If I really do that, Xia Xue, who cares about me so much, may never go back...

However, she again smelled the fragrance that made her heart palpitate from Xia Xue.

Bai Yingying's body became a little stiff, but she still asked Xia Xue.

"Xiaoxue, that, Wen Ruyu, did she look for you today?"

Chapter 120 Three Hot Milk

"I just ran into it by chance on the way home from get off work."

Xia Xue recalled what happened just now, and couldn't help smiling.

"Also, I don't plan to do the job in the supermarket anymore. When Sister Wen sent me back just now, she also asked me if I would like to work with her. I will go to her house for an interview tomorrow."


Bai Yingying's voice became smaller and smaller, the thing she was most worried about had already happened.

And what effect would it have if he persuaded Xia Xue now?Will she still believe her own words?

Obviously it is impossible.

Moreover, all the monitoring equipment she placed on Xia Xue's body has failed, which is obviously done by Wen Ruyu, and if Xia Xue takes the initiative to go to Wen Ruyu's place tomorrow, she may never come back.

Just like her previous dream.

I can no longer, no longer be able to keep my own Xia Xue.

She can't bear it, and she must not let this happen!

Wen Ruyu had already made a move, and she had no time to hesitate any longer.

"That, Yingying?"

Looking at the silent Bai Yingying, Xia Xue asked worriedly.

"Is there something wrong with you? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

She could also see that Bai Yingying's current condition was very poor. Although the symptoms of fever were ruled out, could it be that she was feeling unwell elsewhere?If this continues, it is better to go to the hospital for treatment in time.

"No, Xiaoxue, I'm fine."

Bai Yingying grinned at Xia Xue, her lips were pale, and her originally sluggish spirit seemed to have suddenly improved, but Xia Xue's worries could not be let go.

But she didn't force it, if it was still like this until tomorrow, then she really had to go to the hospital to have a look.

"Okay, then you go to bed early, too. I'm going to take a rest after I take a shower. My appointment with Sister Wen is tomorrow morning. Wait for my good news then."

Xia Xue also felt that since Wen Ruyu took the initiative to ask herself, this job should still be secure.

And there is no need to face many customers every day like a supermarket salesperson, just do a little housework there every day, and then cook the meals. And because Wen Ruyu lives alone, the work intensity is not high. Not much to do.

In this case, she will not make too high demands on salary and so on, and she should have a lot of leisure time every day.

Speaking of which, she should also have more complete kitchen utensils. At that time, all kinds of dishes and pastries she wanted to make could be solved.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to learn something new while working?

Originally, I thought that Bai Yingying would object a few words, but it seems that she didn't say anything more.

Of course, it's useless to say more, Xia Xue is almost tired of hearing Bai Yingying's rhetoric, so it's impossible to agree with her speculation all of a sudden, right?

Everything has to be based on evidence, well, if Bai Yingying has conclusive evidence, then she, Xia Xue, will definitely follow her.

But it's a pity that until now, Bai Yingying has never actually met Wen Ruyu, let alone collected evidence that she is a villain.

On the contrary, Xia Xue, who had actually been in contact with Wen Ruyu several times, felt that she was a good sister.

Too bad I have a boyfriend...

Wait, I shouldn't see her so-called boyfriend at her house by then, right?

Terrible, she doesn't want to see the show of affection happen in front of her eyes, it will be too painful.

But it should, no?

It seems that since the previous incident, Wen Ruyu has never heard of this matter again, but Xia Xue, who is somewhat concerned about this point, has always remembered it clearly.

If she didn't know Wen Ruyu's orientation, then Bai Yingying's words might make Xia Xue pay more attention.

But now it seems that these are superfluous worries.

Xia Xue hummed softly, came out of the bathroom, and found that Bai Yingying was waiting for her on the sofa.

There were two cups of hot milk on the table, and Bai Yingying was drinking one of them.

"Xiaoxue, I made milk for you, drink it while it's hot."

"Drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed can help you sleep..."

Bai Yingying said to Xia Xue like this, but her eyes were fixed on the wall in front of her, which was really strange.

But it's really rare, that Bai Yingying, she can actually make milk for herself.

Touched, does it mean that she has realized the true meaning of "girlfriend" love?

Bai Yingying, good job.

Xia Xue smiled, and sat on the sofa, blowing on the still warm milk.

"Xiaoxue, why don't you drink?"

For some reason, Bai Yingying was impatient and began to urge Xia Xue to come.

"Drink it early. In this way, you can get enough sleep and keep your spirits up. Wouldn't tomorrow, tomorrow's interview, be better?"

Well, what Bai Yingying said is indeed correct, Xia Xue also wants to finish drinking and sleep quickly.

But her cat's tongue didn't agree. Compared with ordinary people, her own tongue was more afraid of being hot, so she had to wait until the milk became warm before she could drink it.

"Don't worry, it won't take long to finish drinking anyway."

Xia Xue said helplessly.

She wasn't in a hurry, but Bai Yingying next to her was a little impatient.

Speaking of which, she actually supported her tomorrow's business?Or did she finally figure it out?

It is really commendable to be able to recognize that my previous thoughts are pure speculation, and to correct mistakes.

It seems that the conversation with Bai Yingying today had a lot of effect!

Xia Xue couldn't help laughing until her eyes narrowed. At this time, the milk was almost ready to drink, so she sighed at her ingenuity while sipping the milk.

Please call her Xia Xue a psychological counseling master, okay?

It seems that the so-called "sickness" is nothing more than that, isn't it just a few words to untie the knot, and then become a "best friend"?

