"You said."

"Huh? So you still have this habit? So where do you start? Is it the first time Sister Wen and I met, or the first time?"

"It will be all right."

"Oh, what a disappointment. I'm a little shy, so I don't want to talk about it."

Xia Xue shook her head, as if losing interest again.

It's all like this, aren't you angry?

Xia Xue didn't even feel any change in Leng Yubing's movement of touching his head, and the strength didn't even increase, it was still very gentle.

What exactly does she want?

Xia Xue buried her head in Leng Yubing's arms, thinking hard.

"Sister Leng."


"Tell me about yourself, such as how you met sister Wen and so on."


After handing over the initiative of the topic, Xia Xue only planned to listen patiently. No matter how she played Bao Leng Yu Bing, there was no disturbance in her heart, which made Xia Xue feel a little unconfident.

If the above tricks are used on those sick and delicate people who are colder than ice, the consequences will be devastating.

"Things about myself are very boring, but about the intersection of me and Miss Wen, we can start with the black cat today."

Leng Yubing had already spoken at this time.

"What happened to the black cat?"

Xia Xue asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing, it's just that the day Miss Wen and I met for the first time, there was a black cat like that..."

The green-eyed black cat is destined to end up the same as the one I saw today. Xia Xue never sighed because of this. Compared with the dead black cat, Leng Yubing's own experience made Xia Xue even more interested.

"Like a proper sense of hunger, a proper sense of pain also has certain benefits. The sense of crisis and urgency it brings can make people better remember the feeling at that time. The timing and angle of the knife, along with this instinct Engraved together in the mind, with the activation of breathing, this coherent movement forms a profound conditioned reflex."

Leng Yubing didn't have any worries when talking about her training, including when she was beaten and punished, and she was willing to share with Xia Xue. She spoke very plainly, but Xia Xue couldn't bear to hear it.

"But pain is still pain...it doesn't get better just because you think it's a good thing."

Xia Xue couldn't help but speak.

In contrast, Xia Xue's previous punishment of skipping a meal or two was already a very common type, and Leng Yubing's adoptive father treated her strictly to the point of cruelty.

And that kind of life was a cold daily life for a long time, until she became a teacher.

It was time to work under Wen Ruyu later.

But it was also as Leng Yubing described before, very boring, the things she practiced before were basically useless, and the target of the throwing knife was only the wooden target in front of her.

After that, Wen Ruyu and Xia Xue met.

Everything changed from there.

Chapter 260 The Fourth Is Not Needed

What happened after that day was already clear to Xia Xue, and Leng Yubing no longer planned to repeat the incident from his own perspective.

"Xia Xue, how long do you think it takes for a person to grow and change?"

Before Xia Xue could answer, Leng Yubing gave his answer.

"Actually, it's just a thought."

"The doubts that have been lingering in my heart for a long time, but after meeting you, let me see the answer."

Xia Xue already felt a little bored. She had heard such words countless times, and she would no longer be moved.

Compared to that kind of thing, it's better to try to see if it can anger Leng Yubing. If it's to cheer her up on this occasion, it might work well.

"Really boring."

Xia Xue leaned closer on purpose, and said to Leng Yubing in a drawn-out tone.

"I'm not interested, so you can stop talking."


Leng Yubing nodded, then really stopped talking.

"Why are you not angry?"

Xia Xue became more and more daring, she squeezed out her two hands from Leng Yubing's arms, and barely grabbed her neck.

"Because things about me are really boring."

Leng Yubing easily pinched Xia Xue's wrist and corrected her movements.

"The chokehold usually only locks the throat. You should not hold my neck, but you should pinch the trachea with your fingers to restrict breathing. If your fingers are strong enough, then..."

"Bored, I won't play with you anymore."

Xia Xue interrupted Leng Yubing's words.


Leng Yubing immediately let go of Xia Xue's hand.

"Just because you think it's boring, so you brought me here for fun?"

Xia Xue continued to tease.


As long as Xia Xue doesn't try to escape, Leng Yubing will not react to her actions at all, but Xia Xue doesn't have the ability to run now, just being hugged by Leng Yubing like this, she has already broken free Not open.

"Then your goal has been achieved, you are having fun now, but the boring person has become me."

"But so what, you don't care anyway, just like when you were young, no one cared about your feelings, and now that person has become me."

After Xia Xue finished speaking, she paused for a while, but did not wait for Leng Yubing's response.

