"I'm also... not sure now. It stands to reason that she wouldn't do such an unreasonable thing to Xia Xue, but..."

Bai Yingying was also a little confused now, she originally thought that those people wanted to take Xia Xue away for the same reason as herself, but judging from Xia Xue's situation at that time, it didn't look like that.

But maybe Xia Xue became like this during the process of escaping, but why did she refuse the help of this big woman?

Just as she was thinking, Yang Luchan, who had been waiting here for a long time, became a little impatient. She has a straightforward personality, and she took good care of her by waiting patiently for Bai Yingying to finish crying. It made her really uncomfortable.

Obviously she and Xia Xue are friends, but their personalities are too different. If it wasn't for the same purpose, it would be really difficult for Yang Luchan to get along with her.

Yang Luchan stood up from the sofa, and said to Bai Yingying, "Just tell me a few people you think are suspicious, and I will go find them."

Chapter 170 Memories

Bai Yingying hesitated for a while, and finally said the two names "Wen Ruyu" and "Leng Yubing".

Even so, there are only two names, other than that, there is no other information.

Under Yang Luchan's continued questioning, Bai Yingying had no choice but to confess that she had never actually met these two people.

However, she did see a few times through the surveillance camera installed on Xia Xue, but obviously the video has not been preserved, and she can't give a general description just by verbal description, but fortunately, Bai Yingying's painting skills are very solid, And I was very impressed with them, so I immediately found a pen and paper and drew their appearance.

Although the painting is very realistic, it can be used as a printed photo to find someone, but obviously, Yang Luchan doesn't know them either.

But what is the motivation?

Although Bai Yingying named the person she suspected, she did not express clearly the motive for committing the crime, and she also spoke very vaguely about the detailed process when Xia Xue was kidnapped, which made Yang Luchan feel a little suspicious.

Maybe there is something hidden behind it, and it must have something to do with Bai Yingying herself, otherwise, she wouldn't immediately become hesitant when Yang Luchan asked about Xia Xue's disappearance.

Bai Yingying is not good at lying.

Although Yang Luchan is not very good at judging the authenticity of words through other people's words, Bai Yingying's guilty conscience is so obvious that she can't help but notice it.

Of course, there would be no results if she continued to question her now, so Yang Luchan changed the subject and asked about the past between her and Xia Xue.

It's just that the focus is on Xia Xue. She is not very interested in Bai Yingying's story, and Yang Luchan always feels that Bai Yingying must be responsible for Xia Xue's appearance.

It's a pity that I didn't meet Xia Xue earlier. If it were me, I would definitely not let Xia Xue become like that.

Thinking of this, Yang Luchan couldn't help clenching her fists. She remembered Xia Xue's pitiful appearance before, and the anger in her heart began to ignite again, but she couldn't find anyone to vent it on, instead she clenched it with a crackling sound. Bai Yingying was taken aback by her knuckles, and she stopped talking halfway.

"Sorry, please continue."

Yang Luchan smiled at Bai Yingying who had started to shrink subconsciously, trying to ease the atmosphere.


Bai Yingying nodded.

"Small, not long after Xiaoxue lived in my house, that crazy woman Jiang Xin came after me with a knife. I can be sure that it was Si Wan's daughter who broke the news to her before, and then she stopped me in the elevator... ...."

Yang Luchan's eyes lit up when she heard that Xia Xue's injuries had healed the next day.

And Bai Yingying discovered another possible option following her own memories.

When Bai Yingying and Xia Xue went to the police station to go through the mediation procedure, Yang Luchan sneered.

Kidnapping people because you like them?And it still looks like that, no matter how hard it is to justify it!

Jiang Xin, as someone who fell in love with Xia Xue before Bai Yingying, and she is mentally abnormal, it is reasonable to do such a thing. After all, there are still online scolding that develops into real-life Mortal Kombat, so bring the guy here It's not strange to plan to forcibly take away the person you like.

Maybe Bai Yingying, as the authority, has entered into a misunderstanding because of Jiang Xin's matter before. She would think that all the women Xia Xue met would like her, and even kidnap her.

But then again, aren't Bai Yingying and Xia Xue just "friends"?Why do you care so much about these things?

Although she also mentioned the relatively new term "best friend", but from Yang Luchan's point of view, a best friend is just a friend with a better relationship.

As a bystander, Yang Luchan has already noticed the abnormality.

