The vegetable market owners gathered there to play cards. Since they only planned to buy a little, Xia Xue was a little embarrassed to disturb them, but there was still someone who wanted to ask, so she and Bai Yingying guessed the winner.

In the end, Xia Xue won. Although Bai Yingying was willing to admit defeat, she exhausted all her courage when she mustered up the courage to go to the boss who played poker vigorously, so that when the boss noticed her and asked her , she also refused to say a word.

In the end, Xia Xue had to come forward.

Damn it, isn't there no point in guessing fists in this case?And the most important thing is to use up all my luck, it has always been very difficult for me to win in boxing games!

Of course, the boss was surprisingly easy-going, willing to weigh even a catty of vegetables for them, so Xia Xue also bought a lot here and there.

However, places that sell eggs can only buy by the dozen, not by the catty.

Shopping is unexpectedly not too troublesome, and the things are quite cheap, but it is more laborious to bring back the bought vegetables.

Even though they didn't buy too many things, because the two of them are too weak in combat, and Bai Yingying, a weak chicken, is actually slightly inferior to Xia Xue in terms of physical strength, even if they were in the section where they got off the taxi and went downstairs to the elevator, The distance would have had to rest several times.

Even so, I still managed to buy the vegetables and arrived home, which is not bad.

It was getting late, and the sky outside was gradually getting dark. Even though I was too tired to move, it was time to cheer up and prepare dinner.

Bai Yingying didn't even know how to cut vegetables. Xia Xue was worried that she would cut her own hands when she peeled them, so she sent her to play with the computer and prepare meals by herself.

The two of them couldn't eat much. Xia Xue didn't plan to cook too much at night. She didn't want to save the leftovers to eat tomorrow, and she didn't want to waste and throw away the leftovers.

Although the kitchen has not been used for a long time, there is no problem with normal use. All kinds of tools are quite complete. Fortunately, Bai Yingying bought stainless steel, otherwise it must be too rusty to use.

And because the kitchen has basically no traces of use, there are no oily smoke stains, and it saves a lot of effort when cleaning.

Otherwise, half a day is not enough for cleaning.

"Today, let's fry some meat and cut up half a cabbage."

Xia Xue murmured.

Just one meat and one vegetarian.

Because Bai Yingying didn't know how to peel potatoes, she didn't have potato stew today.

Xia Xue plans to make potato stew tomorrow, but I'm a little tired tonight, so forget it.

Stir-fried pork with cabbage is ready quickly, and the rice in the rice cooker has been cooked for a long time. Generally speaking, this simple dish does not require much effort, so it is still relatively easy.

Xia Xue also found that her hands seem to be much more dexterous than before, her hand-eye coordination is very good, and her speed and accuracy of cutting vegetables have improved a lot.

It's just that the strength is too small, and it is too difficult to hold the pot.

Well, because she is too short, she cooks while standing on a small stool.

That's the only point she doesn't want to mention.

Speaking of which, is it also the reason why Bai Yingying doesn't like cooking by herself?

Chapter 47 Budgeting

"Bai Yingying, it's time to eat!"

Wearing an apron that was almost dragged to the ground, Xia Xue shouted like an old mother.

"it is good."

Bai Yingying threw away the mouse, and obediently ran to the table in front of the sofa to serve a bowl of vegetables.

Xia Xue glanced at the room curiously, and found that she seemed to hang up again, so she was not given to Olive by the scythe of judgment?

"Good time, really, very good time."

Bai Yingying, who stuffed meat into her mouth with a chopstick, said inarticulately.

"It's nothing. It's just fried meat. It doesn't even use the accompanying dishes. The taste is just so-so."

Xia Xue also took a sip. Although it was better than what she made before, the taste was actually just ordinary, but she accepted Bai Yingying's flattery with peace of mind.

Hmph, I'm in a good mood.

"The important thing is the heart. It's different from the takeaways outside. In this dish, I feel full of heart. I give this dish [-] points! By the way, the full score is [-]."

"No, you're bragging too much. What do you mean, do you think you are the food critic of the master chef competition in the animation?"

