"Ah, by the way, I haven't filled the bathtub yet."

Looking at Bai Yingying who had already entered, Xia Xue remembered this, so she yelled inside.

"It's okay, I'll just let it go."

Bai Yingying's response came from inside.

Xia Xue then went to blow dry her hair and prepare to go to bed.

Now I have to quickly grab the seat on the back of the sofa!

This way, I won't roll off the edge of the sofa when I'm sleeping, heh, it looks like I'm better at it.

Is this the advantage of being first?Xia Xue quickly kicked off the dog's head hair mop, and retreated into the sofa first.

By the way, the loose pink pajamas she was wearing were still white, and they were the same size, so as long as Xia Xue was willing to be cheeky, she didn't even need to buy any more clothes.

Throwing the phone on the table in front of the sofa, Xia Xue narrowed her eyes and prepared to sleep.

The cleaning during the day had almost exhausted her energy, not to mention the grocery shopping and cooking afterwards. Her body was already exhausted. As soon as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep with the light on in the living room not long after.

It took a while for Bai Yingying to come out. Her face was flushed just after taking a shower. She didn't seem to like to blow dry her hair. After turning off the light, she lay down on the sofa with her long wet hair.

"Xia Xue, Xia Xue?"

Bai Yingying shouted softly.

Sleeping two people on the sofa is actually a bit crowded, in order not to roll off the edge to the floor, she had to sleep tightly next to Xia Xue.

But Xia Xue had been asleep for a long time, and she didn't respond to how she called.

"Xiaoxue? Xuexue?"

The titles gradually became more intimate. After what happened last night, something in Bai Yingying's heart has changed a lot.

She stretched out her hand and gently pinched Xia Xue's face. It felt so good that she couldn't put it down.

But she didn't dare to really do this during the day, she was afraid that Xia Xue would hate herself.

It was the same when she was pretending to sleep today, and she also thought that it would be great if Xia Xue could touch herself more, but she seemed to be just a little curious about herself, and she was satisfied by scratching her hair.

But Bai Yingying was different. She couldn't be satisfied just like this, but she didn't dare to do more.

Although it was really embarrassing to be like that yesterday, after being found out at that time, I still thought that I didn't want to do it again in this life, but now, now I want it again...

Now, can I give her a hug?

Bai Yingying thought so.

In this case, even if it is discovered, it can be said that he hugged it after falling asleep. After all, the space is really small, so there is no way. In this case, Xia Xue should not say anything.

So she hugged it gently, and couldn't help but bring her head closer, smelling the smell of Xia Xue's body, a faint fragrance, different from the smell of shampoo, it was Xia Xue's own body fragrance.

So she covered her legs again, as if hugging her own pillow. She really wanted to hug her tightly, but this would definitely wake Xia Xue up, so she could only hug her gently, unconsciously. Gently stroked her body.

Bai Yingying freed one hand, and slowly touched her lower abdomen...

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be like this, I'm sorry..."

Bai Yingying's breathing became a little short, her face turned red, and she couldn't help apologizing because of the strong sense of guilt.

"It's ok."


"If you want to mix milk and honey, it will be delicious."

Xia Xue's sudden accusation made Bai Yingying startled, but fortunately Xia Xue was talking in sleep again, which made her relax again.

What she didn't expect was that Xia Xue's face, which was close at hand, took the initiative to come closer and licked her nose lightly.

It was itchy, but surprisingly comfortable.

Bai Yingying remembered the incident yesterday when Xia Xue licked her earlobe until her head went numb.

Suddenly, her heart beat fast, and she had a bold idea.

"Well, Xiaoxue, would you like to try my words?"

While talking, when she raised her head slightly, the place Xia Xue licked became...

Bai Yingying didn't have time to think too much, she just felt something warm and soft quickly entered her mouth, and she couldn't help but want to bite it lightly.

What does a first kiss taste like?

She is not very clear, it seems to be sweet?She couldn't remember whether it was orange or strawberry, but what she remembered most clearly wasn't the taste from her first kiss, but the indescribably strong sense of touch that Xia Xue brought her, and she was simply overwhelmed by it.

Chapter 49 The Gospel of Matthew

Because she didn't sleep enough before, and she spent a lot of energy yesterday, Xia Xue woke up very late today.

Of course, the quality of sleep is also very good. Now Xia Xue is full of energy and vitality.

When she woke up, she found that Bai Yingying was still sleeping soundly in her arms. Xia Xue looked at her sleeping soundly and didn't want to wake her up.

It is said that she is very close to each other, and I am afraid that she will kiss her by accident.

But there was really no way to squeeze two people on the sofa, so Xia Xue stretched out one hand to prop up her upper body, trying to get out slowly.

Now the disadvantages of sleeping on the sofa are reflected, although it is safe enough, but when Bai Yingying is not awake, it is still quite difficult to get up without disturbing her.

And it's not easy to move, but fortunately, Bai Yingying's body is petite, so she can break free from her hands covering her body without too much effort.

But the thighs wrapped around her waist are useless. If Xia Xue breaks them apart forcefully, it will definitely wake her up.

Well, there is nothing to do now anyway, just play with the phone and wait for her to wake up naturally.

Xia Xue then reached out to take out the mobile phone that was tucked into the gap of the sofa, and after turning on the screen, she lay down and played like this.

My hands are too small, I always feel that if I hold them like this, I might accidentally hit my face......

In fact, there are quite a few jobs that Bai Yingying can find around here. Xia Xue actually saw the recruitment information for a maid cafe yesterday.

Well, are you playing so fancy?

