Jiang Xin on the one side doesn't like talking to Si Wan very much, and after Xia Xue explained her current situation, Si Wan also dispelled her doubts about Jiang Xin. There is nothing to ask Jiang Xin, as long as Xia Xue doesn't Open your mouth, and the scene will be cold immediately.

Although they have no reason to be hostile to each other, it is difficult for the relationship to become harmonious all of a sudden.

After continuing to chat for a while, Xia Xue also bid farewell to Si Wan. Although Si Wan's mood was relatively low during this period, Xia Xue also believed that as long as the matter on her side was resolved, everything would be fine.

Speaking of which, if Si Wan's milk tea shop reopens, then I can apply for another job at that time.

After walking out of Si Wan's house, Jiang Xin couldn't wait to hold Xia Xue's hand, and seeing her look, she couldn't wait to hug Xia Xue, but fortunately she refrained from doing it, otherwise Xia Xue Xue planned to call Leng Yubing directly.

She dares to do this in front of everyone now, what she will do when she gets home, I dare not think.jpg

Now Xia Xue doesn't want to go back to Jiang Xin's house. Although there is nothing to play outside, it is better than being locked in the room, at least it can breathe outside.

As for Xia Xue's request to go out for a stroll, Jiang Xin naturally has no objection. What she cannot accept is that Xia Xue runs away from her sight. If Xia Xue invites her to go out together, she will Think of it as an invitation to a date.

Although Xia Xue herself doesn't think so.

Jiang Xin, who has no dating experience, naturally couldn't think of where to take Xia Xue. She originally thought of going shopping and helping Xia Xue buy clothes, but Xia Xue refused.

And Xia Xue didn't know where to run, but the rare Jiang Xin gave herself the right to choose, so she opened the phone map and clicked the location with her eyes closed.Jiang Xin couldn't help laughing when she saw Xia Xue's way of choosing places.

"Xiaoxue is so cute."

Xia Xue, who was touched on the head, didn't know how to reply, so she showed Jiang Xin the location she had just pointed out in a wordless manner.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, as long as you look cute, everything will become very cute, right?

Conversely, if you are born ugly and do similar things, you will only be called coinage without your own opinions...

The location that Xia Xue pointed to just now was also in the nearby pedestrian street, and the car soon drove to the location and stopped. Although there were clothing stores and the like in the surrounding area, Xia Xue still resisted going in.

The pile of clothes prepared by Jiang Xin's house made Xia Xue look numb, and it was the same at Leng Yubing's house before. She didn't want to be a "dress-up doll" for a while. I don't have any fun in it myself.

Although those clothes really look good on them...

After being held by Jiang Xin and walking around here, Xia Xue and Jiang Xin each had an extra cup of milk tea in their hands. Xia Xue, who was already a little tired, proposed to sit in the park on the other side. Today, order milk tea The store was crowded and she didn't like being there very much.

After sitting on the stone bench, Xia Xue found that Jiang Xin's cup of milk tea hadn't been touched at all. She only took a sip at the beginning, and didn't intend to continue drinking. Love this drink.

But what makes Xia Xue uncomfortable is that she always looks at her side, especially when she sucks milk tea with a straw in her lips, she will stare closely, but she doesn't say a word, as if suppressed Like something, this look made Xia Xue feel that her lips were numb from being stared at.

Xia Xue can also guess that Jiang Xin wants to kiss her here, but she still can't accept doing this kind of thing in the park, there are passers-by around here, she can't bear to do this in public because of the fear of Yuanshe kind of thing.

Although I had done this kind of thing with Jiang Xin before, it was in front of Bai Yingying, and the situation at that time was different.

Fortunately, Xia Xue now has the initiative. Without her promise, Jiang Xin could only bear with it.

I hope she can always keep her previous promise...

Xia Xue thought silently.

With such eyes staring at her, the milk tea in her hand was no longer fragrant, so Xia Xue simply put it aside.

"Xiaoxue, don't you want to continue drinking?"

Jiang Xin on the one side didn't seem to have seen enough. Although she couldn't put the thoughts in her mind into practical actions, watching Xia Xue eat on the other side was also one of her pleasures.

"Well, I don't want to drink anymore, I have lunch later, wouldn't it be better to save some appetite for your cooking?"

"Well! Actually, I can also make drinks. The taste must be better than this kind of thing. There is still time to buy ingredients, Xiaoxue, why don't we go home now?"


Xia Xue nodded, then watched Jiang Xin take a sip of the cup of milk tea she just put down...

Maybe she herself didn't realize that the reason Xia Xue had no appetite was because of her undisguised eyes.

