Then, under Yu Shu's incredulous gaze, she stretched out her white jade hand and held the Demon Killing Spear in her palm.

Slightly cool, delicate and soft.

All kinds of tactile sensations from the goddess' little hands were transmitted to Yushu's sensory nerves through the Demon Killing Spear.

""(? Д?)"

Yuki seemed to be stupid, staring blankly at Aitasha's operation.

who am I?

where am I?

Who is she?

what is she doing?

"You are..." Yu Shu stammered and asked.

"My recovery ability can only be used by touching the other party. Be obedient and don't move around...or you will interrupt me."

"Uh..." Yushu rolled his eyes in his heart, but he still let Aitasha's slippery little hand hold it.


In the palm of Aitasha's hand, a soft golden light spread out, completely enveloping Yushu's weapon, like a luminous golden pillar.


Aitasha gave a light snort, looking at the situation in front of her with some puzzlement.

My divine power doesn't work, is it not strong enough?

Thinking of this, Aitasha tightened her grip, and then the golden light became thicker, like a small golden sun.


Auntie, hold it lightly!It's almost out of blood!

Yuki shouted in his heart.


3 minute later.

Aitasha tapped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her fair hand, as if resigned to her fate.

"Sister, my ability seems to have no effect on him..."


The blonde goddess Irene also fell silent.

Because she is aware of her sister's abilities, even dying lives can be saved, there is no reason why it will be ineffective for a human being?

Staring at Yushu's weapon, the two sisters fell into self-doubt and deep thinking.

To be honest, it was the first time they had such a strong curiosity about a human being.

Although this human teenager is only ten years old, his whole body is full of mystery, completely different from other humans he has seen before.

Hiroki was a little embarrassed by the two of them, so he coughed a few times unnaturally.

"Ahem, well, my physical condition may be special, and conventional methods seem useless, but I seem to know a way to recharge the weapon, but..."

"any solution?"

Hope was rekindled in the golden pupils of the two goddesses.

"Um... I think as long as you give this thing some stimulation, it should be able to return to its original state."

"Stimulation? How to do it?"

The two goddesses spoke in unison, and did not notice the strangeness in Yu Shu's eyes at all.


Yushu's gaze subconsciously swept over the moist mouths and golden breasts of the two goddesses.

"This method is..."

?Chapter 119 Artifact Ritual


Under the Naijiao of the two goddesses, and the hard work of the tongue.

Yushu's Demon Killing Spear finally returned to a powerful charging state.

Then Yuki showed them how to use the Demon Killing Spear, causing the two goddesses to exclaim.

They didn't expect that Yushu's spear could change in so many ways, and it could also secrete a kind of holy water that contained powerful power.

And the breath emanating from the holy water has the effect of restraining the succubus.

"Ah! I remembered!!"

Goddess Irene seemed to think of something suddenly, and hurriedly put Hiroki's...

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Chapter 124 The concert is over

【Shock!Hashimoto Nana Concert Big Event! The No. 01 cruise ship disappeared mysteriously, and 5000 passengers disappeared! ! 】

As a blockbuster piece of news hit the hot searches, the comment section on the Internet also exploded.

[I rely on it!I said that I was watching the live broadcast at home that day, why suddenly there was no signal, it turned out that there was such a big accident! 】

[Mom!Doesn't that mean that the goddess Hashimoto disappeared along with her?No!Woohoo, my goddess, I can't live without you! 】

[I heard that many well-known figures were there at the concert, such as the international supermodel who was very popular before, the baby daughter of the real estate tycoon, and the beautiful wife of our mayor, I guess The organizer is going to have a big event this time. 】

[You say this is the power of ghosts and gods?Or is the sea monster under water at work? 】

[Please, this is the 21st century, there are no ghosts, gods and monsters, it must be because the hull was not inspected before departure, which caused the ship to sink. 】

[However... the salvage personnel did not seem to find the wreckage of the hull underwater. 】

[Sure enough, ghosts and gods are still at work! 】

[I think these people on the boat may have collectively traveled to another world, and they may be fighting with the devil right now. 】

【Brother upstairs has read too many comics..."】

[I was on the plane and just landed in the United States. Although no one told me, but as a doctor of physics, I decided to give you a popular science.