One is that Bai Yingying has more than one fact to hide from herself.

The second is that from the moment Xia Xue recovered, everything was out of order.

And how can there be anyone who has already planned to kidnap someone the first time he sees it?And according to Bai Yingying's statement, when they were discharged from the hospital, they were already defeated.

A normal person can imagine the research value of a body that can completely heal a serious injury in less than a day, but after that, even a single piece of news has not been exposed. This is definitely not Bai Yingying's fault. I think it can be explained by such a simple reason.

This is obviously a kidnapping planned early in the morning, and the target must be Xia Xue's body.

Since then, Yang Luchan has come to a conclusion.

If you really want to investigate, then you need to start with that hospital.

The hospital that helped withhold this information must have had something to do with the people behind the scenes.

However, "Wen Ruyu" has become "cold than ice". So far, Bai Yingying has not given any valuable evidence to prove that one of them is the instigator.

"The doctors who operated on Xia Xue at that time, can you name them, or remember their looks?"

Yang Luchan no longer planned to continue explaining to Bai Yingying, and asked her questions directly.

Bai Yingying seemed to want to say something at first, but at this time Yang Luchan's attitude obviously did not allow her to make more fuss about this issue, so she could only recall the details of the time when she and Xia Xue were in the hospital. After a while, She hesitated to spit out a name.

"It seems to be called Hua Qiu?"

Yang Luchan began to feel uncomfortable with Bai Yingying's obviously questioning tone, but in the end she just let out a long sigh of relief.

"Are you sure it's the name?"


Bai Yingying is obviously still a little afraid of her. Although she has been chatting for a long time, Yang Luchan's interrogating attitude towards her obviously did not make Bai Yingying like her, not to mention that until now, Bai Yingying's knowledge of Yang Luchan is only limited to her name and appearance That's all.

There is also a big one, and it looks very difficult to mess with.

Moreover, Yang Luchan's attitude of wanting to find Xia Xue also made Bai Yingying feel uneasy instinctively. Although she would answer the question well under cross-examination, it was naturally impossible for her to tell the matter about herself and Xia Xue to the front of her. The woman came clean.

"You still remember how you look?"

Yang Luchan finally sighed.

"Well, remember."

This time she finally got an affirmative answer from Bai Yingying.

"Then, without further ado, now you and I will go to that hospital to have a look."

Yang Luchan stood up and walked straight to the door.

Chapter 170 Collective Amnesia

Although Yang Luchan was ready to go out impatiently, she still stopped at the door.

She also needs Bai Yingying's help to lead the way, and to recognize the doctors and nurses who had been in contact with Xia Xue before.

"Now...go now?"

Bai Yingying hesitated for a while before she uttered this question.

"Any questions?"

Yang Luchan asked back.

Bai Yingying had no choice but to stand up and follow behind Yang Luchan.

After these days of hard work, her originally frail body was already in a state of exhaustion, and she persisted until now with only a sliver of hope. Although her spirit had begun to trance and her body desperately needed rest, She still took out her mobile phone and turned on the navigation to the hospital.

After walking downstairs, Yang Luchan followed what Bai Yingying said the hospital was going to call for an online car-hailing car, but Bai Yingying refused. She seemed to be very uneasy about being in a stranger's car, and Yang Luchan also I couldn't let her go, so I had to follow her.

So the two walked to the nearby bus stop. The sky was completely dark, and the street lights on both sides of the road were turned on on time. Although it was not as bright as in the daytime, it was relatively bright, but the edge of the street light's lighting range was not so visible. clear.

There were not too many pedestrians on the road at this time, and they were all in a hurry. Bai Yingying followed Yang Luchan with her head down, looking at the navigation on her mobile phone. The upper body is not in good condition, and there is always a feeling that she is about to fall down. Although she still has a deep defense against Yang Luchan until now, she can only follow her closely now.

But she didn't expect that Yang Luchan, who was walking in front of her, would stop without warning, so she slammed into Yang Luchan's back, and Yang Luchan didn't move when she was hit, while Bai Yingying sat down on the ground, The phone fell to the side too.

Seeing this, Yang Luchan immediately pulled her up, and picked up her dropped mobile phone along the way.

Bai Yingying was still a little dizzy, she raised her head to look at Yang Luchan who had just pulled her up, and took the mobile phone she handed over by the way.

Yang Luchan wasn't looking at herself, she was looking at the shadow not far away.

