But when she got up in the morning, Xia Xue clutched her chest and sneaked to the bathroom to take a shower.

As for why the clothes on her chest were wet when she got up early in the morning, she obviously didn't want to talk about it.

And fortunately, she got up early, and Wen Ruyu didn't see her on the way.

And through the familiar scent left on the clothes, she naturally knew what the liquid leaked unconsciously when she fell asleep last night.

It may be that Xia Xue has eaten too much these days, and Xia Xue, whose appetite has become very good, is not restrained. In addition, she does not eat less snacks at ordinary times, resulting in excess nutrition.

And her body seems to be very good at self-regulation, and the excess nutrition will not be stored too much. After reaching a certain threshold, it will be excreted through some "high-efficiency" means...

That's why this unspeakable thing happened.

She couldn't explain what happened to her own body, and she couldn't change it, so she could only let herself think in a better way.

That's right, if you say that, don't you just eat as much as you want, and you won't gain weight.

The physique that eats a lot but does not gain weight is what many people dream of.

And as for leaks...

Just treat this kind of thing as an insignificant side effect!

And speaking of it, it seems that she really won't grow taller anymore. She originally thought that she wouldn't come for those few days every month because her body hadn't developed to that point yet. It seemed that her body was very different from ordinary humans. Big difference.

Speaking of which, although her output is not very high, the taste is surprisingly good.

Wouldn't it be a bit of a waste if the excess would be thrown away?But what is self-produced and sold too...

Is it possible to get a hand in autologous protein circulation?

Oops, it seems to be associated with something bad.

No, this kind of thing, absolutely not!

She still has to cherish the morals and things.

So, today Xia Xue has already planned her diet plan in the bathroom.

Chapter 160 Finding People

"It stands to reason that she shouldn't be able to run far..."

Yang Luchan took out her mobile phone and checked the time, it was almost time to go back now.

It has been a few days since she saw Xia Xue last time. Except for the first day of searching all day, although she did not give up searching in the next few days, she just took out her spare time to run out. Skip class.

It is strange to say that so far, she has not found anyone else who has seen Xia Xue, and even if she went back to ask the cashier in the supermarket before, she did not get any valuable information.

And there is no information worth paying attention to on the Internet, especially the local police, but she can't report anything, and now no one can find it. The only information she knows about Xia Xue is her name and her name. It's just the appearance, and she doesn't even have a photo, so she can't do anything.

Naturally, Yang Luchan would not think about asking passers-by to learn about Xia Xue's sightings. Her targets were the nearby residents and the shop owners and shop assistants on the side of the road. It is natural to be able to observe the surrounding environment for a long time, and if Xia Xue is nearby, then there is no reason not to be discovered by them.

Even if they don't help, there's always the impression that there's a dirty, miserable-looking little girl passing by that place.

When Yang Luchan met Xia Xue, she could also judge from her expression and behavior that she might be running away from some people, and she should still be in the state of being pursued, but if no one meets her again after that. .....

There is a good chance that she has been recaptured.

The clues have been completely disconnected here, and Yang Luchan has no way to deduce Xia Xue's whereabouts one step further. Although he deeply hates the person who persecuted Xia Xue to this extent, there is no place to vent.

In fact, if you think about it calmly, Xia Xue is just a passerby. She doesn't need to be so concerned that it affects her normal life, and she was willing to lend a helping hand before, but she also refused, let alone keep going like this...

But Yang Luchan always felt that if she didn't continue to investigate and find out these things, there would be a knot in her heart that couldn't get rid of, making her feel uncomfortable.

In the end, a compromise was adopted. As soon as the class was over, she would run out to find Xia Xue.

Although there has been no progress so far, as long as she finds someone who also met Xia Xue after that, there will be a turning point.

She didn't believe that anyone could drive people to a dead end in broad daylight.

At that time, Xia Xue ran away from her, just thinking about not letting her get into trouble.

For Xia Xue like this, her life shouldn't end like this.

It was getting late, and the street lights on both sides of the road had already been turned on. Yang Luchan walked to a platform and stopped, ready to drive home.