But Xia Xue doesn't plan to go, even if the salary is as high as one dollar, and her own conditions must be met, maybe she can add more, but she doesn't want to call others "masters" for money.

This is too strange, the people of our country have already stood up!

It's not too bad to be called "pro", anyway, I'm used to calling it when I'm a customer service...

How about "family members"?Wow, this smell is too strong, I can't stand it.

Of course, that store is actually just playing soft sex, no matter what, Xia Xue doesn't plan to work there.

Of course, if you go there as a guest, you are a little curious, right?Just a little bit!

Habitually clicking on the social software, there was no information as usual, but someone added her. Xia Xue knew it was Jiang Xin by looking at the profile picture, so she pretended not to see it.

She still has eight social friends, but they are all on Bai Yingying's account. Well, the level of each of her accounts is quite high, at least none of them are lower than Xia Xue.

Although Xia Xue has been surfing the Internet for a long time, she can't hold back that even the trumpet is filled with super members, so the upgrade speed is naturally several times faster than that of ordinary users like Xia Xue.

And Xia Xue also discovered that this little clever ghost secretly opened up all the space permissions to himself.

In the past few years, netizens couldn't see other people's space, but now they can see it every time they meet.

However, Bai Yingying seems to be fully closed, and it should be set that no one can see her space, so no one likes the complaints she posted, but there is an account that seems to be a work account, and some things she posts every day like and comment There are many.

And her fans came unexpectedly, Xia Xue continued to search and found that she had posted a lot of bad Two-dimensional loli pictures, and the style of painting was quite consistent. It should not be reposted, but drawn by herself of.

Listen to me, everyone, if you engage in pornography, you will be arrested!

But more please, I want to see!

Of course, the most that can be posted here is the content of the edge ball. It's better to be harmonized. Then Bai Yingying, where is the really exciting picture?

Looking at Bai Yingying who was sleeping soundly beside her, Xia Xue couldn't help but turned sideways, and patted her head with one free hand.

Wow, what a great feeling, I never thought that one day I would be able to touch the little loli's head, it's really great.

Of course, as long as it wasn't her own head being touched, Xia Xue would be happy enough.

Who would have thought that one day he would be able to stand up and call the shots... No, turn over and touch his head?

Xia Xue, who was complacent, had completely forgotten that she was still holding the phone with one hand. She had small hands, but now that she lost her concentration, the phone fell off without holding it firmly.


It wasn't Xia Xue who shouted, but Bai Yingying with an innocent face.

Because they were so close, the phone was lucky to hit Bai Yingying's face when it fell.

"Uh, that, sorry."

Xia Xue was a little guilty, and the hand that touched her head trembled slightly.

"No, it's fine..."

Bai Yingying looked at Xia Xue's face, her little face flushed suddenly, showing no sign of anger.

"Well, when you woke up, did you see..."

"what did you see?"

By the way, contestant Bai Yingying, you have become so soft and cute, I am not used to it, show me the attitude you used to make jokes when you video chatted with me last time!

"No, nothing..."

Looking at Bai Yingying who turned into a riddler, Xia Xue looked puzzled, but if she really kept asking, she would lose.

Xia Xue had long ago decided not to be aroused by the Riddler's wonderful speech, and then asked the reason of the matter in a low voice.

Anyway, in the end, it's just a big deal, and it has nothing to do with me at all, it's just the impeding speech of the riddler.

Xia Xue had suffered many such losses when surfing the Internet before.

After several hours of hard investigation, it turned out that it was some random incident that happened in a small circle that I had never heard of before. After satisfying my curiosity, I only brought myself an endless sense of emptiness.

And your own precious rest time.

Xia Xue picked up her phone and looked at the time. It was already nine o'clock, and it was time to get up and make breakfast.

Speaking of which, I slept for almost twelve hours, which is quite a long time, but I don't know what time Bai Yingying played last night before falling asleep, and now she still looks like she hasn't woken up.

By the way, my tongue is a little numb. It seems to be like this when I wake up these two days. I don’t know why...

Although I always dream of eating all kinds of delicious food in my dreams, but chewing the air will not make the tongue tired, right?

"By the way, what do you want for breakfast?"

Xia Xue asked Bai Yingying.


Bai Yingying gave a classic answer.

Well a 'casual'.

"Then I'll just mess around with breakfast."

Let's make it richer at noon, there is no time now, if the time to make breakfast is too long, it's better to wait until lunch.

So Xia Xue fried a few eggs, and then cooked two cups of rice in the rice cooker, and breakfast was handled like this.

Bai Yingying, who often eats all kinds of takeaways, is not picky about food. On the contrary, she likes the simplest home-cooked food. She eats like a hamster, with her mouth puffed up and moving. I have to say it is quite cute.

Oops, maybe I'm going to become a lolicon too.

Of course, it's limited to legal loli like Bai Yingying, and brats are not her thing.

Originally, I thought about whether to be taken care of by Fu Lolita, but now I feel that I am raising Lolita...

Well, it's just a meal, why do we think so much?

Xia Xue patted her face to shake off these weird thoughts in her head.

"By the way, Bai Yingying, you will come to cook in the future and let me taste your cooking skills. I feel that it is too bad for me to cook all the time."

Bai Yingying nodded.

Although she seemed reluctant, she obediently agreed.

Of course, Xia Xue didn't expect Bai Yingying to cook any good dishes, but she had to balance it out.

You can't do all the housework yourself in the future, can you?By the way, let her do the laundry and cleaning in the future. Bai Yingying's living habits are too bad. It can be said that she has no self-care ability at all. How has she lived these years?

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