Xia Xue couldn't help complaining.

Besides, such illusory things as the mind can't make the taste of the dishes better. If the level of cooking skills is not in place, no matter how strong the mind is, it won't work.

"Really, it's really delicious, please, cook for me in the future, as a substitute, or use this to offset your rent? The money I spend on ordering takeout every month But it’s more than the rent, and you’ve helped me save it.”

Bai Yingying chewed her food and said.

But this is not a good child, at least you have to swallow the food in your mouth before opening your mouth, but she looks really cute, so I won't talk about her.

"No need, you don't have to waive the rent. When we buy vegetables, we share the cost equally. You have a share of these vegetables."

"I cook for you every day, so there's no need to say that. Anyway, I have to cook for myself every day. I just ask you to eat together. As a roommate, I should, so I don't need to mention this point. .”

After Xia Xue finished speaking, she began to pick up vegetables for dinner again.

Seeing this, Bai Yingying stopped talking and concentrated on the food on the table.

The portion of the dishes she cooked this time was not too much, and she controlled it to the extent that the two of them could finish it. There was some rice left over. This really can't be controlled too carefully. After all, if it is delicious, eat an extra bowl of rice. If it doesn't taste good, eat less, and whether you are hungry or not will have an impact on the amount of food you eat.

But anyway, rice is not expensive, so it doesn't matter if the rest is thrown away.

In the evening, I fried the meat for about five yuan, about four taels, which is just the right amount for the two of them, plus half a cabbage for about two yuan, and the odds and ends of seasonings are not too expensive for the time being. It's clear, and with two cups of cooked rice, it's about half a catty at most, and this meal is less than ten yuan.

And you can eat with peace of mind. If you order takeaway, the price will be more than that for the same portion.

Sure enough, if you really want to live a good life, you still have to do it yourself.

Even if Bai Yingying stays longer, she can do the small things of washing the dishes. Xia Xue is Bai Yingying's roommate after all, but not her nanny, so she doesn't have to do all the housework.

Bai Yingying is indeed cute, but isn't she not cute?Why do you have to do the dirty work yourself?The air is shaking and cold.

At least as long as she washes the dishes, it's not too much. In this case, Bai Yingying can be regarded as a little participatory in the daily necessities of life.

It cost two hundred to buy vegetables and rice today, and if we split it up, it would be one hundred per person. These vegetables were enough for the two of them for a long time.

If you live by ordering takeaways, the money you spend on grocery shopping can be spent within a few meals.

Speaking of finding a new job, it is probably unreliable to ask Bai Yingying to help, you still have to find a way by yourself.

After all, it’s not enough to just save money, you have to increase the income. There is still [-] yuan for the monthly rent to be handed over to Bai Yingying. Follow her will and agree.

Of course, it would be much easier this way, but she didn't want to be supported by others, and if she agreed, she would really become a maid over time, which was not acceptable.

Even if they wash clothes and cook for her every day, as long as the principle remains unchanged, their relationship will still be that of equal roommates.

Bai Yingying definitely didn't have that idea, she just wanted to lighten Xia Xue's burden, but Xia Xue couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

And the phone call from Jiang Xin today made her hesitate again. After all, she always has to go to work outside, so it is naturally impossible to wear a mask every day, and she also knows that when she is working outside, she will be photographed and posted on social media. There will definitely be a group of passers-by.

At that time, it may only be a matter of time before Jiang Xin finds her.

Alas, why did I have to encounter such a thing?Jiang Xin......

To be honest, as a bystander when watching Bingjiao animation, she would occasionally think that it might not be a bad thing to be loved passionately, but only after she actually met Biaojiao did she realize the frighteningness of Bingjiao. Jiang Xin is also afraid of avoiding it.

It's fine to like Biaojiao, but you must, don't let Biaojiao fall in love with you!

What if he was caught again later?Will Sister Si Wan still be able to help herself?

Xia Xue couldn't help feeling depressed again.

Of course, Bai Yingying is unreliable, she is too weak to be Jiang Xin's all-in-one enemy.