Speaking of which, when she met Xia Xue for the first time, she was also on the bus, but later she went to the police station to drink a cup of tea because of the beating, but she was fine, and went back after finishing the transcript.

Just as Yang Luchan was lost in memories, the picture of a child picking up the advertising paper stuck on the side of the platform caught her attention.

But what attracted her was not the child's appearance in the small ad, but the photo on the small ad.

This is a missing person notice.

Yang Luchan patted the child's head lightly, and although she smiled at him, the child was quickly scared by her and hid behind his mother.

Although it felt strange to be looked at with unfriendly eyes, Yang Luchan's goal was still achieved, so she leaned over to carefully read the content printed on the missing person notice.

There are not many words, and the photo above is undoubtedly Xia Xue, and it is very cute and neatly dressed, which is in stark contrast to Xia Xue's miserable appearance before. The general content is "Xia Xue "Xue", that is, a friend of the person who posted the notice, was abducted a few days ago and disappeared. Because Xia Xue has no relatives who can be contacted, she cannot report the crime as a friend, so I hope that if someone is in Xia Xue Those who saw Xue after she disappeared and could provide clues can be thanked and so on.

As for the various modal particles, Yang Luchan didn't particularly want to read them, let alone the very intimate relationship between her and Xia Xue that was emphasized from time to time.

Perhaps it was to emphasize the deeper relationship, but Yang Luchan only felt sorry for Xia Xue, and as for the pain of parting from her best friend felt by the person named "Bai Yingying" above, she was not very sympathetic.

Although she couldn't provide Xia Xue's whereabouts after she disappeared, she must know something about the reason before that, so Yang Luchan also decided to contact her.

But the child picked out the second half of the missing person notice, which naturally included the contact number, so Yang Luchan had to go to the next platform to see if Bai Yingying had posted it.

Sure enough, she also found a missing person notice on the next platform, so she called the phone number left on it.

The phone was connected after two rings, which was quite fast.


Yang Luchan said.

"Excuse me, is it Bai Yingying?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

It seems that the car horn can still be heard on the phone, and her voice also sounds very tired. She always feels a little out of breath, and her voice is relatively low. She can't hear clearly in a noisy environment. Bai Yingying should Like Yang Luchan, she is also on the side of the road, so she is probably posting a missing person notice now.

"I saw the missing person notice you posted, so I want to chat with you."

Yang Luchan didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

"Really? Do you have news about Xiaoxue? Well, thank you, where did you see her? Or..."

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became excited, and the voice was much louder, almost shouting, which made Yang Luchan, who had turned on the speakerphone and put the phone to her ear because she couldn't hear Bai Yingying clearly, couldn't help it. He frowned and moved the phone a little away from his ears.

"Well... It's hard to explain the specific things on the phone, let's make an appointment to meet up."

Yang Luchan suggested.

She felt that there was no way to have a normal conversation with Bai Yingying in this situation, so it was better to meet and talk directly after a while, and because after a while, she should also calm down a little.

"Okay, okay! Where are you now? I'll be here right away!"

"Go to your house."

Yang Luchan said without hesitation.

The tracing notice mentioned that Xia Xue lived with Bai Yingying before she disappeared. If you want to get more information about Xia Xue, then going to her residence is undoubtedly the best choice.

Chapter 160 Talking

Bai Yingying on the other end of the phone didn't seem to be wary of Yang Luchan, and immediately told her her address.

When she finally saw hope, she couldn't calm down and think about whether this was a scam.

But anyway, she has nothing to lose, even if the person on the other end of the phone is a liar, it doesn't matter, even if there is only a little chance to find Xia Xue again, she must seize it.

The place I walked today was a bit far away. She posted missing person notices all the way along the bus platform. After repeated rides and not getting a good rest all the time, her spirit and body have reached their limits. Okay. In the end, there was finally some good news, which made her cheer up again.

Where did the woman on the other end of the phone see Xiaoxue?

In any case, as long as you get home first, you can know.

Due to the previous events, she already has a certain degree of psychological shadow on the online car-hailing, so even though she is eager, she has no plan to call the online car-hailing back.

