On the ground in the middle of the house, a bonfire was slowly burning, and from time to time there would be a "crackling" sound of wood being burned by the flames.

Did I travel to another world?

And turned into a baby?

This, this, this, isn't this a plot that only exists in novels!

Never thought it would happen to me...

It's really outrageous, let's open the door for outrageous, right?

"Well, isn't this experience very interesting?"

A familiar male voice came from his ear, Yu Shu's eyes moved slightly, and he found his own mirror image, or the Holy Spear Brave.

At this moment, his body was in a translucent state, floating beside him, and those around him seemed to be unable to see him.

"Interesting ghost! Don't tell me that the current situation is also caused by you?"

Hiroki communicated with him in his heart.

And his state, in the eyes of others, is that of a newborn, blinking his big eyes, looking at the strange world around him.

"That's right, I did it. Your current baby body was exactly when you were born XX years ago."

"This baby is me?? Doesn't that mean that the woman in front of me is really..."

"It's your biological mother. In their era, they should be called mother."

"Uh..." Sudden inexplicable addition of a young mother made Yu Shu really uncomfortable for a while, no matter how you look at it, she must be a junior high school loli!

"Why are you doing this? Do I need to grow up from a baby!!"

"Of course it is to let you retrieve your lost memories, because compared to me telling you, if you experience it yourself, I think the effect will be better and it will be more immersive."

"Lost memory?"

"Well, this memory of you as a holy gun warrior."

"Uh... isn't you the Holy Gun Brave? Why did you become me again?"

"You may not understand our relationship, let's put it this way, we are actually one person, but I have more memories of the past than you.

Now I am more like a guide, and you are the leader of our body. The purpose of my existence is to help you restore your memory and strength.

Because only in this way, you are a complete Hiroki Kamishima, a complete Holy Spear Brave. "

"Uh..." Yu Shu stopped crying, raised his arm, looked at his little fleshy hand, and asked in his heart.

"So what do I need to do next?"

"You don't have to do anything, just go with the flow, because the ending is already predetermined. Just like the game you usually play, you just reload the file and quickly go through the plot.

Although you grew up from infancy, the passage of time is multiplied, just like fast forwarding. In a few days, you will experience this memory until the moment you fall on the battlefield. "

"it is good......"

The matter has come to this point, Hiroki can only choose to accept it, but he can also take this opportunity to learn more about the so-called succubus group and the three-world war mentioned by the blond goddess in the body.


"Come on, hurry up and tell the good news to the leader on the front line of the battlefield, that the wife has given birth to a boy!"

An old man with the appearance of a housekeeper explained to the young soldier beside him.


"Hahaha! No need, I'm already back."

A rough laugh came from outside the house, the sound was as loud as thunder in a rainy day, and the eyes of those who could shake were blackened.

After a while, a stalwart and tall figure appeared in Yu Shu's field of vision.

He is two meters tall, with a naked upper body, a beard on his face, bulging muscles all over his body, and blue veins appearing on his skin, lying on it like horned dragons.

It seems that this person should be his father in the previous life.

"Fuck! As expected of my precious son, this is so handsome! He's almost half as old as me!"

Yuki: "..."

This is the first time Hiroki has seen such a narcissistic person in his life, and his voice is too loud!Almost shattered my eardrums.

"Yu Tian, ​​please keep your voice down, don't scare the child, he was just born not long ago."

Yushu's young mother loves her son eagerly. Although she looks like a loli face, her whole body still exudes the unique brilliance of motherhood.

"Hahaha, Madam, don't worry, how could my seed be so fragile, and I don't even look at what kind of character his father is! Say it, right?"

Yushu's cheap dad started laughing out loud again.

"That's right! The young master is simply a dragon among men. From the moment he was born, this old slave saw a white light descending from the sky. It must be the reincarnation of a certain god!"

"That's right, my subordinates have also seen it. Although the young master's appearance is not as good as the leader's, but he is also considered to be handsome with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, graceful and graceful, graceful and graceful, with bright eyes and white teeth, imposing manner, and incomparably handsome. , the proud son of heaven, personable, shocking talent, talented, majestic, handsome, majestic, heroic, beautiful, extraordinary, phoenix and dragon, outstanding temperament , full of righteousness...it's perfect!"

This subordinate didn't take a breath, and he came up with more than 100 idioms to flatter Yu Shu, without any repetition at all.

"Uh..." Yu Shu was speechless for a while, he was just born, so he should still be in a state of edema, right?How can you tell that the sword eyebrows and star eyes are so handsome...

He's so talented, both talented and beautiful...I can't even speak now, okay?

And Yushu's young mother rolled her eyes wildly.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, if you can talk, talk more, you have a future, you are my lieutenant general from now on, follow me from now on."

"Yes, yes, thank you, sir! The little one will definitely devote himself to death in the future."

"Uh..." Is this cheap daddy so sloppy?After a few words of flattery, he was promoted to lieutenant general...

Yu Shu felt that his ability to complain had skyrocketed, and he couldn't bear it at all.

After seeing the sweetness of flattering, other people also turned into flattering machines one after another. Every word you say, I flatter you.

"My lord, I have a suggestion from my subordinates. The young master is a ninety-five-year-old body. During the growth process, he must be nourished with nutritious milk, and his wife's body is relatively weak.

So the subordinate proposed to call my wife to be the young master's nanny. Although I don't want to boast, but my woman does have big breasts and a lot of milk, so she will definitely feed the young master until she becomes chubby. "

"Well, that's a good proposal, what do you think, madam?"

"No! I don't want the baby to drink other women's milk. I want to feed him myself, and my milk is enough!"

After finishing speaking, the young loli mother still refused to admit defeat and straightened her A-cup poor breasts.