"Practicing hard for a lifetime of skills has not come in handy in the end. I hypnotized myself that pain is valuable, but I still don't understand where my value is. When your master dies, you don't know what you are going to do. Sister Wen When the tools are used, you finally found the answer when you met me, but in fact you just become 'cold on ice', don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Feeling that she was inspired, Xia Xue naturally refused to stop, she had to break through her cold defense today.

Even if it's the last one to be dealt with, as long as it can make Leng Yubing pissed off, it's not a loss.

"Ah, I see, Sister Leng, isn't your so-called 'punishment' just imitating your master's way? It's just too inappropriate to change from a beating to wearing a 'mask'." Did it flow in?"

Only then did Xia Xue realize that Leng Yubing had stopped touching her head.


Although she was already a little scared in her heart, Xia Xue was looking forward to what Leng Yubing's defense would look like.

"It's boring, it's boring, it's so cold, can't you think of anything new? Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted are the most miserable poverty, but don't you take it all?"

"Being used and cultivated as a tool can't reflect my own value, and I can't find the goal I paid for it when I was thrown away at will, so I can only try to imitate the past, so as to find the answer in me?"

"But I'm not like you, you don't have to see me as you when you were a child, expect me to resist you but don't want me to shake your control over me, so you want to gradually reappear in this 'role-playing' You can make up for the past, but in fact, you will not find any satisfaction and comfort in it!"

"Hmph, if you want me to say, you are looking for the wrong person! Besides, isn't your so-called answer always there?"

"You never have to look for anyone, you know it all the time."

"You are just, no longer needed!"

By the time Xia Xue finished speaking, she was already firmly pressed on the bed.

Leng Yubing didn't say a word, but the rhythm of her breathing changed obviously. Xia Xue's whole upper body was pressed into half, even though her shoulder was pressed, her breathing was very difficult, but the corners of her mouth remained the same. Looking at her with a smile.

It was just a group of silhouettes belonging to Leng Yubing's figure, and they couldn't see each other's faces clearly in the darkness.

"Am I right? Are you angry? Leng-sister-sister?"

Although Xia Xue felt that she would stop laughing soon, she was still laughing uncontrollably.

Anyway, she succeeded.

The question about Leng Yubing that has been puzzling me for a long time, unexpectedly found the answer at this moment.


Leng Yubing slowly relaxed Xia Xue's strength.

"I am very happy."

"I'm just, so... joyful."

"I didn't make a mistake. The person I want has always been you, and it's even more so now."

Xia Xue suddenly felt something fall on her forehead, which was cold and wet.

It's tears.

she thought subconsciously.

Those were tears that were colder than ice.

In an instant, Xia Xue seemed to understand.

If you are not needed, then naturally, you will desire to be needed.

That person is not Wen Ruyu, Wen Ruyu only thinks that Leng Yubing is a useful tool, use it at the right time, and replace it at the right time.

So who will it be?

The person who bears this unique feeling has a suitable candidate unconsciously.

"Xia Xue, you need me."

Leng Yubing knelt down in front of Xia Xue, bent down and stroked her cheek, speaking in a low voice, as if expressing her love.

Only then did Xia Xue fully understand the significance of what Leng Yubing had been doing all along.

If Xia Xue wants to settle all disputes, then Leng Yubing's assistance is what she needs.

If she really intended to monopolize, then from the very beginning, she could have betrayed Wen Ruyu, and then took Xia Xue away, instead of waiting for Wen Ruyu to attack, and then deal with everyone including Wen Ruyu.

The same goes for going to Jiang Xin's place in the end. The reason for all this is actually not complicated, she is just proving herself in front of Xia Xue.

From this, the reason for the joy that is colder than ice is revealed.

Because Xia Xue finally understood her.

"So it is."

Xia Xue laughed.

Every time I try to achieve my goal through verbal effort, but every time I get the opposite effect, I don't know why.

It was obviously intended to provoke her and let her break the defense, but she didn't expect to amused her.

However, this time it was surprisingly good.

"Yes, colder than ice, I need you."

Xia Xue held Leng Yubing's hand.

Chapter 260 Regaining Freedom

Leng Yubing's help is what Xia Xue needs.

As long as she helps, it will not be difficult for Xia Xue to do anything in the future.

And as long as Xia Xue is still needed and desired by others, and Xia Xue at that time still has hope in life, then correspondingly, she will also need Leng Yubing to help herself solve the problem, so she will never would want to leave her.

If they need each other, then all problems will be solved.

This may be Leng Yubing's real intention, not only her own desire, but also the way out that Xia Xue has been looking forward to all along.

This is what she said before, will they get the answers they want at the same time?

"I need you."

Xia Xue repeated to Leng Yubing again.

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