After Bai Yingying realized this, she followed her line of sight and found that there were a few figures on the sidewalk, but for Bai Yingying, whose eyesight is not so good, she could only see them in the dim light. Determine the gender of the figure in the environment.

It was probably just a few passers-by, scattered here and there, but the one Yang Luchan was looking at seemed to be a woman, but that woman didn't look this way, she was carrying a shopping bag from the supermarket, and seemed to be living here. Nearby, it looks like they are about to go home after shopping.

"Did something happen?"

Bai Yingying stood up and asked suspiciously.

"What impression do you have of that woman?"

Only now did Yang Luchan shift her gaze to Bai Yingying, but she didn't point her finger at the figure in the distance, but Bai Yingying knew who she was talking about.

Even if she opened her eyes and tried her best, she would not have any impression of this blurred figure, not to mention that he would not be able to see clearly because he was on the opposite sidewalk and was getting farther and farther away from her.

"No... I can't see clearly, what happened to that person?"

Bai Yingying had no choice but to answer truthfully, but she also became curious.

Why did Yang Luchan notice that passerby?

"It's nothing, I happened to meet her eyes just now."

Yang Luchan didn't have any expression on her face, and after she finished speaking, she walked forward again.

"Looking at the person on the other side of the road, is it necessary to stop and look..."

Bai Yingying muttered subconsciously, but she didn't care about this episode any more. Compared with the passer-by, the woman in front of her was more suspicious.

Why did she help herself find Xia Xue?

Bai Yingying still doesn't understand why Yang Luchan is so caring, and because she has a stronger personality, and she doesn't have the willingness to explain to Bai Yingying, so until now, Bai Yingying's understanding of Yang Luchan is limited to knowing her name only.

There is nothing to be courteous about...

Although it is not considered polite, but if it is just an ordinary person, it should not be able to do this level, right?

And she didn't seem to come here for the reward she promised in the missing person notice at all. Her purpose of coming here was very clear, that is to find Xia Xue.

But what is the relationship between her and Xia Xue?

According to her own narration, she just met passers-by on both sides by chance. Even the first meeting between her and Xia Xue didn't seem to impress Xia Xue, so she didn't talk about it with Bai Yingying. .

So why?

She was still thinking about this question until she got on the bus with Yang Luchan.

But now that she is in a trance, she can't make any effective reasoning. Anyway, one thing is right, that is, she is looking for Xia Xue just like herself.

Well that's enough.

But relying on her own strength, it really wasn't enough. Even if Yang Luchan started to extort money after helping her, as long as she could bring Xia Xue back, it would be worth it.

What's more, although she didn't give Bai Yingying a good impression, she could be judged from the previous exchanges that she was a relatively decent person. If it was just a simple cooperation, she shouldn't have to worry about making any mistakes in the middle.

Speaking of which, she is really big, and she looks quite powerful. If she really finds the person who kidnapped Xiaoxue, she should be able to take Xiaoxue back through strong means.

As for what happened after that, she had no intention of thinking about it anymore.

The hospital where she and Xia Xue stayed was not far away, so they arrived very quickly. When they reached the entrance of the hospital, Yang Luchan was already impatient. If she hadn't been unfamiliar with Bai Yingying, she might have run away with Bai Yingying. go in.

Although in the end, he took Bai Yingying's hand and trotted into the hospital.

Naturally, they didn't need to register, so they went straight to a nurse and asked about Hua Qiu's news.

The people in the outpatient hall didn't seem to know her. When Yang Luchan asked about the name, they shook their heads and said they had never heard of this person's name.

This also made Bai Yingying a little confused. In her impression, Hua Qiu should have a relatively high status in this hospital, and it shouldn't be like this.

But there was no other way, so she had no choice but to go to the previous inpatient building with Yang Luchan and ask the nurses in the corridor directly, but the answer she got was still "I don't know".

"Are you sure it's called that name?"

After asking more than a dozen passing doctors and nurses on duty, Yang Luchan helplessly raised her forehead and asked Bai Yingying.

"I'm sure it's Hua Qiu."

Bai Yingying gave an affirmative answer.

After reminiscing along the way, Bai Yingying's impression gradually became clear. If she could, she could even draw Hua Qiu's appearance now.

Yang Luchan sat by the chair in the hospital corridor, thought for a while, and then asked again.

"In other words, as an important surgeon, no one in this hospital knows her?"

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