"Well, those who went to the concert, the news said that your ship suddenly disappeared, and it was already a day later when it reappeared.

Really, I made my mother worry for a long time. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let you go to any concert. "

Michihara Reiko lowered her eyes, regretting and blaming herself.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoshu's departure almost separated the mother and son forever.

If Xiaoshu is really not by her side in the future.

Then what should I do?

What should my elementary school do?

Could it be that the rest of my life can only be solved by hand?


"What about other people, why am I the only one here?"

When Yu Shu was explaining to his mother, he had already seen all the surrounding environment in his eyes.

It is said to be a rescue center, but in fact, it is more like a large temporary ward, and the environment is relatively simple. It is basically a large frame covered with a layer of pure white waterproof cloth.

And there are about a thousand beds distributed inside, which belong to the kind that can't be seen at a glance.

But at the moment, these thousands of beds are actually empty, except for himself lying alone on one of the beds, with nutrient solution on the back of his hand.

"The words of the other victims have already left, and you are the last one to wake up."

"I'm the last one? What day is it?"

"Today? Today is Saturday."

"Is it Saturday..."

It turns out that 3 full days have passed since I participated in Hashimoto Nana's concert.

And because of excessive wear and tear, he has been in a coma until now before waking up.

Yu Shu shook the palm of his hand, and found that the degree of weakness was even more exaggerated than before he couldn't understand it.

It seems that the power of the Holy Spear Brave has completely disappeared, and he has returned to his original weak body.

"Irene? Irene? Are you there, Irene?" Yuki asked in his heart.

"Uh..." No one responded.

Could it be that he fell into a deep sleep again...

Think about it, too, after all, in the end, when I was about to be unable to hold on, it was basically Irene who was continuously sending me divine power.

Presumably she also needs to sleep for a while to recover her strength.

"What's the matter, little tree, what are you thinking?"

Michihara Reiko looked at her son's dazed expression and said worriedly.

"It's okay mom, let's go home too."

Feeling Michihara Reiko's heartfelt concern, Hiroki smiled at her and gave her mother a reassuring look.

The loli mother in my previous life is no longer there, so in this life, I will definitely cherish the mature mother in front of me.


"Wow! It's my brother who's back, my brother Nami misses you, Nami thought I'd never see my brother again, woo woo woo—"

As soon as Yushu entered the house, a little loli with a single ponytail and white silk threw herself on his lap, and then began to cry loudly.

The fountain-shaped tears instantly wet Hiroki's pants.

"Ahhh!! Nami, you sneaked away again! Ami is also very worried about her brother, Ami thought her brother was eaten by a monster under the sea, woo woo woo—"

As soon as the words fell, there was another humanoid white silk loli pendant on Yu Shu's left leg.

"Okay, okay, you two, take it easy, brother is still very weak now—"

Michihara Reiko stopped her, and then pulled the clingy twins off Hiroki's legs.

"Hey, brother, isn't he back? He wasn't eaten by a monster—"

Hiroki fondled Nami and Ami's little heads.

"Boom boom boom——"

It sounded like someone was going upstairs.

Yu Shu looked up and found a woman wearing gradient stockings and her mother's hair color was walking down the stairs to the second floor.

And this person is none other than his younger sister in junior high school, Eriko Kamishima.

Basically, since two years ago, my attitude towards myself has become indifferent.

"This child, he didn't say hello when he came back. He obviously wiped tears secretly for you before."

Michihara Reiko sighed aside.

"Eriko? Wipe my tears?"

Hiroki's face was full of disbelief, watching Eriko's back disappear, as if he couldn't make up the picture in his mother's mouth.


After eating the nutritious dinner prepared by his mother, Yu Shu finally returned to his room after a long absence.

Although he had only been away for three short days, in the process of fighting against the succubus, he also miraculously experienced a handful of memories from his previous life.

As a result, after returning, 2500 human women were purified in the infinite gun domain, so it feels like three years have passed.


Yu Shu lay on the soft single bed, with his arms pillowed behind his head, looking at the white ceiling and fell into a daze.

I didn't expect such a big setback to be abolished just by sealing a succubus.

What should I do if I meet the other nine in the future?

After all, unlike his previous life, he is now just an ordinary person with a weak body.

What should be used to fight the succubus?

And now Irene is also in a deep sleep, there is no one who can discuss countermeasures.


Forget it, let's take it one step at a time, maybe other succubi are like me, and their strength has been greatly weakened.

However, just when Yu Shu was at a loss and was thinking wildly.

The long-lost system notification tone suddenly sounded.

【ding dong——】

Chapter 125 Reward Settlement


I still have a system! !

Yu Shu hurriedly got up and checked the task rewards.

【ding dong——】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, sealing Hashimoto Nana, and rewarding 50 enhancement points. 】

[Unlock new talent: reduced sense of presence. 】

【ding dong——】

[It is detected that the conditions are met, and the slut's physique has been upgraded, and the current level is LV5. 】

【ding dong——】

[Because the slut physique has been upgraded, it automatically unlocks "Gun Skill One Type, Golden Spear Pierces Peach Blossoms"]

Wow!A lot of things were given at once.

Yu Shu was about to reach out to click on the details on the transparent panel.


【ding dong——】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, purifying 2500 female spectators, and rewarding 2500 enhancement points. 】

【ding dong——】

[It is detected that the conditions are met, and the slut's physique has been upgraded, and the current level is LV6. 】

[Because the slut physique has been upgraded, the attribute optional store is unlocked. 】



"??" When he heard 2500 points, Yu Shu was stunned all of a sudden, so he couldn't hear the last two voices clearly.

2500 reinforcement points?Are you sure you didn't put two extra zeros? ?

"Ah, this..."

Yu Shu stretched out his finger, and tremblingly clicked on the property panel to check the data on it.

【Kamishima Hiroki】

[Slut Physique LV6 (Sluts will be unconditionally attracted to you, potential sluts will be activated by you, and sluts will not be able to suppress their desire for you.]

[The attributes of the Demon Killing Holy Spear. 】

【Current length: 40cm (increase 1cm each time, required points: 1)】

【Current thickness: 5.6cm (increase 0.2cm each time, required points: 1)】

[Current Cooldown Time: No Cooldown]

[Remaining reinforcement points: 2550]

【talent. 】

[Unlock Talent: Unlimited Bullets (Your ammunition depot will no longer be limited by the number of ammunition, you can achieve unlimited supplies, and always charge at the forefront.)]

[Unlock Talent: Perspective (Available times per day: 3)]

[Unlock talent: reduced sense of presence (useable times per day: 3)]

[Gun skills. 】

[The first type of gun skill, the golden gun pierces the peach blossom stamen (it can ignore the clothes worn by any women and penetrate directly, even thick armor.) (Conditions of use: passive trigger, no cooldown.) 】

[Attribute optional store has been unlocked]

[Get a chance to exchange attributes]

[You can choose one of the three below]

[1. Increase the overall temperature of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance (50 enhancement points are required for exchange)]

[2. Increase the amount of holy water for a single time (50 enhancement points are required for exchange)]

[3. Increase the surface texture and particles of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance (50 enhancement points are required for exchange)]


Yu Shu carefully read it over and over again, and roughly extracted a few key points.

First of all, I have a slutty physique, from the previous LV4 to the current LV6, and a line of small words has also been added to the description.

[Sluts will not be able to suppress their desire for you. 】

If you look at it literally, it is not difficult to understand.

Because Irene said before, there are several types of sluts.

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