"A little."

Xia Xue nodded, Wen Ruyu seemed to use a little more strength than before, as if to make up for the day.

"How do you feel about Wen Xu, my nephew?"

Xia Xue was held in Wen Ruyu's arms, so she couldn't see her expression, and couldn't guess Wen Ruyu's intentions, but this question was indeed very straightforward.

As for her family, if I answered truthfully, would it make her unhappy?

Xia Xue hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I don't like him very much..."

Wen Ruyu seemed a little happy, hugged Xia Xue tightly again, and then seemed to realize something, and let her go again before Xia Xue felt uncomfortable.

"Then he won't come again."

Chapter 160 Six Reasons

The feeling of dyspnea only lasted for a moment, so Xia Xue didn't feel too much abnormality. Compared with the hug just now, she had more doubts about Wen Ruyu's words.

She thought that telling the truth about her feelings would at least make Wen Ruyu a little unhappy. After all, that person was her relative, but why did she just say that he would never come over?

As for doing this because of Xia Xue's feelings, Xia Xue didn't think it was necessary, and it probably had something to do with the content of the previous conversation.

After all, although they are relatives, they may not have a good relationship, and this is especially true for their family. Once the interests are involved, there will be no such things as family affection. If the interests involved are huge, then even more so it is.

Of course, Xia Xue, who is smart and considerate, would naturally not ask these things too much, and knew that such things would not be of any benefit except to satisfy curiosity.

Wen Ruyu obviously didn't mean to mention it in detail. After finishing speaking, she took Xia Xue to the sofa and sat down. The TV was not turned on, and she just looked at Xia Xue quietly, her face was not like before. With a smile, his expression was much better than before.

She was quite relaxed, as if she had dropped something, but at the same time she grabbed Xia Xue's hand.

"Little Snow."

she cried softly.

"Well, what's the matter? Sister."

Xia Xue was a little uncomfortable being looked at by Wen Ruyu, but it was not easy for her to leave the scene when her hand was held. It would be fine if Wen Ruyu asked her to pour a cup of tea now.

"Why don't you like Wen Xu?"

Wen Ruyu's words smacked of ridicule, and it sounded like no matter how she answered, she wouldn't be offended, but Xia Xue didn't know how to explain it either.

If she simply said her feelings, she could tell the truth, directly saying that she didn't like him, but she had to say the reason...

A well-dressed, well-mannered young man, who has never provoked himself, and even showed a certain affection for himself, normally, even if he doesn't get along with him, he won't be so annoying, let alone Xia Xue hadn't had much contact with him.

The reasons for some hostility toward him are even more difficult to explain.

I can't say that I think she is Wen Ruyu's boyfriend, so I hate him...

After lowering her head and dawdling for a while, Xia Xue replied hesitantly: "I...I don't know."

This is also a fairly classic answer to avoid questions, but Wen Ruyu originally asked the question in a joking tone, and this answer only made her laugh.

"I don't like him either."

With a smile on the corner of Wen Ruyu's mouth, she tilted her head slightly to see clearly the face of Xia Xue who had been looking down at the floor.

However, after hearing these words, Xia Xue raised her head again, with a somewhat puzzled look on her face.

"I hate him because he and I are blood relatives."

Although Xia Xue didn't ask, Wen Ruyu also gave an answer.

But she didn't intend to continue to elaborate on the deeper reasons.

Obviously they are relatives, but they are intriguing and suspicious of each other like enemies, and they can't tear their faces apart on the bright side, which is really contradictory and funny.

As Wen Xu's nephew, and about the same age as Wen Ruyu, but he has never met her a few times, his visit this time is still related to the distribution of inheritance.

Although her old father Wen Zheng's account of the funeral has been dealt with and no one has raised any objections, their doubts have not been dispelled.

It was true, at first they were worried that Wen Ruyu would get too much, but now they began to feel that it was not normal for her to get too little.