Hu Hu Hu.

Xia Xue looked at Bai Yingying who was looking at her nervously. She looked a little funny, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Yingying, what are you so nervous about? Is there something on my face?"

Speaking of which, the effect of the hot milk was quite good, and after drinking it for a while, she began to feel a little sleepy.

After confirming that Xia Xue drank all the warm milk, Bai Yingying also looked relaxed, as if she was very happy, and laughed along with Xia Xue.

"Xiaoxue, there is still a little milk at the corner of your mouth."

As Bai Yingying spoke, she stretched out her hand to Xia Xue, holding her soft face.

Xia Xue thought that Bai Yingying was going to wipe it for herself, so she didn't move, but she didn't expect that the hand she stretched out was just to control her head, and then her face came closer.

Xia Xue didn't expect that she would do this suddenly, she didn't react for a while, she just felt the corner of her mouth being licked by Bai Yingying.

"It's delicious."

Bai Yingying's smile became a little strange for some reason, she stood up from the sofa, held Xia Xue's face in both hands, and smiled foolishly.

Chapter 120 The Four


Xia Xue was also taken aback by Bai Yingying's sudden and bold behavior. She remembered what happened in the hospital before. At that time, Bai Yingying was also stimulated by some kind of stimulus to forcefully do this despite Xia Xue's wishes.

And that was when Xia Xue first discovered that she had a tendency to be delicate.

But what about her this time?Xia Xue didn't know what kind of excitement she encountered again.

But the doubts in his heart did not affect him to push her away.

In terms of strength, Bai Yingying was still a little weaker. In addition, Xia Xue had also rested before and regained her strength, so Bai Yingying naturally couldn't continue to entangle her.

"What do you want to do?"

After pushing Bai Yingying away, Xia Xue wiped the saliva left by Bai Yingying at the corner of her mouth, and asked with a frown.

After Bai Yingying was pushed away, she was obviously stunned for a moment, but she just tilted her head slightly and smiled sweetly.

"Xiaoxue, do you understand that I love you more than anyone else?"

Xia Xue had long been tired of hearing such words when Jiang Xin was forcibly hugging her in her arms, but now she heard such words from Bai Yingying's mouth again, Xia Xue was not moved at all, but felt a little shuddering.

"That... I actually know what you think, but didn't we talk about it today?"

Xia Xue couldn't help but started to take a few steps back, but Bai Yingying didn't rush to follow, but looked at Xia Xue playfully, as if looking at the prey she had already got.

"The only thing that can respond to love is love, but obviously we...can't reach a consensus on the understanding of love, so...well, you should understand, right?"

Now that the atmosphere has suddenly become weird, Xia Xue can only delay the time temporarily, thinking about whether there is any other way to ease this kind of thing.

it's wired!Wasn't it good just now?So everything changed when she opened the bathroom door after taking a shower?

Could it be that she opened it in the wrong way?

Well, when the atmosphere suddenly went wrong, it should be after Xia Xue finished drinking the milk.

No, when Bai Yingying really started to look a little abnormal, it was actually when she handed it to herself.

And the body began to lose strength, and the eyelids gradually became heavy.

Obviously, it is impossible for me to become so sleepy immediately after I have just caught up on sleep.

That glass of milk might really be a problem.

She had noticed it at the time, but after getting along with Bai Yingying for a long time, she had completely let go of her vigilance against her. Even if she realized that she was wrong, she would not have any suspicions.

But Bai Yingying approached unhurriedly. Xia Xue, who already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen and wanted to run away, found that her legs had become very heavy. She hurriedly raised her hand to stop Bai Yingying who was approaching, but now She could no longer push Bai Yingying away.

Bai Yingying just gently supported Xia Xue who fell backwards, and then leaned over and pressed on Xia Xue's body.


Xia Xue only had time to say the last word before she could no longer maintain her consciousness and fell into a coma again.

Bai Yingying stared at the unconscious Xia Xue for a long time, and then leaned over her soft body, smelling the fragrance of her body deeply, feeling a little uncontrollable for a while.

After the extreme tension, the feeling of successfully holding Xia Xue in her hands made her feel unspeakable joy, or, what brought this joy was the sense of security that could be held tightly in the palm of her hand.

As long as this is the case, Xia Xue will never leave her again.

The sense of guilt in Bai Yingying's heart has been completely overwhelmed by temporary intense joy, and she has been completely immersed in the happiness of "being able to be with Xiaoxue forever".

But looking at Xia Xue who is completely asleep, she has already subconsciously started to want...

But I had promised Xiaoxue before that I would never do this kind of thing while she was sleeping again, so she had to keep her promise honestly.

After Bai Yingying hugged Xia Xue and smoked for a long time, she finally let go of Xia Xue reluctantly, but before getting up, she still gently pinched Xia Xue's tender face.

Moreover, this level of drowsiness is impossible to respond instinctively, and Bai Yingying is not in a hurry.

In the future, she will have enough time to slowly do anything with Xia Xue.

Speaking of which, what would it be like if Xia Xue was sober?It should be done more intensely, can I bear it by then?

Thinking of this, Bai Yingying couldn't help but blush. She had expected this kind of thing a long time ago, but unfortunately, before that, she could only secretly be intimate with Xia Xue for a while while Xia Xue was asleep. .

But it will be different in the future, whenever she wants, no one will disturb them, and Xia Xue will never be taken away again, she will always belong to herself.

And myself too, she also belongs to Xia Xue, Xia Xue is the whole of her world, and in the future, I will become Xia Xue's only one.

That's it, this is the future she hopes for, the love in her heart.

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