
Leng Yubing replied softly, and then continued to hold Xia Xue in his arms.

The conditions for driving Leng Yubing are actually very simple, as long as Xia Xue doesn't want to leave her, and a "need" is enough to express Xia Xue's intention.

Xia Xue will not reject her again.

Although the relationship and mood between the two seemed to be reversed at this moment, they did not make any more actions after that.

That kind of thing might not be necessary.

Although Xia Xue's previous words were just a whim, there was already a foreshadowing that belonged to Leng Yubing before that. Even if the time for them to understand each other is not tonight, it will not be delayed for too long.

Leng Yubing has been giving all kinds of guidance and hints. In contrast, Xia Xue, who has only now figured it out, wakes up relatively late.

Leng Yubing would go out the next day, and Xia Xue didn't intend to bother her anymore.

If Leng Yubing could completely listen to her, then Xia Xue felt that Wen Ruyu's affairs would become very easy to handle.

It's just that she still can't be sure how obedient Leng Yubing is...

However, the most basic help with running errands should be completely fine. In fact, as long as Leng Yubing can stabilize himself, it is already reducing the difficulty to the greatest extent for Xia Xue.

Although Leng Yubing had no good intentions towards Jiang Xin, judging from her previous actions, she should not have too explicit and irreconcilable hostility, including towards Yang Luchan and the others.

Not to mention Wen Ruyu, although their relationship can't be called close, it's definitely not bad.

In this way, if it is confirmed that there is nothing wrong with Yang Luchan...

Wouldn't that be nothing to deal with?

No, if you think about it carefully, this kind of conflict just hasn't turned into a direct conflict for the time being. Xia Xue feels that the relationship between Wen Ruyu and Bai Yingying before, and Leng Yubing's relationship with Jiang Xin this time is more stable.

That is to let them compromise with each other.

So far, there is still too little news that Xia Xue can be sure of, and what Leng Yubing said about Yang Luchan before is just her own inference, and Xia Xue can't directly use it as an argument.

Compared with Xia Xue who was trying to think about future strategies here, Leng Yubing slept soundly on that side. Xia Xue finally stretched out her hand out of boredom to touch Leng Yubing's head lightly, but she didn't see any reaction.

Well, now that Xia Xue's head-touching achievement has reached three, she can sleep contentedly.

After a night without dreams, when Xia Xue woke up, Leng Yubing was no longer by her side.

"It's still early."

Xia Xue originally thought that Leng Yubing was just going to prepare breakfast, but when she started eating the hot breakfast in the kitchen, she was finally sure that Leng Yubing had already left.

A note was placed on the table with a brand new mobile phone pressed on it.

The mobile phone card can be used normally, and there is a row of contacts listed in it, all of which have their names marked, and they are all people Xia Xue knows.

"Don't worry that I was actually lying to her last night, and then called sister Wen to report..."

Looking at the names of Wen Ruyu and the others on the phone contacts, Xia Xue couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

Naturally, Leng Yubing's own number was also on it. She should still be on the way at this time. Xia Xue hesitated for a while, but still didn't call.

What was written on the note was just to explain the location of some sundries in the room and various precautions, and did not ask Xia Xue to do anything.

Leng Yubing has a secret storage room that contains all kinds of medicines she prepared, which are more dangerous, but if she doesn't explain it on the note, Xia Xue might not be able to find it...

But then again, what about Jiang Xin?

Didn't you agree to take yourself to Jiang Xin before?

Of course, Xia Xue could also guess that Leng Yubing's original plan was to let Jiang Xin take care of her so that she would not escape, but after what happened last night, that kind of thing is no longer necessary.

But she didn't forbid Xia Xue to go to Jiang Xin's place on her own initiative, and the door outside was not even locked.

The note on the table also had the payment password of the mobile phone written on it, and there were stacks of cash in the drawer of the room as well, so Xia Xue could go there by herself.

But the safer way is to call Jiang Xin to come over.

But that method is too boring. The so-called "safety" is only for Leng Yubing and the others.

Xia Xue has almost forgotten what it feels like to go out alone, and it may be difficult to realize it after this. It is a rare opportunity, so you must seize it.