No, it should be said that she doesn't even have an A cup, and she doesn't know where her milk is stored...

In other words, I won't really starve to death, will I?

Yu Shu was a little worried, and glanced at Loli's mother's chest. Could it be that he was raised by this pair of poor breasts in his previous life?

This is amazing too!

"Ahem, that's good, then according to Madam's wishes, I won't find a nanny for this kid."

"Hahaha, even your wives' wrecked bodies deserve to be the young master's nanny? I advise you to go and stay where it is cool."

Another person next to him taunted wildly, and then he took a big step forward, half kneeling on the ground and said.

"My lord, just yesterday, my wife just gave birth to a girl. She is only a day away from the young master. When the young master grows up, he will definitely need some playmates of the same age, so I will give birth to a girl." How about letting the daughter-in-law be the young master's child bride? The daughter-in-law will serve the young master wholeheartedly and accompany him to grow up together!"

"Oh? This proposal is not bad, but judging by your appearance, your daughter probably won't be easy to see. My son is so handsome, and he can match him. No matter how you say it, he has to be from the God Realm, the face of the Goddess." It's worth it, I don't want an ugly girl."

"Uh, this..."


The man who was ridiculed by him just now, who gave his wife to Yu Shu as a nanny, couldn't help laughing, he looked so happy that he almost did a breakdance on the spot.

"That's right, you still want to make a baby marriage with the young master? Is the girl in your family suitable? I think being able to be a girl for the young master is the blessing of your family's eight lifetimes of cultivation."

At this time, the third person slowly stood up.

"My lord, the old slave dare not expect the dog girl to be favored by the young master, but the beauty of the dog girl is recognized by all villages. If she is to be the young master's maid, the old slave thinks that she is the best candidate. After all, as the young master, as the chosen one, some servants still need to do some chores."

"Well, I've met that girl in your family, and she is indeed doing well. What's your opinion, madam?"

"This is okay, I have no objection."

"Okay, then you can send the girl at home tomorrow, and stay with Madam to take care of my son's daily life."

"Yes yes yes! The old slave will do it now, thank you for the gift of the leader!"

This man, when he heard that his daughter had the honor to become Yushu's maidservant, his mouth was so happy that he almost set off firecrackers to celebrate!

This made other people's eyes red with jealousy, and they all stepped forward to recommend their own daughters. It was a lively interview meeting.

"My lord, to be honest, there is a girl in my family. Although she is a little older, she is very plump, with round and big buttocks. I think she can be used as a gun mount for the young master, and she doesn't need to be responsible at all. Kind of."

"Well, this one is also good. Book it first, and I will be able to use it when my son grows up."

I rely on!This also works! !

This was a question from Yushu and others at the same time, which shocked his own three views.

"Ah! Although my daughter is not good, but the old man has a granddaughter with long legs. Those legs are straight and long, which are especially suitable for clipping around the waist. I believe the young master will like it!"

"Well, this one is also scheduled."

"Yu Shu: "..." Me, me, me!I have it too! "

"And me! My girl has a D cup! She can be a baby girl for the young master!"

"Do you dare to take out the D cup to make it look embarrassing? Sir, my granddaughter is 36E! It feels absolutely superb! It is suitable for the little master as a pillow and toy!"

"Hehe, what's the point of Naijiao? My daughter's tongue is 15cm long! It's more flexible than a snake! It can be used as a fine pot for the young master. Of course, a urinal is also possible!"

"Damn, I hate it, why did my family give birth to a son! Sir, please give me some time, I will go back home and give birth to a daughter with my mother-in-law!"

"Bring me one, and I'll go back to life too!"

"Then why are you going back to your own home to give birth? What are you doing home with me?"

"Hey, borrow all kinds of things. My mother-in-law was injured before and lost her fertility. Now I can only ask my sister-in-law to help."

"Uh..." Yuki: "..."

Hiroki said, have you asked my opinion?

He wanted to refuse aloud, but what he got in return was crying.

"Okay, okay, everyone has a share, everyone has a share, who is going to give it to, and register for their daughters and granddaughters."

"Yes! Your Excellency Leader."

Then this noisy women's promotion meeting gradually subsided.

After this period of understanding, Yu Shu also faintly knew his identity.

It seems that the human beings in this world are still in the state of tribal system. His father is the leader and he is the son of the leader. His status is almost equivalent to the prince of a feudal dynasty.

Unexpectedly, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, which is a bit unexpected.

To be honest, I haven't experienced that kind of powerful life yet, so I'm not used to being flattered by so many people for a while.

"Hahaha, Ma'am, it's really hard work. Now our Yu family finally has a successor. You can see that the crying of this kid is as good as mine. If you practice hard, you will definitely become the one who slays succubus in the future." warrior."

"Warriors are not warriors. I just want my child to grow up safely and live a normal life. I warn you, if you dare to teach him how to fight and practice martial arts, I will be in a hurry with you!"

Yu Shuniang said angrily, and stretched out her hand to hug Yu Shu back.

"Ahem, I'll talk about this later, let me see how this kid's roots are."

Since Yushu was born, he was wrapped in animal skins, so only his head was exposed.

As the hide was opened, Hiroki's body was also exposed to the air.

However, the leader's father, who had been laughing all the time just now, suddenly froze in place, with an expression of disbelief all over his face, and even the beard on his chin trembled violently.


"What's the matter Yutian, what's your expression?"

Yu Shu's mother was puzzled, she had been married for so long, and it was the first time she saw Yu Tian showing such an expression.


"What are you doing! Surprised, what happened to the child??"

Yu Shu's mother's heart skipped a beat, it couldn't be her precious son, did she have any birth defects?

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