And the first thing Xia Xue did when she woke up was to check her body and carefully watch Jiang Xin's lips.

Hmm... very good, there are no traces, and the clothes are relatively neat. It seems that Jiang Xin didn't do anything unnecessary at night.

In fact, it was difficult for Xia Xue to have hickey marks on her body, and those marks disappeared quickly.But having said that, when I was living with Bai Yingying, I was attacked by her every night, and Xia Xue was not woken up, it was really strange.

Do you usually sleep so dead?

Although Jiang Xin didn't wake up at the moment, Xia Xue just moved a little, and she immediately opened her eyes.

"Little Snow."

She didn't seem to be fully awake yet, but even in such a state where her brain was still hazy, her eyes were instinctively fixed on Xia Xue, as if she was subconsciously afraid that Xia Xue would leave secretly.

"Good morning."

Then she smiled at Xia Xue.

Jiang Xin has obviously "started" this meeting, but this way of good morning doesn't seem so pleasant.

But if the current Xia Xue still cares about such things, that rank is too low.

LOL, it has no effect at all.

Xia Xue also smiled back, then broke free from Jiang Xin's embrace indifferently, sat up from the bed, stepped on the slippers in the room, and prepared to go out of the room to wash.

Jiang Xin has nothing to stop her. All she can do now is watch Xia Xue leave. If she stops her, it will be a breach of her promise. Moreover, it also shows that her personality is not stable enough to realize her current situation.

If that was the case, Xia Xue would not choose to stay here any longer. Leng Yubing should come back today, so he can just stay with her then.

Until Xia Xue started brushing her teeth, Jiang Xin didn't do anything unnecessary, but she just washed up after Xia Xue after getting dressed.

Jiang Xin also took care of preparing breakfast, and Xia Xue also wanted to help, but she was forbidden to touch knives or get close to the fire. There was too little to help, so Xia Xue simply watched from the sidelines.

Jiang Xin's cooking skills are indeed superb, and she doesn't seem to need to think about it before preparing the dishes. In a flash of her mind, what needs to be prepared now and what to do later has been planned, and no time is wasted .

Xia Xue guessed that she would not be able to intervene in helping, but after preparing the meals, she could help clean up the kitchen.

But that's really boring. After all, if you just do that kind of thing, you don't have the feeling of participating in the cooking of dishes at all.

"I'm planning to go to Si Wan's place later."

After Xia Xue finished the breakfast prepared by Jiang Xin, she suggested to her.

By the way, Xia Xue ate breakfast this time by herself. Jiang Xin originally planned to hug Xia Xue to feed her, but she was sternly rejected.

Although she seemed a little disappointed, she didn't mean to try to object.

Speaking of which, is it that fun to feed the little loli?

Although she asked the question in her head, Xia Xue insisted that she was not a loli.

Regarding the matter of going to Si Wan's side, Jiang Xin naturally had no opinion. Although she had never had a good impression of her, she had never developed any hatred, and now there is no need for that.

On the contrary, this meeting can still surprise Si Wan. The relationship that she tried to prevent at first has actually "come to fruition", and Si Wan's reaction at that time may be very interesting.

Since then, Jiang Xin wanted to meet her earlier.

According to Xia Xue, she never contacted Si Wan after that, but she still has her contact information. As long as she doesn't move too far, she can still go to her place.

As for Su Qianqian, she still has class today, so forget it.

After Jiang Xin nodded in agreement, Xia Xue took out her mobile phone and called Si Wan.

Because I got up too early today, even at this time, it was only after seven o'clock, so I don't know if Si Wan woke up...

Although she didn't want to disturb her rest, when Xia Xue remembered this, the call had already been dialed for a while.

"Who is it please?"

A familiar voice came from the phone, and it seemed that the tone was not so lazy. It seemed that Si Wan was not woken up by Xia Xue from her sleep.

However, she was lucky to answer strange calls. If it was Xia Xue or Bai Yingying, both of them were the type who would not answer strange calls easily.

"Sister Si Wan, it's me, Xia Xue."

"Xia Xue? How are you doing now? I called you before, but I couldn't get through, but I don't know where you are, and I didn't get any results after contacting the police..."

Si Wan seemed to be concerned about Xia Xue all the time, and after she revealed her identity, her tone became a little anxious, as if she was very worried about Xia Xue's current situation.

She also knew that Xia Xue must have encountered something bad when she lost contact, but all she could do was worry for nothing. After that, she also encountered some changes, and it was very troublesome to deal with.

There is also her own daughter, not only Xia Xue, but Si Wan has not seen her daughter for a long time.

She had a hunch that the series of troubles she encountered before must not be a coincidence.