I think the reason why the cruise ship suddenly disappeared is because a magnetic field encountered in the ocean. When the magnetic field and the magnetic field collide with each other, a special space will be created, which cannot be detected by instruments.

Maybe in 100 years, when the energy of the magnetic field weakens, the cruise ship will come back again. 】

[Although I can't understand what the upstairs is saying, but you have a lot of words, so I think you are right. 】

There are many similar comments.

The vast number of water friends on the Internet have started to speculate and discuss with each other.

And the disappearance of the concert cruise ship has also fermented to an unprecedented new height.


after one day......

Many searchers are still looking for nothing.

Just when everyone was about to give up, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the air.

Then the long-disappeared huge cruise ship miraculously appeared in everyone's field of vision, as if conjured out of thin air.

Everyone was shocked, thinking that they had encountered some supernatural event.

Dubiously, they boarded the cruise ship cautiously.

It wasn't until he saw the thousands of unconscious spectators on the deck that he confirmed it was true, and he wasn't dreaming.

"Quick! Go and call the headquarters! Let them send a rescue ship to support, these people on the scene are still alive!"

The man in the team leader danced excitedly. You must know that this is a great achievement!Maybe you can get a promotion and raise your salary after you go back, and you will reach the pinnacle of your life from then on!

However, while being excited, he also discovered some abnormalities, or strange places.

That is the dress of the female audience at the scene, and basically none of them fit.

Why do you say that, you ask?

Have you seen the combination of left sneakers and right high heels?

Have you seen the matching of upper body dress and lower body jeans?

Have you seen the combination of bubble socks on the left leg and black silk on the right leg?

However, this is not the most outrageous.

On the scene, there are loli wearing adult clothes, and adults wearing children's clothes...

"Ah??" What kind of dressing are these?What happened at that concert?

Dressing party? ?

The man in the team leader was speechless in an instant, completely unable to compose the scene in his head.

The reason why the scene became like this is of course inseparable from Hiroki's hard work.

You must know that after completing the purification, he endured exhaustion and weakness, and put on covering clothes for every woman.

Of course, these clothes are randomly picked up by Yushu from the ground, basically whichever one is caught, he will put on the woman in front of him.

As for what clothing to match, whether it fits and other factors, Yu Shu has no control over it.

Because the clothes they were wearing had already been torn off by themselves, and they didn't know where to throw them.

Except for Hashimoto Nana who has several spare costumes, the rest of the women are basically pieced together.

After Yu Shu put black silk on the last woman, he lay directly on her lap, and fell into a deep sleep.

He is really tired.

Hiroki didn't know anything about what happened afterwards.


This weird disappearance of the cruise ship has a great impact, in addition to being a topic of conversation after dinner.

Some people even classified this incident as one of the top ten strange stories in Kaesong.

Because after the audience at the scene woke up, none of them remembered what happened at that time.


"Well, I'm so tired, my muscles hurt so much, I feel like my whole body is going to fall apart."

This is Yu Shu's subconscious whisper after opening his eyes.

"Ah! Thank goodness, Xiaoshu, you finally woke up, I'm really worried about your mother—"

Before Yu Shu came back to his senses, a voice as warm as water entered Yu Shu's ears impatiently.

He turned his head slightly to the side, and what caught his eyes was a charming and mature face.

And on the face, at this moment, there is a face full of joy, and the faint tears that have not been completely wiped off.

"Mom, where am I..."

Yuki asked feebly, and rolled his eyes to look at the surrounding environment.

"This is a temporary rescue center set up by the government for you survivors."


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