made of animal skins, and the houses are also made of vegetation and stones.

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