As her elder brother, she naturally wouldn't come over to find out about this kind of thing, but just sent her own son to visit and find out.

Of course, this may not be Wen Xu's own intention. He is still far away from the time when he can truly inherit the family responsibilities, but Wen Ruyu naturally has a "good brother" who is a generation older than her. If Wen Xu is really as stable as her father, then Naturally, he would not focus on Xia Xue.

Like Xia Xue, it is inconvenient for Wen Ruyu to directly explain why she hates her nephew.

She didn't want to worry too much about the inheritance rights, that was not what she wanted to pursue, but only Xia Xue, she would not allow other people to get involved.

It's a pity that Wen Xu is her relative.

It's not easy for her to refuse the request to come to visit as mentioned by her brother, but it's only this time.

Wen Xu might still want to come over in the future, but "it's hard to refuse" doesn't mean it's impossible to refuse.

I always focused on other women before, but I unknowingly overlooked one point, that is, compared to most women, Xia Xue is actually more attractive to most men.

Because so far, the women who have love for Xia Xue are also of a special type, which is also a minority in the female group, but men...

But there is no such opportunity, and Wen Ruyu can guess why Xia Xue hates Wen Xu.

From the initial kindness to this faint dependence and suppressed emotion, she is naturally clear.

It's just for the time being, not yet there.

The "boyfriend" mentioned casually at the beginning actually became an obstacle, but it was only mentioned at that time to dispel Xia Xue's suspicion. Let's find another opportunity to eliminate this kind of verbal feelings.

Although Xia Xue's thoughts were not that complicated, her senses were very keen. Naturally, Wen Ruyu also knew that she had some similarities with the woman who tried to imprison Xia Xue before, so she tried to be patient.

Of course, now that Xia Xue was by her side, it wouldn't be beautiful if she acted too much and made her want to run away.

After all, Xia Xue has no way to escape, but Wen Ruyu doesn't like to go against Xia Xue's wishes.

What she wanted was for Xia Xue to stay by her side willingly.

And her plan was clear from the start.

As long as Xia Xue has nowhere to go and no choice, then she can only stay by her side.

And that wasn't enough, she wanted Xia Xue to not want to go anywhere other than staying by her side.

This is the ultimate goal, this is the real attainment, and the distance from realization is not far away.

Before that, she didn't want to be disturbed by outsiders.

"elder sister?"

Xia Xue's words interrupted Wen Ruyu's thoughts, and it was only then that she realized that the strength she was holding Xia Xue's hand seemed a little heavy unconsciously.

"Well, I want you to do me a favor, I wonder if it's convenient?"

Xia Xue didn't seem to care, instead, it was the lingering worries that made her want to tell this matter.

"What's the matter?"

Wen Ruyu asked with a smile.

"That's right, my good friend, who lived with me before, is called Bai Yingying. After I lost contact with her, she must be very worried about me..."

"Of course, I won't trouble you, that is, can I ask someone to see how Yingying is doing through some means? It would be great if she is fine."

If it was just for people to confirm Bai Yingying's current situation without any trace, it should not attract the attention of that organization, after all, there is no need to contact her.


When Xia Xue was thinking this way, Wen Ruyu also gave an affirmative answer.

Wen Ruyu's eyes flickered a little, but the expression on his face did not change at all, still smiling warmly at Xia Xue.

Chapter 160 Diet Plan

"Thank you sister..."

In fact, when Xia Xue uttered her question, she knew that Wen Ruyu would not reject her.

"Just go and see how Yingying is doing now, it's fine, don't worry too much."

She then repeated.

"do not worry."

Wen Ruyu smiled and patted Xia Xue's head.

"It's Bai Yingying, right?"


Xia Xue nodded, and then told Wen Ruyu the address where Bai Yingying lived.

But if Bai Yingying had already returned to her hometown, then Xia Xue could do nothing about it. Before that, Bai Yingying had never mentioned that place to her.

However, she just wanted to know about Bai Yingying's current situation. Although she had done those things to Xia Xue, she still had some emotions that were hard to let go.