All of that may have something to do with Xia Xue, and when I temporarily put aside the matter of investigating Xia Xue's whereabouts, these troubles stopped silently.

She understood that this was just a warning.

After all, Xia Xue is just an outsider, and what she can do is limited to worrying. She also has her own life. It is impossible for her to be like Yang Luchan, who can be desperate for Xia Xue after only meeting her twice.

Xia Xue then said on the phone that she wanted to see her, and Si Wan was also cautious and didn't ask too many questions, but she agreed and told Xia Xue where she was living now.

She didn't think that Xia Xue, who could be easily controlled by Jiang Xin, could get rid of that level of people by herself. It must not be Jiang Xin or Bai Yingying who could do this kind of thing.

But in the same way, from Xia Xue's tone, Si Wan couldn't tell that there was anything unusual about being coerced.

No matter what, as long as she actually meets her, her doubts can be answered.

She didn't have anything to lose herself, so she wasn't that afraid, but at the same time, she would make some preparations in advance before Xia Xue came, just in case of accidents.

Chapter 270 Six Goodbye

After everything was ready, Jiang Xin took Xia Xue out.

This time, she seemed to intend to show that her direct relationship with Xia Xue was unusual, and the clothes she prepared for Xia Xue were the same as the ones she was wearing now, but the sizes were very different.

Moreover, Jiang Xin's seemingly virtuous temperament and plump and soft figure made the two of them not look like lovers or sisters, but more like mother and daughter...

Although the actual age difference between the two of them is very small.

The address given by Si Wan on the phone is not too far from here, about an hour and a half by car, and Xia Xue didn't ask for details on the phone, for example, after the milk tea shop closed, Si Wan Wan is doing something or something.

But even at the beginning, when she knew it was Xia Xue who was calling, Si Wan acted very surprised, as if she didn't talk much, which was a bit strange.

But there will be no problem in the end, Xia Xue can be said to trust Si Wan 100%.

And the reason why she behaved abnormally...

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Xue knew that she was suspicious. Although Jiang Xin's matter was resolved later, Xia Xue's loss of contact and the troubles Si Wan encountered were not incomprehensible things. It must be understood that the two are related.

However, these things are what Xia Xue will explain to her in the future, and they will be able to explain clearly when they actually meet.

Speaking of which, Xia Xue didn't seem to have mentioned on the phone that Jiang Xin took her with her this time, and she didn't know what she would say later.

The time on the road was not too long. When they arrived at the destination, Xia Xue realized that the location sent by Si Wan was not so accurate. She and Jiang Xin only arrived near Si Wan's house, and there was no way to go directly to her house with the navigation.

Xia Xue had no choice but to call Si Wan again, and she quickly answered the phone, then Xia Xue followed the instructions, turned into an intersection, stopped at the parking space on the side, and then got out of the car to enter the building.

"Jiang Xin? How could it be her?"

On the phone, Si Wan's tone was not surprised, but puzzled, but this also happened to show that Si Wan had been looking at Xia Xue and the others, and only saw Jiang Xin when she got off the car.

"Shall we talk slowly after we sit down?"

Jiang Xin seemed a little proud, she leaned down, put her hands on Xia Xue's shoulders, and completely grasped her petite shoulders with her palms. Even though Xia Xue was using hands-free, she still purposely leaned into Xia Xue's ear to talk to Si Wan .


Si Wan accepted this fact after being silent for a while, but the doubts in her heart still did not dispel.

There seemed to be no one else in the car, and it was Jiang Xin who came out of the cab, but why?

She didn't think that Jiang Xin could do that kind of thing. Even if she had grown up after experiencing failures and setbacks, it was impossible for her to become so subtle and sophisticated all of a sudden.

Furthermore, judging from the conversation just now, Jiang Xin hasn't changed much. The ostentatious tone and gesture obviously don't match what happened before.

Those things were not done by Jiang Xin.

This is the only thing Si Wan can be sure of.

But this kind of thinking is not of much value, as long as Xia Xue himself appears in front of him, it is already considered a good thing.

And from the looks of it, Xia Xue is also quite happy, that's fine.

Si Wan sighed softly, and then told them her real location.

She herself went downstairs to meet them at this time, and the three of them soon met in the corridor. "Sister Si Wan, long time no see!"

Seeing Si Wan again, Xia Xue was also very happy in her heart. She immediately leaned forward and opened her arms, and Si Wan in front of her hugged her before thinking about it.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Si Wan responded softly.

Naturally, Xia Xue couldn't see Jiang Xin's expression behind her at this time, and Si Wan didn't touch Xia Xue's head in a measured way. After a short hug, she let go of her hands.

And then Jiang Xin took Xia Xue's hand without saying a word. Although she was not so happy about Xia Xue and Si Wan's intimate behavior, unexpectedly, she did not do anything other than express her dissatisfaction in this silent way. .

