Xia Xue hurriedly threw the pot away.

Then Bai Yingying picked up Xia Xue's cell phone and pressed answer without hesitation.


"you are?"

Xia Xue's familiar gentle female voice came from the phone, but Jiang Xin could tell right away that it wasn't her own Xiaoxue who was speaking.

"Where is Xiaoxue? You..."

The voice over there immediately became anxious.

"Bao, you hit the wrong person!"

After Bai Yingying interrupted Jiang Xin's words, she quickly hung up the phone and blocked Jiang Xin's number.

To be honest, she was also a little timid. After all, she didn't like to answer the call from the delivery boy when she ordered takeaway. She wanted to try it for a while, but it really didn't work. She knew that she would not be his opponent as soon as she heard the voice, so Bai Yingying could only choose to fight quickly and leave quickly after one blow.

"Bai Yingying, my superman!"

Xia Xue shouted with admiration.

"Ah? Me, am I that powerful?"

Bai Yingying felt a little unconfident after being praised.

"Yes, to be honest, you are much stronger than me, and you dare to apply for a match with Jiang Xin. I am afraid that I will not be able to reach your height in my life."

Is Jiang Xin too scary, or Xia Xue too weak?Bai Yingying, who was praised to the sky, was kept in the dark for the time being.

Chapter 46 Catch the ball head! (two in one)

After this incoming call, Xia Xue has decided not to answer any unfamiliar calls. After Jiang Xin knew that she was blocked, she would change the number and call again later, so as long as it is a mobile phone She will hang up all incoming calls without notes on the contacts.

Uh, let's turn the phone to silent and pretend that I'm not there, because I always feel that it's not good to just hang up.

Sure enough, not long after, a strange phone call came, Xia Xue quickly pretended not to see it.

Vibration and everything are off too, so I won't be disturbed by the 'buzzing' sound this time.

After lunch, Bai Yingying went to bed.

It's true that she didn't sleep well last night, but if she makes up for it now, wouldn't she be unable to sleep again at night?

Then continue to catch up on sleep during the day the next day, falling into an endless loop.

However, Xia Xue still doesn't plan to do what the old lady reminds others. Even if she cares about her health, it will take a while to get acquainted with her thoroughly before mentioning it to others. Will definitely listen.

Bai Yingying also said before that she could play with her computer casually, but Xia Xue still didn't plan to play, but lay down on the sofa and wiped the screen of her mobile phone to pass the time.

It's about time to find a new job, but this time it won't be as easy as before. Good bosses like Sister Si Wan are rare, and it may be harder to find them in the future. Most of them are still like the places where she used to work Such superiors and bosses.

But no matter what, I still work part-time for a living, and there is not much difference.

Well, speaking of it, a big player like Bai Yingying earns quite a lot of money, compared to herself, she can only climb.

Painting is also good, why don't you ask her to teach me in the future?

Even if it's just a hobby, she doesn't expect to be able to rely on it for a living like Bai Yingying, but Xia Xue feels that it should be good if she just learns from her.

She is so easy to talk, she should be willing to teach herself, right?

However, Xia Xue doesn't think she has the talent for painting, at most she just entertains herself in her spare time.

After all, no matter how much the game is played, the sense of accomplishment and excitement brought by it is only short-lived. She doesn't have any superb game talent, and she can't become a professional player. Even if she plays for a lifetime, the game can only be the simplest for her Her entertainment, besides that, gave her nothing.

This simple entertainment requires her to use time in exchange.

"Is this Nipple Fun..."

This thing is really too difficult to get rid of. Even if she knows that learning is something that is really beneficial to herself, she can hardly get rid of this simple temptation all the time.

However, because of Jiang Xin, she forcibly got rid of the habit of blowing water on the Internet. She didn't bother to add the canceled groups and friends. After deleting Jiang Xin's friends, Bai Yingying was the only one on her social software, and Watching those useless chat messages less will give me a lot more free time.

But because she has no new arrangements for the time being to allocate the extra time, it seems very boring.

Want to find something to do?Like reading a book or something.

It's a pity that she didn't bring the books piled up in the corner that she bought before, otherwise she could just take a look at it now.

After thinking for a long time, Xia Xue decided to learn how to cook.

Let's start with today's dinner.

Xia Xue, who has watched a lot of cooking videos, already feels that she is good at it, and her hands are ready to move. She glanced at the time and it was four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

However, because of Jiang Xin's phone call today, she is still a little scared by herself now, and she doesn't dare to go out alone, so she has to call Bai Yingying to be brave together.

Although Bai Yingying is a real social fear, if the two of them are added together, it is not simply one plus one, it is a power of one!

Well, just kidding, at least the two of them can go out normally together.

Of course, Bai Yingying, who is afraid of society, is willing to go out alone and go to the high-speed rail station to pick her up, which is really interesting.

Speaking of this, Xia Xue stretched out her hand and patted Bai Yingying who was sleeping soundly on the curled up sofa.

As for why she didn't go to bed...

Even the quilts are still drying on the balcony.

It's cloudy outside today, and Xia Xue didn't wash these big things until the last, so these things haven't been dried well, so I guess I won't be able to sleep in bed tonight.

It seems that two people have to sleep together on the sofa today. Fortunately, they are all little loli, no, they are loli, so they can barely squeeze.