In contrast, Wen Ruyu hid it very well...

It wasn't until she made the move that Xia Xue vaguely realized this, but by then it was already too late, and Wen Ruyu had even started planning for her future marriage.

When thinking of Wen Ruyu, Xia Xue couldn't help but look at her fingers.

At that time, which finger came?

When Xia Xue was trying to remember, a burst of crying belonging to a little girl interrupted her thinking.

Chapter 270: Helping Others

Xia Xue turned her head away, and the little girl who was rubbing her eyes and sniffing her nose was about seven or eight years old, and for some reason, she was walking on the road crying and looking around.

However, compared to Xia Xue who had already stood up, Jiang Xin, who is a lolicon, seemed not interested in this scene. She focused on Xia Xue, and only followed Xia Xue's line of sight to look at the little girl. After the girl was the same, he didn't even bother to look at her again.

Jiang Xin didn't have time to help with such nosy matters, and now she was still waiting to go home with Xia Xue, and if it dragged on, the time to make lunch would be a little tight.

And originally, she only controlled two-dimensional loli. Before she met Xia Xue, she didn't have unclean fantasies about little girls in reality. Most real children are not cute.

But Xia Xue on the other side didn't think so. She stood up, and naturally planned to ask about the situation and see if she could help.

The little girl had more trust in the older sister who came close to her, but when she saw Jiang Xin following Xia Xue, she couldn't help but started to back away, as if she was a little scared.

"Little sister, why are you crying here? Can you tell my sister?"


This word, which is both unfamiliar and familiar to Xia Xue, is usually only spoken from her own mouth.

But unfortunately, the little girl in front of Xia Xue called out "sister" to Xia Xue.

Well, just hearing this word, Xia Xue's help is worth it.

Jiang Xin, who was behind her, did not continue to approach. The little girl was a little afraid of her, so she simply stepped back and continued to sit on the stone bench before.

Although her willingness to help is not high, it will not hinder Xia Xue. She just finds it troublesome. For her, helping a strange little girl who seems to be lost with her family is far from doing more at home. Delicious food is important to please Xia Xue.

After calling Xia Xue "sister", the little girl rubbed her eyes, wiped away her tears, sobbed and said that she couldn't find her mother.

This is similar to Xia Xue's guess, and the little girl looked like she was separated from her family before.

Fortunately, the little girl still remembered her mother's phone number, so this matter was relatively easy to solve.

And the reason why she didn't ask other passers-by for help before is probably because she was relatively introverted and didn't dare to take the initiative to ask passers-by for help.

In fact, she and her mother haven't been separated for a long time. Even if she doesn't meet Xia Xue, after a while, there will probably be enthusiastic passers-by to help, or her family will find her directly.

Not long after the call was made, the little girl's mother rushed over. The hair on her forehead was also wet with sweat. It seemed that she was also looking for her daughter before.

Jiang Xin saw that the incident was almost over, so she also sat up from the stone bench and walked forward to hold Xia Xue's hand. When the little girl saw her coming, she immediately hid behind her mother.

"Thank you, little sister."

The young mother who finally regained her breathing also hurriedly thanked Xia Xue, and moved out her daughter who was hiding behind her, asking her to thank her too.

"Sister Xiaoxue, thank you, and also, Auntie, thank you too."

The latter sentence seemed to be insincere. After all, Jiang Xin did not participate in this matter, and Jiang Xin on the other side was also not very happy after hearing that she was called auntie.

Speaking of which, why do you like to add a "small" in front?

Doesn't my sister Xia Xue deserve a surname?

Although she complained secretly in her heart, Xia Xue was still very happy in her heart.

As the saying goes, a little bit of arrogance, a thousand miles of bliss, although Xia Xue is not a chivalrous Mohist ranger, she can indeed experience happiness in helping others.

"May I ask your surname?"

"Miangui's surname is Jiang."

Jiang Xin obviously didn't intend to chat with the young mother anymore, she raised her hand and glanced at the time, although she didn't say anything when Xia Xue helped before, she was still a little anxious.

If you don't go back, the drink you promised to make for Xia Xue before may be too late.

After all, it's almost time for lunch, so before preparing those things, you still need to make lunch first.

"Miss Jiang, your daughter is so cute."

The little girl's mother sighed from the bottom of her heart, she didn't know why, but she really wanted to touch Xia Xue's little head, but Jiang Xin stood in front of her, and it was impolite to do so, so she gave up.

When Jiang Xin heard this sentence, not only did she not deny it, she actually laughed, she seemed very happy, she seemed to be interested in chatting even though she was a little impatient, and wanted to hear more compliments from the other party.