Even the displeased expression on her face, after Xia Xue turned her head to look at her, instantly turned into a warm expression, which is really unbelievable.

Is this the change in Jiang Xin after not seeing her for a while?What made her look like this?Although she still doesn't have a good impression of herself, and her possessive desire for Xia Xue is as undisguised as before, Jiang Xin in the past would never do this.

Compared with this, Xia Xue's change is not very big, but she is more active than before, but the essence is still the same as before. After hugging herself with the blessing of enthusiasm for a while, her cheeks are a little Weihong seemed to realize that something was wrong for her to do so.

After bringing Xia Xue and the others into her home, Si Wan also motioned them to make some first, while she went to pour tea.

Xia Xue looked around curiously, her nostrils moved slightly, and she subconsciously sniffed the smell here, while Jiang Xin sat down next to her, intending to talk to Xia Xue, but Xia Xue seemed to have some feelings for Jiang Xin. Indifferent, although he will reply, but the interest is obviously not high, a little perfunctory.

As a result, the relationship between them seems to have turned upside down from the past. In the past, Jiang Xin was the one who controlled Xia Xue, but now it is Xia Xue who is the main one?

But these are definitely just appearances, and the person behind the scenes who has not yet appeared has not yet appeared.

Si Wan's observations ended here, after she served the tea and sat down, Xia Xue immediately started talking about business.

"Sister Si Wan, regarding what happened before, let me first apologize to you on behalf of Sister Wen Ruyu. I will definitely let her come over to apologize to you in person in the future."

"Wen... Ruyu?"

With a slightly familiar surname, Si Wan repeated the name Xia Xue said, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.

However, she already knew that the troubles she encountered before were caused by this person.

"Well, I haven't been able to contact you for a long time, and it's also because of Sister Wen... But it's nothing now, I'm different from before, this time, I will never get you involved and Sissy, and after that, I will also let Sister Wen come over."

Xia Xue's words contained a lot of information, and Jiang Xin on the other side obviously knew about it, but she didn't seem to have any reaction to the name "Wen Ruyu".

Compared to Wen Ruyu mentioned by Xia Xue, Jiang Xin was displeased by her hugging Xia Xue just now.

But he and Xia Xue obviously wouldn't develop an intimate relationship like theirs. On the contrary, it was Wen Ruyu who probably had already been intimate with her during the time when Xia Xue lost contact.

As for the reason why Jiang Xin didn't respond, it was probably because she hadn't actually met Wen Ruyu.

Afterwards, Xia Xue also selectively told Si Wan about her previous experience, omitting the part of her previous suffering and those things that she was too embarrassed to explain clearly.

Si Wan is obviously a good listener, even if Xia Xue doesn't say anything, Si Wan can still guess through her parts that are obviously connected and stiff.

In fact, her previous experience was not a good thing. The pain and despair combined with false hope finally created a more cheerful Xia Xue, and she seemed to still have confidence in the future. Her mental endurance is really amazing.

Chapter 270 Seven Random Locations

After chatting with Si Wan for a while, I also talked about Su Qianqian's current situation. Although Xia Xue had heard it from Leng Yubing's side before, the perspective was different, and Su Qianqian's situation was not the same. , Leng Yubing didn't go to learn more about it.

After all, it was just a child, and Wen Ruyu would not spend too much time dealing with her.

After the fact that she ran out to meet Si Wan in the name of a cram school on weekends was discovered, she never had a chance to contact Si Wan in the end.

And Si Wan later took the initiative to find out about Su Qianqian's affairs. She has already transferred to other places in junior high school, so it may be difficult to come and meet her again.Her stepmother was also recently pregnant. After that, Su Qianxi's situation in the original family was obviously not going to be very good.

Si Wan knew in her heart what that woman was like.

But all she could do was worry.

Xia Xue was also very happy to see Si Wan again after a long absence. As for Si Wan's current situation, all Xia Xue can help to restore is the matter of her previous store. As for her family affairs... .

To be honest, Xia Xue doesn't have the ability to mediate, but what Si Wan cherishes now is Su Qianqian over there, and maybe there will be opportunities for that in the future.

But now, Su Qianqian's mobile phone should also be confiscated. Although she has her phone number in the mobile phone, I'm afraid she can't be contacted.

Even if she can get through, it will probably be her father who will answer the phone, or Su Qianqian's stepmother who will turn cold when Si Wan mentions it.

Although relying on Xia Xue to do this kind of thing must have no clue, but as long as Leng Yubing is called to help, it will be very easy.

After all, if you just try to get Su Qianqian and Si Wan to meet, it will definitely not be difficult.

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