Even Xia Xue might be able to defeat Bai Yingying, which is why Xia Xue went from being hesitant to making sure that she could take refuge at Bai Yingying's house as soon as she had a video call with her.

Even Bai Yingying is sick and delicate, okay, but how could she be so sick?Isn't the result evenly matched or even slightly inferior to him?

Although the sick and delicate big sister is scary, there is no need to worry about the sick and delicate chicken loli.

What's more, having been a netizen with Bai Yingying for so many years, and with the two days of getting along with each other, Xia Xue can confidently rule out the possibility that Bai Yingying is sick and delicate.

Instead of worrying about this, you might as well live your life.

It has just settled down now, and this kind of life is actually quite good.

Why don't you look for a job that doesn't require publicity, preferably one that you can do while staying at home.

Improper customer service, improper customer service!

I won't be scolded as a customer service in my life anymore, Xia Xue would rather let Bai Yingying take care of her than...

No, there is still the option of being taken care of by rich loli, wait, you can't think about it like this anymore, you can't do it without your own efforts, just thinking about depending on others to survive is something that people without dignity will do!

Xia Xue patted her face, then opened the same city's job-seeking software to see if she could find a suitable job.

Chapter 48 Hugs

After washing the dishes, Bai Yingying unexpectedly didn't run to continue playing games, but ran to the sofa where Xia Xue nestled with her pillow in her arms.

Sure enough, she still can't escape the punishment of the scythe of judgment?It must be very difficult to arrange a round now.

"Well, if you sleep at night..."

Bai Yingying asked a little shyly.

She finally remembered that there was no quilt on the bed.

"Let's sleep on the sofa together..."

Xia Xue replied helplessly.

Is it possible to sleep on the ground?

Of course, both of them agreed tacitly and didn't mention why the quilt was drying on the balcony. Xia Xue thought it was her fault, and Bai Yingying knew the truth, not to mention that she was directly involved, so she was even more embarrassed to say it. .

"So, shall we sleep together?"

Bai Yingying asked with a red face.

Is there a second sofa?

Xia Xue was a little puzzled.

"You don't want to?"

"No, no, I'm just afraid that you think the two are too crowded together."

Bai Yingying quickly waved her hand.

"That's not true. There should be no problem sleeping the two of us on the sofa."

Once the conversation was settled, Bai Yingying stopped raising opinions, so she nestled on the sofa with Xia Xue and wiped the phone screen.

However, unlike Xia Xue who was concentrating on the job-seeking software, Bai Yingying seemed a little absent-minded. She turned her head to look at Xia Xue from time to time, fearing that she would be discovered. He would look at Xia Xue's side face again in a daze, and the slight blush on his face could not dissipate for a long time.

And Xia Xue only blushed when Bai Yingying thought of the bed-wetting last night and felt embarrassed.

Of course, in a sense, she did not guess wrong.

But there may be some differences in the details between the reason of the matter and what she thought.

It is time for the body to rest after a busy day, and Xia Xue also made up her mind not to go to bed late, and when she played with her mobile phone until 08:30, she planned to take a shower and go to bed.

"Uh, do you want to wash too?"

Looking at Bai Yingying who was following behind her, Xia Xue asked.

"Ah, I just wanted to ask what you plan to do, um..."

Bai Yingying, who unconsciously realized that she had already followed her, came back to her senses, appearing a little incoherent.

"Then, do you wash first?"

Xia Xue turned sideways and asked.

"No, no, you should do it first, I, I will wash it later."


Speaking of which, there is a bathtub in Bai Yingying's bathroom, and she can also take a bath. It is really comfortable, and she took a bath for half an hour without paying attention. When Xia Xue opened the bathroom door, she found that Bai Yingying was still waiting at the door.

Well, you can stand so well, why don't I train you to stand in a military posture.

Xia Xue couldn't help complaining in her heart.

For some reason, Bai Yingying seems to have become a lot more dumb now. It seems that the title of Dumber Lolita is about to change hands, which is really great.

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