By the way, why didn't Bai Yingying wake up directly after she was hugged by her last night?She wasn't that shy when she was with herself.

No matter how shy she was, she didn't wet the bed to make people die, or did she bet that she could hold it all night, but lost miserably?

This is always impossible. When the embankment is about to break, you should clearly realize that you have failed.

If you really can't wake up, just pinch yourself. Xia Xue will not be so sleepy that she won't wake up after being pinched. After all, she woke up when she touched the holy water leaked by Bai Yingying... ..

Forget it, Xia Xue decided not to pursue this matter any further, after all, Bai Yingying is the one who is ashamed!

It's embarrassing, but she, why are you still struggling so much?It's not me who died.

And after this incident, Bai Yingying obviously humbled herself a lot.

If this happened to her...not good, Xia Xue didn't dare to think about it anymore.

It's a shame, it's really a shame.

Xia Xue continued to pat Bai Yingying's shoulder and found that she was still awake.

"Little Bai Yingying, little Bai Yingying? Get up soon~"

Still no response.

Looking at Bai Yingying's peaceful and lovely sleeping face, Xia Xue couldn't help feeling that she was a little cute.

Well, in fact, she is also very cute. Speaking of which, last night her little face was flushed with shame, and the way she cried was also very cute.

Even if there are always lingering dark circles around the eyes, and it always looks listless, this is all caused by bad living habits.

Xia Xue stroked Bai Yingying's dark circles lightly, they were very thick, but when she touched them, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, very cute.

There are also two balls on her head that are always tied up, as if there is some obsession, even if the house is not cleaned, she must tie these two balls on her head every day when she gets up.

"If you don't get up again, I will use the last resort."

Xia Xue threatened, but Bai Yingying still slept soundly.

Hmph, don't blame me.

Xia Xue finally found a reason to attack, so she grabbed a ball with one hand, and she wanted to pinch Bai Yingying's pair of ball heads for a long time.

Well, it feels pretty good. Although Xia Xue's own hair is of better quality, playing with her own hair is boring. Playing with Bai Yingying is more fun.

"The AD on the opposite side flashes!"

Xia Xue suddenly shouted.

Sure enough, Bai Yingying opened her eyes and looked at Xia Xue who was playing with the two balls on her head.

"No, you don't need to say that, I will wake up too..."

For some reason, Bai Yingying's face seemed to be a little red, which made Xia Xue, who originally thought she would be reprimanded for playing with her hair, a little embarrassed.

"Uh, that, I didn't expect to wake you up by calling you like that."

"And I'm sorry, I shouldn't have played with your hair."


Xia Xue tried to ease the inexplicable atmosphere, but Bai Yingying didn't answer.

In fact, she woke up when Xia Xue touched her eyes, and Bai Yingying didn't have the nerve to say it.

I was expecting something Xia Xue would do...

"Will you go grocery shopping with me later?"

Xia Xue asked, that's why she called Bai Yingying to get up.

Bai Yingying hesitated for a while, but reluctantly nodded her head in agreement.

Xia Xue could see that if Bai Yingying was unwilling to do something, even if she agreed, she would not speak, but nodded, and would only speak if it was something she wanted to do.

For example, when you ask her if she wants to eat the dishes she made, she can hear her yelling "I want, I want", which is very real.

Seeing that Bai Yingying was preparing her three things for going out: hooded sweater, mask, and mobile phone, Xia Xue didn't bother to say anything, just leaned at the door and waited for her.

By the way, should I wear a mask?

That's right, if someone took a picture of her going out and posted it on the Internet, Jiang Xin might see her, be locked in, and finally be caught again. This time she won't be soft-hearted, and she will definitely be played become......


"Bai Yingying, please give me a mask too."


"Do you want a sweater?"

Bai Yingying asked intimately.

Not necessary for the time being, at least I didn't wear a mask when I went out because of social fear.

Because the sunglasses are too ostentatious, and they don't match Loli very much, so they didn't consider this small item.

Besides, even a mask is enough, and he is not a popular idol who is being chased by a sasaeng fan for thousands of miles, so he really doesn't need to be fully armed to that extent.

"Where is the vegetable market near here? I'm not familiar with it yet, so please lead the way."

The two walked side by side, Xia Xue secretly compared the height of herself and Bai Yingying, and found that they seemed to be the same height, at least by visual inspection.

That's pretty good, I feel...

"Okay, I'll take care of leading the way."

Bai Yingying agreed, then lit up the phone screen, opened the moral map software, and searched for the three keywords: vegetable market.

She doesn't even know the full name of the vegetable market!


Xia Xue choked for a moment, but the way Bai Yingying turned on the phone to search for the location just now was really smooth, and she didn't know what to complain about.

So I leaned my little head over to look at the phone map with her.

"Qunxing Vegetable Market, isn't that a place for wholesale? You see, there is also the word wholesale written on it. If we go there and buy only one cabbage, it's okay? What if the boss ignores us?"

Xia Xue wasn't sure.

"Probably, yes?"

Bai Yingying was also a little unconfident by Xia Xue's words.

In the end, I still took a taxi.

"It's really a wholesale market."

Looking at the various bundles of vegetables pulled by a large truck, Xia Xue fell into confusion.

Bai Yingying, don't you live here?How can it be more profitable than me, a newcomer from other places?

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