For example, the first type is that the brain is completely dominated by desire, and when they see themselves, they will rush to have sex without hesitation.

At the concert scene at that time, those female audiences who were affected belonged to this type.

The second type is that although it is affected, it still has a certain rationality.

For example, the female barber shop owner, and the female subway security inspector.

When they met themselves, they didn't launch an offensive immediately. Instead, they used their human identities to deal with it for a while and found a suitable opportunity before attacking themselves.

Looking at it this way, the subway OL woman pervert who took advantage of her many times should also be classified as the second category.

Then there is the third one.

This kind of slut is more powerful. Although their own desires are also very strong, they can suppress it very well. They are basically like ordinary people, so that you will not be aware that the other party is a slut.

Irene also mentioned emphatically before that it is very troublesome to distinguish them, and they can only rely on guesswork, or insert them in and use the holy gun to sense them.

But now that the slut physique has been upgraded, this new function is aimed at the third type of slut no matter how you look at it.

This is undoubtedly great news for Yu Shu.

It also means that I just need to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit.

Because the other party will definitely show his feet under the influence of his slut physique.

very good......

When I have a chance, I can go to a place with a lot of people to touch it, maybe I will be lucky.

After regaining confidence, Hiroki then set his sights on new talents.

[Unlock talent: reduced sense of presence (useable times per day: 3)]

Reduced presence?

what is this for...

Why is there no instruction manual behind it?

Yuki complained in his heart.

Although the previous perspective was outrageous, it was at least a practical ability.

And what can this reduced sense of existence help me?

Make people ignore themselves?

"Uh..." Instead of guessing wildly, it's better to try it out.

Hiroki did what he said, and directly launched a reduction in the sense of presence.


How should this thing be activated?

Is it the same as clairvoyant talent, need to recite a slogan silently in your heart?

If the catchphrase of clairvoyant talent was "Let me be healthy."

What will be the slogan of this talent?

"The sense of presence is reduced!"

Hiroki yelled something nonsense.

"Uh..." Nothing happened.

"Make me disappear!!"

"Uh..." Still nothing happened.


"No change!"

"I'm gone!"

"I don't exist anymore!"


"..." Forget it, let's talk about it later, anyway, I don't need this ability now...

After Yu Shu tried dozens of slogans in a row, he had no choice but to temporarily put them aside, and was still complaining about the inhumanity of the system in his heart.

And compared with this talent skill.

[The best gun skills, the golden gun pierces the peach blossom stamen. 】

It seems very conscientious.

This gun skill has been used once before with the help of Irene.

The effect is very practical, but also very simple and easy to understand.

To put it bluntly, the holy gun can be inserted directly through pants, skirts, pantyhose, underwear and other clothing.

And when you're done, there will be no nicks or holes in it.

Just like the time when Hashimoto Nai was sealed on the stage before, I was directly separated by a layer of shiny black silk pantyhose, and came to Hashimoto Nai fiercely.

Judging from the effect of this gun skill, if next time XX owns a woman wearing leather pants, then she doesn't need to take off the pants at all, she can just sit on her buttocks, because the holy gun will automatically ignore Fabric for leather pants.

When she had enough fun, when she got off her body, there would be no abnormality left on the top of the leather pants, not even the slightest gap.

Sluts should like the effect of this spear technique very much, because it saves the trouble of taking off their pants.

It's almost like magic!

And this skill is passively triggered, there is no so-called cooldown time.

Hiroki stared at the transparent panel and continued to look down.

[You can choose one of the three below]

[1. Increase the overall temperature of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance (50 enhancement points are required for exchange)]

[2. Increase the amount of holy water for a single time (50 enhancement points are required for exchange)]

[3. Increase the surface texture and particles of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance (50 enhancement points are required for exchange)]

Hiroki looked at the three options curiously.

For a while, I was a little uncertain.

The first item describes there, it says that it can increase the temperature of the holy gun.

But now the temperature of the holy gun is the same as his own body temperature, which is 36.8 degrees. If it continues to rise, it may burn women.

So pass this first.

The second item is to increase the amount of holy water in a single shot.

"Amount of holy water for a single time?"

Although I can't fully understand it, it must be taken seriously if it has something to do with holy water.

After all, both sealing the succubus and purifying the slut required holy water.

Well, keep the second item as an option.

"The third item is to increase the surface texture and particles of the Demon Slayer Holy Lance."

Hiroki repeated it word by word.

Um... This one can make up the picture in my brain.

After all, when I was at the 667 convenience store, I helped Senior Qianli, who was in charge of the adult products section, pick up the women's magic sticks scattered on the ground.

And those silicone or plastic toys are covered with all kinds of weird textures and particles.

If I choose this option, I guess it will become like that...

"Uh..." Looking at it this way, it seems that the second option is a little more normal, and it is still related to holy water.

After thinking twice, Hiroki pointed his finger on the second item, and then an unlocked sign appeared there, while the other two went dark.

【ding dong——】

[Unlocked new enhanced attribute: holy water volume]

[Deducting 50 reinforcement points, the current remaining points are 2500. 】

Yu Shu couldn't wait to check the new attributes.

[Amount of holy water: currently 6ml each time (increase 1ml each time, required points: 1)]

"Uh..." That's what it meant.

Just like that...

But with more holy water, will the purification effect also increase?

Yu Shu glanced at the remaining reinforcement points, and then put his finger on the + sign behind, thinking about adding 5 points first to try and see the effect.






Hiroki clicked, counted, and stopped after counting to 5.

【ding dong——】

【Point distribution has taken effect】

[Current amount of holy water each time: 2506 ml (originally 6 ml) (1 ml each time, required points: 1)]

[Remaining reinforcement points: 0]

Along with a burst of swelling and burning sensation below.

Yu Shu felt that his crystal sac and balls seemed to have doubled in size, and there were faint signs of falling.

But at the moment he didn't care about it at all.


"Damn! 2506 ml!!"

I obviously only clicked the + sign five times, how could it become more than 2000? ?

I won't click the + sign once, but add 500 points...

Yu Shu took a closer look, and sure enough there was a line of small characters written behind the + sign, which can only be seen clearly with a magnifying glass.

[Note: Each click increases 500 points, long press the + sign to enter a custom value. 】

"Damn it! You're cheating!!"

"I knew you didn't have good intentions in this system!"

When adding the length for the first time, the system cheated itself once, but now it does it again!

"By the way, the size of your note is clearly stated that you don't want others to see it! It's just like the advertisement and the packaging bag are for reference only."

Facing Yu Shu's chattering questions, the system chose to respond with silence.


After a while.

Yu Shu sat on the edge of the bed dry-mouthed, drooping his head, as if resigned to his fate.

Fortunately, the egg has only doubled in size, and it can barely be hidden in the pants.

Otherwise, according to the volume of 2506 ml, it is equivalent to five bottles of Coca-Cola added together!This is too exaggerated! !

Can I really make so much holy water every time? ?

Even if it does come out, it can't burst a woman's belly......

It's okay if it's a succubus, after all, its body structure is different from that of a human.

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