He took out a few pieces of cash from the drawer and stuffed them into his pocket. After confirming that the phone was fully charged, Xia Xue unscrewed the door, stood still, and jumped out of the door.

"Wow! The long-lost fresh air."

Looking at the scenery outside, Xia Xue took a deep breath.

The feeling of regaining freedom is very good, so relaxed and comfortable that her body feels a little light, almost making Xia Xue wonder if this is a dream.

"Wait until it's almost noon and then go to Jiang Xin's place..."

The years are quiet, and she doesn't want to be caught again so soon.

Even if Jiang Xin would not do anything excessive due to the pressure from Leng Yubing, but Xia Xue really wanted to be alone with her, so she would say goodbye to wandering around.

She, Xia Xue, will only come when the time is right (referring to meal time).

Xia Xue lit up her phone and looked at the map. There is a bus stop not far along this road. Although it is better to call an online car-hailing car, she really wants to walk around aimlessly now. .

As for whether he will meet Xin Biaojiao on the road again?

Hmph, ridiculous, how can it be so easy to win the lottery.

Besides, it must be very difficult for Xia Xue to meet a character who is more ruthless than Leng Yubing, and as far as it is concerned, as long as it is a sick girl whose combat power is weaker than Leng Yubing's, Xia Xue can be said to be completely unafraid .

Anyway, Xia Xue can shake people.

But even if she doesn't shake, Leng Yubing will come over directly when the time comes.

There were no passers-by around here, Xia Xue was leaning on the stop sign and fiddling with the cell phone that Leng Yubing left for herself, anyway, she didn't have to worry about distracting her attention and missing the bus, as long as it was a bus, she planned to take it.

Anyway, it's just a stroll, it doesn't matter where you go, just call Jiang Xin to pick her up when it's almost meal time.

Xia Xue thought about today's itinerary, swiped her fingertips across the screen, and finally landed on Bai Yingying's contact information.

Although she didn't go there with Leng Yubing, she naturally had a way to get news.

Since Leng Yubing didn't give any extra instructions, it meant that even if Xia Xue reported something to Wen Ruyu, there would be no problem.

Then, isn't it a very common thing to chat with player Bai Yingying?

Chapter 260 Six Coins

Xia Xue thought about it for a while, and felt that it would be better for Leng Yubing to save some face, otherwise it would be inappropriate for him to "go deep into the enemy's rear" to investigate the military situation at the risk, and it would be inappropriate for him to carry out sabotage operations in the rear.

So instead of calling Bai Yingying directly, she sent a text message to find out if Wen Ruyu was by her side.

"Meatball head loli, please answer if you receive it."

Seeing that the text message had been delivered, Xia Xue looked up to the side contentedly, and in the distance, she could just see a bus coming towards her.

Seeing this, Xia Xue put her phone in her pocket, and decided to wait until she got off in the car to chat.

But having said that, if Bai Yingying didn't wake up at this time, then Xia Xue wouldn't have the patience to wait, and if she didn't reply to the message in another 5 minutes, she would call directly.


Forget about what you said in the car, and wait until you get off the car.

Xia Xue could predict what Bai Yingying would say when she heard her voice, and in order to appease her, she would inevitably say something that made Xia Xue feel embarrassed...

So it is better to get out of the car and make a phone call.

The bus stopped slowly before the stop sign. Xia Xue stepped on the bus and subconsciously took a look inside the carriage. There were quite a few people, but they were not crowded. There are several places to sit.

It's just that she hasn't been in contact with outsiders for a long time, and suddenly being stared at by a group of people made Xia Xue feel a little embarrassed.

Although she is really cute, but also...

Ah, only then did Xia Xue realize the reason.

Although this kind of black dress really doubled the cuteness, it also obviously made everyone's attention soar, and Xia Xue was a little hard to resist for a while.

But it's just that, the uncles and aunts are more curious, and they don't hold any malice, so if you get used to it, it won't be a big problem.

But it was obviously more than this that embarrassed Xia Xue.

After the car started for a long time, Xia Xue didn't sit in the back. Looking at the coin box on the bus, she realized that she obviously didn't bring any change.