"Thank you for your compliment, but it's true. My Xiaoxue is very cute, I can't put it down."

"Well, at this age, my child is not as obedient and sensible as your daughter. She is usually naughty. Although she doesn't play with outsiders, she makes a lot of trouble at home..."


Xia Xue on one side was full of question marks, why did they start chatting?

Didn't Jiang Xin still have an expression on her face that she wanted to leave quickly?

And what about the content of this chat?

When did I become Jiang Xin's daughter?Isn't she only a few months older than herself?Shall we read the identity card first, and then talk about seniority?Xia Xue gently tugged Jiang Xin's hand a few times, reminding her that she was almost done, but the effect was minimal. Jiang Xin obviously still had something to say, and pretended not to understand Xia Xue's intentions, and still gave her a smug look. Show off your lovely "daughter".

So Xia Xue was angry.

"Sister Jiang Xin, when shall we go back?"

Hmph, it's a toast but not a penalty, what do you say about this wave of demolition?

"Well, we'll go back later."

Jiang Xin obviously didn't take it seriously, but the face of the young mother on the side changed a little after hearing this sentence. The title of "sister" is not common among mothers and daughters.

But since the conversation had already started, this kind of question came out of her mouth immediately.

"Our mother and daughter have a very good relationship. Sometimes I let Xiaoxue call me sister."

Damn it, he insisted on it, is this fun?

"No, sister, Jiang Xin is not my mother, so don't listen to her nonsense."

Xia Xue didn't give any face, and when faced with the inconsistency between the two confessions, the young mother didn't know who to trust.

But she still instinctively prefers to trust the adults.

"Mom, why don't we take this sister home first? That aunt is a little scary..."

Only the little girl who was helped by Xia Xue just now was willing to believe in Xia Xue, which moved Xia Xue very much.This farce didn't last too long, and they had nothing to talk about after that, and Jiang Xin refused the other party's invitation to stay for dinner without hesitation, and took Xia Xue back.

"That, Xiaoxue..."

As soon as Xia Xue sat down in the car, Jiang Xin on the side came over with a fawning look.

"what's up?"

"Can you...just, that...call me 'Mom'?"

Although Jiang Xin seems to be very embarrassed now, her attitude when she insisted on her relationship with Xia Xue's mother and daughter just now can be called confident.

"Too stupid not to want to do it."

Xia Xue turned her head away, and ruthlessly rejected Jiang Xin's strange request.

Chapter 270 IX Flattery

Although this matter was brought over, Xia Xue didn't think it was really that simple, but xp, which was the exact opposite of Bai Yingying, let her go.

Anyway, as long as Xia Xue can still take the initiative, reject Jiang Xin directly, cut off her thoughts, and the xp of this level will not cause any major problems, what Jiang Xin did to her during this time is just feeding her, On the contrary, the kind of xp with sadistic desires is more dangerous, but fortunately Xia Xue has not met such a woman yet.

Speaking of which, did Jiang Xin confuse her mother's love and lust that she had nowhere to release?

Xia Xue didn't bother to ask further, as long as Jiang Xin could be more honest during this period, Leng Yubing should be back soon, and these trivial matters would not be within Xia Xue's consideration by then.

And she's about to get really busy on her side.

But let's talk about it after lunch.

After that, Jiang Xin went to the supermarket to buy some fruits and some ingredients for desserts and drinks, and then she took Xia Xue back together. While she was busy in the kitchen, Xia Xue took out her mobile phone Look through the message sent by Bai Yingying.

When in front of Jiang Xin, Xia Xue generally would not chat with other women, unless necessary, such as deliberately provoking her jealousy, or contacting Leng Yubing to give Jiang Xin a deterrent and so on.

But so far she has been very honest, and it seems that she has really changed her ways, so Xia Xue doesn't intend to provoke her anymore.

After talking to Bai Yingying about what happened today, it seemed that her hostility towards Si Wan had been relieved by accident, but Bai Yingying, as always, didn't have any good feelings for Su Qianqian, but felt that there was no need to be hostile to her anymore.

As for Si Wan, Bai Yingying still felt that she was a bit pitiful...

Of course, Bai Yingying's life is not going well now, and she is also unable to get together with her beloved. Compared with Jiang Xin, she has a feeling of sympathy for Si Wan.

Not long after, Jiang Xin's lunch was ready, so Xia Xue put down her phone and ate with her.

For some reason, Xia Xue always felt that Jiang Xin's attitude towards Xia Xue had subtly changed after the misunderstanding with the little girl's mother before.

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