If she hadn't gone too far, maybe she wouldn't have...

Of course, it is meaningless to ask for these things. Besides, even if the organization gave up tracking her now, it is impossible for Xia Xue to go back and live with Bai Yingying.

She didn't think that Bai Yingying would suddenly become normal, on the contrary, she had a much higher chance of becoming more paranoid.

The matter of Wen Ruyu being entrusted by Xia Xue to visit Bai Yingying seemed to have been settled without any twists and turns, as if it had passed as a matter of course.

Then it's time to watch the news broadcast every day.

But for some reason, Xia Xue always felt that Wen Ruyu beside her seemed not as happy as before.

Although there was still a smile on his face and his movements were the same as usual, the relaxed atmosphere was no longer there.

Of course, Xia Xue felt that this had nothing to do with the matter she mentioned just now. For Wen Ruyu, it would not be a troublesome thing to send someone to see Bai Yingying. It might just be a phone call.

Wen Ruyu may have remembered what Wen Xu had talked to her before.

As an outsider, Xia Xue couldn't say anything about this kind of thing, so after the news broadcast was over and she made Wen Ruyu a cup of hot milk, she went back to her room.

It's quite early now, but Wen Ruyu seems to always go to bed early and get up early, and has a very regular schedule, so tomorrow morning should be about the same time as today. After the extra task of helping Wen Ruyu make breakfast, she will have to Get up earlier.

After confirming that she had settled down, Xia Xue still cared about Bai Yingying's side. After all, besides her, she really had no one else to worry about.

And... Bai Yingying is not bad, and Xia Xue has never hated her.

If she could give up the idea of ​​locking herself up, wouldn't it be nice to get along with her...

Xia Xue didn't understand why her thoughts were so extreme. If she didn't move those thoughts, Xia Xue wouldn't want to run away.

Of course, if you think about it the other way around, as Bai Yingying, it might be a feeling similar to "Dark Forest"...

There are an unknown number of hunters eyeing Xia Xue, but it is not clear how many there are, and I am the closest to her, assuming that [-]% of the people will not take abnormal measures against Xia Xue, but there are still [-]% of the people who will do it , then compared to such a case, it is better to make the first move yourself.

It's a bit weird, but it doesn't feel bad in general.

Xia Xue picked up her diary from the desk drawer, opened it and was about to start writing.

"Slightly forward... Today's day is relatively fulfilling. I am still the only one in my work life, and the colleagues who come here occasionally are as indifferent as ever. It reminds me of Leng Yubing..."

Xia Xue thought for a while, and always felt that Leng Yubing didn't seem so indifferent to herself, but she had already written it out, so she didn't cross it out, so she left a line and continued writing: "I don't like that Wen Xu man very much. , um...it might as well be that I only like women."

Speaking of it, it seems that this kind of thing is not suitable for saying everywhere, but, this is a diary!

In fact, this is just a way for Xia Xue to relieve the loneliness in her heart when she is alone. After all, once she returns to the room, she can do nothing, and no one talks to her. It is impossible for Xia Xue to go to Wen Ruyu's room to talk to her, right?

So I had to find some things to do, and writing a diary was one of them.

"I want to see Bai Yingying."

After Xia Xue finished writing this sentence, she stopped writing again.

She suddenly lost the mood to write anymore, so she closed the diary and went to bed to get ready for sleep.

I have to get up early to make breakfast tomorrow.

This day will pass quickly, and tomorrow, maybe in the afternoon, she will be able to hear the news about Bai Yingying from Wen Ruyu.

Although she couldn't actually meet Bai Yingying, it was enough for Xia Xue to look forward to it.

If possible, I hope her capable colleagues can take two photos of Bai Yingying and send them over.

It should be fine, right?

It's the information age now, it's not just verbal reporting, and they are so capable, they must be able to complete the task very well.

After a long absence, Xia Xue fell asleep with hope this time.

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