She doesn't have a bus card, probably Leng Yubing didn't expect Xia Xue to take the bus on a whim, and the bus here obviously doesn't have the function of scanning the code to pay.

After hesitating for a long time, Xia Xue finally couldn't resist the sight of her surroundings, took out a piece of cash from her pocket, and stuffed it into the coin slot.

Although the hundred-dollar bill is not my own, I do feel like I have suffered a big loss...

It's hard, because everyone's line of sight has never been broken, so everyone can see Xia Xue throwing money clearly.

"Wow, that sister is so rich! We all voted for two yuan, and she voted for 100 yuan!"

finally coming?The amazement of the children who were brought by their grandmothers.

But Xia Xue felt even more embarrassed, and leaned back on the seat with her head down.

But what can she do, so many people look at it and feel embarrassed not to vote...

But anyway, the money is not his own, so Xia Xue still doesn't feel so uncomfortable.

Now she has no desire to turn on her phone again, and she plans to get off at the next stop.

It wasn't until her feet stepped on the hard concrete floor that Xia Xue regained the leisure to look at the distant scenery. Bai Yingying hasn't replied to the text message yet, so Xia Xue can be sure that she hasn't gotten up yet.

In this way, the possibility that Wen Ruyu happened to be by her side was close to zero, so there was no need to worry about making phone calls.

But having said that, it was only a matter of time before Xia Xue and Wen Ruyu met, even if they were discovered, it would be nothing, but it would be difficult for Leng Yubing to deal with that.

It was naturally impossible for Xia Xue to take the bus at this moment, so she stood obediently on the side of the road and used her mobile phone to call for an online taxi.

And this time the destination is Si Wan's milk tea shop.

Considering that the waiting time was not long, Xia Xue decided to call Bai Yingying later, and the driver might call again later. Anyway, Bai Yingying is sleeping now, so Xia Xue is not in a hurry.

It's better to find a quiet place later, sit down and chat slowly.

In fact, Leng Yubing's place is not far from Si Wan's shop, but Xia Xue went there as she expected, and the milk tea shop was closed...

The signboard on it was not even taken down, Xia Xue went to the locked glass door, and the display of various objects inside was the same as before.

Of course, Xia Xue also knew that Wen Ruyu did it.

As for the method...

I can only say that I understand everything, and Xia Xue simply gave up after making wild guesses. Anyway, Si Wan's own contact information is still there, so she doesn't need to stand here and miss this company who only worked for one day. Milk tea shop.

At that time, Wen Ruyu's problem will be resolved, and things here will also be back on track, just to see if Si Wan is willing to continue to open a milk tea shop here.

Anyway, they opened the shop just to pass the time, but Su Qianqian may not be able to meet her mother after that...

Xia Xue wandered aimlessly on the street, even though she wanted to find a quiet place to make a phone call with Bai Yingying, she couldn't stop at any place for a long time.

Obviously, it was hard for her to run out and wander around alone, and she has always been like this before, but now she is not used to it.

If it goes on like this, maybe it's pretty lonely...

Of course, this kind of thought only appeared in Xia Xue's mind for a moment, and then she walked into another nearby milk tea shop and sat down.

It’s a working day now, and it’s still in the morning. It’s true that few people will enter the store to drink milk tea. , the store seemed empty and quiet.

After ordering, Xia Xue dialed Bai Yingying's phone number. Although she didn't get a reply to the text message, Bai Yingying answered the phone very quickly.

"Hello? Excuse me..."

"Yingying, it's me."

Xia Xue didn't pretend to be a joke, and directly revealed her identity. Bai Yingying's voice was a little lazy, obviously she hadn't woken up yet, but she must be fully awake now.

Of course, as long as Xia Xue speaks, it is already showing her identity.

"Wait a minute, don't rush to talk, just listen to me first."


Even across the phone, Bai Yingying's heavy nodding image already appeared in Xia Xue's mind.

"I'm in a very good situation now. Leng Yubing has no intention of restricting my freedom anymore. You don't have to worry about this. I will come to you later, so don't worry."

Xia Xue was not as excited as Bai Yingying, and her tone was very calm when she spoke.

"Yingying, what's going on with you now, can you tell me what sister Wen did to you after I left?"

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