Her previous mobile phone had been tampered with, so she couldn't find the previous ride records. Now she is using an old mobile phone that was replaced before. Although it can't run any games or the like, there is no problem with normal use.

Since she was right next to the platform, she soon waited for the return bus, and it took about four or 10 minutes before she returned to her apartment downstairs.

And Yang Luchan was already waiting at the door of her house.

Bai Yingying looked at her and hesitated for a while, then took a few steps back, but she didn't speak. She was a little scared by Yang Luchan. A woman of this size really felt oppressive to her petite body, but to be honest, It's too late to be wary now.

Yang Luchan also looked at her curiously, but soon, Bai Yingying picked up the phone and dialed the phone number just now.

And Yang Luchan's cell phone rang in response.


Bai Yingying stretched out her hand to Yang Luchan timidly. She is obviously not used to dealing with strangers. Although the mask on her face has not been removed, this kind of face-to-face conversation still makes her a little at a loss.

Maybe it would be better to talk on the phone, but that kind of thing is not important now.


Yang Luchan also confirmed through the call that Bai Yingying made before that this is the person who posted the missing person notice before, that is, she is looking for Xia Xue, her "best friend".

Before she could hold her hand, Bai Yingying spoke again: "Where did you meet Xia Xue? I've been looking for her for a long time, but..."

"You said these things once in the missing person notice."

Yang Luchan gently squeezed Bai Yingying's little hand, interrupting her complaints.

This feeling of shaking hands made Yang Luchan feel a little at a loss as to what to do. Her hands were much bigger, so she just shook hands with Bai Yingying with three fingers.

I always feel like I'm dealing with kids...

However, as a "friend", she seems to be quite suitable with Xia Xue.


After Bai Yingying was interrupted to complain, she began to apologize.

"Do you live alone now?"

Yang Luchan asked, she didn't seem to be in a hurry to answer Bai Yingying.

"Well, before Xiaoxue came here, I was alone. After she left, I returned to my original form."

"Well, may I ask, Xiaoxue... where was the last time she appeared?"

Bai Yingying still clung to this question and continued to ask Yang Luchan.

"Why don't we talk in the house?"

Yang Luchan slightly turned her body sideways, letting out the closed door behind her.

"Well, sorry."

Bai Yingying hesitated for a while, then nodded, and after apologizing again, she lowered her head, stepped over Yang Luchan's body, and opened the door.

She is wary of guests who are willing to come to help her, and she is not allowed to enter the door until now, which is really rude, but Bai Yingying didn't think so much just now, she was focused on finding out Xia Xue's location.

A few days later, the room was in a lot of chaos again. During this time, Bai Yingying also ate some fast food. After the trash can was full, there was no place to put it, so she just left it on the table or something like that. After Yang Luchan entered the door, After looking around, he sat down on the sofa in the living room.

"I've seen Xia Xue twice."

"The first time was in the bus, but I don't think you're interested in listening to it, so I'll just talk about the time I saw her a few days ago."

At this time, Bai Yingying also sat down together, staring at Yang Luchan with wide eyes, as if listening carefully.

Yang Luchan's words were also relatively succinct, briefly describing Xia Xue's situation at the time and what she did, but omitted her own thoughts at the time and the fact that she had been looking for Xia Xue ever since.

Even though she just narrated what she saw at the time, Bai Yingying covered her face and cried, Yang Luchan was not easy to coax her, after all, she was not familiar with her, and this kind of thing was not optimistic at first, she couldn't think of anything The words of comfort came, so she had to curl up on the sofa and finish crying.

The too weak Bai Yingying also made it difficult for Yang Luchan to develop a good impression. She had already made a judgment in her heart that such a Bai Yingying would not be able to help her find Xia Xue in the future.

But she didn't come here this time to ask for help or win over her companions, she just came here to exchange information.

"I wish I could catch up then."

In the end, Yang Luchan could only say this.

It took a long time for Bai Yingying to stop crying, and it was time for the next conversation to begin.

"Then, I have a question, who is it and what is their purpose to do such a thing to Xia Xue?"

The current Yang Luchan is indeed smeared, as for Bai Yingying's ability, it is impossible, but as Xia Xue's "best friend", she must know more about the inside story.

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